MD 92: Barbosa vs. Vega

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the Frog

These two sadistic superstars will meet inside the squared circle for the first time in singles competition. With the destruction of Ace Stevens behind him, Vega has been begging for tougher competition, and he'll get in the form of the brand new #1 contender for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, Barbosa.

Deadline is Tuesday (August 20, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions are allowed via request.

Sometimes they take longer than expected to come to fruition.

Sometimes they can be menacing.

Sometimes they can be hatched in the spur of a moment.

Sometimes they work perfectly.*


Sometimes they take longer than expected to come to fruition.

*The Depressive, Manic and the Smoker are all present and unsurprisingly the topic of conversation is their victory at Kingdom Come.*


The Smoker: Boy, did that feel good - finally getting to unleash Calculated Manic Fury on the world. And what better stage to reveal it than all over Celeste's face on the grandest stage to get us back to within touching distance of the World Heavyweight Title.

Depressive: We had a plan and it worked.

The Smoker: Not perfectly…

Depressive: Maybe not. We did not get our shot at Kingdom Come but we have waited a year to climb our way back to the world title scene. What is another month? Indeed, that extra month can give us time to lay the foundations of a world title victory - sowing seeds of doubt to keep our opponents guessing but at the same time threatening violence…

*The Depressive turns specifically to the Smoker.*

Depressive: … that is what we must do in this upcoming interview.

*The Smoker nods his head in the affirmative before rising from his seat and exiting the room but not before the Manic calls after him.*

Manic: Say "hi" to Stacey for us!


Sometimes they can be menacing.

*As the shot fades in from darkness, the first thing that can be made out are the platinum blonde locks of Stacey Madison. For a brief second, you can see a look of nervousness across her face, its likely origin being her guest, but as the cue comes from her director, she puts on her professional face and flashes a sterling, pearly white smile at the camera before beginning her introduction.*

Stacey: Ladies and gentlemen, let me welcome at this time the new #1 Contender to the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship… Barbosa!

*The camera shot pans out a little to show Barbosa siddling in beside the interviewer. This is the upright and confident Barbosa, even with a hint of sleaze towards Stacey, rather than the slumped depressive or fidgety manic Barbosa.*

Barbosa: Hello, Stacey…

*The underlying oily nature of Barbosa's greeting sees a slight shudder wrack Stacey's frame but she continues on.*

Stacey: Before we talk about your success at Kingdom Come and you upcoming opponent, could I get your thoughts on the Gold Rush tournament.

Barbosa: We have no thoughts on that.

Stacey: But it is one of the biggest tournaments ever to take place in WZCW?

Barbosa: We already possess what the whole tournament is all about. And if we had not defeated the Ice Queen at Kingdom Come, then we would not have been in the tournament anyway being a former WZCW champion so it has not occupied any of our time.

Stacey: But you would have to face the winner should you overcome Showtime at Redemption.

Barbosa: That is a long way off.

Stacey: Okay, then let us talk about your victory at Kingdom Come over Celeste Crimson. Despite your many high profile victories in WZCW, you went into that match having never won at the biggest stage of them all. Was that playing on your mind as you walked down the aisle at Dodgers Stadium?

Barbosa: No.

Stacey: But you must have been wary of defeat.

Barbosa: There was some concern about the referee missing interference from the other members of the Holmesian Triade but ultimately Holmes and Celeste had already demonstrated their realisation of their own weakness in the face of our power - resorting to plots and ambush showed that they knew we were too much for them. And so it proved in a one on one situation.

Stacey: And now you head on to Redemption for a shot at regaining the World Heavyweight Title. What are your thoughts on that?

Barbosa: We would rather not reveal those now. Showtime will no doubt be watching and we want them to be a surprise…

Stacey: Okay, then what about your next opponent, the WZCW Mayhem Champion, Vega?

Barbosa: He might be a cold and clinical assassin who has dominated a weak division but Vega only thinks he knows about violence. We plan on teaching him a lesson in mayhem, after all, it is our middle name.

*Stacey shoots the camera a quick look like she smells a potential scoop.*

Stacey: Mayhem is your middle name? So is Barbosa your personal name or your surname?

*Barbosa's face contorts in a mixture of anger at being interrupted and confusion at the question.*

Barbosa: What?

Stacey: Is your full name "Barbosa Mayhem… something" or "Something… Mayhem Barbosa?"

Barbosa: What in God's Holy Name are you blathering about?

Stacey: You said Mayhem was your middle name.

