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MD/AS Megashow: Lights vs. Karzai vs. Black vs. Phoenix vs. Teach vs. Kurtesy

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

The tag team champions Teach and Kurtsey face an interesting challenge as they face off against each other, along with their number one contenders Second Coming. Heavy Artillery members Lights and Karzai are also involved in this six pack challenge. If Karzai or Lights pins Kurtsey or Teach, they are included in the tag match at Kingdom Come!

Deadline is Tuesday, February 2nd at 23:59 EST.
A solitary illumination point provides the only light inside an old, abandoned GYM at the peak of night. The source of light is hoisted above a wrestling ring, the only thing clearly visible in the entire building, with two people inside. One is Steven Kurtesy, who sits atop the second rope with his hands massaging through his head. The other is Sandy Deserts, who is panting heavily with her hands on her knees, sweating dripping from her forehead. She slowly gets herself to a vertical position and walks over to Kurtesy, who looks up at Deserts in frustration.

Kurtesy: Let's run the scenario again, Sandy.

Deserts: Are you serious? Steven, you can't let this bother you right now. You have to forget about this and align your focus elsewhere.

Kurtesy: Sandy, I'm a Doctor. And as a Doctor, I need to make sure I go over every mistake so when the situation arises in the future, I will not make the same one again. Let's run the scenario again, Sandy.

Sandy hesitantly agrees and climbs the turnbuckle whilst Kurtesy goes to the middle of the ring. He nods to Sandy and he runs to the turnbuckles, delivering an arm drag to Sandy. They both hit the mat and Kurtesy still holding the arm goes for an armbar. As Kurtesy falls backward to lock it in, Deserts rolls over, grabs Kurtesy's legs and flips over with enough pressure to keep Kurtesy down for a three count. Deserts rolls out and goes onto one knee, with Kurtesy getting straight up looking frustrated.

???: Great job there Doctor, I was really impressed. Just like with your victory against Garth Black last week.

Kurtesy and Sandy scan the shadows for where the voice may have came from. Before they make the discovery, the figure reveals itself to be Stacey Madison slowly approaching the ringside area, clapping even slower.

Madison: You really know what you are doing in there, not being able to kick-out of a simple cradle pin. You are proving your worth as a competitor each and every week with showcases like this. Please, come down here and enlighten me with another one of your compelling interviews.

Kurtesy: Should have known it was you. No-one really does sarcasm better than you do because I certainly didn't get it.

Kurtesy exits the ring and heads towards Madison.

Madison: Trying to beat people with their own game are we?

Kurtesy: It's what I intend to do.

Madison: And yet, it hasn't helped you thus far, has it Doctor?

Kurtesy: I've defeated Garth Black before at his own game, and I want to know how he got the victory last week.

Madison: Yeah, and now you can't even escape a cradle pin executed by a woman.

Kurtesy: Hey, Sandy was a legend during her time so there is no shame in...

Madison: That's the problem with you Kurtesy, you're always living in the past. You keep referring to how you beat your opponents, but you fail to consider what they are capable of the next time around. You say that you have defeated Second Coming and that Sandy over here was a legend. You have to fast forward to the present. Garth Black beat you and Deserts is nothing more than a has-been.

Deserts: Excuse me? Say that again and I'll shove my copper pipe up where the sun don't...

Kurtesy: Sandy, hit the showers or go outside. Let me handle this, you're not ready... go Sandy.

Deserts again hesitates, but follows Steven's orders by exiting the ring and walking into the darkness. After a few seconds of footsteps, a door is heard opening and closing.

You have some nerve to say hurtful things to a rehabilitating patient.

Madison: Oh, you say words with such compassion, you even have Jack Cohen rooting for you in your matches. You must become your partner and "Teach Me" how to speak like you do.

Kurtesy: If you want an interview Stacey then just do it. I have no time for your games. I've got to get ready before Kingdom Come arrives.

Madison: And you do have that chance to face Second Coming pre-KC, alongside William Teach as well at the next show. But, it won't be a tag team match... it's a sudden death everyone for themselves type of match.

Kurtesy: So, it's a Four Way Dance?

Madison: The match also includes Jordan Lights and Max Karzai, making it a Six Pack Challenge... with one condition added... if either member of Heavy Artillery pins either you or Teach, they get added to the Tag Team Championship match. How does that make you feel, Doctor?

Kurtesy looks a little surprised with Madison giving a small smirk.

