MD 82: Triple X vs John Constantine

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The scene emerges to a vision of chaos. Big Dave is running himself into circles trying to make sense of what is happening. Around him, anarchy is unfolding. Rumours of an upcoming twist in the tale of the World Heavyweight Championship seem to have materialised. But where is the would-be King? Where is John Constantine?

Big Dave: Can someone tell me what is going on here!?

Dave pulls at the shirt of a member of the production crew, hurrying him along the corridor. Dave's haste seems oddly removed from character as a bead of sweat begins to make it's way down the forehead of the usually reserved and calculating General Manager. Behind him, a parting in the stage curtain shows an Unscripted ring with a Cell towering above it, throwing a magnificent shadow into the skyline. Within it, the crumpled bodies of 4 men lie, aching and tired from the match they are still participating in.

Big Dave: Someone! Anyone! Tell me what the Hell is happening!

Dave continues to turn himself inside out, twisting one way and then the other. He is looking for an answer but it does not seem to be forthcoming. Suddenly, a member of the production crew runs to Dave, panting and wheezing. The normally patient General Manager seems to be losing his cool waiting for an answer as the young boy tries to fill his lungs with air once again.

Big Dave: Spit it out!

The member of the production crew gasps for air one more time before spluttering out his well-kept message.

Boy: He's coming! Constantine is coming!

A look of sheer shock and realisation appears on the face of Big Dave. Suddenly, he breaks from his chaotic stupor and blasts into action. Yelling orders from one person to the next, Dave seems prepared for what is about to transpire. From somewhat down the corridor, a loud popping noise brings things to a halt. Only the rapturous applause from the crowd outside can be heard as Showtime flips Drake Callahan onto his stomach and locks in the Commercial Break. As Dave turns his head to inspect the noise, a picture of intensity appears from round a corner. John Constantine, the King For A Day is heading his way and at some speed. Within seconds, the pretender to the throne is beside Big Dave, his KFAD briefcase held tightly in his right hand and a referee trailing a little behind.

Big Dave: Good luck...

Constantine eyes Big Dave for a moment as Drake Callahan finally taps out in the middle of the ring. There is a huge applause as a smile begins to crawl over Constantine's face.

Constantine: I can't do any worse than you.

Although shocked at the response of Constantine, Big Dave wheels away with a smirk on his face.

Big Dave: All right, people, let's line this thing up.

The chaotic frenzy around Big Dave continues as Constantine rolls his shoulders back, closes his eyes and takes in the emotion of the moment. Within seconds, Constantine's theme music is being played and the moment is upon him. He slowly opens his eyes and with one final burst of energy, flies through the curtain without a moment to spare. Constantine immediately begins walking down the ramp, the crowd are hushed but there is a palpable air of anticipation circling around the arena. In the ring, Showtime Cougar rests on his knees, breathing heavily and battle-worn. Through the crimson mask Showtime wears, Constantine notices the whites of his eyes as the surprise of a usually very wary Cougar becomes evident.

Constantine: When we get in here... Don't fuck around!

The referee recoils at the furious words of The King For A Day holder. Constantine and the referee continue their prolonged march down the ramp until suddenly, Constantine comes to a complete halt, the referee almost colliding with him from behind. Showtime manages to raise himself to one knee, eyeing the would-be Champion from afar. After a few seconds, Constantine begins to walk backwards until finally he comes to a complete stop. The crowd seems wary of this retreat but a flurry of emotion begins to rain down on Constantine as he raises the briefcase to his chest before wrapping his arms around it and smiling, a look of sheer menace and thought in his eyes.

* * *

Some Time Earlier​

Constantine: I must say, that for the longest time I haven't felt as though you were ready to make an impact. But make no mistake, I have watched your career with interest, my friend.

A dark room slowly becomes prevalent as Constantine's voice echoes in the dark. The features of the King For A Day cannot be seen, only a shadowy presence can be seen moving in the dark.

Constantine: Truth be told, I never thought I would come here like this. But needs must.

From deep within the darkness, a booming voice rallies back at Constantine, catching the King slightly off guard.

Voice: Then why did you even come here?

Constantine stays silent for a moment, silently pondering the answer to this question.

Constantine: Because you and I are one and the same. Don't you see that whilst individually we are flawed, united we are strong. Because, more than anything, I know that you want to be noticed. I know that you want to inspire change and all you need is the opportunity. Well, my friend, I am here to offer you that opportunity. I am here to show you that we must escape this darkness. That WZCW as a company, must escape this darkness that it finds itself engulfed in. You and I, fight for the same end.

