MD20; Chief Anoki & USA v Kyle Christiansen & James Baker

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Last week USA overcame NorCal and he will be teaming up this week with the native American Chief Anoki to take on the team of Kyle Christiansen and James Baker.

The setting is in downtown Compton, California where there are lots of dope dealers, hustlaz & gangstas in the streets. Interviewer Becky Serra knocks on the door & James Baker answers the door.

James- Hey what up girl, what you here for

Becky- I'm here for an interview. Do you have the time for me to interview you?

James-Yeah for sure you can interview me out here but don't talk to any of the thugs outside ok.

Becky- Ok. Now you & Kyle Christenson won your tag team match against Garth Black & Phoenix. Now this week you will be teaming up with Christenson again to take on the team of Chief Anoki & USA. What are your thoughts on this?

James- Hahaha Becky well allow me to analyze my opponents & my partner for this week. Kyle Christenson, we teamed up last week & gelled pretty damn well. I believe we will have the same success that we had last week as I think Kyle is a good partner & i'm looking forward to seeing how much damage we can do as a team. Now onto Chief Anoki, just what are the hell are you supposed to be exactly? Your supposed to be this brave warrior that ain't scared of nothing. Well I ain't scared of a damn thing either man. Compared to me you ain't shit ok i'm the real warrior here as I make my mark by going to the extreme & doing anything possible to win the matchup.

Becky-Ok are you done yet?

James- No I am not done yet. USA your supposed to be the only superpower but yet you look & sound like an idiot. Don't get me wrong I love this country but the odds of you beating me are not that good. USA i'm telling you this as nicely as I possibly can. When we meet in that ring again I will make you look like a fool when I beat your ass all over the canvas.

Becky- Ok some strong words from "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker. I gotta another question though?

James- Ok shoot.

Becky- Who were you calling on your cell phone last week?

James- Becky i'm gonna be real with you & tell you that it ain't the right time to tell you who that person is ok.

Becky- Ok thanks for taking time out of your busy day to do this interview in even the most brutal of places.

James- Hahaha no problem. I'll walk with you just so none of these people try to rob you & attack you.

Camera then goes away as James & Becky walk to Becky's car together.
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Meltdown 19 - Backstage: Entrance to the Gorilla Position.

A shaft of light penetrates through the curtain. The cheers of the crowd can be heard in the background. Becky is stood, waiting patiently to catch a word with the next man through the curtain. The crowd noise reaches a crescendo, and the inaudible voice of the ring announcer can be heard in the background.

Moments pass.

Chief Anoki staggers through the curtain. He sports a rapidly developing bruise on his right cheek, a slight limp in his left leg, and a colossal grin affixed to his face. One arm reaches out for the wall, and the comforting support it brings. Anoki is quite clearly trembling, and his face is wetter than perspiration should rightly account for. Noticing the young woman in-front of him, he makes an unsuccessful effort to calm his body, grasps his jacket which lies dormant by the curtain, and wipes his face.

Becky: I'm here with the winner of tonight's four way match, and the newest member of the WZCW roster, Akoni Akecheta. Anoki, may I be the first to congratulate you on your victory. It was clear from watching how much this match meant to you. How does it feel for you to walk away victorious?

Anoki: Thank-you. I... Well...

The young man stumbles over his words. Lost for words for the first time in years. Without warning, mind and body overridden by adrenaline and euphoria, the young man comes forward, and pulls Sera into a tight hug. Momentarily taken aback, she puts him gingerly on the shoulder.

As fast as it came, Anoki pulls back, his sweating face suddenly a slightly deeper shade of red. Seeking distraction, he finally finds his voice.

Anoki: Many thanks. ten-thousand times I've longed to hear those words aloud. Tonight begins my road to redemption. The trail of good intentions stretches ahead and behind, but at long last I know which way to walk. My journey begins anew in but a moment; but right now, tonight, this moment... this is a moment in paradise.

Anoki pauses his monologue momentarily in order to remove his colour, and to pull his jacket on over his shoulders.

Anoki: I think we shall talk against soon. But paradise lasts but a moment, and moments must be savoured while they last. Soon...

