MD 93: Vega vs. "Showtime" Cougar - Mayhem Rules (Non Title)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

In what is predicted to be a brutal match-up, perhaps the two most dominant superstars of the last year will square off in a non-title bout, contested under Mayhem Rules. Blood will be shed and respect will looked to be gained. Showtime's need to make a statement cost Vega the biggest match of his career, so how will treat the man who makes his blood boil. Meanwhile, Showtime looks to revive the crazy side he will need to tap into for his upcoming title challenger, Barbosa.

Deadline is Wednesday, September 4th, 11:59 PM Central Time. Extensions via request.

Phoenix, Arizona
The Wells Fargo Arena
August 25th, 2013


Sir... I'm sorry, but we need to take this apart now.

There stands Vega. Leaning against the announce table, still standing ringside... staring at an empty ring, in an empty arena, with an empty look in his eyes. Gone was his opponent, Barbosa. Gone was the man who cost him the match, "Showtime" Cougar. And gone was the audience that saw Vega's greatest moment... never take place. Only the WZCW ring crew remain, along with Alexis who stands next to Vega holding his Mayhem Championship. Everyone else is busy doing their job, setting up the ring for the next show. Everyone else is active, except for Vega. Alexis is still there, hopelessly staring at the situation. A ring crew member stands by the announce table, needing to set it up for the next show, nervously awaiting for Vega to respond. He doesn't. The crew member looks towards Alexis, as if seeking help.

Come on, Vega. It's time to go.

He doesn't respond. Vega remains there, motionless. His eyes are fixated on the ring, he barely even blinks. Alexis steps up towards him, and stands in between Vega and the ring, blocking his view. She runs her fingers through his hair with her right hand while holding the Mayhem Title in her left, all the while looking into his blank eyes.


Vega suddenly shuts his eyes tightly while quickly shaking his head. He then looks around him as if he is only now realizing that the Wells Fargo Arena is completely empty, and that Meltdown has ended a good while ago. He reverts his eyes back towards Alexis', but it's like he's seeing her for the first time since his match ended. Vega inhales deeply and holds it in for a moment, before exhaling with a dejected response.


Alexis looks a bit concerned, but is relieved to at least have gotten some kind of response out of Vega.

You okay?

Vega squints as he looks away momentarily, pondering his response.

I don't know.

He finally stops leaning against the table and stands up straight. His eyes revert back to the ring now. Vega walks passed Alexis, and slowly places the palms of his hands on the surface of the apron as he solemnly stares into the squared circle.

It should have been mine.

Vega stands there facing the ring, his back turned towards Alexis who wears a look of confusion across her face as she tries to gain some clarity.

What should have been yours?

She looks on as Vega continues to just caress the canvas with his hands. Slowly, he ducks his head underneath the bottom rope and slides the rest of his body under it and into the ring. He's on the canvas on his hands and knees, looking around with envious eyes. Smoothly and gently he rises to his feet as he continues survey the scene. He walks towards the center of the ring while slowly turning around 360 degrees to see all the empty seats in the arena.

This... all should have been mine...

Alexis walks over to the steel steps and makes her way up onto the ring apron, and eventually through the ropes and into the ring. She approaches Vega once again, but her presence does little to gain his attention.

What do you mean?

Vega looks down at the canvas as he shakes his head. Silently, he walks over towards the side of the ring that the cameras are set up on. He looks out towards the empty seats with a mournful expression on his face. With a soft and almost broken voice, Vega utters something to himself, just loud enough for Alexis to hear.

...and he took it all away from me.

Vega looks away from the empty seats and begins to walk away, almost as if the sight is to unbearable for him to see right now. He walks toward the side of the ring closest to the entrance ramp. He grabs onto the rope as he sticks his leg through the top and middle ones. Just before he goes to exit the ring, Alexis rapidly approaches him and places her hand on his shoulder.

Hey, Vega... look at me. Seriously, what are you talking about?

