MD20; Everest v Milenko NON TITLE

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Mayhem champion Milenko has been spouting that he is the one man Dynasty and the future of WZCW well the time has come for him to put his money where his mouth is as he will face off in a non title match with non other than WZCW world heavyweight champion Everest.

The Camera turns on and wee see Becky Serra running around backstage.

Where is he, this interview was supposed to start fifteen minutes ago. I don't have all day to be running around looking for him.

She continues to look for Milenko when all of a sudden she comes across a man with the Mayhem Title over his shoulder.


Hey that's Milenko's title where did you get that?

The man looks up and just smiles at Becky and a light seems to go on in here eyes.


But what happened ot all the face paint and the mystery?

Milenko thinks about that for a little bit and when he answers it is with a fire in his voice.

Becky my dynasty is coming in WZCW and when it does I want people to know who I am when I walk down the street. Out of the three current Champions i am by far the best. Bratchny won the Elite-X Title after aligning himself with Magnus Maximillion. Everest our esteemed World Champion needed a dozen shots to finally win the title. I only the other hand won my Mayhem Championship by myself on my first try. That alone makes me better than both of them.

Becky thinks about that for a second and then she asks here second question.

Last week Drake Callahan beat you in a non title match by smashing a beer bottle over your head to become #1 Contender to your Mayhem Title at Unscripted, ho does that make you feel?

Milenko gets a look of fury in his face that makes Becky step back a little bit. With effort he manages to calm down before he starts talking.

Drake has no idea what he stepped into when he beat me and accepted the match at Unscripted. I'm not going to say much but I will promise everyone right now that Drake Callahan will not walk out at all much less with MY Mayhem Championship.

When he stops talking Becky looks at him like she expected him to say more. When he doesn't she moves onto her next question.

On the preview of Meltdown it was revealed that you will fave the World Champion Everest in a Champion Vs Champion non title match. This is your first time being in a one on one main event match against the World Champion, does that make you nervous at all?

Milenko looks at Becky like she sprouted a tail and horns. He answers her with disbelief in his voice.


Am I nervous, that's actually your question? No I'm not nervous I already told you I'm a better Champion than Everest so now let me tell you why I'm a better wrestler than our World Champion.

Becky stares at Milenko in disbelief when he calls himself a better wrestler than Everest, but she doesn't say anything and lets him explain himself.

First off Everest cares way to much about these fans. He is going to have me where he wants me and then he is going to pander to these god awful people at ringside and get distracted. When that happens I will be ready to drag him to the top rope and hit The Tempest. now lets look at our win-lose records, Everest has to many matches for me to count, most of them title matches. I on the other hand lost only a handful of matches. One to Alex Bowen, A tag match to GM and Murfish, and last week to Drake Callahan. I also ran both Alex Bowen and Grand Mystique out of this company.

All of a sudden Milenko pulls the camera up close to his face and talks in a fierce whisper.

Everest, I am better than you in every way. If you're thinking this match is going to be a cake walk then you are sadly mistaken. I am the most sadistic man in this sport and I will not hesitate to take you out like I did Alex Bowen and Grand Mystique. They faced me and realized they couldn't make it in WZCW. IF you're not careful the same thing will happen to you.

With that Milenko walks away with his Mayhem title over his shoulder and Becky staring at him as he walks down the hall.

The scene opens inside a high end gym. After a few seconds of scanning we find out it’s a GOLD’S GYM in Ann Arbor. The camera waits for a moment before we see WZCW’s World Champion EVEREST. He’s just finished a workout, towel around his neck, he quickly motion’s the camera to follow him. After a few seconds we head to an executive room. It’s already set up and readied for an interview.

Two chairs are in the middle of the room, lights are set up to get maximum lighting and WZCW’s very own Becky Serra is relaxing in one of the chairs, going over notes while sipping from a Diet Coke.

EVEREST: Hey beautiful, how you doing?

BECKY: (Quickly putting her notes down and standing up hastily) Well hello, I’m doing well. How have you been?

EVEREST: I’ve been good. Sorry it took so long for me to set up this interview.

