MD20; Garth Black v Phoenix

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Christiansen and Bakers opponents last week were Phoenix and Garth Black, Black seemed rather upset at being in a tag match, and refused to be tagged in. Both men will face each other next week on Meltdown to settle this dispute.

The camera comes on, showing Becky Serra standing with a microphone, prepared to interview Garth Black. Garth does not look comfortable with this, but Becky begins the interview anyway.

BS: Thanks for talking to me Garth! (He rolls his eyes) Can I ask you first why you walked out on your match last week with Phoenix?

GB: Well Becky,

All of a sudden, the screen starts going crazy with flashes of light and screwed up picture. Suddenly it stops. There is a figure sitting in a dimly lit room. All that can be heard are deep breaths coming from whoever it is in the room. Finally, Phoenix looks up, but all you can see is his glowing face paint in the shape of a skull and crossbones.

P: I am a man who believes that every person is truly good. No matter how bad and despicable their actions may be, at the core they are still a good individual. There have been many people who have challenged my stance on this, both by debate and by their actions, but I have never wavered on this stance. That is why I help people: I know that they are good, so I help them to see their faults and correct them.

Phoenix looks down takes a short pause to gather his thoughts. He gives a half-hearted laugh, and speaks again.

Garth, I respected the hell out of you. When I look at your abilities, you are easily on my shortlist of the best wrestlers I have ever seen. I was too proud to admit it, but I really felt honored by the opportunity to tag with you. We are two of the best in WZCW and no one could have stood in our way. (Pauses) Well, except for you.

He pauses again, and resumes talking with a much more stern tone. However, he clearly is under control of his emotions.

I don’t understand what your deal is. I gave you my trust, and did everything I could to show you that you could trust me. I told you that we could easily take out Christianson and Baker. I stood up for you when Becky demeaned you. She disrespected you and I defended you. Ever since that match was announced, people made it sound like I being put through torture by having to tag with you. And you know what Garth, I told them they were wrong about you. I told them that not only were you a great wrestler, but somewhere inside of you, there is a great man too. I went around telling every person I saw that once I got to know you, I would find that man.

Come Meltdown, I could not wait for our match to begin. I could not wait to work with you and utterly destroy those two. But you would not even give me a chance. I spent the entire week defending you and getting pumped for our match and this is what you give me. I’ve been beyond angry ever since you walked out on me, but I’m not going to lose my temper like I have in the past. You taught me a lesson Garth. I still believe that all people are truly good, but I now know that does not mean that I can trust them right away. Very few people have hurt my trust of people, so you can add that to your list of accomplishments. But you haven’t broken my spirit or changed what I believe in. I will never give anyone the honor of doing that.

Garth, I told you that I’m not going to lose my temper here. But when Meltdown rolls around, and I step inside that ring, I’m not holding back a thing. I have no intentions of pinning you in our match. I do intend to beat you until you cannot stand. I do intend to beat you until you cannot speak. And I do intend to beat you until you until not even your family can recognize you. You didn’t want to accept my help when I was kind to you and defended you, so I will have to make sure you mind changes.

Normally, I tell my opponents to think of their futures and that I will see them there. But if I do to you what I plan to do to you, Garth, there won’t be a future to think about. I still respect you Garth, I really do. I just hope the feeling becomes mutual after I beat some respect into you.

There is a bright flash of light, and we return to Becky and Garth standing and thinking about what they have just seen.
We're outside the arena, and out of focus, we see Garth Black appear from nowhere in a crowd as the camera focusses. He enters the building and is accosted by Becky Serra immediately.

Hi, Garth, any chance of an interview this week?


Will you at least tell me why not?

Because I have nothing to say, and you have nothing worth asking, it would be an exercise in futility.

You spoke to Jonny, not me last week, why?

While I'm not going to get sucked in to answering your inane questions, I...

What does inane mean?

He stares at her, and looks both baffled and angry by her inability to understand him. He stares at her for a full half minute before continuing.

I'm not going to answer your inane questions, but I will say this, I spoke to Mr. Klamor because he confirmed my match, no other reason.

But I told you what match you had first!

I thought you must have read the match card wrong. I was a little surprised you could read at all to be honest, so I had to check the card with someone else, I'm sure you understand. Actually, I'm not, but rest assured the next time I have something to say, I'll say it to whichever of you I see first.

She looks deeply offended, but he looks completely nonchalont with the situation as he walks past her and down towards the locker room. Before he gets there he is approached by a WZCW crew member who gives him a piece of paper. He opens it and reads it and immediately goes pale in the face and a look of absolute anguish appears on it. He puts his head in his hands and tenses up.

Are you ok, man?

Black says nothing, but removes his hands from his face. There are tears in his eyes.

Is there anything I can do?

Black regains his compsosure a little, clears his voice and says

Where did you get this?

Somebody just left it at reception in the arena for you, is it important?

Tell that airhead that I've got something to say.


The camera comes on, showing Becky Serra standing with a microphone, prepared to interview Garth Black. Garth does not look comfortable with this, but Becky begins the interview anyway.

BS: Thanks for talking to me Garth! (He rolls his eyes) Can I ask you first why you walked out on your match last week with Phoenix?

GB: Well Becky,

All of a sudden, the screen starts going crazy with flashes of light and screwed up picture. Suddenly it stops. There is a figure sitting in a dimly lit room. All that can be heard are deep breaths coming from whoever it is in the room. Finally, Phoenix looks up, but all you can see is his glowing face paint in the shape of a skull and crossbones.

