MD100: Strikeforce vs Los Magnificos Dragones (Non-title)

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I sat alone in the living room. The sun had just started to creep over the horizon, I was nervous in anticipation of our upcoming match, and as a result I was having trouble sleeping. To remedy this I had crept downstairs and turned on the TV. At this early hour there wasn't much on. I flipped through channels, stopping only long enough for my brain to register what was on each channel. I checked the time on my phone, the newest episode of My Little Pony was still a few hours away. I let out a sigh as the bright colors flashed before me. I decided to just hold down the channel up button, count to ten in my head, and then watch whatever I landed on.

I landed on the now ironically named Music Television. My plan hadn't worked as well as I intended because an episode of MTV Cribs was on. I lie back and tried to watch, but after about ten minutes it was becoming too much. Just as I was about to break I heard the creaking from the front door. I checked my phone again, wondering who could be coming in this early. I craned my neck a bit to see. James was doing his best to sneak back into the house. As soon as he saw me he shifted to a more casual walking style, but he looked tense, his body language gave away his nerves.

James rested his arms on the back of the couch.

"What are you watching?"

"MTV Cribs." I responded not looking back at him.

There was some surprise in his voice when he next spoke.

"Why are you watching this garbage?"

"It makes me feel better about all the music I have illegally downloaded."

He let out a small chuckle. "Fair enough."

As he turned to walk to the kitchen I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly thought better of it. I wasn't sure where he had been, but I wasn't ready to play detective yet. Especially not after last weeks adventure as Batman ended poorly.

As I settled back in to watch another rapper I had never heard of talk about his four cars and gold plated jet ski, a cold object fell into my lap, causing me to leap from the couch startled.

As I bent over to pick up what turned out to be a bottle of water, James approached me.

"You ready to start training?"

I looked back up at him, expecting it to be some sort of joke.

"No, I had planned on watching the newest My Little Pony, and then playing Skyrim all day. The new Dragonborn DLC just came out and I fully intend to fly a dragon by nightfall."

"Maybe I have gone soft on you lately, but as soon as I started letting you fall back into your old ways, Strikeforce's performance started to suffer."

I threw my head back, before allowing it to fall forward. I stare at the floor for a few seconds before I look back to James.

I'm clearly not happy, but I agree to go along. "Just let me change into some suitable workout clothes."

I slowly made my way upstairs to my room. As was common place, my mind began to wonder. I looked around at what just a year ago was essentially a storage space. James and Dinah had been so gracious allowing me into their home. Just a couple of weeks before Strikeforce had formed, James and I were opponents. We opened a match on Aftershock, in which James had bested me, my first and only singles loss. Since then he had beaten me in training matches more times than I cared to remember. I was able to keep the record tipped heavily in my favor on the Xbox, but as with most things, my virtual skills mattered little.

As I rummaged through my dresser, looking for some gym shorts suitable for the crisp late fall weather, I came across a shirt that clearly weren't mine. I pulled out a faded Sonic T-Shirt that was about four sizes too small.

"She must have forgotten it."

As I fell back onto my bed, my foot managed to kick an empty bottle that had hidden away under a shirt. Not wanting to travel back down that road again I did my best to push it out of my mind.

I willed myself off the bed and over to the closet. I pulled out a shirt at random, it just so happened to be one of my copies of my original shirt in the company. The one with my less than attractive face on the Death Star.

As I was pulling it over my head, James popped his head in.

"Good you aren't naked this time. That star wasn't the only celestial body in the room last time I popped in unannounced."

I rolled my eyes.

"Haha, my ass is the moon, so original there. Ace Stevens better watch out, you may steal his job." The sarcasm in my voice apparent.

I hip check him as I walk out the door. He recovers and catches up with me. We walk in silence to the basement.

It has been nearly nine months and I was still in awe every time I made my way down here. Three of the four walls were covered with posters of some of James' MMA fights. The fourth wall was dedicated to James and his wrestling career. Most of the posters were of small independent promotions that he had worked for, though the poster advertising our TLC match at Kingdom Come was the center piece. Outside of that and a picture Dinah had taken of James and I clutching our belts post match were the only signs I existed.

As I was glancing around the room, a rope hit me and wrapped itself around my upper body.

"Jump-rope, work on your cardio and leg strength."

