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MD 92: Blade vs. Wasabi Toyota - Gold Rush Tournament

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the Frog

In a first round match of the Gold Rush Tournament, both Blade and Wasabi will try to rebound after falling victims to a triple threat. A win for either man will not only push them into the next round, but gain them massive momentum.

Deadline is Tuesday (August 20, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions are allowed via request.
It’s a sunny day in Chicago and the popular vegan restaurant Twigs and Berries is hopping with the most healthy and sensible residents of the Windy City. Suddenly, the front doors of the restaurant barge open as WZCW interviewer Johnny Klamor enters, clearly in a hurry. He looks around for a moment before before walking up to the hostess.

Klamor: Hey missy, have you seen a little Asian running around here?

Hostess: Oh, you must be looking for Wasabi. He just ran to the bathroom, but he already got a nice table for you guys. Just follow me.

The hostess leads a slightly annoyed Klamor through the crowd to a table in the back where she motions for him to sit.

Hostess: Mr. Toyota should be with you in a few moments. He’s already been in the bathroom for a while; he must’ve really kicked it up a notch with the fiber over the last few days.

The hostess gives him a big smile, but Klamor merely grunts in response and begins tapping his pen impatiently against his notebook. After about five minutes of waiting he looks up to see an excited Toyota running out of the bathroom with a goofy grin on his face. He quickly makes his way to the back and takes a seat across from Klamor who does not seem amused.

Toyota: Hey Johnny, how’s it going?

Toyota reaches out his right arm for a handshake, but Klamor makes no motion to do the same.

Klamor: First of all, you can address me as Mr. Klamor. Secondly, I’m not shaking your filthy hand after you’ve been doing god knows what in the restroom. And thirdly how dare you call me out to this awful establishment and keep me waiting. Do you know how valuable my time is?

Toyota: Sorry for the wait, Jack, but I can assure you this is far from an awful establishment. This place is actually pretty hip! And I know I had you waiting for a bit, but don’t worry I ordered for both of us before I hit up the bathroom. Hey, here comes our food right now!

Toyota cannot contain his excitement as he gets up and run to the oncoming waiter, displaying some of his newfound agility. He grabs the two plates off of the waiter’s tray and quickly makes his way back to the table and sets down the pair of healthy dishes.

Klamor: Um, what the hell is this supposed to be?

Klamor looks disappointedly at his plate which only contains one twig and two blueberries placed in a decorative fashion.

Toyota: It’s the stick and berry special, Johnny! The portions are a little bigger than my liking, but this is by far the best place in town and has been vital to my weight loss and lifestyle change. Plus, it’s super tasty!

Toyota quickly engulfs the small portion of food on his plates and proceeds to let out a large burp.

Toyota: Boy, I’m stuffed! What about you Johnny, you haven’t even touched your plate. Aren’t you hungry?

Klamor: Yes, but I’m not taking what bite of this poor excuse for a meal. I’ll get some real food in me after I get through this damned interview.

Toyota: Ah yes, the interview! Glad to see you cared enough to come meet me, Jacko!

Klamor: Don’t fool yourself, pal. There is actually nothing I care about less than Wasabi Toyota. But, apparently there is some fan interest in your story and the first formal interview since your return is going to be a big hit with the morons that make up the majority of the fanbase. Honestly, I don’t get it. You were nothing more than a curtain jerker in the tag division during your previous run with the company and now that you’re skinnier than an African orphan why should anyone care about you in the slightest?

Toyota: Ah, Johnny. How I missed your charm. All I can say is that I’m excited to be back in the ‘Z and hopefully the fans are glad to see me back. It’s been a long, hard journey during my time away but I’ve come out of it better than ever. I may have lost my size, but I still have my core strength and I’m much more quick and agile than before. It’s awesome! Also, being able to see my stick and berries when I look down is fun too!

Klamor: Sure, whatever you say. I still don’t understand how you were able to lose nearly 400 pounds over the course of a year. Are we really supposed to believe a change of diet be that much of an impact in such a short amount of time? What’s really going on here, bub?