P: I am a man who believes that every person is truly good. No matter how bad and despicable their actions may be, at the core they are still a good individual. There have been many people who have challenged my stance on this, both by debate and by their actions, but I have never wavered on this stance. That is why I help people: I know that they are good, so I help them to see their faults and correct them.

Phoenix looks down takes a short pause to gather his thoughts. He gives a half-hearted laugh, and speaks again.

Garth, I respected the hell out of you. When I look at your abilities, you are easily on my shortlist of the best wrestlers I have ever seen. I was too proud to admit it, but I really felt honored by the opportunity to tag with you. We are two of the best in WZCW and no one could have stood in our way. (Pauses) Well, except for you.

He pauses again, and resumes talking with a much more stern tone. However, he clearly is under control of his emotions.

I don’t understand what your deal is. I gave you my trust, and did everything I could to show you that you could trust me. I told you that we could easily take out Christianson and Baker. I stood up for you when Becky demeaned you. She disrespected you and I defended you. Ever since that match was announced, people made it sound like I being put through torture by having to tag with you. And you know what Garth, I told them they were wrong about you. I told them that not only were you a great wrestler, but somewhere inside of you, there is a great man too. I went around telling every person I saw that once I got to know you, I would find that man.

Come Meltdown, I could not wait for our match to begin. I could not wait to work with you and utterly destroy those two. But you would not even give me a chance. I spent the entire week defending you and getting pumped for our match and this is what you give me. I’ve been beyond angry ever since you walked out on me, but I’m not going to lose my temper like I have in the past. You taught me a lesson Garth. I still believe that all people are truly good, but I now know that does not mean that I can trust them right away. Very few people have hurt my trust of people, so you can add that to your list of accomplishments. But you haven’t broken my spirit or changed what I believe in. I will never give anyone the honor of doing that.

Garth, I told you that I’m not going to lose my temper here. But when Meltdown rolls around, and I step inside that ring, I’m not holding back a thing. I have no intentions of pinning you in our match. I do intend to beat you until you cannot stand. I do intend to beat you until you cannot speak. And I do intend to beat you until you until not even your family can recognize you. You didn’t want to accept my help when I was kind to you and defended you, so I will have to make sure you mind changes.

Normally, I tell my opponents to think of their futures and that I will see them there. But if I do to you what I plan to do to you, Garth, there won’t be a future to think about. I still respect you Garth, I really do. I just hope the feeling becomes mutual after I beat some respect into you.

There is a bright flash of light, and we return to Becky and Garth standing and thinking about what they have just seen.

Garth Black is absolutely irate and is shouting loudly at both the production crew and Becky

How unprofessional are you? What the hell was that!?! I come down here to talk to you and you let this happen? Who do you think you are?

We're sorry it happened, but we know as little about it as you do. You've come here because you had something to say, so could you please say it rather than just shouting at me.

It's nice to see you've got a backbone. I came here to tell Phoenix that I know what his game is, and little notes are not going to stop me from destroying you. Do you think bringing up ancient history is going to knock me off course, is that it? Because it isn't.

What ancient history? What did the note say?

The note referred to my days before WZCW, when I used to give the leeches their blood. When I used to trust people. When I used to love people. I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of in my life, and that note brought them all back. If Phoenix thinks that their going to bring me down, he's wrong. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. When a man is cornered and vitimised, he kicks out. You are going to learn these lessons the hard way Phoenix.

I don't really think you are a victim, you walked out on him, which brings me back to my first question:why did you do that?

Of course I'm a victim! I had to team with him. I had to betray my instincts and for what? To team with a loser like that? I didn't need him in that match, but I let him show me I could trust another person. He told me he had my back. As far as I could see, he was on his back, looking up at the ceiling lights.

He tried to tag you in! How does that show him being untrustworthy, if anything it is you.

He said he was going to sock it to those patheticexcuses for wrestlers last week, and lost. He is a liar, so I can't trust him. He is out for himself, just like everyobody else, lying to get me to do his dirty work for him. I could tell when he wanted me to get in the ring first that he was going to do the same to me. I'm not an idiot. I made him fight on his own because he would have done the same to me, given the chance.

This week, I will punish him for betraying my trust. He says he's going to beat respect into me? I'll give him all the respect he deserves, which considering he is going to end up on his back again, isn't very much. He said he was going to beat me until my family don't recognize me? I have no family, and even if I did, they'd be dead to me anyway.

Phoenix, do you think I care about your respect? You're nothing, a non-entity, and I will obliterate you.

So you think you'll win in WZCW for the first time, and avoid defeat this week?

Have I not made that clear enough for you? Let me tell you a little something about my matches so far: I was caught off guard in the battle royal, and last week I thought I'd see if I could rely on Phoenix to do what he said he would. He didn't. He proved you can't rely on people, but you can rely on facts, Becky, and the fct of the matter is this, Phoenix will not be walking out of that ring with any respect, either from me or for himself, because I am going to embarrass him, like he embarrased me last week.

Don't you think you're underestimating him a little bit?

I'm not underestimating anything, I'm understanding. I understand that I am better than him in every way. The time has come for this Phoenix to go down in flames, and I will make sure he won't rise from the ashes.

He doesn't even wait for a reply from Becky and walks off.
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