I gave a halfhearted effort until James had finished wrapping his hands and went to work on one of his heavy bags. He paused briefly and I quickly picked up the rope, but he never turned around. He put his headphones on and turned the volume up to a level that even several feet away I could clearly hear.

I pulled up a stool and took a seat. I splashed some water on my face to give the appearance of sweat and pulled out my phone. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't focus on training. I started to look through old text messages. It wasn't long after that that I started looking through old pictures.







"Man I look good, you at that pool party though, not so much."

I turned around and saw James looking over my shoulder.

"Maybe if you spent more time training and less time looking at pictures of you and your fans, we would still be champs."

His words were a little hurtful, so I was quick to respond.

"Maybe if you spent more time..."

I trailed off, I wasn't ready to call him out on whatever escapades he was going on.

"So what's next?"

"Just some sparring."

I followed him into the ring. After strapping on my headgear and sparring gloves, I start to circle around James. We throw a few weak jabs at each other and engage in a tie-up that goes nowhere. As James starts to ramp up the intensity, I maintain my lackadaisical level.

Again my mind starts to wonder. I think back to the same weekend James and I made our debuts. I was sitting in the stands, watching as a masked man in a unitard hit a devastating kick to the back of the head of his opponent to pick up a win. The night before I stood backstage texting my friends and family, watching a small television that showed a large muscular man straight out of a blaxplotation film be squashed by a five hundred plus pound sumo wrestler. Then I begin to look at where my career, and even my life have gone in that time.

Just nine short months ago I was in a happy relationship, enjoyed spending most weekends beating mini bosses and rescuing princesses, just so happened to be a professional wrestler. Now I was single, hadn't so much as beaten a tutorial in weeks, and my life was consumed by wrestling. Week in and week out I had to look over my shoulder. The New Church had blindsided me so many times I lost count. Not to mention we still weren't one hundred certain who had attacked us at Apocalypse. Worst of all I had lost the love of my life. Maybe if I had...

...I awoke to the silhouette of a man standing over me and a faint voice. Slowly the silhouette and voice became clear.

"You okay man?"

James helped me up slowly.

"What happened?"

"One second we were grappling for position, then you lowered your guard so I struck. You had your hands down and I connected clean with your jaw."

"Sorry, I was miles away."

"Do you want to get those belts back or not?"

I close my eyes annoyed, nodding my head yes.

"You know what we need right now?"

"A montage? A sports training montage? 'Cause in anything if you want to go from just a beginner to a pro, you need a montage."

James places his face firmly in his palm. After a few seconds of groaning to himself he points his finger directly in my face.

"No, we need you to get your ass in gear."

I slap his hand from my face.

No! You need to pull your head out of your ass!

We are in each others face at this point.

"For the last month and a half you have been running around at all hours of the day to God knows where! You are neglecting your fiance, and you are neglecting your career! You think some last minute training is going to help us beat Saxton and Saboteur?

"Your regiment of sitting on your fat ass and drinking yourself into a coma definitely aren't winning us matches! Actually training will help!

"No, nothing will help us beat them, because we can't! We are just ordinary people, we can't relate to them! I can threaten to make Saboteur eat his katana, I can talk for hours on end about how I can beat Saxton because he doesn't use lifting moves, but put those two together and it is pure mayhem. Add to that the constant threat of The New Church, and we have no chance. On top of all that we have an unknown stipulation. Maybe we get lucky and get put into an "I Quit" match. You are an MMA star, you know submissions. Outside of that the most we can hope for is to survive."

"Maybe we get the no DQ match. If so you can just hit everyone over the head with your old Xbox. Those original Xboxs weighed like twenty pounds."

I laugh a little, despite my best efforts not to.

"I hate when you do that. I want to be angry, you defuse the situation by making a joke."

James shoves me playfully.

"I wouldn't be your unofficial big brother if I didn't."

I was still angry, and I had jumped the gun on calling him out, but he was still my friend and we were still a team. I had to apologize to save face.

"I'm sorry man. I just can't get over this feeling we are prepping for nothing."

James shot me a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?"

"We can't beat those two. We can train all we want, but they are just too random. They are the human equivalent of Pinkie Pie."

James begins to laugh.

"You and ponies I swear."

"It is the truth this time though. You never know what will happen with those two. One day they could come out to the ring at each others throats, the next day they come out as the best of friends. Our only win over them as a team came way back in the lead up to Kingdom Come. They were in the middle of their crazy feud then, they beat themselves."