Kurtesy: I feel fine about it, from the part about being a fighting champion to you stealing my lines. But what I don't get is, why does Heavy Artillery have yet another chance to enter themselves into the fray? I mean, this has to be their 63rd time they have gotten an opportunity like this. They went against Second Coming to become the number one contenders and they lost. The following week, they had a chance to get into the match by defeating us... but they failed once again. What makes them think that a six pack challenge will be any different?

It's really simple Madison, I am in control of their destiny. The only reason why the advanced to face Second Coming in the first place and be anywhere near contention was because I was the referee for their match. If it wasn't for me interfering, Heavy Artillery would be nothing. Same thing with our little tag match we had. We made them look good and we eliminated them from the hunt at the same time.

Madison: You control destiny? Sounds like you are the one thats need to be institutionalised.

Kurtesy: That's debatable. A mad man would do anything to achieve his goals, but at least I am sane enough to realise what I am doing and to stop myself.

Ever hear of an old saying that goes "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" Stace? I'm pretty sure that Second Coming want Heavy Artillery as far away from our Kingdom Come match as possible. Teach N' Kurtesy have that exact same goal. We don't want any nuisances or any outside factors that is going to damage a great grudge match us two teams are going to put on, so we need to eliminate Heavy Artillery. I'm not the best mathematician, but there are two of them and four of us. According to my knowledge, that means both Lights and Karzai are severely outnumbered. They have no chance against such an unstoppable force.

Madison: How do you know that Second Coming aren't going to work together with you? They could team up with Heavy Artillery to allow them to gain the victory so there is more chance of you and Teach not leaving Kingdom come with belts.

Kurtesy: Stace, that could very well happen, and if it happens, I will be on my toes. But from my experiences with Second Coming and how they preach their lies to the people, they'd at least have the brains to realise their chances of walking out of Kingdom Come as the champions will dramatically decrease too if they allow such a travesty to happen.

Look Stace, my plan heading into this match is to take out Heavy Artillery at any cost. It doesn't matter if I win or Teach wins or Second Coming wins... as long as Lights and Karzai do not pin me or Teach, my mission is complete. And I will make sure it does not happen as I will have my hands full with Jordan Lights, assuming he is still hungry for revenge against me. That guarantees more of a chance the Kingdom Come match will remain as planned. Heavy Artillery are not big or important enough to warrant the footnote condition for the PPV "Card subject to change."

Madison: So many strong words from the Doctor yet again, but do you really think you can go through with what you plan?

Kurtesy: By your standards, the only reason I succeed is because of my tag team partner and a series of unfortunate events. Considering Teach is in this match and the match is very unpredictable, it will happen.

Here's a message to pass on to Heavy Artillery. I suggest the two of them to start training with weapons, because the only title those two are getting close to at Kingdom Come, is the Mayhem Championship.

Kurtesy goes over to ringside and packs everything into his training bag. Stacey Madison leaves into the darkness and exits the building, leaving Kurtesy by himself. Steven eventually leaves into the darkness and a door can be heard opening. Before Kurtesy exits to look for Sandy and closes the door, he flicks a switch that echoes throughout the building...

Lights Out.
The scene opens to a wide shot of a darkened stage littered with props. Max Karzai is sitting on a bench in the center of the stage, headphones on. He is staring at his feet in intense concentration as his fingers trace circular patterns on his knees. Every so often, he mutters to himself and glances up for a moment before shaking his head and staring back at the ground. The third time he looks up, he notices a figure in his peripheral vision, startling him. Turning his head, he notices that it’s Leon Kensworth. Karzai’s face breaks into a slightly more relaxed look. He takes his headphones off.

Karzai: Ah, Leon. Glad you found the place all right.

Leon: Yeah. Strange place to want to hold an interview.

Karzai: This is one of the places I‘m most comfortable, on stage. I go here when I have some deep thinking to do.

Leon: Thinking?

Karzai: Indeed, just thinking about the upcoming match.

Leon: The six-pack challenge.

Karzai: Right. Jordan and I are brainstorming various ideas, and when we‘ve come up with some good ones we‘ll meet up and discuss the final strategy. We have to pin either Teach or Kurtesy in order to get into the match at Kingdom Come, but we can‘t take our eyes off of Second Coming.

Leon: You’ve lost to both teams before, both in matches to get into the Kingdom Come title match. What’s to say this time will be any different?

Karzai stands up and starts pacing behind the bench as he speaks.

