MD 93: Chris K.O vs. S.H.I.T. (Non Title)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

In this monumental match, two champions, former allies, will compete in the squared circle. Both remnants from the Apostles of Chaos, these two men are red-hot in the company. Chris K.O., the WZCW EurAsian Champion, is determined to end all future threats. S.H.I.T., the WZCW Elite X Champion, is embracing the new status as champion and looks to take on all challengers. After a crumbling tag-match from the previous round, they will both go head-to-head for bragging rights.

Deadline is Wednesday, September 4th, 11:59 PM Central Time. Extensions via request.
The limousine pulls to a halt in front of a small crowd of gathered spectators, slowly the door opens to a smattering of applause and out steps what could be the squarest rapper the world has ever seen, putting even Vanilla Ice to shame. S.H.I.T noticeably jingles as its adorned jewellery moves with its own, not particularly smooth motion, its red tuxedo practically in shreds, but the Elite X Title is on its shoulder, as proud as ever. Behind the robot comes Barbosa, who gives the crowd a few waves, his own beaming demenour making up for the stoic Machine.

As S.H.I.T surveys the scene in front of it, a large, sweaty man in a suit almost as expensive as the Robot's own walks over hurriedly, a look of worry stretched over a pink, damp face.

"Is this some kind of joke?" He boomed as soon as he was close to the pair, a vein in his forehead foreshadowing a possible heart attack. "Is this supposed to be funny?" He ignores a frantically signalling Barbosa to come face to face with the Machine.

This one has no intention of comedy. S.H.I.T replied flatly.

"I ask WZCW for one of their wrestlers to open my store and they send a small fortune draped over a cereal box!?!" S.H.I.T looks around to see who the man might've been referring to with that comment, meanwhile Barbosa had tried to tap the store owner on the shoulder but had been brushed off, "and on top of everything, you're late!" He continued with his rant, "I had to phone WZCW to see what was happening and they said they'd send one of their legends over to make ammends. Now that I've seen you, I think I'll wait for this Armando Paradyse."


The fat man finally noticed Barbosa, turning his wrath on him. "And just who in the hell are you?" He asked, "the 'pub' is that way," he pointed down the road, "take your buddy with you, although it looks like you've had enough already."

Before this confrontation can be taken any further another voice breaks in.

"Excuse me, Mr. Magnolian, sir?"

Beads of sweat spray BarboSHIT as the fat mans head snaps around to face Becky Serra. Although all anger leaves his face and he suddenly becomes the model of courtesy, "yes Rebecca?" He asked, his demenour made all the slimier by his pit stains.

Becky Serra gives him her brightest smile, "this is Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology, he is one of our champions, the other is Barbosa, he is a former World Heavyweight Champion and current number 1 contender for that same title."

Mr. Magnolian turns back to the now introduced pair, "I trust I don't need you to tell me which is which." He said quietly, "very well, we're running late enough as it is." With one last look at the tandem he stalks over to the stage and taps the microphone, preparing to address the crowd. Becky turns her attention back to the pair.

"Hi guys," she said, all smiles.

Friendly greetings. The Machine replies, while Barbosa gives a curious wave. What is the purpose of your presence here, Becky Serra? It has to raise its voice to be heard over the fat manager droning on and the crowd chanting "We like SHIT! We like SHIT!"

Appropriate if they're shopping here. Quipped a different Barbosa.

"I am here to cover the event," Becky said, answering the robots question and ignoring Barbosa. "I am here to provide the WZCW Universes' perspective. Whats so funny?" The last is aimed at Barbosa who is rubbing his hands together and smiling with glee.

Oh. Nothing. Nothing at all.

Barbosa is enjoying the occasion?

Oh yes, oh yes indeed. Thank you for getting rid of that ghastly man, Becky.

"No problem," she said warily, as people usually do around Barbosa.

Now, Poo! Barbosa waves his hands in front of S.H.I.T's face to make sure he has its full attention, with Becky and the cameras here this would be a good opportunity to show Chris K.O that you mean business.

S.H.I.T cocks its head. Mean business? Business as in; transactions between consumer and provider, much like how this very Supermarket conducts business?