*Barbosa shakes his head in frustration.*

Barbosa: Yes, we did… but it was an expression! A turn of phrase! A way to suggestion that we know more about Mayhem than Vega has even learned.

*Stacey looks flustered for a few seconds over the mistake she has made but she quickly regains her composure, even under the Barbosan stare, and continues the interview.*

Stacey: But he is a highly skilled competitor who is threatening to break the record reign as Mayhem champion, whilst you have never competed in the Mayhem division.

Barbosa: Never competed in the Mayhem division? We suppose we cannot deny that truth.

But that is because it was clear to everyone that it was beneath us. But violence and pain most certainly are not.

*As Barbosa continues to talk, he uses his fingers to count the number of examples.*

Barbosa: Elimination Chamber where we suffered a broken jaw; Hell in a Cell against the most dominant champion in company history and his cronies; a Ladder match against a man three times our size; the most brutal Texas Deathmatch ever seen - and Match of the Year we might add - where we were scarred, burned and blown up so badly that the doctors thought we had been in a plane crash. None of that stopped us.

So tell us, our dear Stacey… what should we be wary of?

*Before Stacey can answer that question, Barbosa continues.*

Barbosa: No, it is Vega who should be wary.

For you see, Stacey, in every locker room, there is always one. One guy that people do not want to see their name listed beside on that night's card. One guy that would cause competitors would to sneak out the back door and go home rather than walk down that aisle to face.

A fracturer of skulls, inducer of comas, truncator of careers, destroyer of empires and…

*Barbosa gives a sly look towards the camera.*

Barbosa: a canceller of shows…

That guy is us. That is who Vega is getting to "test himself" against.

And we plan on giving him a lesson in how it does not require the relaxed rules of Mayhem to inflict pain…

And when that test begins, Vega will realise very quickly that he does not have the tools necessary to pass it.

*The camera shot zooms in on the face of Barbosa as the interviews draws to an end.*


Sometimes they can be hatched at a spur of a moment.​

*The Smoker stomps back into the poker room, clearly riled up about the chance to face Vega. The other occupants do little to acknowledge his arrival aside from a brief comment from the Depressive.*

Depressive: Nicely done.

*Despite this compliment, the Smoker continues to stomp around clenching his fists repeatedly.*

The Smoker: We want to face him now! Right now! He thinks that just because the arse end of the WZCW roster has been unable to take that Mayhem title from him, he can steal our title as the most dangerous guy in the company?

Manic: Speaking of stealing…

*Both the Smoker and the Depressive look to the Manic, who has risen from his seat at the table and taken up a similar riled up pose as the Smoker.*

Manic: How can we allow that silly man in a box to steal our theme music podcast idea?

The Smoker: You mean the ridiculous idea that got us lumbered with a Kylie Minogue song as theme music…

Manic: It was popular! And it made us popular!

The Smoker: It made us a laughing stock! If the robot want a piece of that humiliation pie that it is welcome to it! It can soil its title reign before it has even begun…

Manic: Embarrassing SHIT? That is not what we want! What we just said about Vega, that is what we want to do to SHIT!

The Smoker: Go right ahead. We will not stop you.

*The Manic stops his tirade having clearly hoped that the Smoker would have done his dirty work for him*

The Smoker: Well? What are you going to do to the Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology that has just crushed John Constantine and Wasabi Toyota?

Manic: We will… we will… we will…

*The Manic suddenly stops, having had some kind of epiphany.*

Manic: …apologise.

*With that, the Manic storms out of the poker room, leaving the Depressive and the Smoker to contemplate his intentions.*

The Smoker: We are clearly planning something stupid…

Depressive: The robot can take care of itself. We have two champions to prepare for.


*Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology stands motionless backstage; its ocular devices fixed on the Elite X championship belt that sat opposite it on a table; its processing circuits engaged on numerous questions and queries.

It was a champion, but what did that mean for it?

Did it come into conflict with its primary objective?

Did it mean it had more enemies than before?*

???: SHIT!

*The sudden shouting of its name causes the robot to snap out of its contemplative processing and enter a somewhat defensive posture. However, after looking around towards the origin of the exclamation and seeing Barbosa approach, it relaxes those defenses somewhat.*

Barbosa: Ooooh, look at you with your nice shiny!