James pulls his phone out of his pocket and begins to text as he responds to me.

"Well what do you propose we do?"

I walk over to the corner and rest my arms on the turnbuckle, looking at the floor.

"Nothing. There is nothing we can do. Truth is we will probably lose the match. You just can't let it wreck havoc in your personal life like I did. Win, lose, or draw, you are still going to come back here to the loving arms of Dinah. I don't have that anymore. I let those belts consume my life. Because of that I alienated my family, my friends, and most of all I alienated Rose. I'm trying to fix the others, but I can't get her back. All I can do is sit and wonder of her whereabouts and hope like hell she is happy where she is. All the talk of validation, and acceptance, the bad puns, the lame jokes, none of that matters when we step into the ring. No matter the stipulation, no matter if The New Church or Steamboat Ricky or Bowser himself runs into our match, they don't matter. When we step through those ropes we aren't the odd couple pairing of an MMA star and a nerd. We are two men, fighting for our lives against two other men. We could walk out champions or we could be wheeled out on stretchers beaten, but we will still be friends...brothers. In a few days you are going to have kids to take care of. I'm not sure what that means for Strikeforce, but I do know that one day one of us will fail to breath and all we will be left with are memories. If I happen to take that last breath on our way home after the fight, I want you to remember me, us, as brothers, who, win, lose, or draw, went down swinging."

I turned around, expecting at least a fist bump, but James was gone, and again I was alone.

"Do you remember that time James? Because I do."

I stood and walked to the opposite side of my hotel room.

"You planted a seed that day James. A seed that grew into a mighty tree."

I took a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Do you remember the story I told the night before King Come this year? Let me retell it. Once upon a time there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. And they grew next to each other. And every day the straight tree would look at the crooked tree and he would say, 'You're crooked. You've always been crooked and you'll continue to be crooked. But look at me! Look at me!' said the straight tree. He said, 'I'm tall and I'm straight.' And then one day the lumberjacks came into the forest and looked around, and the manager in charge said, 'Cut all the straight trees.' And that crooked tree is still there to this day, growing strong and growing strange. You see I used to think I was that crooked tree, and you were the straight tree, mocking me and trying to change me. I've opened my eyes though. I was a straight tree. I stood tall and proud, and you were the lumberjack that cut me down."

I stood and placed my hands to my face and touched my mask, my protector.

"You see James I used to be afraid of many things. No longer am I afraid of heights, or being burned alive, or drowning, I'm afraid of one thing. Me. I'm afraid, terrified of the things I do to people when I feel betrayed or forgotten. I'm afraid of the monster I have become. Something has grown inside me that I can't explain, and you are the cause."

I hold my mask and look to the ground.

"Maybe, just maybe you and I can rekindle our friendship in the coming days, but I have new concerns. As I watch all the wretched, ugly souls of this world, the poor lost beings devoid of beauty, I have found one with their own monster festering inside them. Their own beauty grows much the way my own has. They are traveling the same path I once traveled, and I want them to know I will be their shepherd. I will nurture their seed and allow them to grow into a monster like myself. I will open her eyes to the beauty of this world."

I stand.

"Let me guide you Amber. Let me nurture you so that you may grow into the monster you are destined to become."
We open to El Califa's Villa, the two dragons sitting around, Califa with his feet up with thread and a needle, the mask he wore the other night in his lap as he repairs a few tears on it. Amber meanwhile stretches out on the couch, looking extremely bored as she stares at the TV, tape of the Demon Foreigners attacking them after their match with Cerberus playing. Amber yawns and it get's Califa's attention.

El Califa: No point in watching that tape over and over Amber.

Amber leans up and looks over to El Califa, a miserable look on her face, Califa tilts his head as he finishes up his project and sets the mask aside along with the thread and needle.

Amber: There's nothing else to do around here. You got any video games, or can we go to a movie? Something other than sit here or being stuck in the gym?

Califa ponders this for a moment before hopping off his chair and walks over to a closet door. He opens it and reaches up for something, dragging it out with cables falling to the floor around him. He blows the dust off and wipes away the old box, revealing it to be a Super Nintendo. He turns to Amber and lifts it up.