Barbosa begins to sigh but again Becky is in for the rescue. "I think he means, use this opportunity to cut a promo on Chris K.O."

S.H.I.T should initiate promo mode?

Yes, Poo should initiate promo mode! He said excitedly.

Query; S.H.I.T is opening food provider for Humans, initiating promo mode will detract from this event?

Not at all, said Barbosa, the current incarnation of friendliness, you'll be expected to put on some kind of show.

S.H.I.T rarely cuts promos. S.H.I.T is unfamiliar with the concept.

Oh its easy! Look at past Elite X Champions. Some use catchphrases, or tell stories... Barbosa starts to look like he is running out of ideas as the cheers in the audience get louder, its clear the fat manager is almost on the point of introducing S.H.I.T to the assembled masses.

"Some people talk in rhyme," said Becky, "although maybe you should steer clear of that..."

Yes! Barbosa butts in, you could even rap about him!

S.H.I.T seems like it is taking all of this in. What kind of lyrics would said 'rap' contain?

"Oh you know, colourfull ways in which you are going to 'destroy' Chris K.O."

S.H.I.T noticeably perks up at the mention of 'destroy.'

"You should also insult his genitallia!" Becky chips in, perhaps too enthusiastically, as the pair turn to look at her she covers her mouth in embarrassment. "It's just something rappers do," she mumble.

Yes, thank you Becky.

This one is also grateful. It shall compile phrases and rhymes for PROMO MODE! While the worthless, overweight meatbag introduces us to the crowd.

The crowd roars even louder as said overweight, worthless meatbag does finally introduce S.H.I.T, Becky watches the pair saunter to the stage.

"I feel I may have contributed slightly too much."

-------- ------------------ --------- exclusive.

Footage taken from a handheld, shaky camera shows a ridiculous looking, jewellery clad, ripped red tuxedo wearing S.H.I.T climbing to the stage after having been introduced by the bulbous, sweaty man, to the general pleasedness of the audience.

This one conveys its gratitude, meatbags!

A small laugh from the audience.

Do not forget that Barbosa is here also, S.H.I.T indicates Barbosa, who while smirking like a madman before, now looks less that pleased to have been included. Eventually he also takes the stage due to encouragement from the fans, who are belting out a Barbosa chant, led by S.H.I.T.

Thank you. He said, leaning into the microphone.

S.H.I.T is here to open this provider of foodstuffs, but first, this one wishes to address its Meltdown opponent, Chris K.O.

Some claps from the gathered crowd. This one has also been given a list of things to say about this Supermarket, things which will remain unsaid!

This draws a large cheer from the crowd, and a look of annoyance from Mr. Magnolian.

"Make sure you get this," Becky's voice can be heard just off camera.

Initiate Promo Mode!

S.H.I.T takes a step forward, and points toward the horizon for emphasis.

Chris K.O. You are a worthy opponent. It started, in its flat, emotionless drone. You hold a title, much like this one. S.H.I.T raises its Elite X Title, to a cheer from the assembled audience.

But your genitals are inferior!

"Oh God," Becky mutters as the crowd start to laugh, even Barbosa lets show a smirk.

You are not of an adequate size to please a Human Female! Said S.H.I.T, fully getting into the swing of things here. Your stamina in the ring is impressive, even if it does not equal the stamina of an unrelenting destruction Machine, S.H.I.T indicates itself, but the stamina of your genitals leaves much to be desired when participating in the Human reproduction activity, known as "sex."

The crowd whoops with delight, Mr. Magnolian has purpled.

Perhaps this is why Serafina has left you?

The crowd "oohs" at that.

This one has spoken about your inferior reproduction system enough.

A slight noise of dissapointment from the gathering of meatbags.

On Meltdown, Chris K.O and S.H.I.T face off, in a battle of the Champions. S.H.I.T was never groomed for this, it was never taken under the mentorship of Ty Burna, it was never taught how to be a Champion, never groomed for success, like you. It pauses, yet S.H.I.T and K.O enter Meltdown on an even footing, both holding titles.

S.H.I.T raises its Elite X Title again.