*If the robot could slump its shoulders it would have at its recognition of the presence of the Manic side of Barbosa. SHIT also maintains that defensive posture after the growing tension that had developed between itself and this aspect of its ally. Somewhat surprisingly, Barbosa seems to notice this tension in the robot and throws his hands up in submission.*

Barbosa: We are not here to pick a fight. In fact, quite the opposite. We are here to…

*Barbosa shuffles about from side to side, clearly uncomfortable with what he is trying to say.*

Barbosa: We are here to... to congratulate you on winning at Kingdom Come and to... to apologise for our behaviour toward you in recent weeks.

We were so angry about Hunt and Toto helping our opponents that we entered an Egyptian river.

*Barbosa chuckles a little at his own 'joke.' However, SHIT continues to its stare blankly.*

Barbosa: You know… "entered an Egyptian river…" the Nile is an Egyptian river… we were in the Nile. In denial. Get it?

*SHIT cocks its head to the side, seemingly in confusion at the comedic atrocity that Barbosa has just perpetrated.*

Barbosa: Anyhow, we are really sorry for having doubted you. Can you forgive us, Poo?

*SHIT seems to consider this apology, clearly weary that they had been there before with adverse results but also calculating the impact that the Depressive and Barbosa's success at Kingdom Come might have had on the Manic. Therefore, after a few seconds, it powers down from defensive mode.*


Barbosa: Oh goody! As a way of saying sorry, we would like to give you some tips on being a champion.

SHIT: This one's databanks indicate that Barbosa was only a champion for a brief period…

*The reminder of his stunted run as WZCW Champion makes Barbosa shudder. However, before it can induce a change in attitude from him, the manbot continues.*

SHIT: …but it was still longer than this one has so far held this less big shiny. This one will accept any help from Barbosa.

Barbosa: Good. Now grab your belt and lets go shopping!

*SHIT cocks its head to the side once more.*

SHIT: What are we purchasing?

Barbosa: Anything to make you look like championship material.

SHIT: Why would this one need that? It is already a champion.

Barbosa: You need it because Lesson #1 is Dressing Like A Champion!

*As SHIT gives gives the robotic version of a shrug and turns away to lift his Elite X title belt, Barbosa gives a mischievous smile before then placing his arm on the robot's shoulder and walking off with him.*


Sometimes they work perfectly?

Montego Bay, Jamaica
Private Beach House
August 3rd, 2013


The soothing sounds of the ocean waves gently reaching the white sand greets us to this serene scene. We are inside a beach house living room. There are enormous floor-to-ceiling accordion style doors that are folded wide open to reveal the white sandy beach right next to the house, as if the beach were there instead of a backyard. The room has simple furnishing in it, looking quite comfortable, but there is nobody in it. Instead, we can see one figure in the distance. It's a feminine figure, silhouetted by the pinkish-orange hue the setting sun paints the sky with. Slowly, the figure seems to be making her way towards the beach house. Once close enough, we can clearly see this is none other than Vega's accomplice, Alexis, returning from a dip in the ocean. She's sporting nothing more than a pink, two piece bathing suit and a smile.

I can't get over how amazing the water here feels. Nothing like the crap beaches we have back in New York.

She picks up a nearby towel we can safely assume she left there earlier. As she begins to dry herself off, however, the smile begins to fade. In it's place grows a a look of confusion as she surveys the empty scene.


Her eyes come across a coffee table near the side of the living room. Alexis walks over to it as she continues to pat down her wet body with her towel. We can see an envelope placed in the center of the table. When she picks it up, the sole thing written on it is clearly visible.


She opens up the envelope and takes out a letter placed inside. From this distance, we can't make out the writing in it, but it seems to only be a couple of lines. After a few brief moments, the letter is suddenly crinkled inside her fist as Alexis looks up with an annoyed look on her face. After a defeated sigh, she calmly says, in an almost whispered tone...


New York City
Vega's Penthouse
Present Day


We're greeted by a view of the front door from the inside. It's just a white metal door, with a gold plated door knob and matching frame for the peep hole. We can hear the sound of a set of keys jangling from the other side. The door unlocks, and swings open. There stands Alexis as she rolls in her wheeled bag of luggage while also holding onto a duffel bag slung over her shoulder. She walks in with a smile on her face. Her skin is noticeable darker, and she even has a couple of Jamaican styled pink and white beaded strands of hair. She drops her bags and continues into the penthouse.

I'm baaa-aaaack!

Alexis peaks into the kitchen as she walks by it. Empty. She continues into the living room, only to find it empty as well. Undeterred, she walks passed the living room and makes her way through one of the hallways until she reaches Vega's room.


Empty. Alexis turns around and walks back down the hallway. She quickly opens up a couple of doors on the way; the bathroom, the library, the second bathroom, her room... all empty.