El Califa: Will this do for you Amber Warren? Califa brought this with him from Houston. It should still work, but he only has a couple games.

Amber sits up, her interest piqued by the old console. She laughs as she looks at it.

Amber: You're really dating yourself with that Califa. It'll do. What games do you have?

Califa sets down the SNES in front of the table, and Amber quickly starts getting the cables hooked up as Califa digs in the closet some more. After grabbing the two controllers he also finds a game, Street Fighter II Turbo. He nods his head to himself and walks back over to Amber, placing the cartridge in the console and firing it up with the controllers plugged in. Handing Amber one he takes a seat next to her.

El Califa: This was the biggest game in the arcade back in Houston when El Califa was growing up. There were lines all around the arcade to play. El Califa eventually got good enough to play for hours without paying as long as he kept winning.

Amber: My first console was a Playstation 2, we never had an arcade where I was at growing up.

El Califa chuckles as he starts the game, going to two player mode and quickly selecting Chun Li. Amber quirks an eyebrow towards him as she selects Ryu.

Amber: Chun Li huh?

El Califa: You mock El Califa but he shall show you!

The game starts and El Califa has clearly forgotten everything he knew about Street Fighter, as Amber uses basic moves, defeating Califa relatively easily. Califa lowers his head as Amber roars in victory.

El Califa: A rematch is in order!

They go at it again, once more Amber dispatching Califa easily.

Amber: That didn't go as you expected did it Califa?

Califa remains silent, switching it up to a different character this time in Dahlsim. It's as if something flipped a switch, and Califa is pulling off advanced move after advanced move. Califa hits two perfect rounds, leaving Amber's jaw hanging before slowly looking to Califa.

Amber: What........ How did you do that?

Califa nods his head as he pumps his fist in victory.

El Califa: El Califa had forgotten who his best character was it seems.

Amber: Go back to Chun Li so I can kick your ass again!

The two laugh as they continue playing on, various reactions come from both of them. At one point Amber shoves Califa before sneaking in a last ditch attack to win, laughing as Califa returns the favor the very next round.

El Califa: El Califa thinks he has some other console. WZCW gave it to him last year at some point but he had never opened it.

Amber: What? We had a new console around here and you never told me?!?

Califa shrugs and stands up, heading back to his room. A few moments pass and Califa returns with an unopened PS3 and a copy of WZCW 2K14.

El Califa: When did El Califa ever have time to play this? He has been too busy training himself and everyone at his gym.

Amber: True, though it was a great idea to give Nate some control over the gym so you could actually relax for a change.

El Califa: El Califa is appreciative of that as well. Nate was getting tired of sitting around waiting on us, and with his organizational skills, El Califa saw an opportunity for the both of us. Did you see his office before Nate took over that part? El Califa has no idea what these filing cabinets are doing in there but they are a life saver.

Califa goes about getting everything hooked up, and soon after the usual processes are completed, the game is fired up. As the two go through the wrestlers available, Amber Warren selects WZCW legend Ty Burna, and Califa selects Amber Warren. Amber quirks her eyebrow once more.

Amber: Me? Really? But my rating is only an 81. Ty's at a 97.

El Califa: Ratings are only numbers Amber Warren. And they mean nothing in the ring! Just as our opponents have been a former two time tag team champion and have exchanged the Eurasian Championship, their accolades and our accolades mean nothing when we battle. It's an even match up no matter what, skill and strategy is what matters most.

Amber nods her head, soaking in Califa's words and smiles as the entrances come to a close. Ty and Amber square off in the center of the ring, and the virtual Amber uses her speed to hit some quick strikes on Ty.

El Califa: Watch closely Amber Warren, as your virtual counterpart will be your demise!

A huracanrana follows, sending the legend to the outside. A suicide dive continues the onslaught, the virtual Amber not giving the legend any space.

Amber: Speaking of Ty, who do you thinks going to win in that match between him and Big Dave?

El Califa: A close match for sure. They have done battle before and put each other through hell. El Califa believes the Demonio del Caos will be victorious. We must remain focused on our match though Amber Warren. Forget what the Demon Foreigners did, what Cerberus may do, or any other team. Let us get this victory at Meltdown 100 and we will worry about everything else.