Karzai: This time, we’re ready. As you say, we’ve faced them before, and so have had a chance to scope out their weaknesses. This time, this time, we can do it.

Leon: Kurtesy doesn’t think you deserve another chance at the titles.

Karzai: Kurtesy can get stuffed, for all I care. Who is he to say that Jordan and I won our first match through his interference? If I recall correctly, his only interference in that match was at the end, when he laid out Jordan with his finisher after we had already pinned Milenko and Obsidius. No, scratch that, after we had already squashed Milenko and Obsidius! He thinks that in our match with him and Teach he “made us look good”? He’s wrong. He didn’t make us look good. That was all us. If he thinks he can take Heavy Artillery’s success all for himself, he’s got another thing coming.

Leon: And speaking of coming, you have to focus on Second Coming apparently teaming up with Teach and Kurtesy to take you two out.

There is a pause.

Karzai: Well, that was an awkward segue.

Leon coughs and stares at the ground.

Karzai: Oh come on, I’m just messing with you.

Karzai’s eyes grow cold as his tone gets more serious.

Karzai: Second Coming is one hell of a team. They’ve beaten us, but we’ve learned from that. And I find it interesting that Kurtesy was so confident that Second Coming would work with TNK. They are opponents at Kingdom Come. Sure, they might not want Heavy Artillery to be the “spanner in the works”, but it will still be in the back of their minds as they face Jordan and myself.
Kurtesy isn’t the only one who thinks he knows psychology. Something you may not know about me is that I spend free time perusing books on the inner workings of the mind. I adapt my learnings into my ring style. I can mess with your head, and with Second Coming and TNK already distracted, it will be a piece of cake. Jordan and I may be against each other on the card, but we will be working as a team to pin either Teach or Kurtesy. That is the number one priority.

Karzai slowly walks to a prop skeleton hanging from the ceiling. He starts caressing the skull.

Leon: And what of Kurtesy’s assertion that the only championship you’ll be getting near is the Mayhem Championship?

Karzai smiles coldly, his fingers clenching into a fist. The skull shatters.

Karzai: Not a bad idea…

Karzai walks back to the bench and sits down with an air of finality. His fingers resume tracing shapes on his legs.

Leon: I take it this interview is over?

Karzai: Yeah, I think so. Thanks for coming out here.

Leon: It’s all right. I had better be off.

Leon walks off, leaving Karzai alone on the darkened stage as he listens to Leon’s footsteps receding. As the door to the outside opens and closes, Karzai slips his headphones back on his heads and resumes his muttering from earlier. His words echo through the darkness.

Karzai: Quick on the draw/In this town, I am the law/Is what they say true?/Does death wear blue?/Can he fall?

Scene fades.
Jordan is found backstage walking to his locker room after the match on Meltdown when suddenly security stops him. Two guards break from the group and try to grab him.

Guard 1 : Sir if you could please come with us.

Jordan : What's going on boys? What'd I do?

Guard 2 : Mr. Myles would like to see you in his office.

Jordan : Oh, well then I guess I could come along then. Also, could you get your hands off of me?

Guard 1 : Sorry, part of the job, can't let you go.

They begin walking to Chuck Myles' office as we see Jordan is clearly disgruntled by this escort. We enter the room and cannot see Myles, as his chair is spun around. However we can hear him on the phone.

Myles : Yeah, how was THAT for a show??

Myles is clearly on the phone with none other then Vance Bateman.

Myles : Yeah, we'll see about that, I've got some great stuff in store for next week, but I got to go, he's here now.

He hangs up the phone and turns around, with a huge smile on his face.

Jordan : Is this about the fire in the parking lot sir? The car I essentially blew up.

Myles : Yes and no. You see, first off, I don't know why everybody here likes to start fires, first Blade, then you and your tag team partner. At least Karzai was smart enough to do it with his own home. But I digress, the reason I brought you here, is that you and Karzai, you two are fan favorites. When you two come out the crowd just goes nuts, and that, that equals good ratings. And that is why, I have decided to reward you and your partner.

Myles has a smirkish grin on his face now.

Myles : See, you guys an excellent tag team, and that is why, we are giving you a shot!!

Jordan : You are putting us in the match at Kingdom Come?

Myles : No!! Hahahahaha, the next best thing though.

Jordan : What could that possibly be?

Myles : Next week is the Meltdown and Ascension Supershow, and I have to outdo Bateman, as always, and that is why, you are in a six pack challenge!!