Anybody home?

Her jovial demeanor slowly begins to fade as she continues her search. Now back in the living room, Alexis heads for a separate hallway, the one that leads to the gym. She's confident that this is where she will find Vega. Her face grows confused, however, as she hears nothing the closer she gets to the gym.


Once she gets there, her concerns are justified as she is greeted by yet another empty room. She looks around, and realizes it seems as if it hadn't been used in a while. Alexis turns around to walk back down the hallway. We're back in the middle of the empty living room again. She looks out towards the glass doors the lead to the balcony. She can clearly see through them. Nobody is there. Regardless, Alexis makes her way towards the doors. She opens them, and walks out onto the balcony. We can see that the penthouse is on the top floor of what seems to be a 20 or 30 story apartment building overlooking Union Square park in downtown Manhattan. It's quiet on this sunny day as she leans against the railing, sadly looking down.

Just then, she tilts her head with a curious look on her face. As she looks to the side, we can see a small, black iron, spiral staircase just a couple of steps high that leads directly to the roof. With no other options left, Alexis begins walking up the steps. Before she even reaches the top, she can already hear a feint noise in the distance. Once she gets to the roof, she can see Vega sitting down with his back facing her a couple of meters away.

There you are!

I've been looking all over for you!

Alexis energetically walks over towards Vega.

I know what you're thinking... you're probably thinking that I'm furious with you for leaving me alone in Jamaica out of nowhere. You're probably thinking of the best way to apologize to me... but you're wrong. I had a blast. I got this awesome tan, and look at these Jamaican hair thingies! Aren't they so cute!?

Just then, Alexis finally reaches Vega and turns to see his face. There he sits with his legs crossed, in black jeans, and a white V-neck t-shirt. He is barefoot, and has his Mayhem Championship laying on the floor in front of him. Vega is staring at it. Next to his championship lies a chrome .44 Desert Eagle handgun, and a pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes. He doesn't even acknowledge Alexis' presence. He just looks at his championship, and with an almost defeated posture, he begins shaking his head as he solemnly mumbles something to himself...

Must. Kill...

Alexis' energy has immediately been drained by this sight.

Did you say something? I couldn't really hear-


You look depressed as shit, Vega.

As if given the cue to speak by a stage director, Vega doesn't miss a beat with his reply. The words come right out of his mouth, as if they'd been running through his head for days on end, without ever breaking his stare down with the Mayhem title.

Must. Kill...

Huh? Vega, what are you talking about?

He doesn't reply immediately. Vega seemingly doesn't even hear Alexis. He's too lost in his own thoughts to fully acknowledge her.

I should be happy.

He shakes his head. His face painted with the look of a man in mourning.

Why aren't I happy?

I don't know. Why aren't you?

I did exactly what I said I would do. I did exactly what I set out to do 9 months ago when I first got that title. I wanted to be the best person to ever have held that title. I wanted to make my name synonymous with "Mayhem." And I did.

You seemed happy when we were on the plane going to Jamaica. You remember, that vacation we were supposed to take. You said you deserved a vacation after Kingdom Come.

Stupid me.


Stupid me. I seem to be the only person in this company that believes I deserve rewards and accolades. I quickly realized that I was wrong during that "vacation." I realized I didn't deserve a vacation. Sure, I defended the Mayhem title against Ace Stevens at the biggest show of the year... but, in the end... what did it all mean?

I'm no fool. On that night, Vega was overshadowed. Everybody is talking about the WarGames match, or Action Saxton retiring, or Showtime regaining the title, the I Quit Match between Titus and Chris KO, S.H.I.T. becoming Elite X Champion.

He lowers his head. Defeated.

But nothing about Vega.

People look at me, see me with the strap and think to themselves "Oh wow, he still has that belt?"

But, that's a good thing... no? People realize you've got a long reign... almost the longest!

I'm an afterthought in this company, Alexis.

Nothing more than an afterthought.

Vega buries his face in his hands while exhaling out a huge sigh.

And then, they drop the bomb on me.

What "bomb?"

WZCW Officials decide that all current champions will not be allowed in the Gold Rush Tournament. All I do in this company is succeed. And for my success... I am punished.

Vega shakes his head in disbelief.

It's just not fair.

Alexis is taken back by this side of Vega. She gives him a disappointed look as she chimes in.

Not fair? Since when have you ever been so "woe is me," Vega?

I've gotta say, this whole depressive side is really unlike you.