Virtual Amber tosses Ty into the ring and goes for the pin, 1.........2........Ty kicks out. Amber takes a deep breath as she escapes the pin. A stiff kick puts Ty down again and virtual Amber stands over him. She walks over to the corner ready to go for the Sin City Express but suddenly she begins taunting, playing to the crowd quite a bit. Suddenly Ty gets up and using his special ability, his Consecrated Banishment out of nowhere. He goes for the pin, 1..........2.........3!

Amber: Yes! I won!

Amber tosses her controller in the air as she hollers about her victory. Califa nods his head as he crosses his arms.

El Califa: Take note Amber Warren. A video game can teach you an important lesson.

Amber suddenly stops celebrating and listens intently to El Califa.

El Califa: He could have simply gone up and hit the Sin City Express and won the match. Instead he took his eye off the prize and tried to rub it in that he was winning and it cost him. Moves and attacks may be flashy Amber Warren, but let our words be simple and straight forward. Meltdown 100 is a big show, and no matter what Stormrage's intentions are, we shall be the ones standing victorious once more!

Amber nods her head and simply responds with this:

Amber: For we are Los Magnificos Dragones.

El Califa chuckles, knowing Amber is setting him up for the catchphrase he has seemingly started for them.

El Califa: And they shall hear us roar! Now come on. El Califa won't let you get away with that again!

The two laugh as they begin throwing down on the game once more as the scene fades to black.
The scene opens to the WZCW Tag Team Title placed on top of a stool near the windowsill so that every morning, the sun's rays will glisten right on the belt. But it's not early morning, it's about mid-afternoon, the sun is almost going down. The cameras zoom out from this scene and move to the left a little before spotting Amber Warren on her bed putting on some nail polish on, dark shiny blue nail polish to be exact.

The young dragon takes her time with each hand first starting with her left hand. Her dominant right hand painting over her nails on the left hand. When all five fingers on her left hand were filled in, she blew on them to make sure that they dried properly. Her right hand was next as she glances over to the clock. It reads 5:30PM to which Amber quickly gets up from her bed. She runs downstairs to find El Califa taking a nap on the couch after that video game marathon they just had.

She shakes El Califa's shoulder to wake him up and succeeds. El Califa jumps into a fighting stance which makes Amber stand back a few feet. Realizing what he's done, El Califa lets his guard down and looks at his tag team partner before letting out a yawn.

Amber: El Califa! I gotta head down to the mall. I totally forgot that I had some of the new clothes I bought tailored and they're available for pickup today. I have to leave now so that I'll make it in time before the mall closes. Where are your keys?

All the excitement from the video game marathon that the two dragons had have caused Amber to forget that the mask she had made was finished earlier in the morning. Looking to make her way to the mall by herself, she makes up a sorry excuse so that she'd go to the mall without El Califa following. However....

El Califa: El Califa will drive you. Let's go.

Amber: No no. I didn't mean to wake up El Califa. Just show me where your keys are and I'll go by myself.

El Califa: Nonsense. El Califa needs to stretch his legs anyway. A drive sounds good right about now.

Amber: No really, I can go by myself El Califa. Don't worry.

El Califa: Amber Warren, El Califa knows you can drive yourself to the mall but El Califa wants to follow anyway. Now, go get ready. Give El Califa 10 minutes and he'll be waiting in the car for you.

Seeing as she can't win this fight, Amber heeds El Califa's order and walks back upstairs to get ready. As Amber leaves the scene, El Califa again stretches his arms and lets out a big yawn seemingly tired after that video game-a-thon the two dragons just had.


Instead of having his usual driver take them, El Califa is indeed the one who drives his trusty black Escalade to the mall. He cranks up the radio to a pretty loud volume when a Mexican hip-hop song comes on which gets Amber to put her hands on her ears. Immediately after, Amber takes the reins and lowers down the volume to a respectable level.

El Califa: El Califa apologizes Amber Warren. El Califa didn't mean to -

Amber: No worries El Califa. I was the one who forgot about it. Plus, I interrupted your sleep. After all that gaming we need, I sure could've used that nap as well.

El Califa: It doesn't matter Amber Warren. El Califa is delighted to take you on this trip. It's been a while since El Califa has been behind the wheel anyway.

Amber: By the way, how you feeling lately? I still feel a little banged up after those teams attacked us. I know we're the champs but god damn, 4-on-1 assaults aren't fun.

El Califa looks a little worried for Amber here but has to stay strong for the both of them despite feeling the ill affects of that attack as well.

