MD 92: Showtime vs. Mr. Baller

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the Frog

Mr. Baller returns to action and he'll go up against a juggernaut of an opponent in the form of the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Showtime. Showtime was successful in defeating both Callahan in Holmes in a grueling triple threat at KC V. Now, he'll look to carry his momentum in the match, all the while keeping a close eye on the ultimate inmate.

Deadline is Tuesday (August 20, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions are allowed via request.
Showtime: Should I just throw my match?

Lewicki: Against Baller?

The scene opens on a highway somewhere in mid-western USA. “Showtime” David Cougar and Allen Lewicki are walking down a beaten path in search of their destination. Allen is dressed for the trek, while Showtime is wearing a casual suit and smoking a fine cuban cigar.

No I mean the match I just used to light up my cigar. You did say we were walking over an old gas station.

I’d be just as worried about your cigar being lit as I would you discarding your match. There are fuel pockets scattered everywhere across this land.

Allen continues moving forward, walking a slight bit faster now that there is a chance of an explosion happening. Showtime shakes the match flame dead and then uses his fingers to make sure it is out completely. A slight wince spreads across his face after he touches the matches and hurries up to catch up with Allen.

Why did you think I was talking about my match this week?

No reason.

I wish you had told me we had to make this trip by foot. I would’ve worn something different.

I probably should also tell you there is no treasure we are after.

I can’t believe I fell for the whole buried treasure angle. Well why are we out here?

Because, you’ve been in hiding ever since you won that World Title.

No I haven’t.

Show, I handle all of your appointments, personal and professional, and you haven’t made it to a single one.

You know it’s this damn new phone I got. It has the MapQuest App instead of Google Map so I keep getting lost and...

Show, what’s up?

The two continued to walk in silence as Showtime thought of an answer.

I think... I’m ready to be done being Showtime.

I’ve had a lot on my mind.

Well we got a long walk ahead of us, might as well start talking about it.

Showtime smiled. His friend wasn’t going to drop the subject.

I promised someone I would do something and I accomplished that. At Kingdom Come I defeated Steven Holmes and won back the WZCW title for a third time. The most reigns ever in WZCW history. I've held every single title in this company and won Lethal Lottery. What left is there?

So that’s the problem here. Seen and done it all, so why do it again?

Allen turns to face his friend and Showtime looks back at him and nods his head.

Well, on the one hand I can understand where you’re coming from. You’ve dominated this profession and clearly want to challenge yourself in a new one. Titus won four Oscars before leaving Hollywood to become WZCW Champion. On the other hand, I find that there is great joy in accomplishing certain challenges over and over again. There is also something new and different about it that can make each one special.

Allen walks ahead as Showtime slows down his pace. He thinks about his three WZCW Title wins and how each one was unique and special.

Allen! What are we really doing out here?

Allen spins around to look at his friend.

Every year I come out this way to visit my grandfathers grave. I just didn’t know if you’d join me if I told you the truth.

Allen turns back and keeps walking. Showtime chuckles and walks faster to catch up to his friend. His thoughts are heard now as he continues to catch up to Allen.

At Kingdom Come III I found myself in the main event and ended up losing to the champion Ty Burna. I become the first person ever to lose at Kingdom Come after winning the Lethal Lottery. The following week on Meltdown 55 I found myself in a match against Mr. Baller. How ironic it is that more than two years later, at Kingdom V I find myself once again in the main event and having a match against Mr. Baller on the following Meltdown. How unlikely of a coincidence is that? The only difference though is this time I’m going to be walking in as World Heavyweight Champion.

Scene changes to a close up of the belt. The camera pans out and we are on the set of The Show. Showtime holds the WZCW Title above his head and the audience cheers loudly.

Wrestling is full of stories about success and failure. Few wrestlers exemplify this better than my opponent on Meltdown 92, the formerly headless Mr. Baller. This week marks Baller’s third run with the company and it will be interesting to see how he performs this time around. When Baller first debuted in WZCW he quickly became a laughing stock in the company. The original Doug Crashin of WZCW, he had trouble picking up a win against a broom stick. The former Ghetto Star was a regular punch line for many jokes backstage after he tried to pin a wrestler in the Lethal Lottery match. Then came that fateful day on Meltdown 42 when Chris Beckford kicked the head of Mr. Baller right off his shoulders. Chris Beckford got away with murder, and not a sole cared. At that moment it was the highlight of Baller’s career.

Fast forward a few months and following improbable surgery, Baller returned and was back toiling in the middle card before he received a match against me at Meltdown 55. Baller delivered a heck of a promo before that show and many people thought the match should’ve been a lot closer. Quite a few people thought I was too aggressive against Baller. You don’t learn in this business by being given an easy fight. You learn from the losses, and your skills get reinforced by the wins. Plus anybody who steps in the ring me becomes a bigger star after. Following his lose verse me at Meltdown 55, Baller’s year can be described as a pretty big success. His feud with Steamboat Ricky was one of the best in 2011. He won his way into the fatal four way Hell in a Cell at Unscripted. He beat Big Dave. He won the coveted number 30 spot in the Lethal Lottery in a match that included Ty Burna and Everest.

Wasn’t long though before the upper middle card filled up and Baller was soon pushed back to the lower card before leaving the company all together Some people would call that a successful career. Most people backstage would be thrilled to have beaten just one of those names in their time here. Therein lies the difference between Baller and me. Baller is like dozens of wrestlers in WZCW. Chris Beckford, Phoenix, Gordito.....


Triple X.

The hottest things since sliced bread. All had amazing runs in WZCW filled with low points and high points before fading away. Baller is a terrific talent who like all those wrestlers can bring it in the right moment. I am the World Champion. I bring it every single night. Every wrestler fades away, comes and goes, but I have stayed because of the journey. This is the third time I have held this title and while it makes every sense to consider..... something different, I have stayed because I am addicted to the journey. The goal is always the same, but the path to get there is different each time. The sights, the sounds, your reactions. That is why every time I won this title it has felt special in its own unique way. Each reign that I’ve had has been different from the last. This one we begin now, may very well be the last one we share.

The crowd boos loudly and chants Showtime’s name.

Take nothing for granted in this industry. One wrong move can leave you paralyzed for life. Any wrestler can hit a low patch in their careers. I’ve seen legends pushed into retirement. Guys head’s kicked off. Male’s being revealed to be females. Missing person’s reports. Food poisoning. Getting thrown into dumpsters. Being carried off by Juggalos. Just about anything can end someone’s career, but my career won’t end at Meltdown 92, and it sure as hell won't end at Redemption against Barbosa. I may not have another four years in WZCW left in me, but I still have plenty of fight left in me now. History repeats itself in one week. Showtime faces Mr. Baller on Meltdown 92 after Kingdom Come. Let’s see if the kid has learned a thing or two this time around.
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