Grin remains fixed. Damp eyes close. Senses shut down as the young man bathes in the experience. Slowly, eyes still shut, he walks away.


The Day After Meltdown - Backstage: Outside Chuck Myles's Office

The door is shut. Rebbecca Sera stands outside, microphone poised.

The door opens. Anoki is framed in the entrance. He leaves the office. The door closes.

Anoki glances left and right, then moves to walk away. Rebbecca seizes the moment and follows behind. She catches up.

Becky: So it's all official now then is it?

The young man tunes around and pauses. Perhaps he did not recognise her first time around. He smiles.

Anoki: Indeed it is. As of this time. This point. This place. The sun has dawned on my new first day.

Becky: Well correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you still owe me an interview from yesterday.

She doesn't wait for an answer, and instead presses home.

Becky: We'll start with how you feel, now the ink is drying on your contract, shall we?

Anoki pauses for a moment. When he speaks again his words are slow and deliberate, as if he is working through a thought in his head.

Anoki: A spoken word it like a tool. The right word in the right place can perform any task; but any work can only perform one task at a time. There is no word that can describe how I feel today. Hope runs through my veins, but it chases each and every one of its breathing from the box. Apprehension. Fear. Doubt. I have been handed an opportunity. A single opportunity to walk the path towards redemption. The terror of getting lost would be enough to drive a man alone to madness. But still there is hope. Always and forever... Hope.

Rebbecca bears a puzzled expression. The tone is clear, but it is plain that some of what is said remains a mystery.

Becky: A path towards redemption. You mentioned something of that nature before. What are you searching to be redeemed for?

The smile fades from the young mans face. in all of a moment, ten years of pain and suffering ride across his face. His voice is now weary.

Anoki: The path towards redemption moves forwards. To look back you have to turn around, and I have sworn that I shall never turn my back again.

He has said all that he will. Rebbecca knows this. Perhaps one day he will tell her; but today is not that day. She looks to change the subject.

Becky: Anyway. ... From what I hear, you have already been booked into your first match. You'll be tagging with USA, and your opponents will be Kyle Christiansen and James Baker. Any thoughts?

Anoki: I fear to say, I do not yet know the name of any of the souls who walk this road. At Meltdown there will be no feud. No agenda. No motivation other than to repay my debt.

She pauses, unsure if she should ask. He sensed her discomfort. He answers her unasked question.

Anoki: My debt is owed to this company. To everyone and everything here. To the men I fought last night, whose dreams I stifled. To every man who I will encounter on my journey. To Mr Myles, to yourself, and to every fan in every area. WZCW gave me purpose. It gave me direction. It brought me to life. It is a debt I may never truly be able to repay, but today I make this pledge.

Every show. Every night. Every moment. For as long as my heart beats, I will put my body and soul on the line for this company. I will give blood. Sweat. Tears. It may never measure up to what this company has given me, but I swear to offer up everything I have in return. Now, and forever after. I swear.

Exhausted from the bearing of his soul, he turns to walk away. He turns back.

Anoki: One thing if you will?

Becky: Yes?

Anoki: As I said before, I know no names here. Will you do me the honour of yours?

She stifles a laugh. The last traces of the storm have left the air. She answers.

Becky: Becky. Short for Rebbecca.

He smiles.

Anoki: Well then... goodbye Becky.

He walks away.
We return to familiar scene of a military base. It appears that the soldiers from the last visit are now in weapons training USA walks from an artillery launcher and stares at the camera.

Today's military requires soldiers to be ready to perform a multitude of tasks. The same holds true in WZCW. I have been in two matches since my arrival. The first was a Battle Royale in which my first wave of attacks was fended off. My next match was one on one against one of the stars of the company. I "shocked" and "awed" him, but not myself. You have only seen the beginning of the power I come with. So many will be freed from their persecutors.

The soldiers all rise and stand behind USA with their rifles across their chests. A US flag is held by one of the soldiers.

This flag means something to me. I can never surrender, as those who fight to protect this flag never surrender. Like these soldiers, I have another task to master. The tag team task. My partner is strong. He will hold firm, as will I. The man who will not hold firm is this punk, Baker. He is another product of a broken home. He identifies with a culture he has nothing to do with. Those thugs aren't protecting him. They are waiting until they can take his money. He is so obsessed with the perception that he holds power over them, that he is blind to the fact that he means less to them than he does to me. USA is here to eliminate the drags on society. He is a terrorist to me, draining hope from the youth and giving power to criminals.