El Califa: That's what they call "having a target on your back." This isn't the first time it'll happen to Los Magnificos Dragones. It probably won't even be the last time as well. All the teams in the tag division are hungry but El Califa and Amber Warren will thwart any challenge that comes to them.

Amber: Hell yeah!

Amber pumps her first in the air but later pulls it down a second later because she doesn't want El Califa to think she might be a weirdo to which El Califa can only laugh.

El Califa: A whole new challenge awaits us at Meltdown 100. The Dragons vs. Strikeforce. El Califa hopes you know that as soon as the sun comes up tomorrow, you and he will hit the gym to get ready for our biggest challenge yet.

Amber: Yeah, sure Strikeforce aren't really a team right now. But they were once. Once you team, you can never take that away from anyone no matter what their situation is. They've been a team longer than us and despite their differences, they'll be dangerous.

El Califa: Exactly. It can be said that both guys are more dangerous as ever as singles competitors. But El Califa believes in this team. El Califa expects this to be the toughest match Los Magnificos Dragones has ever been in but El Califa also guarantees that this will be the best match and most fun match the dragons will be in.

Amber: You know what, I guarantee that we'll be Strikeforce. And do you know why El Califa?

El Califa: Now don't get too overconfident Amber Warren. You -

Amber: No, I'm telling you. I guarantee we'll win. And here's why. There's nothing like being in a match where you might lose, where you'll be down for the three count. I sense it in both our personas El Califa, we thrive on competition. It's why we work so well together in a team. No offense to the other teams we've faced before but I've never felt threatened in a match against them. But this match against Strikeforce, this is totally different.

El Califa: El Califa understands your reasoning Amber Warren. But what you just said is flawed. You see, El Califa and yourself work well together, yes, both thrive on competition. But what really gets the dragons working well is the desire to be the best. El Califa has seen the growth in you Amber Warren. It's amazing. This is why El Califa left his old life and did so to start a new one with Amber Warren as his partner.

Amber's cheeks turn a bright red whether El Califa meant that in the way she was thinking. Nonetheless, with the conversation the two dragons were having, they finally pull up at the mall's parking lot. El Califa turns the ignition off and immediately steps up and runs to Amber's door to open it for her.

Amber: Thank you El Califa.

El Califa nods and waits for Amber to get out of the vehicle.

El Califa: After you.

The scene fast-forwards to both El Califa and Amber in the mall. It's almost closing time but there's still a bunch of people in the mall, much more than usual actually.

Amber: Hey El Califa, how about you get us something to drink so that by the time you're back, I'll have my clothes ready and we can just leave.

El Califa: Are you sure? El Califa will follow you instead. The drinks can always wait.

Amber: Yeah, it's fine El Califa. This way, we can cut time and we can leave the mall so that we can get plenty of rest before our big day of training tomorrow.

El Califa: Very well then. Pineapple juice right?

Amber: How'd you know?

El Califa: El Califa is very observant. Also, there's a bunch of fresh pineapples and canned pineapple juice at home so you know, anyone could've guessed that Amber Warren.

Amber chuckles at this and so does El Califa. The two share a nice moment here before Amber snaps back into reality and motions for El Califa to go and get the drinks.

When El Califa is far enough, she quickly runs towards the shop where she got her mask made. When she reaches it, the old lady was about to lock up before seeing Amber running to her from a distance.

Old lady: Ahh, you made it in time. Your mask is ready. Come with me.

Amber: Thank you thank you. Sorry I'm late.

The old lady smiles at her before she takes out one of her keys to open the shop once again. She leads Amber to the back of the shop where there are a million mask designs. Amber is excited to see what kind of design hers will be as she observes the other masks.

Old lady: Wait here.

Before long, the old lady comes back out with her hands out and presents the mask to Amber. Amber stands right infront of it so the cameras don't catch the design of the mask. Amber looks at it with bewilderment and goes on to hug the old lady.

Amber: Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. I can't wait to try it out. How much do I owe you?

Old lady: Ahh, don't worry about that child. This one is special, it's on the house.

Amber: No, I can't accept this without paying you.

Old lady: No child, I want you to have this. Just promise me you'll wear this mask with honor and pride.

Amber: I'll do it!