Vega doesn't raise his head from the palms of his hands. His hair hangs passed his face, hiding it from Alexis. Slowly, Vega's hands slide up towards his hair. His open hands turned to clinched fists as he violently begins tugging at his hair. Vega says something, under his breath somewhat...

Must. Kill...

Vega is shaking with anger. We can hear his muffled yells through his grinding teeth. He gets up onto his knees and pounds his fists into the face plate of his Mayhem Championship. Vega then grabs his gun, stands up on his own two feet, and unleashes a rage fueled roar the likes we've never heard from the Mayhem Champion. Without warning, Vega slams the butt of his Desert Eagle flush against his own forehead. He continues to yell as he smashes the gun into his forehead again, and again, and again, until Alexis intervenes by grabbing his gun yielding arm.

Hey! What the hell is wrong with you, Vega!? You're acting like a maniac!

Have you gone mad!?

They stand there, inches away from each other. Blood begins to slowly slide down from Vega's forehead, passed his eyes and nose... and then around the sinister scowl cemented across his face. He rips his arm away from Alexis and takes a couple of steps away as he points his gun at Alexis for a brief moment. Before she can even react, he looks at the gun and points it at himself. Alexis doesn't know how to respond. Vega then points it up into the sky and squeezes the trigger. The thunderous shot sends small shock waves through the air. Alexis is standing still, stunned. Vega immediately begins pacing in random directions, this time yelling out as loud as he can...


Alexis takes a cautionary step back, almost believing she is not at a safe enough distance from Vega at this moment. She is visibly tense. Her shoulders are slightly shrugged up and hands up close to her chest in what looks like a defensive position. Fear is obviously an emotion Alexis is strongly feeling right now. Confusion, would be the other paramount emotion running through her body.

Why do you keep saying tha-

That tournament was mine for the taking, Alexis. It was made for me, dammit.

Why are you yelling?

This Gold Rush tournament was exactly the scenario I have been begging for since the moment I became Mayhem Champion. I'm way to damn selfish to want to willingly drop the Mayhem title... so I wanted to become the first ever World Mayhem Champion in this company's history. I wanted to show this company, and this entire world that I could do the impossible. I could start at the very bottom of this company, unlike some people, and work my way passed every other single piece of wasted talent until I reached the very top... the pinnacle, the zenith of wrestling. Nobody in this God forsaken company pays Vega any God damn attention! They all look away when I'm around... either out of fear, or ignorance. This tournament was my chance to grab every bastard by the head, force them to turn their heads and face in my direction... and if I wanted to, break their putrid necks in the process.

Seriously, you're being like, really loud.

Vega makes a futile attempt to wipe away some of the blood that has flowed down his face with the back of the hand holding onto his gun. he doesn't care about the blood flowing down his face, he only did it so that he can stare at the bright stains it leaves on his skin. He smiles as he continues to almost yell every word he utters.

No current champions allowed in the tournament? Are you kidding me!? No Vega in this tournament? That alone jeopardizes the legitimacy of the entire Gold Rush tournament... not to mention that with that idiotic decision, the powers to be have also banned S.H.I.T., Chris K.O., & Saboteur from being in the tournament as well. Us four would literally have been four of the favorites to win the entire thing. Oh, and don't get me started on the Sam Smith injury. With that guy gone, the four current champions make up 80% of the Top 5. Now, there are none of us, and no Sam Smith. I know WZCW officials would love to make the viewers believe the gold Rush tournament is one of the biggest and most important tournaments to ever take place in this company... but news flash;


Vega notices a drop of blood fall from the tip of his nose, down onto the barrel of his .44 caliber Desert Eagle. The small splash it makes on the chrome brings a sadistic smile to his face as he continues.

It's the elephant in the room nobody wants to acknowledge. People want to say "Oh my, Blade has a real chance!" and "Well this is D.C.'s chance to ride his Kingdom Come momentum and go all the way!" or even "Mister Alhazred is a dark horse!" Well it ain't gonna happen! Dig your heads out of the sand, yank them out of your asses, and realize what this is dammit. Creative might as scrap "Gold Rush" and re-name this tournament "The Dr. Zeus Invitational" because this is the perfect stroke fest to push the superstar everybody has gotten a hard on for as of late.

Hickory Dickory Dock.
Creative is on Zeus' Cock.
Sam Smith has dropped,
the tournaments a flop,
now someone needs to get SHOT!


During his Flair-esque yell, Vega squeezes his trigger again as he points the Desert Eagle into the air. Alexis jumps back, scared by the sudden pounding of the .44 caliber bullet piercing through the air. Vega laughs as he looks up at the bright sky, as if he could somehow see the bullet as it flies up into the clouds.