The voice immediately hits back at Constantine, this time with more venom coursing through the words.

Voice: You and I are not the same. You see, men like you are men of words. You manipulate and you bend people to your whim. I am a man of action. I put my body on the line for the cause. You and I are nothing alike.

Constantine doesn't seem phased by the venomous words of the mysterious man.

Constantine: Perhaps our methods are far removed but our target is undoubtedly the same. Think of the places I can take you and those who would follow you. I know that you don't like it down here. You've tried to be taken seriously as a competitor and this is where it has taken you to. Whilst my sharp tongue may be my shield, trust in me that I have the powerful sword to back it up with. The briefcase in my hand should attest to that. I have seen success and know that I can give you that same level of greatness.

The voice is unusually quiet now.

Voice: What would you require of us?

Constantine: Now is not the time for planning. Now is the time for action. I think you know what needs to be done...

There is silence now as the screen fades to black.

* * *

Constantine turns on his heels, leaving the broken but victorious Showtime Cougar in the ring with his coveted Championship. Showtime gets to two feet and holds the Championship in the air with heavy arms. Constantine burls through the curtain to a stunned silence. The production crew have all stopped dead, Big Dave standing amongst them with a scowl on his face. Constantine gives him a wry smile before pushing his way through the crowd.

Big Dave: You think that's funny? You think that we should make so much noise about you cashing in that God-damn briefcase only for us to throw it back in our faces?

At this point, Constantine pushes past the General Manager, not giving another seconds thought to his words. Not willing to allow Constantine a moment to escape his wrath.

Big Dave: Chance after chance you've had to take that Championship away from our very best superstars and you've blown every single one of them. And why!? Because you're too proud to get in the ring with a man who has already gone through a breathtaking and destructive match?

Constantine continues to walk away from Big Dave and as such is now leaving Dave in his wake.

Big Dave: Well, come Meltdown, you're going to know what it feels like to take on one of our boldest and brightest. This time, you wont have the chance to walk away from anything, Listen to me, Constantine, at Meltdown 82 you'll be facing Triple X!

As Big Dave shouts down the corridor behind Constantine, Constantine comes to a halt for a second. Big Dave looks on as The King stands perfectly still, contemplating the ramifications of his actions tonight. After a moment though, Constantine picks up his pace and is out of sight.

* * *

Constantine continues his walk, the scathing tone of Big Dave's displeasure still ringing in his ears. That is until a new ringing becomes prevalent.

Serra: John! John!

From nowhere, the impetuous and nauseating interviewer Becky Serra is upon him. Clutching at her microphone, the reporter seems motivated to get something out of the King For A Day briefcase holder.

Serra: Big Dave just told you that you've got a match with Triple X in two weeks time and the only thing you could think to do was to stay quiet. Can you give me your thoughts on your makeshift match?

Constantine seems unwilling to bite as he looks deep into the eyes of the reporter with a burning hatred.

Serra: Well, can you even tell me about what happened out there tonight? The whole world was watching you and you just stood there. You had Showtime right in the palm of your hand and you did nothing. Just... Nothing!

Constantine's expression changes rapidly as Becky finishes her sentence.

Constantine: Nothing? You legitimately believe that anything I do, Serra, is not reasoned out and planned to the most minuscule detail?

Serra: I-

Constantine: You see, Serra, you are just typical of the mouth-breeding vermin that infests within my Kingdom. You pretend to be some truth seeker for the people. But the people don't want the truth, they want whatever is acceptable. They want whatever is the flavour of the month and a big old scoop of lies to make it all go down smoothly. WZCW, my Kingdom, is crumbling around my ears. People like you perpetuate and fuel it not even realising that you do it.

Constantine presses on, more and more emotion being poured into every syllable that passes.

Constantine: What happened out there was mercy. I looked deep into the fearful of the World Heavyweight Champion and realised that he deserves more than the fate I would have given him tonight. This is the people#s Champion. They chant his name and write it on the skyline. In his time as WZCW Heavyweight Champion, Showtime Cougar has brought this company to it's knees. He is more of a tyrant that Ty Burna because there has simply been no alternative this time around. That is until now.

You see, I am the alternative that WZCW has been seeking. I am the truth that WZCW refuses to see and hear. But no more. The stay of execution ends tonight. My mercy has been stretched far beyond it's means and now all that remains is action. Showtime Cougar may have escaped my wrath tonight but whilst he may thank his lucky stars that he still holds onto his World Heavyweight Championship, he will soon realise a new world of pain and suffering.