Our paths have always crossed and paralleled! While you have reached this position as Ty Burna's Chosen One, S.H.I.T was forced to enforced his will. While you styled yourself as the people's White Knight, S.H.I.T simply and unrelentingly destroyed all in its path! While you were exposed as a fraud, S.H.I.T did more to combat the evil in this company than you ever did, by destroying The Empire!

The crowd cheers.

By ending the title reign of John Constantine!

The crowd cheers again.

This one may wear gold and fancy tuxedo's, but it will never change its image, never lie about its purpose. Beneath the Gold, the real Steel!

The crowd cheers again.

S.H.I.T has compiled a musical number.

"He's actually going to do it?" Becky breaks in again, while Barbosa is clearly enjoying himself on the stage.

In the Apostles Chris K.O. was chosen, while S.H.I.T was in thrall, It started, in a monotonous drone.

But Chris K.O's genitals are very small,

K.O and S.H.I.T teamed and fought,
But K.O's ambition made it all for naught,

You tried to play the hero, but nobody was sold,
Your tired stale act, got very, very old,

You beat the Machine before, but it will not happen twice,
This time you'll get locked in the Industrial Strength Vice,

The fans in the arena will clap, clap, clap,
As your hand slaps the mat; tap, tap, tap,

When it is done there will be no repenting,
Because S.H.I.T is unrelenting,

Chris K.O. was chosen, he was the Golden Boy,
But S.H.I.T exists only to destroy,

The Machine pauses to let that lyrical masterpiece sink in, the fans seem somewhat bemused but pleased by this new side to this character.

So what are you going to do, Chris KO, when Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology and its Humanoid Technologites run mechanically all over you?!?

The crowd cheer again, chanting "we like SHIT! We like SHIT!" and "K.O. sucks! K.O. sucks!" While S.H.I.T poses with its belt on the stage.

Now, S.H.I.T started when the racket had died down, this one will open this store.

Mr. Magnolian wheezes over, brandishing a pair of scissors, although in his hurry he appears to be holding them by the handle, with the blades pointed outwards. ALERT! ALERT! S.H.I.T and Barbosa are under attack! Some of the crowd laugh, thinking this is part of the show, S.H.I.T shoves Barbosa out of the way. Protect yourself Barbosa, this ones outer casing will protect it from the weapon.

The fat man is backing off, trying to indicate the scissors are for S.H.I.T, "I was going to give them to you!" He shouted.

Yes. Right in the circuits, no doubt. Said a giggling Barbosa.

S.H.I.T lunged forward, delivering a brutal head chop to the fat man, knocking him to the deck. Some of the crowd start to scream as the feed cuts out.

--------- ---------------- ---------

The scene begins with the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Chris K.O., walking into a dimly lit bar. The EurAsian Title is clenched in his right hand as he moseys over to the actual bar. The current occupancy is at about medium level as Chris easily navigates through a scattered group of people within the establishment. He finally reaches his destination and tosses his heavy title up onto the bar. He takes a seat at a stool and rubs his shaved head as he lets out a long breath.

He makes eye contact with a bartender and then taps on the bar while nodding. By this notion we can only assume that Chris has been here before and that the bartender knows his drink of choice. The bartender brings him a drink and Chris gives him thanks before being left alone with only his title and liquor. The sad sight truly makes you wonder how someone can be so alone in a room full of people? Chris stares aimlessly at his drink as he holds the glass in his hand. We see stained blood on his knuckles as the bustling in the bar occurs around him. Thoughts fly through his head from what happened earlier.

Chris takes it and then looks around the room before spotting Katie, who is in total shock as she stands next to Hunter.

Chris: Her contract. I want that too.

Azazel: Absolutely not! She was the first person to come under contract with me and the best one yet! You may have destroyed Ty Burna and Titus but that's not enough to get you the contract of Kaitlin!

Chris looks back at Dustin and Katie again, and it seems something flashes before his eyes.

Chris sees a vision of himself and Arianna roughly two years ago.

Chris: Hunter, do you like her?

Dustin: In what way?

Chris: Just answer the question!

Dustin: Yes.

Chris turns back around as Azazel tries to sneak away, but Chris slams the ringmaster cane down across his back to take him down!