Toyota: I wish there was more I could tell you, but ever since my sister turned me on to the vegan way of life things just kind of happened. The real key is to eat a lot of fiber, though. That was instrumental in pushing those tires out that had been lodged in my stomach for so many years. Sure, they were a little rough coming out, but it was all for the best. Plus, there's no way the old tires I had on my Honda Fit were going to pass inspection, so I got a whole new set for free! It was a win-win!

Klamor: Are you saying that the tires you have on your car right now are the same ones that the Yakuza shoved down your throat?

Toyota: I mean, they obviously needed some heavy duty cleaning before I could put them on, but they’ve been working just great so far!

Klamor stares on blankly, not even bothering to take notes at this point.

Klamor: Ok, we need to wrap this train wreck of an interview up with some more relevant questions I suppose. Now despite returning just a few weeks ago and putting in a subpar effort in the Elite X Title match at Kingdom Come it appears that management has decided to include you in the upcoming Gold Rush Tournament. Why the hell does someone like you deserve to be such a prestigious tournament when there are clearly several far more deserving members of the roster that haven’t been included?

Toyota: I think the answer to that is clear, Johnny Boy. I may not have won a match since my return, but management knows what I am capable of and more importantly they know my mission is pure. All of the evil will be purged from WZCW and from the world. I will fight for justice. I will fight for peace! I will deliver VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE!!!

Klamor: Hmm, I see you’re still doing this whole spiel. Well how exactly do you plan to execute this mission against Blade, another wrestler who has just recently returned, but one who is far more respected, far bigger, and far more talented than you?

Toyota: Oh, Johntay, you make me chuckle. How can you speak so highly of such a wretched, dreadful man. You’re right that Blade has just returned, but unlike me he hasn’t found himself or what he stands for. Blade may come off as a cocky and confident person, but he’s nothing more than a lonley, mean-spirited, alcoholic that has no idea what his purpose in life is.

For all we know Blade could be about to turn a corner, but you really never know with a tortured soul like him. He’s a loose cannon; a threat to go off and terrorize the innocent at any moment. That is why I have to beat him. Not to move on in the tournament. Not to get closer to a title shot. No, I have to beat the evil out of Blade in order to protect the innocent and make this a more peaceful, more justice-filled world.

Klamor: That’s just lovely. Now is there anything else you want to add or can I get the hell out of here?

Toyota looks on intently, staring through Klamor before responding. He snorts, wipes his nose, and twitches slightly before whispering his answer in a graveling voice.

Toyota: Blade will be dealt sweet, sweet vengeance.

Toyota slowly gets up without another word and heads back towards the bathroom, leaving an exasperated Klamor alone with his untouched stick and berries.
Becky Serra arrives at Blade’s locker room for an interview. A sharp rap at the door later, and Blade answers, a genuine smile wide across his face.

“Hi Becky, come on in,” he greets her, sounding unusually cheerful. He opens the door, and she enters.

“Well, you’re in a good mood—“she begins, but she stops mid-sentence as she sees what’s in the locker room. “What’s going on?” she wonders out loud, a degree of anxiousness in her voice.

Stuffed into the small room is a number of items that were originally at WrestleZone Weekend. In the far corner, a large display case filled with replicas of WZCW’s championship belts. To her immediate right, a table stacked with signed pictures and DVD’s of WZCW wrestlers. Filling the centre of the room is a huge wide-screen TV and games console that was used during the video games tournament. It leaves very little space to move.

“What do you mean?” Blade mutters, perhaps too casually. He has squeezed through the tiny spaces between his new pieces of “furniture” to the other side of the room, where he pours himself a drink.

“All this stuff in your locker room!” she snaps, frustrated by Blade’s apparent ignorance.

“Huh?” he grunts back.

“BLADE!” she shouts, finally getting Blade’s attentions. He turns around, drink in hand, taken aback by the Becky’s aggressiveness. He stares at her for a moment before she gestures to the room full of stolen items, waiting for him to explain.

“Oh, yeah,” he shrugs. Moving back towards Becky, he manoeuvres past the display case and television with some slight difficulty before taking a seat in front of the TV.