Vega looks back at Alexis, and for the first time in a while, he smiles. It isn't a happy smile, though. It is more the smile of a defeated man accepting his fate. Calmly, he looks into Alexis' eyes and replies...

My moment, Alexis...

This was finally supposed to be my moment...

He shakes his head while still forcing a smile as he now looks down toward the ground once again.

...and "Showtime" took it away from me.

Alexis tilts her head and nods, trying to empathize with Vega as she attempts to console the defeated champion. He lowers his upper body through the top and middle rope so that now only his right leg is in the ring, and the rest of his body is on the outside, over the apron. Alexis speaks up, forcing Vega to stop to listen.

I know it feels like that right now, but-


Alexis pauses as Vega suddenly cuts her off with a stern demeanor.

...took it away from ME!

Vega's sudden thunderous roar at the end sends shock waves reverberating throughout the empty arena. It's intensity forces every single crew member working around the ringside area cleaning up to stand straight up and jolt their heads in Vega's direction. Every single person there now has their eyes nervously fixated on Vega. With all eyes on him, he stares angrily and defiantly at Alexis.


The scene is completely silent.

Alexis tightens her grip on the Mayhem Championship, and without warning, violently swings the title belt, smashing the gold plate into Vega's sinister face. The smacking sound of flesh on metal is soon followed by the sickening thud the back of Vega's head makes off the thin layer of mat covering the cold concrete floor.

Vega is out cold.

All the workers look on in shock as Alexis stands there, looking down at Vega, donning a sinister smile of her own.

Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
April 27th, 2013


We find Vega, wearing a black track suit, a black baseball hat pulled down low, and black shades with his head tilted down, making his face difficult to see. He sits there with a duffel bag on the seat next to him as he waits to board his flight. He's sitting in a seat close to the large windows showing all the airplanes slowly moving across the runway. The bright morning sun is shining down on Vega, as he seems to be somewhat annoyed by the day's natural beauty. The normal hustle and bustle that usually fills an airport is simply background noise to Vega, who looks like he's either lost in thought or sleeping. With the dark Ray Bans on, it's difficult to tell.

Just then, the sound of a pair of high heels tapping across the floor slowly gets louder and louder, until they stop directly in front of Vega. The black Manolo Blahniks adorning Alexis match her tight black dress as she stands there holding a large black Prada bag, her eyes also hidden by her black Ray Ban shades.

Vega slowly lifts up his head, and although we can't see their eyes, it seems as if there are looking each other directly in them. Both are emotionless. Neither moves for a couple of moments, until finally Vega slowly reaches over to his right, grabs his duffel bag up off of the seat, and gently places it on the floor beside him to the left. Alexis then, equally as slowly, walks over to the now empty seat, and gently sits down next to Vega while placing her hand bag on the empty seat next to her. Neither person looks at each other. Both of them just stare directly in front of them, at nothing in particular. Vega breaks the silence, keeping an extremely calm tone and demeanor the entire time.

Didn't think you'd make it.

Why's that?

Haven't seen you since... well...

Alexis nods, almost sarcastically.

Well, I'm here.

Vega nods as well, equally as sarcastically.


Yeah, you are.

The two remain silent for another couple of moments. It's an awkward silence that is finally broken as Alexis brings up the proverbial elephant in the room.

You know why I did it, don't you?

Vega remains uncharacteristically calm.

Yeah, I know.

You don't like getting yelled at.

Both Vega and Alexis have remained completely still this entire time. They both just sit there in their seats, looking forward, and continue on with their calm conversation as they wait to board their plane back home to New York City.

It's not the yelling.

Well then?

Alexis pauses for a moment.

It seems to be that you've forgotten how valuable I am to you as of late.


You know what I mean.

Vega remains silent.

You're no fool, Vega.

Alexis turns to face Vega. He, however, remains motionless, still facing forward.

