MD 91: Ace Stevens vs. Triple X

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the Frog
With all the chaos and carnage running rampant through WZCW, it seems like we'll be getting ourselves a pure clean contest as two former champions look to be squaring off in one-on-one action. Stevens return has been nothing but eventful as he managed to defeat the current Mayhem champion, a title he never officially lost, whilst Triple X will be coming off a huge loss to K.O, handing over his Eurasian title in the process. Can X get some momentum going or will Stevens continue to sky-rocket into Kingdom Come?

Deadline is Wednesday, June 26th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone) Soft Extensions Only.
Ace Stevens
Live From Cheyenne!

About 19,000 wrestling fans are packed into the Cheyenne Frontier Days Arena - Wyoming’s premier outdoor stadium. The sun is setting in what has been a truly magical WZCW house show. On a balmy summer’s evening, professional wrestlers have faced each other like modern-day gladiators in the pursuit of victory. While the weather is still fairly warm, the crowd is positively red hot. WZCW’s veteran ring announcer, Truman Harrys, is standing in the middle of the ring, preparing to announce the next part of the night’s show.

“Ladies and gentleman, we now have a special segment just for you Wyomingites.”

The fans, being the wrestling fans they are, pop loudly for the final word.

“He is the only professional comedian to have ever appeared in WZCW. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the American Warrior, Ace Stevens!”

Ace’s theme (a remix of Bruce Springsteen’s patriotic hit, Born in the U.S.A.) plays around the stadium, immediately inciting a reaction from the fans. As the man himself comes from behind the curtain, the crowd pops even louder. Most cheer, a minority boo. One can only assume that all are eager to see what the man has to say. Ace slowly walks down the entrance ramp. Despite the fact that he’s still feeling the effects of the two-on-one beating he suffered at the hands of Alex Bowen and Matt Tastic, he still manages to carry out his routine of slapping five with any fan who dares. The former Mayhem champion loosely slicks back his hair as he steps into the ring. He then picks up the microphone from its stand with gusto and begins talking immediately.

“CHEYENNE, WYOMING! What in the blue hell is up?!”

The crowd roar back their approval Ace’s name checking whilst not really offering an answer to his question.

“So I’m a gonna fill you in on why I’m here. Ya’ see, the powers that be asked me to come out here and speak to you guys. I asked ‘em what about. They said anythin’. And that, Cheyenne, was their first mistake.”

The Cheyenne fans cheer on Ace, appreciating his rebellious attitude.

“So first I’m gonna talk about Meltdown. Not last weeks. No, no, no. ‘Cause it ain’t about that. It’s all about the future, baby. And in the future, I’m facin’ a dude I’ve never met before. I’m facin’ Triple X.”

Simply the mention of the fan favourite’s name illicits a strong reaction from the fanatics in attendance.

“Yeah, he’s pretty good, huh. I mean, who needs the Eurasian title anyway?”

Ace smiles to himself as some people laugh. Some, however, boo. A simple remark from Stevens has split the crowd down the middle.

“Nah, I’m kiddin’, man. I’m kiddin’,” Says Ace as he turns to face the backstage area. “I know you’re watching me right now Trips, so I’m gonna lay it out for ya’ pure and simple. I like you, man. But holy cow do I like winning more. So when we meet in a few days in Denver, I’m gonna do what I do. I’m gonna win. And trust me when I tell you this, but I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get that win. You’re a man of strong wills and conviction. You like to be the good guy. Fine. But I’m not. I like to bend the rules. People call me a liar, and that’s cool. Lord knows I’ve told my fair share of ‘em. But you can trust me when I say that come Meltdown, rules will be bent and you will be broken.”

While most of the audience cheers at the prospect of Stevens vs. Triple X, some still relentless boo the self-proclaimed American Hero’s obnoxious attitude.

“While we’re on the subject of being a liar and a cheat. Let’s talk a bit about Vega, shall we?”

Right on cue, the fans boo the name of the Mayhem champion as Ace smiles to himself.

“Y’know, a lot of people are sayin’ that me and Vega are alike. Too alike, even. Hell, we were supposed to team up together last week. And, y’know, I can see where they’re comin’ from. We both lie. We both cheat. And we’ve both been known to engage in some less than reputable activities. We’re both from New York too. But we’re different in the areas that matter. Ya’ see, I got some damn balls! Last week on Aftershock, Vega left me hangin’. We were supposed to face two of the all-time great Mayhem champions in the form of Alex Bowen and Matt Tastic. And the self-proclaimed ‘New King of Mayhem’ wanted none of it. The stage was set for the greatest tag team match in the history of Aftershock. And Vega ran way with his tail between his legs.”

Cheers fill the stadium as Ace begins to use slightly racier language.

“You know what? I ain’t done. ‘Cause back in BK, we got a name for guys who run away from a fight. We call ‘em *****es. Y’know, back in the day, I got in a fight with this guy. He was called Buzz. Don’t ask me why. He was a bigger guy. Tougher than me, for sure. But on the street, you don’t back down from a challenge. So I puffed my chest out, went up to him... and I got my ass beat. He busted up my right eye and it ain’t been the same since. But boy did I get respect. And while you might try to run from the fight, Vega, the fact remains that I ended your half year winning streak. So as far as I’m concerned, I’ve got another match with you on the horizon. But this time, it’s for my Mayhem championship! So whether it’s at Meltdown, Ascension, Aftershock or even.... Kingdom Come! I’m gonna get you. And I’m gonna stomp you until you can’t stand!”

Ace puts the microphone back on the stand. Before he turns to exit the ring, he returns to the microphone and utters one decisive word.

A spotlight slowly fades in, pointed down at the canvas of a ring, in a small, empty arena. In the centre of that spotlight, in tattered jeans and a hooded top, sits Triple X on a black metal folding chair. For a moment he is looking down, head in his hands, before looking up and into the camera.

‘I’ve had many defeats in my life. Both inside the ring and out. And I’ve lost championships before. Even here, when I lost the Elite X Championship. But nothing ever fully prepares you for the feeling of disappointment you get when something that feels like a part of you is taken away.’

He looks back down as he continues to speak.

‘Chris KO took a part of me. A part I want back.’

X looks back up, a smile on his face.

‘But until a time comes where I have the opportunity to regain my championship title, I have to look past it. To Meltdown. Ace Stevens; I actually like you. You’re not conventional by any means, and you’ve not always been the nicest guy in the company, but it’s been good to see you back. And I’m happy I get to face you. And beat you.’

‘See Ace, here’s the thing. I look past our match this week, and all I can see is Kingdom Come. The biggest show of the year and, at this moment in time, WZCW’s resident showstealer hasn’t got a match. Which, in my mind, is ridiculous. So this week, on Meltdown, you and I are gonna tear the house down. We’re gonna have a blast, but make no mistake; I’m leaving with the victory, and I’m leaving with my ticket booked to Kingdom Come.’

X stands up and walks to the ropes, leaning on them whilst looking up at the camera.

‘And I plan on stealing the show there, as well.’
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