Serra: Ca-

Constantine shoots a poisonous look at Becks as she attempts to cut him off.

Constantine: Triple X, unfortunately, will be the first to feel the wrath of a new dawn. My advice to Triple X is to accept that a new age lies on the horizon for WZCW. And like the great flood that the Lord sent to eradicate evil, I will crush down upon my enemies with the power of a thousand tidal waves. All that will remain in WZCW is that which is just and good. Triple X may still be saved.

But be warned Serra, the winds of change are blowing towards WZCW and nothing can stop us now...

Constantine walks away from Becky, leaving the reporter lost for words. The screen fades to black as the sentiment of Constantine's words is all that remains.​
X: …who are you?

I walk through the darkened hallway. I have no recollection of whose hallway this is, but I know I’ve been here before. I look ahead to the end; a figure in a darkened hood stands by a large, closed door. From the figure’s gloved hand, a key hanging from a chain sways back and forth.

X: I said who are you?

???: Who I am isn’t important.

The voice is…distorted. As far as I can tell, anyhow.

???: Do you know why you’re here, Alexander?

X: Was kinda hoping you’d hook me up with a reason, to be honest.

???: The reason isn’t important. Your understanding of the reason through your own free will however, is.

X: This…isn’t gonna be one of those ‘There is no spoon’ conversations, is it?

I look around. The walls are dark wood, with a red curtain going up and down the length of the left-hand wall.

X: Okay, so let’s get the obvious out of the way...this isn’t real.

???: What makes you think that?

X: Huge-ass corridor, weird guy dressed as a Dementor guarding a door. Makes me wanna put my money on a dream. And compared to the dreams I’ve been having recently…

???: Does a dream make this any less real?

X: Well…yeah.

???: Then that is something else you shall learn.

The hooded figure takes a couple of steps forward, and pulls a rope to its right. As it does so, the curtain pulls across towards the door, revealing portraits all along the wall. Or, at first look they’re portraits…

???: Take a look, Alexander. See for yourself why you’re here.

I look upon the wall, and immediately feel even more confused. Each portrait is a snapshot from my life. The one closest to me, an image of my first WZCW match, being driven down by Jack O’Lantern. To it’s left is my final match in Japan; a ladder match where I lost my International Championship against Red. The image itself is me hugging him post-match. To the right of the Jack O’Lantern picture, being decimated by S.H.I.T. The trend continues up to the door, where the image of me in mid flight, as Sam Smith moves from the table, needs no further etching into my brain. Behind me, the pictures seem to go on, endlessly.

X: I…

???: What do you see?

X: This wall…it’s my losses…my failures.

???: Yes. Your failures and regrets, be they in your life or in your career.

X: I was kinda there in all of them. Don’t need reminding.

I walk towards the hooded man. I assume he’s a man; the black robes give no shape as to identify the wearers sex.

X: Why remind me of things that are etched in my brain?

???: It’s not about reminding you. It’s about showing you why.

X: Why what?

The hooded figure turns around, and slowly plunges the key into the lock.

X: Hey jackass! Why what? That doesn’t even make sense.

???: Perhaps a more visual demonstration will suffice.

The lock clicks, and the door opens. The figure pushes it slowly open, and steps to the side for me to walk past. I walk towards it, figuring that it’s the only way I’m gonna get out of this damn corridor. There’s nothing distinguishable through the doorframe, but still I continue. As I pass the hooded figure, I’m half-tempted to pull the hood off. It’s my dream, I figure, so why shouldn’t I? Somehow, I get the distinct impression that this being my dream counts for nothing in the decision-making process.

As I step through, I hear a click behind me. I turn to see that the door I’ve just walked through has disappeared, and has left me in the middle of a street. I take a couple of seconds to adjust to the bright light of the sun, but I quickly realize where I am. Two blocks from my folks’ house. More specifically, Abi’s house. And as I see the young me walk up the steps, I immediately know on what occasion this is, and immediately want to punch that hooded bastard in his hooded face.

The younger me knocks on the door. I walk closer, despite knowing what’s about to happen. I guess some kind of curiosity wants me to see this from a different perspective. I catch my face; white as a sheet, red, sore eyes. The door opens, and woman no older than forty answers. Her eyes are redder and sorer than mine, and the look on her face is one of disdain at the young Xander. I give you Abi’s mom.