You're entering a new stage in your career, walking into new battle grounds. You wanna rise to the top? You wanna succeed against the elite in this company? Well you know that with me by your side, your chances of success are exponentially better.

Out there... I am your most dangerous weapon.

Do not take me for granted.

Vega doesn't respond.

You want your moment...

You want your... revenge.

You want... "Showtime."

She leans in close to Vega's ear and softly says one last thing.

Well, let's get him.

Slowly, that familiar sinister smile begins creeping up onto Vega's face. He calmly picks up his duffel bag with his left hand and rises from his seat. He finally looks at Alexis, still smiling, and reaches out to her with his right hand.

Come on.

Where are we going?

Back to the arena. I can't wait two weeks.

But, Ascension is tonight... "Showtime" isn't wrestling on Ascension.

Doesn't matter.

I'm going to make my presence felt, one way or another... and somewhere down the road... "Showtime" will get his.

Vega nods to himself, feeling more confident than ever.

Sooner or later... I will have my moment.

Alexis accepts Vega's outstretched hand as she grabs her bag and is helped up out of her seat. She looks at Vega with a matching aura of confidence as she too cracks a smile.

I have a feeling your moment is coming a lot sooner than you think.

Scene opens with a birds eye view of the Las Vegas strip. The bright lights shine as the camera rests on the world famous Caesars palace. The scene then changes to an elevator door that opens up and "Showtime" David Cougar and Allen Lewicki step out of. Showtime is dressed sharply in a grey suit with the WZCW Title over his shoulder. Allen is dressed like it's his first time in Las Vegas, complete with sun hat, dark tinted shades, a "What happens in Las Vegas" T-Shirt, fanny pack, and a camera dangling around his neck.

Showtime: So Allen..... come to Vegas often?

Lewicki: No... this is my first time actually.

Really? Wouldn't have guessed.

The two begin to leave the lobby and walk down a hallway towards the casino.

So are you a big gambler? What's your game?

Oh no, Show. I've never gambled a cent in my life.

So why are we here?

You won't believe it. I was walking around backstage last week and I found a piece of candy on the floor. In fact, there were a whole bunch of pieces of candy lined along the ground and they led me to this magical scroll.

You're right, I don't believe it.

Like it was really magic. It mentioned my name and how I worked for you and it had a whole bunch of information about you like your date of birth and title history.

All easy enough to find on my Wikipedia page.

So it told me to come to this casino on this day and play at the blackjack table against the far wall from the buffet. So I pulled out all my life savings and I'm going to win big.

I'm sure you will Allen.

They reach the end of the lobby and enter a very large gaming floor. Allen stares in awe at the many bright lights and noises. He looks down at his magic scroll and slowly walks towards his destination. A pair of shady looking characters stop and have a chuckle at Allen's jaw open wide eyed expression and soon begin to follow him.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

Showtime casually walks around, having been at this casino before, and heads towards the bar. He looks around at the many different people and then stops and stares at the bar. He makes his way over behind someone seated in front of the bartender.

I heard legends perform at this casino, but I didn’t expect to see one sitting at the bar.

The camera turns and we see WZCW legend Titus sitting alone at the bar.

Titus: Showtime. Always a pleasure.

The two men shake hands as Showtime takes a seat.

What are you drinking there?


Bartender! Two whiskeys, whatever he’s drinking.

The bartender pulls out a bottle of MacCutcheon whisky and begins to pour two drinks.

Are you getting another one?

Titus smiles and holds his glass up to show it is practically empty.

Make that three whiskeys, bartender.

The bartender sets down three whiskeys. Showtime takes a glass and clinks Titus’ near empty glass and they both have a sip.

So what brings you out to Las Vegas, Tits?

Meeting up with an old friend.

Vegas is a great place to meet up.

A waitress walks behind the two wearing a very skimpy bottom. Showtime watches her walk away and smiles, remembering days of old.

Allen brought me here. Get this, he found this magical scroll that told him to come to this casino, on this day, around this time. It even told him what table to gamble on. Can you believe that?