“Did you know that some of this stuff just goes back to storage after events, never to be seen again? WrestleZone Weekend is over, so this stuff is put away forever with nobody using it. Those autographs over there? They’re going to be thrown out because no one wanted them! How there were Thrash autographs left over, I have no idea,” he explains, as if his reasoning is perfectly rational.

“So you took all of this? How did you even manage?”

“I’m very resourceful Becky. And now I can parade around wearing the heavyweight title, watch some great WZCW DVD’s. I’m half-way through the Last of Us, thanks to the PlayStation. I mean, I’m going to sell the stuff and hand out the profits to those who need help eventually. But what says I can’t enjoy it all first? I spent the whole weekend working, I think I deserve a little leisure time.”

“Umm, right, forget I asked.… So, yeah, how are you feeling after the match at WrestleZone Weekend?” she asks, finally rediscovering her focus.

“Hey, you want to watch a DVD? I’ve got the Best of the EurAsian championship. It’s got my matches against Big Dave and Beckford on here. I’ve watched them a few times already, but I’d love to watch it again.” Blade springs up out of the couch, leaps over it, and grabs the Best of DVD from the table. Jumping back over the couch to the TV, he inserts the disc into a DVD slot at the side of the set. As the disc whirs around in the TV, the title screen pops up and Blade flicks through the menus.

“Blade, I don’t want to watch a DVD, I’m here for an interview, remember? WrestleZone Weekend? The tournament? Wasabi Toyota? The possibility of facing Stone one on one in the second round?”

Blade doesn’t turn to look at Becky, but his tone of voice makes his feelings perfectly clear; “I do not want to talk about WrestleZone Weekend or Isabel Stone…” he whispers coldly.

“What is up with you with you today?” There’s genuine concern in her voice.

“Nothing!” he insists, his eyes wide with irritation, but Becky shakes her head, obviously unconvinced. Before she can start probing Blade for a proper answer, there’s a knock at the door. From the other side of the door, they hear the voice of a backstage worker.

“Blade? Mr. Bateman sent me. He has a few questions about some missing items, but he was too busy to come see you himself,”Bob explains timidly through the door, "Can you let me in?"

“Go away, Bob,” replies Blade, annoyed by the unwelcome interruption.

“What? I just want to have a quick word…”

“Now is… Not a good time.”

“I’m on the orders of Mr. Bateman to talk to you about something. I’m coming in.” The door begins to open, but Blade launches himself over the couch and slams the door shut in Bob’s face. A bead of sweat trickles down Blade’s anxious face, as he presses his back against the door.

“Tell him you’re here! Tell him we’re in the middle of an interview or something!” he whispers to Becky.

“No way, he’ll get the wrong idea!” she hisses back.

“Please! I’ll lose my job and worse if they find out about all of this!” pleads Blade, desperation in his face.

Becky sighs a defeated sigh. “Bob, Blade and I are busy right now, just come back later,” she says, loud enough for Bob to hear.


“We’re in the middle of an interview.”

“Sure, an interview,” he scoffs. Becky shoots Blade the look that only an indignant woman can give. “I won’t tell anyone. Just be discreet, you two!”

“GO AWAY, BOB!” Blade and Becky shout in tandem.

From outside, they hear the footsteps of Bob walking away. Finally exhaling with relief, Blade slides down the door until he sits slumped on the ground.

“You owe me one.”

“I know, I’m sorry about that,” Blade replies as he gets to his feet again, “but at the same time, you’re an accomplice now, so you have to keep my secret. I mean, you don’t really have a choice. If you tell on me, I’m taking you down as well...”

“You’re such a jerk!” she snarls, but Blade breaks into a grin.

“I’m joking Becky, relax. By the way, I have a thing to get to, would you mind keeping an eye on this stuff while I’m gone?” he asks, with a stupidly bold confidence.

“You cannot be serious!” she gasps.

“I’m kind of serious.” He gives an awkward grin as she heads for the door.

“No way.”

“Please? If you help me out, I’ll never ask you for anything ever again. You never again have to interview me if you don’t want to!”

“I have an interview with Holmes and Celeste in half an hour, what am I supposed to do if you’re not back by then?”

“Call Leon or Stacey, ask them to cover you. Say you’re sick,” he pleads, hands put together as if begging her.