Amber hugs the old lady once more before waving goodbye to her. The young dragon stuff the box that contains the mask in her gym sack. She looks around if El Califa is anywhere near and sees that he isn't. She runs to the shop where she had bought her clothes from last week. She pretends to be coming out from it and goes on to look for El Califa. Moments later, she spots El Califa with two drinks at hand.

El Califa: Where are your clothes?

Amber: Oh, well, they weren't done tailoring them after all. I mean, I did buy quite a lot of clothes. They were done with most of them and offered to give them to me already but I told them that I'd come back another time so that I'd bring home all the clothes in one go.

El Califa: Oh that's fair.

Just when El Califa was about to speak some more, Amber cuts in.

Amber: So how about we head home huh? It's been quite a day. After that video game marathon we had, I could sure use some sleep. Plus, we've got a long day tomorrow as we start our training. So what do you say partner?

El Califa: Indeed. The dragons shall rest tonight but tomorrow, the dragons shall work their hardest just like always.

Amber: Come Meltdown 100, Team Strikeforce shall feel the wrath of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions and see why the dragons are the superiors of the tag division.
London, England. 24 hours after Apocalypse.

The Doctor’s office was cold, not just physically, but emotionally. The whitewashed walls, the functional, wipe-clean flooring. None of it gave any comfort.

“What’s the prognosis?” I asked through gritted teeth. I’d been signed off for a month with a severe concussion, nothing too serious but when you’ve already broken your neck concussions become a slightly bigger concern. The diagnosis for concussion took less than an hour, the analysis of the x-rays had taken a full day.

“Well, the x-rays aren’t 100% conclusive but it seems that nothing was damaged.” The doctor said with a forced smile. “I cannot recommend you continue with such a risky profession, however, medically once you have fully recovered from your concussion you will be fit enough to return to work.”

I paused briefly. “So, I can still wrestle?”


“But there’s a pretty good chance that the next concussion will be part of a more severe injury?”


“How good a chance?”

The doctor looked at his notes and held the x-ray up once again on the light-box. “Mister Howard, a little under a year ago you broke your neck. You’ve only been back in the ring for six months and here you are again, with multiple X-rays of your neck. I cannot tell you to stop because your neck has fully healed. That being said, you are rolling the dice every time you step through those ropes.”

“I know that Doc, but this is all I have.” As I spoke I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I ignored it whilst I continued the conversation with the Doctor. We spoke for an hour and in the end decided that I would re-evaluate after Unscripted. I checked my phone, for the first time in months, I was getting calls from Dinah. I rang back.

“You called?” I said, straining to speak as politely as possible.

“Yeah.” There was a long pause. “How are you?”

“As well as I can be I guess.”

“What’s happened?”


Dinah and I spoke for some time. It was, unusual. We talked about everything, from our son to the weather and back again. We talked on the phone like we hadn’t in months, years even. We discussed ways we could make money should the worst happen, we discussed ways we could make even more money if it didn’t. Then at the end of the phone call, Dinah dropped a bomb.

“I love you, and I miss you, come home.”

San Francisco, 72 hours later.

I parked my car in the lot near Mikey’s old apartment building. I’d already gotten a call from Banks expressing his concern over my concussion and discussing Meltdown 100. He wanted to test the tag champs. He wanted Strikeforce, if I agreed to team with Mikey I got my rematch. I didn’t hesitate. The title was secondary, I missed teaming with my best friend.

As I walked through the apartment complex I couldn’t help but wonder what things would have been like had we won all those months ago at Kingdom Come. I remember climbing into that tank like it was yesterday. My life was in order then, I was engaged and working with people I loved working with. I didn’t know then that one single defeat would rip it all away from me.

I opened the door and began to collect my things. I wondered what would have happened if we’d won at Kingdom Come. I’d likely be sat in this room most weekends, learning how to play Fifa on the Xbox One whilst I taught Mikey about football.

I thought about the match with Califa and Amber at Meltdown 100 and I realised that, after everything, Strikeforce could end their career on a victory. Mikey and I may not be friends anymore, but when we were in the ring, fighting side by side. We were still the best. Califa and Amber were great, but they weren’t us. They weren’t Strikeforce, the first ever team to win the Tag Titles twice, the first men to ever win a TLC match. The guys who rode into Kingdom Come in a tank.

I sat on the couch and I smiled. Strikeforce would go out on top.

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