Some might say I’m evil, but they would be wrong. I have seen the face of evil and I have seen what it can do to those who bow before it. It can steal everything from you. No man, not even Dustin Hunter, should ever have to endure what I did under the control and manipulation of Ty Burna, or the control and manipulation of the members of the WZCW Universe.

If I had I just taught Hunter a lesson and left him to fend for himself, he might have fallen into the same darkness that I found myself in only months ago. I don’t hold many allegiances, but I can pledge myself to that cause. To make sure that no man is consumed by manipulation. Whatever the cost is.

Chris examines his bloodied knuckles.

Chris rolls Azazel over on to his back then drives the spike on the cane into Azazel's skull, which causes him to bleed! Chris however isn't done as he drives the spike into his skull three more times before throwing the cane down and dragging Azazel to his feet. He slams him up against the wall once again.

I can pledge to that… I can drink to that…

Chris: I can drink to that!

With that, Chris heaves his drink back and guzzles it down. He firmly plants the empty glass back down and wipes his mouth with his other hand. He turns and once again makes eye contact with the same bartender. He raises his glass to signal for another, and gets a nod from the bartender. As Chris is waiting, he turns to gaze around the bar, but just as he turns he sees the last person he ever expected to see, Astrid Kulman, the woman in charge of damage control for Chris during WZCW specific interviews. She has her back turned to Chris as she sits on the bar-stool next to him. She is conversing with another lady, but Chris can’t help but interject.

Chris: Mrs. Kulman, I didn’t know damage control extended into personal hours. I'm honored.

Astrid: Oh god.

Astrid facepalms as she lowers her head. She mutters to her friend.

Astrid: Please tell me there isn’t a guy with a shaved head and a humongous red belt behind me.

Lady: There is.

Astrid turns around with a painful look upon her face.

Astrid: Mr. K.O., how lucky am I? Out of all the bars in Phoenix, I happen to venture out to the exact one that you have crawled into. What are the odds?

Chris: I visit here quite regularly when I am in town. How lucky am I that you happen to stumble into my bar?

Astrid: Your bar? I don’t see your name on it.

Chris: True. However, if you would like I do know a bar or two in Oklahoma City for this upcoming round that I have made quite a name for myself in. You are more than welcome to stumble into any of those.

Chris winks at her and Astrid rolls her eyes as she seems disgusted. She turns back around to face her friend.

Chris: Let me buy you a drink.

Astrid turns back ground to chuckle and respond at Chris.

Astrid: You are joking?

Chris: Why not? You are a lady, I’m a guy, and this is a bar. We have all the requirements needed for me to buy you a drink.

Astrid laughs to herself.

Astrid: Okay, look. Besides the fact that I’m already here with a friend, and the fact that I’m wondering why any normal human being would carry around a 40+ pound belt with them into bars and everywhere else they go, there is no chance in hell that I would let someone of your character by me a drink. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to deal with enough of your messes on the clock, so I sure as hell don’t want to deal with any more of them off of it.

Astrid scoots off of her seat and storms off. Her friend follows behind her. The friend looks back at Chris and snaps her fingers in a sassy way. The bartender walks up and puts down another drink for Chris. He looks at Astrid and her friend walking away as Chris watches them trail off as well.

Bartender: Man, that girl who chewed you out is kind of a bitch.

Chris: Yeah, a little bit.

Chris looks over at the bartender, who smiles and reaches over to pat him on the shoulder. He leaves and Chris is left alone once again. He stares deeply into the tonic liquid in-front of him as the bar lives on without him. Friends mingle and relationships are being formed. He is surrounded by a sea of people, yet alone. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.


The scene transitions to Chris walking down a sidewalk underneath a beautiful full moon. The stars accompany the illuminating giant and sparkle in praise. There is no telling what time it is, but Chris’ stumbling and red-eyes can only suggest that he spent several hours at the bar. We see Chris rub his face from his forehead to his chin, as if he trying to wipe away the drunkenness on his brow. The alcohol he has consumed acts as liquid courage as he begins to speak into the moonlit night.

Chris: At Kingdom Come V the torch was not passed. It was taken. It was pried out of the cold and lifeless fingers of a legend, and placed into the warm hands of an arrogant WZCW youth. By taking the torch, I brought a curse upon myself. I invited mischief into my quarters. I have made myself a target.