Becky, while still angry, seems to be considering it. She takes out her phone and dials a number. “Luckily for you I really don’t want to interview those two…” she grumbles as she puts the phone to her ear.

“Thank you, Becky! Make yourself home, eat or drink anything you want. I’ll be back in an hour.”

She waves a dismissive hand as she begins to talk on the phone to whichever one of her colleagues she called. Blade opens the door and pokes his head through to check the coast is clear before leaving, closing the door behind him.


Blade sits at a bar, whiskey on the rocks in left hand as he taps his finger on the wood of the bar with his right.

“Why do we always have to meet in a bar?” comes a familiar voice from behind him. Blade turns around in his stool and sees his brother Mark, wearing the same smirk that they both inherited from their mother.

“Because I can’t bear talking to you without alcohol,” Blade quips back.

“Fair enough.” Mark sits down beside his brother and orders a pint. “How are things?”

“Things are good, the return to the ring went well. And I’m involved in a tournament where the winner gets a shot at the World title.”

“Oh, yeah, I heard about that,” says Mark, before taking a gulp of his beer. “Who’s your first opponent?”

“Wasabi Toyota.”

“He’s back?” Mark asks, as he tries to recall the last few weeks of WZCW TV.

“Were you watching Kingdom Come?”


“He was the guy you probably didn’t recognise in the Elite X title match,” Blade explains.

Mark chokes on his mouthful of beer, much to the amusement of his brother. “That was Toyota?” he coughs.


“That skinny kid who looked like a child prostitute from Vietnam?”


“Used to be that big, fat fecker?”


“Christ,” exclaims Mark, “surely he’s not as good in the ring anymore?”

“You would think so,” sighs Blade, “but he’s still a major threat in this tournament. He’s still someone tipped for main event glory in the future, and he still knows what he’s doing. He just happens to be fast instead of strong now.”

“You can deal with fast guys. Won’t it be just like fighting Beckford again?” suggests Mark. Blade nods slowly as he takes a drink.

“It’s actually kind of weird, both Wasabi and me left WZCW feeling like failures. I was pushed out because of Mick Overlast, like he was pushed out because of Barbosa. It was only after we both rediscovered ourselves away from wrestling that we felt ready to come back. I know myself how dangerous that’s going to make him. It adds a new determination and mental strength. He’ll be tough, but I know I can beat him.”

“Well just remember that if you beat Toyota, you’ll get your hands on Isabel Stone one on one. Isn’t that motivation enough?” Mark chuckles before taking a sip. Blade doesn’t respond, merely taking a sip of his own. He clears his throat and sits up.

“So how are my nieces?” he asks, purposely trying to change the subject.

“They’re both well. Erica is starting to form full sentences, and Kayleigh is starting kindergarden in September.”

“That’s great,” Blade smiles.

“Although, every time we watch wrestling on TV, they ask when they’re gonna get to see Uncle Blade,” says Mark, a sadness in his voice.

“I’m sorry...” Blade mumbles, “but I brought them some presents.” He picks a bag up from off the ground beside it and hands it over to Mark.

“They don’t want presents, they want to see their uncle.”

“They will, soon. I’ll be there for Erica’s birthday,” promises Blade, “I’m just so swamped at the moment...”

“You’re too busy to see your own nieces because you’re out trying to change the world,” snipes Mark.

“Really?” says Blade, beginning to raise his voice, “you’re condemning me for doing some good in the world?”

“No, I’m condemning you because you’re messing yourself up by trying to pursue two full-time goals,” Mark firmly retorts.

“So what?” Blade spits.

Mark shakes his head sadly. “I’ve never seen you this stressed. Look at you, you’re clearly on edge. You want to be the World champion and you want to help those who are less fortunate. One is a great cause and the other is your lifelong dream. But you can’t give your all to both. There’s going to come a time when something’s gotta give, because it’s just too much for one man.”

Mark gets out of his chair and places some money down on the bar. “You’ve already sacrificed your family trying to pursue both dreams, don’t sacrifice your health as well, brother.”

He gives Blade a pat on the arm. “Thanks for the presents. I hope you do visit soon.”

Mark walks away, leaving Blade in a despondent silence as he looks on.
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