I left it for him.

Showtime stares at Titus in shock who smiles and takes another sip of whisky.

You could've called, or... you know we do work for the same company.

Not as much fun. Besides, seemed like we we're both really busy last week.

Showtime turns towards his drinks and downs the rest of his first glass.

So, what's up then?

Heard a nasty rumour going around about you.

Come on man, you know you can't believe the dirt sheets.

I know, but I just wanted to hear it from the horses mouth.

My contract officially expires in February. Anything they say that will happen before then is purely speculation.

You know in your career here we never really feuded before.

There's never really been a reason to.

There is now.

Titus turns to look at Showtime who returns the look.

I'm not just talking about that WZCW title there. The same title we've each won multiple times. A match up between the two of us for that belt would be huge on its own, but what I want to know is who the better wrestler is. I spent years wanting another one on one match against Big Dave for the year that he took from me, and I never got it. I never got a chance to face Ty Burna during the prime of his career. You three were the next generation of main event wrestlers that came after me and I've felt that I've never been given a fair shot to try my skills against you guys to see how I still hold up. If you are planning on leaving soon Show, don't rob me of the chance to see who is the better wrestler.

Showtime looks to Titus and nods. Both men down their last whiskeys and Showtime waves the bartender over to serve them another.

So you're facing one of the new guys this week.

I've seen him wrestle three different times before. Shouldn't be too hard of a challenge. Now, the guy your facing this week, Vega.

The mention of his name brings a sour taste to Titus' mouth. He grabs his freshly poured glass of whisky and downs it one gulp before slamming it hard against the bar, chipping some of the glass off it.

You want to talk about it there Tits?

Titus brushes the broken bits to the side and tosses the bartender a fifty dollar chip for the damaged glass.

These kids today have no respect for anyone anymore. When I faced Everest at Kingdom Come I was willing to do whatever it took to beat him, but I still respected the man and what he accomplished. Guys like Vega and K.O, they'll cut the tree down first before learning everything they can from it. Both are about using someone else to make a name for themselves, well whatever happened to just making a name for yourself on your own. They want to fight me, just say it to my face and I’ll give them a fight, don’t beat me down while my back is turned.

Titus stares down, his face red with frustration. Showtime lifts his glass up and holds it still before taking a sip.

I didn't quit against K.O, Show.

I know you didn't.

I know I can still beat these guys. I still have a lot of fight left in me.

I know you do. Maybe even another World Title run.

Titus looks at Showtime and nods his head. Showtime downs the rest of his whisky, flips the bartender a hundred and stands up.

Next time you want to talk, just drop by and ask or call. Thanks for the pep talk, it really helped, but I need to find Allen before he loses all his life savings.

Titus stands up and shakes his hand.

Good luck Showtime, and remember what I said. There's still plenty of fight left in you too.

Thanks. Us old dogs still got some bite left in us. Don’t worry about Vega this Saturday. I’ll make sure to leave him in one piece for you to get your hands on him.

Showtime slaps Titus on the shoulder and starts to make his way from the bar. He looks around the room and then reaches for his phone. Before he can make any calls he bumps into the man he is looking for.

Allen there you are. How did it go?

Show, you'll never guess what. I've hit the jackpot.

Showtime looks down at Allen and sees him using his shirt to carry a large amount of chips. Behind him are two casino personal also carrying his chips.

Yup... I'm taking the rest of the month off. Good luck this week Show.

Allen walks off to get his chips cashed in as Showtime follows slowly behind. His thoughts can now be heard.


I didn’t invent Mayhem, nor did I perfect it. Mayhem is something that is uncontrollable. It’s something that can bring out the very worst in someone, and it can also bring out their most dangerous side. To say you are the best at Mayhem is to say that you are the best at winning the lottery. There’s no merit behind that; winning is completely random. Fate is what blindly leads you into believing that you will be victorious, but the numbers come down in any old fashion and one wrong move costs you your chance to be rewarded. People don’t say that about my opponent at Meltdown 93 however. Spoken across the WZCW world, everyone says that Vega is "the greatest Mayhem champion of all time."