Chris continues to walk down the sidewalk as we see him readjust the WZCW EurAsian Championship on his shoulder.

Chris: Never before did I consider such pressure until Vance Bateman provoked a serious thought in my mind last round: “Who will be the next me?” Not myself specifically, but my role in the company, and my place as a cog in the wheel. As long as there is breath left in my lungs I will grasp onto to what I have, if nothing more than to prove the WZCW fans and elect that they were wrong. However, I know that I cannot prevent what time will decay. Despite my best my efforts, I will one day fall into the position that Titus found himself in for Kingdom Come V. The legend… the stepping stone...

Chris comes to a crosswalk. He looks both ways down the streets and the camera reveals that the roads are empty, just like the night. Chris proceeds to cross over to the next sidewalk.

Chris: All my years of hard-work and accomplishments will be placed before the next torch bearer and by his zeal and youth I shall more than likely fall. Unless… Unless I stop the lineage of the torch bearer. Unless I am preemptive and end what will be my greatest threat in the future. Yes, this is why I attacked James Howard.

But don’t flatter yourself just yet, James. You are just a prime candidate to make an example out of. Albeit, I see much potential in the early parts of your career, but the destruction of you will serve as a purpose to the several men who look to one day unseat me from my current pedestal. You are young and you are willing. Therefore, you are a threat.

Chris peers back behind his shoulder.

Chris: There are many threats... Even the beast that I stand opposed to in my home city this upcoming round. The Elite X Champion, S.H.I.T.

Chris takes a turn down an alleyway as the sky alone lights his path.

Chris: Was it not just over a year ago that we stood side-by-side at Kingdom Come IV instead of opposed in combat? Our purposes in that match against WZCW were both very much different at the time, but yet we claimed victory together. We then went on to combat the two sides of chaos in WZCW. You with Barbosa, and I with Ty Burna. As you came to earn the respect of your nemesis, and even that of the fans, I grew bitter against mine and was chewed up and spit out by the very fans who chant your name now.

And thus, you have become a champion of the people. You may not know it, but you have. They dictate your actions with every cheer and you calculate your next opponent by their every jeer. You are far too easily manipulated, and thus is the error of your programming.

Chris exits out of the alleyway and walks onto a parking lot.

Chris: It took me three years to learn that the fans were fickle bitches. Everything I did was examined under a microscope and scrutinized until I finally realized that I could not fit into their perfect cookie cutter mould. Therefore I fear for you S.H.I.T.. I fear what the crowd might do to a man whose mental capacity is already hanging on a loose thread.

However, I must lament that you are beyond my helping. You are set in your ways and rely on statistical output from the fans instead of the experience that only human error can produce. Because of this I will gladly use you for my own benefit and as a complete slap into the face of the fans. If Howard did not get the message fully that I was sending on Aftershock 26; he will definitely get it come Meltdown 93 as I deconstruct the Elite X Champion of WZCW-

???: Hey!

Chris shoots a darting look, like a deer in headlights, as a flashlight shines on his blood-shot eyes. It appears that Chris has his keys out and is preparing to open up a car door, presumably his own. The camera shows that it is a security guard who is flashing the light.

Chris: Can I help you officer?

Security: Who were you talking to?

Chris innocently, yet sarcastically, looks around the empty parking lot.

Chris: I don’t know. Anyone that will listen I guess.

The security guard lowers his light.

Security: Do us both a favor and don’t drive home tonight, son.

Chris nods and salutes the security guard in a mocking manner.

Chris: Will do.

The guard slowly walks past Chris with a smug look upon his face. Chris pockets his keys and leans back against his car. He slowly slides down into a sitting position. He then reaches in his other pocket and pulls out a cigarette carton. He removes a stick from the box and then proceeds to light it up. The bud tries to rival the glowing stars in the night. Chris speaks with the cigarette hanging out of his mouth and the WZCW EurAsian Championship still draped on his shoulder.

Chris: Yep...

Chris takes a puff and the camera fades to black with nothing but the glowing bud of the cigarette and a puff of smoke still visible in the black. We hear Chris puff again. The bud glows brighter and then extinguishes, leaving only a puff of smoke. Finally, one last audible puff and then the screen goes black.
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