The soldiers take up a fighting formation behind USA

I have the might of the US Marine Corps behind me. What are a couple of fake thugs going to do to stop us? The answer is nothing. Those thugs you lean on will cower from my "crew." They do not have the stomachs for the upcoming conflict.

Baker! Look into my eyes...

USA stares into the camera, an angry snot bubble burst, and spittle flies as he yells....

You will not be standing after this match. Someone like you doesn't deserve to be in my country, and you are taking a huge risk stepping into my ring. Christienssen, you aren't safe either. Explosions and gunfire are in your future. Bows and arrows will rip through your flesh, while the Bunker Buster will rip through your manhood. It is thought the US Armed Forces could flatten any area we want, well, at Meltdown, the US Marine Corps begins Operation Strength and Survival.

I don't need an interviewer, I don't need anyone to give me ideas of why I should be angry at you. Baker, people like you are trying to ruin the country I love, the country I have offered to die for. At Meltdown, you will see how close to death you can come. Semper Fi.

The Marines yell Hooo-ahhh, and point their weapons at the camera.

Go get your guns wanksta, we'll be waiting.

USA stares at the camera, not blinking, as the screen fades to black.
Kyle is in the parking lot. He is leaning up against a concrete barricade. He is holding the briefcase from last week. He is constantly looking around. He appears to be anxious. Soon a limo pulls up. The door opens but you never see who is inside. Instead Kyle steps in. He closes the door. He comes out a few minutes later. He shakes the man's hand. The limo pulls off.

Kyle walks toward the building entrance. Not soon after he enters he is bumped into by Johhny Klamor.

Kyle: Watch where your going.

Klamor: Calm down there. I've been looking to interview you.

Kyle: Seems like a new interviewer every week. Well then go ahead I guess.

Klamor: Well as you should know, you have another tag match this week. This time against USA and Anoki. So what do you think you're chances are of winning this week?

Kyle: Well Klamor, I'd say my partner and I probably have around a fifty to sixty percent chance of winning this week. What kind of question is that?

Klamor: It's the type of question that I expect an answer to.

Kyle: You want an answer. Well what do you think?

Klamor: I think you should answer the question so I can continue the interview.

Kyle: You want an answer. Well if you want an answer then all you have to do is look at the facts. You see last week I got this. (He pointed at the briefcase) Last week I said this would bring me victory. It did. Now I didn't use it but it did give me motivation. So me and Baker are going to win this week as well.

Klamor: Do you have any thoughts on your opponents?

Kyle: Well I've never really heard of these two guys. I know USA is supposed to be some soldier. Anoki is like some indiam gangster or something. But you know what, I think for once I can respect my opponents. You see while USA may not respect me I respect our soldiers. But I will prove you are not the only superpower. Because there is another super power in this business. Because there is another, and you know who that is? That's right, "The One and Only Kyle Christiansen."

Klamor: What about Anoki?

Kyle: I heard he grew up on the streets. If thats true, then I'm feelin him. Ya see I know how hard it is on the streets. You got to learn on your own how to survive. You've got nothing else to live for. On the streets you either give the beatings, or recieve the beatings. So Anoki, I got respect for you man. Unlike these other, I can relate to you. But don't make the mistake of thinking respect is kindness. Because in the ring, you're an enemy, no matter matter how much I respect you. I will give you everything I have. And I doubt you'll be able to withstand it.

He begins to say something when his cell phone rings.

Kyle: Hello

(the other voice is speaking)

Kyle: Really?

(other voice)

Kyle: I thought it would be longer.

(other voice)

Kyle: That doesn't give me much time to complete the transaction.

(other voice)

Kyle: No I can't work any faster. Remember I have business to take care of in the ring.

(other voice)

Kyle: Yes I know the consequences.

(other voice)

The line goes dead.

Klamor: What was that about.

Kyle: None of your businness really.

Kyle quickly walks off with the briefcase in hand as the scene fades.
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