Jordan : I thought you said---

Myles : A six pack challenge featuring you, Max Karzai, Steven Kurtesy, William Teach, Phoenix, and Garth Black. Should you or your partner pin Kurtesy or Teach, you are in the match at Kingdom Come.

Jordan : That is great, I cannot wait for this match, thank---

Jordan stopped talking as he realized Bateman has now turned back around and started another phone call, and Jordan decides to leave the room.


Jordan is now in his locker room, changing back into his street clothes when suddenly Becky Serra comes in.

Becky : Jordan, I just got the news that you have another chance to get into the tag team title bout at Kingdom Come. You must be excited.

Jordan : To be honest Becky, I am a bit nervous. This is going to be a bit of a challenge, 4 men keeping me from everything Max and I have worked so hard for, and one man helping me to fight for it. The odds are stacked against us for sure.

Becky : Steven Kurtesy says that he controls your destiny, that Second Coming will help them to beat you and Max, and he helped to make Heavy Artillery what they are today. What do you think of this?

Jordan : First of all, no one, and I mean no one controls my destiny other then myself. My destiny is to win the match at the Supershow, and it is Heavy Artillery's destiny to become the tag team champions. As far his thoughts on Second Coming aiding him and Teach goes, he's got another thought coming. I'm willing to bet any money, that even if they want to keep Max and I out of the match at Kingdom Come, they will still want to beat down and weaken Teach and Kurtesy for Kingdom Come. For him to say he made us and got us our first victory, I don't recall him wrestling that match against Obsidius and Milenko, I just remember his cheap attack after the match. Teach and Kurtesy, you best watch out, because this match, means everything right now. Those championships you and Teach hold, they mean everything to my partner and I. We have worked hard to get this far, and we won't stop until those belts are in our hands. We will do whatever it takes to secure a victory. As for Garth and Phoenix, we have also faced them before, we are no stranger to how good of a team they are and I'm sure they will do everything they can to also win this match. But that's just that, they are good. My partner and I , we are great, and we are destined for greatness. Kurtesy, you say that it's we are the one with the 4 on 2 disadvantage, but really, I have to say it's you and Teach. Whether it be myself or Karzai who get the pin, we are going to Kingdom Come, and we are coming for the tag team championships.

Jordan begins to pack up his bags, just tossing everything in at once, apparently in a rush.

Jordan : If you'll excuse me though Becky, Max wants to celebrate our victory tonight by going to his favorite restaurant.

Becky : Taco Bell isn't a restaurant?

Jordan : I know, I keep telling him this, but he won't listen, he thinks the Cheesy Gordita Crunch is some sort of gourmet food.

As Jordan says this he grabs his bags and throws in his jacket and heads to the parking lot.
The scene is William Teach talking on the phone in his locker room. He is pacing back and forth and talking animatedly into his phone.

William Teach: Oh come on Steven! It’s not even that much of an ask!

Steven Kurtesy: No way am I letting you pin me!

Teach: Oh come on! I’ll make it quick! I won’t even go near your crotch! Then Heavy Artillery aren’t in the match and we can go do something fun after! My treat!

Kurtesy: Cmon Teach, it’s not exactly like we can’t beat Second Coming or Heavy Artillery. It’s going to be just as easy as them laying down for us.

Teach: I guess you’re right. Fine, I’ll see you later.

Teach sighs and hangs up his phone. He begins to tape up his wrists and psyche himself up. Leon Kensworth walks in on Teach and looks puzzled.

Teach: Oh hey Leon, what’s up?

Leon: Not much. You do realise that the six pack challenge isn’t for another 4 days right? Why are you getting ready for your match now?

Teach: Oh I’m not preparing for a match Leon. I’m going out on the town. Apparently since Kurtesy is intent on boring me with another easy victory over Heavy Artillery and Second Coming, I’m going to have to entertain myself. I had planned to do this after the supershow, but I’ll be too darned tired from wiping the floor with those chumps. Kurtesy seems intent on spending more time with Sandy Deserts, so how would you like to come?

Leon: Uh, I sort of have constipa-

Teach: Great! (He puts and arm around Leon and leads/drags him out the locker room door)

Leon: By the way, where are we going?


The scene is the inside of a laser tag arena. The setting is Deep Space. Leon is wearing a helmet that is too small for him with “Space Cadet” in bright pink writing stamped across it. Teach is equipped with a full body suit and what appears to be a functional jet pack strapped to his back.