Truth be told, I always knew my dreams were just that. Dreams. Dreams that the powers to be in this company would never let me achieve. Become the first ever World Mayhem Champion? Please. WZCW would never want that much power to go to one person. This curve ball they threw at us champions, threw at me, it proves my point. A couple of months back, when I first started making noise about wanting some God damn respect... WZCW officials contacted me and said "Hey Vega, love what you're doing man! You're great! Be patient, man... we've got this idea for after Kingdom Come and it's gonna be HUGE for somebody just like you! Just be patient!"

So I kept my mouth shut and decided I would wait it out. In the meantime, I'd notch a victory at the biggest show of the year, and then reap the spoils of my success. But like I said before... for my success, I am punished. My refusal to lose should be something every wrestler in this company should take notice of. They asked for my patience. I gave it to them... and in return, I got a swift backhanded slap of disrespect planted across my stupid face. Stupid me for believing them. Stupid Vega for trusting the brass. There are people who lost at Kingdom Come V who get to be in the tournament. But me? Nooooo.

Vega turns his back to Alexis and begins walking away from her, and towards the edge of the roof. On his way, he approaches the area he was sitting down at previously. He bends down to pick up his pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes and palces them in his back pocket. He then continues on his way towards the ledge.

Where are you going?

I won the Mayhem Championship on November 19th, 2012... and on that day I said I would make the Mayhem Title the most difficult championship to win in this company. Since I've become champion, every single other title in this company... ever single one has changed owners. Some more than once. But not mine, oh no. If Vega didn't exist, the Mayhem Title would be fought for amongst the Jimmy Flynn's and Dustin Hunter's of this world. Perhaps, that's what this company wants... a toy for their misfits to play with. Unfortunately for them, I took said "toy" and turned it into a weapon. Now, people like them have absolutely no business in a Mayhem Title match against Vega. It just wouldn't be fair. S.H.I.T. won the Elite X Championship by defeating John Constantine and Wasabi Toyata, and the funny thing is I could beat those two sorry pricks any day of the week. Does it matter to WZCW? No. This company continues to shit on every accomplishment I've had. Bringing legitimacy to the Mayhem Championship... a championship that used to change hands multiple times within the same damn match... is now harder to obtain than the damn EurAsian or Elite X Championships. WZCW officials are going to have to make me defend this title against a new caliber of opponent if they want to truly test me.

But do they reward me for bringing a level of prestige, previously unheard of, to the title many others deem the "lower card title?" Nope. They just keep punishing me for being good. It's like I'm too damn good for this company, they just don't know what the hell to do with me!

What does this company want from me?

What do they want from Vega?

Without hesitation, Vega hops up onto the elevated side of the roof. There is absolutely nothing standing between him, and a 20-30 story drop to his death... but you wouldn't know it from the way Vega is moving. He casually walks along the ledge, toting his gun around like it were a plaything. He even uses it as if it were a washcloth, and rubs it across his forehead, allowing his blood to further stain the shiny chrome the Desert Eagle is plated in.

Vega, what are you doing?

You know what I find really funny?

Seriously, you're scaring me.

You ever read the match descriptions on whenever they announce the following week's card?

Come on, get down from there.

Well, I do. You know what they keep writing for my matches?


Almost every single time, they write something like "Vega has been begging for better competition... well this week he gets it!"

And then I win.

Then the next round... "Vega continues to beg for tougher competition, well he's in store for a challenge this week!"

And then I win.

The next round "Vega finally gets a bump up in competition this week when he faces so and so!"

And then... care to finish my thought?

I just want you to-

That's right!



Week in, and week out... I win, Alexis. My most recent loss, against Ace Stevens... well I vindicated the ever loving shit out of that loss by pinning his shoulders to the match in front of the largest audience of the year. So what do they do? In a round where I should be blazing my trail through the tournament? They give me... "tougher competition."

Vega lowers his head to look at his blood stained pistol. He tosses it down by Alexis' feet like a child who's grown bored with his toy. A smile creeps across his face, amused by the tirade he's gone on. While holding back laughter, he utters two words to himself...

Must. Kill...