BECKY: It’s alright, but folks back at WZCW were getting a little worried since you haven’t done an interview since Meltdown. What have you been up to?

EVEREST: Well my dear, there was the WZCW Magazine photo shoot, The WZCW meet and greet at the Mall of America. What else was there, oh that’s right I met the President for a mid day lunch and photo opp. So Becky, I guess you could say I was doing Champion’s obligations.

BECKY: Wow, you’ve been busy! Have you heard about your Meltdown match-up against Milenko?

EVEREST: Ah yes, our Mayhem Champion! The self proclaimed Most Sadistic Person in WZCW. Notice I said SELF-PROCLAIMED!

So yeah Becky, I’ve heard of Milenko. I’ve heard of our match up at Meltdown.

I’ve heard him go on and on about being the best champion here. How he’s only lost a few matches, how he won his title on his first try. On and on he goes, not so much trying to convince the masses as he is trying to convince himself.

Let me ask you something Milenko. You’ve had all this time to pick your words wisely before we get into the ring. Now tell me Milenko, are you sure that these are the one’s you want to go with. All the possibilities you could have come up with, all the comments you could have made, are you SURE that this is the one you want.

I ask this because Milenko, if facts are what you want to spew, then let’s talk facts.

Here’s one you will love, by the way, you may want to sit down for this one.

That MAYHEM Title you love so much! You know the one you go on about winning! The one that makes you better than me! Yeah, don’t forget this one little point

THAT TITLE IS THE SAME TITLE I NEVER LOST! That’s right Milenko, in many people’s mind; you aren’t even the rightful Mayhem Champion. I not only won that title, but I defended against people you wouldn’t even come close to.

It’s alright though. You know why?

Because I’ve moved on to bigger things! Better Things! You see Milenko, that WZCW Photo shoot, they didn’t ask for you! That Mall of America meet and greet? Yeah they weren’t looking for Milenko, no no, they wanted the best! They wanted Everest.

Oh and lest I forget, that lunch with the President? He not only didn’t invite you, he never asked about you! But I understand, I mean how could you have made that meeting what with your ribbon cutting at the local Goodwill being the same day. I’m sure, seeing as how great you are, the president would have been happy to have lunch with you had you been able to clear your schedule.

I’ve spent enough time comparing champions though, Milenko. At Meltdown you’re getting in the ring with the best, plain and simple. When the night’s over, you’ll end up just like the rest. On your back, staring at the lights. I know you’re thinking you can withstand the Rockslide, or escape the Mountain Climber but believe me when I say better men have tried and better men have failed.

Come Monday night, you better believe I’ll be ready, that I’ll be focused. I know my title isn’t on the line and a loss may not be the end of the world. The problem is I don’t like losing, whether it is in the ring, on the basketball court, at a poker table or fantasy football and Monday night I don’t plan on losing.

So Milenko, bring your Mayhem title, hell I haven’t seen it since management took it from me. It’ll be nice to see it again and I’ll bring the real prize, I’ll bring my WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Maybe, just maybe while we’re standing face to face in the middle of the ring, I’ll let you take a quick peek at what a real Championship looks like.

Everest looks over to Becky who is still sitting in her chair

My apologies Becky I kind of went on a ramble there.

BECKY: No apologize needed. You always make my job easier. I just get you started and off you go.

EVEREST: Yeah well I’ve always been a man of many words.

At that moment a person walks by the door heading toward the weight room. The person looks just like Diego San Pablo. Becky looks at Everest and is really freaked out. Everest reassures her though.

EVEREST: Oh that! Yeah weirdest thing, that guy always seems to be roaming around here. Owner here says it’s a, what do I want to say, a mentally challenged person, but hey to each it’s own. Seems like a nice guy though.

Anyway, Becky it’s been a pleasure as usual. I’ve got to go get changed and head out to dinner with the misses but I’ll see you at Meltdown, right?

BECKY: As always. Take care and enjoy your evening.

EVEREST: You too my dear.

With that Everest, picks up his bag and quickly heads out the door and toward the locker rooms as the camera shot fades out.
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