Scene reopens on the set of the stage. The stage is cast in darkness except for a single spotlight that shines down on Showtime sitting comfortably behind his desk. The WZCW title sits proudly on top and shines in the light as the World Champion continues to speak.

I won’t sit here and lie to you all that there isn’t some hint of truth to that. His record speaks for itself. Since winning the Mayhem Title last November, coming up to a full ten months now, Vega has been near unbeatable. It was soon apparent that he was head and shoulders above the level of competition that challenged for the Mayhem title and has since steadily proven his talents against tougher opponents in WZCW. I respect his abilities inside the ring. Last week he made a statement that he was ready for the next level when he assaulted Titus prior to his match. For ten months now the man has been all about Mayhem as he slowly spreads it across his path to the top. He has used it to create a cloud of indestructibility around himself so that no one feels that they can touch or stop him on his way up the ladder. No one else has felt any differently about him, until he steps into the ring with me this Saturday.

The crowd cheers and Showtime smiles a little as he continues speaking.

I cut my teeth in this business in the Mayhem division. My opponents mocked that my pretty face and stylish attire would never survive. I sit here today as the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. This title sitting on my desk is proof that I am the best wrestler in this company. All the years I’ve been competing inside that ring have molded me into the world class champion that you see before you. I have shed blood and sweat across that ring to win titles like these, including the Mayhem Title. The secret that I had learned from my time in that division that I still apply to today is; it’s not how many times you hit him, it’s where you hit him that counts. Sometimes one hit is all it takes to win. Vega has been unbeatable in Mayhem matches, he has faced many challengers and beaten them all. He’s never faced someone quite like me yet. He can try to hit me as many times as he’d like, but the match can all end with just one Final Act.

Vega is a man who is constantly looking behind him and that is why he is the longest reigning Mayhem champion and not the reigning WZCW Champion. You can’t move forward if you keep looking back. That’s all Vega is; what he did in the past must relate to what he's doing now and what he'll do in the future. He’ll become dominant at where he is, but he’ll never move forward in leaps and bounds to where he could be, like Dr. Zeus is currently doing, like Barbosa did when he first joined WZCW. Until Vega can let go of the past and move forward with his career he will never be more than a Mayhem, middle card champion. Take it from a man who has won every title in this company, I know what it takes to win one of those and I know what it takes to win this.

Showtime picks up the WZCW Title and drapes it over his shoulder.

The past is where we learn from our mistakes, the future is where we move forward to correct them. This Saturday Vega will revisit the past and hope Mayhem does its thing. I will look to the future and put the match away 1... 2... 3... before Vega has even seen the last number. And where my future will take me from there, I’m not quite certain. Two things I am certain though, one is that in about one months time at Redemption I will be defending my WZCW Title against the beast Barbosa. Two, at Redemption I will beat Barbosa inside that ring and retain the WZCW Title.

I have faced this monster a few times in my career and no match was ever an easy one to compete in. The strength of Barbosa is unparalleled, his ferocity unmatched. I live for opponents like this. Where others have fallen, I alone stand ready to compete against and defeat again.

On Meltdown when Barbosa interrupted me and dropped me with the Doppleganger, he sent a message that he didn’t care what I had to say. All he was looking for was a fight. Well if it’s a fight he wants, it’s a fight he’s going to get. I won’t let my words define who I am anymore, I will let what I do inside that ring define who I am. I don’t care what Barbosa or Vega have done before and what they have to say about me now, when we get inside the squared circle, for however long I continue lacing up my boots, I’m kicking their asses and coming out on top. You better believe this old dog isn’t going to roll over and die quietly without a fight.

The crowd cheers loudly. Showtime holds up the WZCW Title as the scene ends.
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