Vega turns to face Alexis. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the pack of cigarettes. With his other hand, he reaches into his front pocket and pulls out a Zippo lighter. To the keen observer, we can see it's a similar styled lighter to the one Vega used to torch his dead mother's grave site during in the last round. He takes a peak over his shoulder to take a glance at the frightful height he's at, and the long long fall he'd suffer if he just took one step backwards. Instead of scaring Vega, it amuses him. The barefoot King of Mayhem crosses his legs at the ankles and slowly, yet gracefully, lowers himself into a cross legged seated position on the elevated ledge of the roof as he places the cigarette gently between his lips. With a serene smile cracking through the side of his mouth, he flips the lighter open, and brings the flame to the tip of his Marlboro Red.

Since when did you become a "smoker?"

The tip of his cigarette glows bright red as Vega inhales the sweet nicotine into his system. With closed eyes and a head tilted towards the heavens he doesn't believe in, Vega softly speaks the same words that continue to perturb Alexis, as smoke slowly floats away from his lips...

Must. Kill...

He exhales with the refreshing sound one makes moments after drinking a cold, thirst quenching beverage. Vega's mood is a complete 180 degree turn from what it was just mere seconds ago. He looks calm, and relaxed as he continues to enjoy his smoke while sitting on top of the ledge of the roof.

Tougher competition.

Week after week, that's what WZCW claims to give me. There was once a time when this company thought Isabel Stone was the tough competition I had been clamoring for. Then they thought, maybe it'd be Krypto. Perhaps it would be Ace Stevens who would finally make Vega regret his desires for "tougher competition." Some would say...

Vega shakes his head.

No, actually everyone would say that my win over Ace Stevens at Kingdom Come V was the biggest victory in the biggest match of my career. You know what I find ironic? I am the only person on this roster to follow up the biggest match of his career, with yet again being booked in the biggest match of his career... again.

That's the thing about this upcoming round. This week... I get a man that most people in this company fear. Most people in this company talk a big game all the while keeping one eye firmly locked on the man that I'm booked against this week. Barbosa? He sends chills down the spines of the greatest WZCW has to offer.

I wasn't even around at the time, but for some reason I know that Ty Burna fears Barbosa. Truth be told, I'm not even sure what that means... but I know that it has become WZCW legend.

What has?

Alexis begins walking towards Vega, no longer afraid of him or his actions. Vega's calmer demeanor has eased Alexis' nerves.

"Ty Fears Barbosa."

I've heard this saying many times during my tenure with this company.

What does it mean? Why does Ty fear Barbosa?

Vega simply shrugs as he takes another puff of his cigarette.

Hell if I know. I don't worry myself with what went on in this company before I arrived. As far as I'm concerned, this company didn't matter before Vega arrived. But the fact that even I know about this says something.

What does it say?

It says that Barbosa has had his moment.


Vega nods his head in agreement.

Yeah, you know... his moment. That one moment in the spotlight, where the entire company, and sometimes, the entire world... has their eyes firmly set on nobody and nothing else except you. This company, apparently, has a history full of "moments." They seem to define the so-called legends that have come and gone. Everest was inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame before my match at Kingdom Come V. He had a video package full of moments. Ty Burna has had his moment in the sun. Big Dave has had his... Showtime had his greatest moment recently. Barbosa, is a man... who has also had his moment.

I wasn't even around for his moment... but yet I know about it. I know he strikes fear in the locker room. I know he was King for a Day, and I know he cashed that opportunity in after said locker room destroyed Ty Burna, and he became WZCW World Champion. I know that Barbosa has tasted the sweet nectar from the fruits I strive to pluck.

But you've had your moments. You won the title at a Supershow, you defended it in the first ever Flying Saucer Match against Krypto... it was his own match! You defended it against one of the greatest Mayhem Champions of all time at the grandest stage of them all just last round... how can you say you haven't had your moment?

Because nobody is talking about it, Alexis. How can it be my moment if two weeks later I've already become an afterthought?

I may not have been around for his World Title run, but I certainly was around for Barbosa's epic battle against S.H.I.T., a match so brutal that the two had no alternative but to gain respect for each other... or, at least gain whatever respectful emotion it is a wannabe robot and bi-polar schizophrenic can gain for one another. Point is, even I can't deny Barbosa's star power in this company.

But what about Vega?

See, I've never had a moment like that. It;s gotten to the point, that I've amassed so many victories in my short tenure here, that none of my victories truly stand head and shoulders above the rest. I'm just the guy who rarely loses... but nobody has a vivid memory of. People never remember Vega for a specific moment. Just a vague idea of the reign he's had as Mayhem Champion. For most people, that's just fine as long as the gold is around their waist... but not for me. Not for Vega. I want more. I want the recognition the greatness deserves. I want my moment.

Well... how do you intend on getting your moment?