Abi’s Mom: What the hell are you doing here.

Young X: I’m sorry, I just wanted to-

Abi’s Mom: To what, exactly? To apologize? To seek forgiveness? To see how I am?? How the hell do you think I am??

Young X: Please, I just-

Abi’s Mom: No. No, you’re not getting that satisfaction out of me. You think you can just waltz on over here and lay on the ‘sorry’, and everything’s gonna be fine, just like that?

Young X: I-

Abi’s Mom: She’s dead, Xander. Dead. Because of you.

They both stand there for a moment in complete stillness. What can only be seconds feels like an eternity; not just for both of them, but for me watching. My young eyes stay firmly rooted to the ground, whilst her eyes burn a hole through me, as if to strike me down where I stand just by a stare. Even here, rewatching this in a dream, I feel her hatred.

Young X: I’m not here to ask for your forgiveness. I don’t deserve it. I just…I want you to know I’m sorry. And I did love Abi, I prom-

And before I can say another word, SMACK! I can’t say I blame her, either. Here I was, on her doorstep, telling her how much I loved the most important person in her world, whilst being a big part of the reason she died. Tears have begun rolling down her cheeks, as they have mine.

Abi’s Mom: You don’t deserve to say her name. You and your friends, you did this to her. You drove her to this.

She goes to shut the door, but stops to deliver her final say.

Abi’s Mom: Xander, I’m perfectly aware my daughter was no saint. But she was a good person who loved life. You should know that. And she is certainly not the kind of person to…do something like this. And I hold you responsible. If I had my way, you’d be the one dead, not her. Now get the hell away from here.

I turn away, feeling my stomach doing backflips and my eyes welling up. By far and away, this is one of the worst experiences of my life, topped only by, well, you can guess what. As I do turn away, I notice the cloaked figure has returned. I walk up to him and grab him by the cloak.

X: What the hell is this?

???: This is who you are, Xander. Nothing more than a boy, crying at the mistakes he’s made. You like to think you’re searching for redemption, when in fact you’re doing nothing more than kidding yourself.

X: You son of a-

???: This is your true face. And the truth is, you think you’ve changed when you haven’t. I should know.

The hooded figure pushes me away, raises his arms, and goes to remove his hood-

Triple X sits up, sweat-covered, a terrified expression on his face. It’s 4:30am, a couple of days after Unscripted. He breathes slowly, deeply, running his hands through his hair.

…the hell was that?

He slowly stands up, and makes his way to the bathroom, before promptly throwing up. He takes a moment to steady himself, turns the light on, and splashes some water on his face before looking at the mirror. His face stares back, white as a sheet, his eyes wide with fear. Fear of what, though?

I thought the dreams were getting better…and I get that? What the hell is wrong with me.

X stares back into the bowl, then without thinking punches the mirror into a million shards. Slithers of glass fall into the sink, with blood dripping slowly from his hand, swirling around with the water.

X: Great. Just great...

Later That Day…

It’s around 10am. X, awake since his incident with the bathroom mirror, is returning back to his place after a long jog around the surrounding area. He opens his door and kicks off his training shoes, and goes to enter the living room, only to hear voices coming from there. At first he’s on guard, before realizing exactly who’s speaking.

Frank: …just what I’m talking about.

Red: Well, he seems to think he’s coping well. I mean, if you call shutting everything out and focusing on WZCW too much coping.

Frank: Which you don’t, I assume?

Red: It’s bloody-well stupid is what it is.

Frank: Well, he has always been a bit headstrong. Stubborn.

Red: Damn right he is.

Frank: I suppose it’s one of his finer attributes if we’re being honest. It does give him a great determination.

Red: I know, but…Frank, I dunno about you, but I’ve never seen him like this. Bollocks to what he says, he’s struggling.

Frank: I know. But there’s only so much we can do. We can only offer to help, and hope he’s smart enough to take it.

Red: Or not too proud to turn it down.

X, having had enough of listening, walks into the room.

X: I don’t mind you guys coming into my home while I’m not in, but shoes off, please.

Both men turn around, having not seen or heard him enter the room.

Red: X!

Frank: Xander…

X: Guys, look. It’s fine. I get you’re concerned. But you don’t need to be. I’m fine.

Red: I really don’t like saying bollocks, do you want me to repeat it again?

X: Look-

Frank: What happened in your bathroom, out of interest?

X: What? Oh, nothing. Just me.

Red: Just…you?

X holds his taped-up right fist up.