Leon: I must admit, this is pretty cool (He twirls the laser pistol in his hand) You know, when I was a kid I was a pretty handy shot with…What the hell is that?

Instead of a standard laser pistol, Teach pulls a large replica plasma rifle out of his gym bag. It is fitted with a scope and underslung rocket launcher and is easily 4 times the size of Leon’s gun.

Leon: I think you’re taking this a little too seriously…

Teach: The alien world of Zorblarg is a dog eat dog world, or Gishnak eat Gishnak as the locals would have it. Just like in a wrestling ring, you never know what creatures of the galaxy are going to come out and vaporize you.

Leon: I think I saw a 9 year old having a birthday party…

Teach slaps Leon across the face, hard.

Teach: Dammit Leon, you can’t breath in space! Hold your breath!

Leon: But you just spoke!

Leon receives another space slap.

Teach: Follow my space lead to space victory!


The camera focuses on the entrance to the Laser Tag Arena as Teach emerges in a puff of smoke in his battle armour, with a big yellow ribbon stuck onto the chest. It reads “Best Astro-tagger” Leon follows behind him, coughing from the smoke.

Teach: Now THAT is how you spend an afternoon. Am I right Leon?

Leon: I can’t believe you bought yourself that ribbon. You do realise that they banned you for life right?

Teach: In my defense, I genuinely thought that the small ginger child was a space goblin.

Leon: And a Northern Light Suplex was an appropriate response?

Teach: I signed an autograph for him after! What more do you want?

Leon: His mother said visiting him in hospital would be a start.

Teach: Fine, fine.

Leon sits down on the kerb and sighs deeply. Teach joins him, popping gum into his mouth and sighing with a deep sense of satisfaction.

Leon: I don’t get it. How do you do this?
Teach: Well the suit put me back about 5 grand, but the rifle was a steal. Some Middle Eastern guy on eBay was desperate to sell…

Leon: No, I meant, just going out and playing laser tag.

Teach: I was bored.

Leon: NO! I meant…

Teach: I know what you meant Leon. You know, sometimes they shows the interviews that they do with other wrestlers on WZCW.com. And I’ll watch them. You know what? Everyone, Karzai, Lights, Phoenix, they’re all so serious. Everything in their life is focused on the match, about what they’ve done and what they’re going to do. I mean, Lights is obsessing about Kurtesy. Karzai is obsessed with his past, what he’s done and who he was! They’re driving themselves crazy about it!

Teach chews his gum and laughs to himself.

Teach: It’ll kill ya. That’s the first piece of advice Kurtesy ever gave to me. “You think about it too much, and you’ll go mental”. When I get in that ring, it’s go time and I give everything I have. Me and Kurtesy just flow, and we're damn good. I'm not one to toot my own horn, but we wear those shiny belts every night down to the ring, and we wear them back to the locker room every night. That adrenaline isn’t going to be replaced, ever. But when the lights go off and the crowd leaves, you have to know how to go back to your locker room, and just smile, win lose or draw, you know? That’s why I come laser tagging, to keep myself sane. Kurtesy knows it and I know it.

Leon: Yeah, definitely. I you and Kurtesy just have that chemistry huh?

Teach: I think that’s because he knows the truth. By ourselves, we’re both pretty lousy. But together? We’re better than ten others. Or four as the case may be.

Teach smiles to himself and hoists himself up from the gutter.

Teach: You up for Round Two?

Leon: We just got banned!

Teach: There are 14 laser tag arenas in the city. We have to get a wriggle on!

Teach hoists Leon up and sets off down the street with a huge smile on his face, at peace with the world.
We're backstage, and we're outside a door that says "Becky Serra" inside a star logo. Becky Serra opens the door. She bends down and picks up a six pack of drinks, numbered 1 to 6. There's a post-it note on the top with "Open number 1" written on it, Becky opens number one to see a piece of paper on it, she unravels it.

Oh good, it's another poem. This isn't old at all. At least I don't have to move this week. I suppose I better see what it says

She begins reading

On today's special wrestling show,
Garth Black will have five victims
Max Karzai will be first to go,
When Black overstretches his limbs

And so the conclusion is forgone:
It will be to music to Black's ears,
When the rock show can't go on
And Karzai will leave in tears

But Karzai isn't the only opponent,
Garth's tyranny isn't through,
Karzai is the first component,
For the second, open can two

Becky opens the second can to reveal a second piece of paper. She tips it out and then begins to read.