Vega smiles, as he inhales some more of his cigarette. The glowing red ember eats away more of the Marlboro as he stares Alexis dead in her eyes.

It's simple, really. I...

He exhales, releasing the smoke from his lungs. The smoke floats in the air between Vega and Alexis as he finishes his sentence...

Must. Kill. Barbosa.

Alexis eyes widen, as if even she knows that what Vega is saying is a difficult task, even for a man as cunningly sadistic as he is.

Are you crazy?

Vega finds humor in Alexis' choice of words, swinging his head backwards and laughing out loud. Alexis reaches out towards Vega, afraid he might lose his balance and fall backwards off the roof, but Vega was never in any real danger as he is fully aware of his positioning on the ledge.

Funny, you should ask me that... now. You found me barefoot, sitting on a rooftop all alone, muttering to myself. You see me scream and yell and bash my head in with a gun... but it's now, at my most calm moment, that you question my sanity?

I, just-

Don't let this blood dripping down my face fool you, Alexis. I'm no mad man. That's the difference between Vega and Barbosa. See, I can go through stark changes in mood and attitude all while being completely cognizant of my words and actions. I can slide from being dreadfully depressed to riding the highs and lows of a manic state of aggression...

Vega enjoys another soothing inhale on his cigarette with closed eyes. He lets the smoke float from his lips with every syllable he speaks...

...and ultimately come right back to the calm, cool, and collected Vega you know and love. With every single word, with every single action... I know exactly where I am, what I'm doing, and what my intentions are. See, Alexis... there is a very, very big difference from being, and me.

And that is?

Barbosa is some severe kind of bi-polar. He's the type of person who's right hand has no idea what his left hand is doing. I'm the type of person who knows full well that my right hand is next to my left hand squeezing my victim's throat until they take their final breath. There's a monumental difference between schizophrenia and sociopathy. Barbosa is the way he is through circumstance and coincidence. His weak mind couldn't handle whatever traumatizing ordeal he had to go through earlier in his life. His mind had to splinter off into pieces in order to cope with his short comings. He's got three very distinct personalities, all working separately to try and achieve a goal.


I know very well every single action I've ever taken in my life. If I were to believe in hell, I'd know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm going there... and I'm perfectly fine with that. My sociopathy allows me to accept that, and embrace it as part of my life. I use every facet of my personality to lubricate whatever sick plot I conjure up in my head. My mind is my greatest weapon. Barbosa? He's held hostage by his.

Vega looks down at his cigarette, realizing it's down to the end. He takes a final puff as the glowing red ember reaches the filter, and flicks it backwards so that it floats on down from the roof and onto the street some 30 stories below. Vega blows the last bit of smoke out through his nostrils, and wipes more blood away from his face. He looks at his blood coated palms, and runs his hands through his hair... leaving bloody remnants across his long brown locks as he smiles at the thoughts he's thinking up in his own mind.

This week, at Meltdown, Barbosa is my moment.

WZCW seems to have put me and Barbosa in the main event. Vega versus Barbosa, in the main event of this company's flagship show, one round after the biggest show of the year. That means... all eyes are going to be on us.

For Barbosa, it's just another match on his road to the World Championship.

For Vega?

It's the biggest match of my life... and I'm going to shock the fucking world, Alexis. Mark my words... I'm going to shock the world.

This company has protected their "elite" talent for long enough. Meltdown 92 will forever mark a historic night in WZCW. Meltdown 92 will become the event in which Vega was finally unleashed on the upper echelon of this company. No more will holding onto the only championship this company has ever given me a shot at be what is holding me down. No longer will I be forced to toil with the remnants of this company's roster. No longer will WZCW protect and shield their proven assets from the unproven commodity that is Vega. As far as I'm concerned, Barbosa is just next in line to fall at my feet... but the first, of the WZCW elite.

Barbosa will fall, and soon, so will Chris K.O., and S.H.I.T., and Saboteur, and "Showtime," and Steven Holmes, and Celeste Crimson, and Titus, and anybody else that receives the respect and awe of a walking deity in this damned company. Vega has been unleashed on a protected section of the roster like a plague upon the rich. The dominoes are all lined up, Alexis... Barbosa is just the first piece in line.

At Meltdown 92, I will tip over the first piece...

and soon enough...

they all shall fall.

Vega reaches his hand out towards Alexis. She feels compelled to reach back, and grabs on tightly, for the first time in days making physical contact with her partner in crime. She looks into Vega's eyes as he smiles a sinister smile before saying one last thing.

I will kill Barbosa.

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