X:...the mirror and I had a disagreement.

Red: And you’re perfectly fine? Sound it.

X: Look…

Frank: David is right, Xander. At the very least, we know something is up. If you don’t wanna tell us, that’s fine, but don’t think of us as idiots.

X stares at Frank, then flicks back at Red.

X: Guys, I’m not myself. You’re right. But I don’t want to talk about it. I’ve got a match against Constantine to focus on, and talking about this is the last thing I need.

Red and Frank both look at each other.

Red: Fine. I gotta go anyway. Take it easy though, yeah? Frank, a pleasure.

Frank: So long, David.

Red takes one last look at X, then exits the room, and the apartment.

Frank: He’s right Xander. You need to be careful. You look like you’ve hardly slept.

X: Then I look how I am.

Frank: And you really think you can face a guy the calibre of Constantine in this condition?

X: Fortunately I’ve got a couple of days to catch a few Z’s…

Frank: You know what I mean.

X: Frank, I’m fine. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but I’m focused. I have to be. I’ve scouted Johnnie-boy just like I scout all of my other opponents. And yeah, he’s the biggest challenge I’ve come up against. He’s the King for a Day, and seems to take that title a little too…literally. Still, he’s dangerous. One wrong move and he’s got me.

Frank: That King for a Day contract plays into your hands though. I mean, how can he even resist thinking about Showtime’s world title? He’s going to be constantly thinking about when and how to cash it in, so surely his focus is going to be somewhat divided.

X: Doubt it. He’ll see me as a stepping stone. A paving slab on the path the glory. He’ll be serious, and he’ll want to send a message.

Frank: You sound…hesitant.

X: Well, how much does he have to lose? I somehow win, he still has the contract. Sure, maybe a little steam is lost, but he lost at Unscripted, too. To Justin Cooper. But even if I were to beat him, he could end the night as World Champion, either way. But me? If I win, I prove I can handle with the big guns here. And what happens if I lose? Drop back to the Elite X title? I had my chance, and I took it, and like most chances, they don’t always pay off. I crashed and burned, but I gave it my all. At the end of the day, Smith wanted it more. I’ve had my shot. Will take a hell of a lot to get another one.

Frank: Is that what you want?

X sits on the couch, pondering the question.

X: No. No disrespect to the Elite X championship, but facing Constantine on Meltdown is a chance to progress. A chance to show the world I can step up. A chance to show myself I deserve to be where I am.

X looks up at Frank, who looks curious by X’s last statement.

Frank: What do you-

X: It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is John Constantine. The only thing that matters is me beating John Constantine.

Frank: How about your well-being? Your sanity? X, I know you don’t like to burden people, but this isn't just about you doing 'flippies' off of ladders anymore-

X: Frank…

X stands up, and walks towards his friend.

X:…I know you’ve just been worried about me. I know you and mom both respect me and what I do. And I want you to remember that when I say this. I am who I am. I do what I do. I jump off high things, I put my body on the line, and I do what I can to entertain. It’s painful, it’s exhausting, but it’s worth it. I deal with my life my way, and I deal with my problems my way. And last time I checked, I have a pretty good record with dealing with personal issues, so I know what I’m talking about. So please, just trust me.

Frank stares at him for a moment before turning towards the door. As he reaches it, he stops, and turns, not looking X in the eye.

Frank: I know. And that’s what scares me. You’ve dealt with so much, that I worry you feel like you have to do this whole ‘lone gunslinger’ thing alone, and you don’t. You have people around you, Xander. People who wanna help. But I’m worried you’re saying you’re fine not because you don’t want to burden people. No. You actually believe it. And I’m sorry, but I just don’t.

He stays stood there, as X stares back, almost like a statue.

X: Guess we’ll find out. Thanks for stopping by, Frank.

X’s reply is cold, unmoving. Frank quickly glances at X before turning around and leaving. As he hears the door close, X slowly drifts into the bathroom, where the broken glass from earlier that morning remains scattered around the sink and the floor. He grabs a dustpan and sweeps up every little piece he can see, and dumps them into the bin. He stands there, staring back into the sink.

Frank’s right about one thing. I’m not okay. That dream did mess me about, but I’ve dealt with worse. Much worse. And come Meltdown, John Constantine is gonna get a taste of the worst side of me I can show him.

X looks back up into the remaining chunks of mirror still held in the frame. The reflection shows the eyes of a tired man…along with the subtle flick of something black just behind him. He turns around quickly, only to find himself standing there. Alone.
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