With one man down and four left
Karzai's partner will be the next to fall
Light's talent pool may be bereft
But he's sure to try and give it his all

Unfortunately, all is not enough
And the justice system is in doubt
Sometimes penance is too tough,
And Black turns the Lights out

So the third team may try to win
And make Kingdom come for free
But Black won't let them get in
So open can number three.

Becky opens the third can to reveal a second piece of paper. She tips it out and then begins to read.

So the heavy artillery will misfire,
And we'll lose our first team,
But Garth Black's biggest desire.
Is to end the Teach and Kurtsey regime

Kurtsey will be the first to fall,
Just like he did last week
Garth will maim and maul
And Kurtsey's future'll be bleak

So the Doctor was in, now he's out
As Kurtsey falls, Black will soar
And he will continue to rout
For who's next, see can four

Becky opens the fourth can to reveal a second piece of paper.

This is getting tedious.

She tips it out and then begins to read

With Kurtsey gone, Teach will be exposed
And Black will prey upon the weak
And the second tag champion will be diposed
In premonition of the next week.

Teach can't rely on any of his students
He'll be alone, broken and frightened
Black will give him more than his two cents
And show him who is truly enlightened

And the Second Coming will be on top,
But Black will still continue to strive
And the onslaught won't stop
Even for victim number five.

Becky opens the fifth can to reveal a second piece of paper. She tips it out and then begins to read

Being the best team is not enough
Black must be the number one man
Phoenix will have to first ride the rough
Before the smooth Kingdom Come plan

Phoenix don't take it personally
But there can only be one winner
And when we reach the big finale
You will look like a beginner

When we get to Kingdom Come,
We'll be back to old tricks,
But tonight you will succumb
To the man of can number six

Becky opens the sixth can

At least there's only one left

However, there's no piece of paper in the can, just some sort of soft drink. Becky scratches her head, and looks around the corridor. She then realises that instead of ingredients, there's another poem. She begins to read it

So Black will be the last man standing
When three teams become six lone men
Then The Second Coming will be expanding
By winning the WZCW tag team titles again

Phoenix, Teach, Kurtsey, Karzai and Lights,
All will try to beat Black and all will fail
Then Black will reach the greatest heights
After reaching the end of the tag title trail.

So Garth Black writes to Becky now
Standing on greatness' brink
About to carry out his vow...

Garth Black appears

But first I need a drink

He takes the can out of Becky's hand before drinking it in one go, handing her the empty can and walking off as she looks at him dumbfounded.
The scene opens with Phoenix walking down an empty hallway backstage. The yellow and red paint all over his face blur into orange as he continues his steady pace until he is cut off by Becky Serra. She looks excited to have finally tracked him down while he has a disappointed look on his face.

Phoenix! It’s so good to see you!

I wish I could say the same.

So, I couldn’t find you anywhere last week. I even looked for some more notes or clues or anything but I didn’t find anything.

I was too busy to deal with you last week. But don’t you worry, I will make it known where I was soon enough.

Fair enough, I guess. So tonight, you and Garth are competing against each other in a 6 man match that also includes Heavy Artillery and the tag champions, Teach and Kurtsey.

Yes we are, Becky. Now please, tell us all that last stipulation of the match, I just love hearing it.

Ummm, that if either member of Heavy Artillery pins either Teach or Kurtsey they will be in the Tag Title match at Kingdom Come?

Yes! Isn’t it great how the higher ups make it so easy for another team to come in and potentially rob Second Coming, the rightful WZCW Tag Team Champions, of their titles? I tell ya, Becky, they never cease to amaze me.

So, what are you gonna do?

This will cause me a lot of pain, but I don’t see any other option. Teach, Kurtsey, listen up. I don’t like either of you. I think you guys are a joke and don’t deserve to hold those titles. With that said, it is obvious that if Heavy Artillery gets into the match at Kingdom Come, both of our chances of walking out as champions drops.

Here’s my offer. For one night, I will extend the olive branch. I won’t mess with you two, you don’t mess with me. Let’s just make sure our match at Kingdom Come stays between just us. After the match I make no promises, but for one night, one match, let’s give ourselves the best chance to be WZCW Tag Team Champions. Heavy Artillery, nothing personal, but nothing will come between Second Coming and our tag team belts.

Phoenix looks over at Becky and pats her on the back.

Good talk, we’ll have to do this again next month.

Phoenix walks away down the hall as Becky just stares at him shaking her head.
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