MD 82: "Showtime" David Cougar (c) vs Steven Holmes - Non Title

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Our opening is frantic, fast and frenzied. As we note the logo in the corner, the camera swings wildly from side to side as we catch snippets of various things like feet walking down a corridor, other staff in the background and even a glimpse at the face of the man in control of this camera; interviewer extraordinaire Leon Kensworth. Having spent the evening revealing match results and dealing with the events of WZCW’s interactive Unscripted PPV, Kensworth is on his way to record a brief reaction interview with a participant from the evening’s main event. He finally arrives at the trainer’s room where his interviewee is recovering.

Our visual now is of the door as Leon has finally established a stable angle with the camera. He is quick to open the door and enter without the permission of either the trainer or his subject. We see that it is in fact Steven Holmes that is receiving treatment for his various aches and pains following his failed attempt to capture the World’s heavyweight Championship. Holding an ice-pack on his neck and with a towel over his head, he sharply turns his head to Leon, grimacing the whole time. The trainer looks concerned by Leon’s sudden arrival. Leon is quick to try and defuse the situation by doing his job:

Leon: My apologies for bursting in like this, but I was just wondering if I could get a quick word with you Mr. Holmes?

There is a moment of stillness as the trainer looks at Leon aghast; knowing that what will follow will not only be violent, but potentially hazardous to both Leon and himself. Holmes’ grimace morphs into pure, unbridled rage as snaps right up and throws the ice-pack as hard as he can in the general direction of Leon who steps back to avoid the hurled object. He continues trotting backwards to avoid a now storming Holmes who is headed to the doorway. His face is rich with pain and yet true fury. He grabs the door and screams at Leon:


Holmes slams the door and the camera lingers for a moment, before fading out, the however remains imbedded in the corner and it becomes clear that there is more to come. True enough, we fade into a shot of Leon sat in a rather large armchair. The camera quality is infinitely superior. He smiles slightly as he prepares to introduce us to this interview:

Leon: What you just witnessed was an act of raw emotion that was understandable following the result of the main event of Unscripted. Thankfully that incident was a onetime occurrence...

Leon pauses, recalling a similar incident occurring not long after the debut of a certain aristocrat.

Leon: And I am pleased to say that joining us at this time is none other than “The Elite” Steven Holmes!

The camera cuts to a similar armchair to Leon’s only rather than spectacled interviewer; it is occupied by the clean-cut, well dressed elitist. His face is void of emotion and he stares at Leon, clearly still peeved about the trainer’s room incident. It is only after a few seconds of realising the camera is on him that Holmes raises a mocking smirk. In response Leon develops a nervous smile before opening up his interview.

Leon: Um, first of all Mr. Holmes I would like to ask how you are both physically and mentally following your participation is arguably the most violent match type in professional wrestling?

Shifting in his chair and completely avoiding the question, Steven Holmes attempts to make himself more comfortable. As the camera looks on, he does not even remotely display an interest in the question. Instead he makes sure he is perfectly set for the remained of his time spent with Leon. He even readjusts his tie to make sure it is perfectly symmetrical. It is an almost obsessive if not evasive display. Leon goes to reiterate his question:

Leon: Mr. Holmes did you want me to repeat the question?

Immediately, Holmes snaps his head in the direction of Leon. The look of anger that we witnessed in the trainer’s room returns and he stares a hole through his interviewer. He shrugs his shoulders and cracks his neck. Then and only then does the “Elite” begin to speak:

Holmes: Leon, if you will allow me, let me ask you a question.

A little taken aback, but nonetheless intrigued, Leon is open to such an idea.

Leon: Well if you want to then I see no reason not to--

Holmes: Are you not sickened to work for a mass corporation like WZCW?

Preparing to answer, Leon is cut off almost straight away as Holmes continues.

Holmes: Don’t answer the question; I’ll answer it for you my dear Leon. For you see I for one am sick to my very core. I am sick of being put on display like a piece of meat. I am sick of being used to sell out arenas nation, nay, worldwide. I am sick of being held back from my omnipotence and true greatness. And ultimately I am sick of being used in general. It was clear from Big Dave’s hasty decision on the latest edition of Meltdown to fire me - that was so wonderfully reversed I will point out – that this company was sick of me as well. They are sick of my truths. They are sick of my potential. But most of all, they are sick of having to put in actual effort in holding me back.

It is truly tragic that we have reached such a pitiful point where I, clearly the clear superiority in professional wrestling, am being held back by an organisation just so its hand-picked stars can make them extraordinary amounts of money. Greed has driven this company from holding the world in the palm of its hand to the brink of a holy war the likes of which have not been seen in this realm for years. I am the most gifted talent on the roster and I deserve a one-on-one shot at the World Heavyweight Championship this coming week on Meltdown 82 against “Showtime” David Cougar. I will outclass and outwrestle him and make a mockery of this so called champion. I will prove that there can only be one champion and that is me whether WZCW officially chooses to recognise it or not.

As Holmes finally stops speaking there is a pause. Leon does not speak out of fear Holmes will merely cut him off again, while Holmes awaits a response from Leon. Eventually Holmes speaks up.

Holmes: Well damn it man have you nothing to say?

Leon: Of course, I just wasn’t sure you had finished Mr. Holmes.

Holmes: Bah!

Leon: Well, what I wanted to ask was if you feel so aggrieved, why not just quit, after all you have a vast amount of wealth as it is, surely you can leave without much hassle.

Holmes: Oh Leon, that’s such a cowardly way to do business. If I were perhaps, oh I don’t know, Douglas Crashin or Steven Kurtesy or Chris Beckford or Gordito or Ty Burna I might do that, but I am not any of these men, all of whom left because one way or another I played a key role in their downfall...

Leon looks slightly baffled at that particular statement.

Holmes: I am a man of honour, I am a man of dignity, and I am ultimately a man who sees things through until the very end. After all I repeatedly came back for the Elite X Championship, just as I repeatedly came back to break John Constantine and just as I continue to destroy the so-called legacy Big Dave has left for himself. I ended his wrestling career and I’ve put his management career on life-support. And so I shall relentlessly pursue the World Heavyweight Championship and drag WZCW kicking and screaming into a new era. It will be an era of untold fortunes and it shall be glorious. Utopian if you will.

Leon: I find it interesting that you are acting somewhat more upbeat and light-hearted here compared to more recently where you were promising blood-stained steps to immortality and such. What has prompted such a change in attitude so quickly?

Holmes: I’m not being light-hearted Leon. Far from that. What I’m doing is mocking the pitiful state in which WZCW is in rather than re-iterating the same point over and over again. I’m not flogging a dead horse at market Leon. I have made it painfully clear that I am so close to immortality that I can practically taste it. I’ve vividly described my visions of glory and grandeur of wiping the blood of my enemies from my brow in the heat of battle. It’s all been documented before.

Picking up on what he himself has said, Holmes slips into a somewhat deep thought for a moment. Leon snaps him out of that thought with a new question.

Leon: What is perhaps not well documented is your position with Triple X. Why did you interrupt him at Unscripted? Was it perhaps some resentment left over from his ending your Elite X Championship reign?

Holmes looks deadly serious at Leon as if considering the most serious of answers before shortly bursting into full scale laughter. We’re talking a full on belly laugh as Holmes sinks into his chair with unbroken howling. He keeps sinking to the point where nearly falls out of the chair so he stands up to avoid it. As he rises, he takes his microphone off and tosses it onto his seat before exiting out of the camera. Leon looks slightly disturbed as we fade, ending the interview.

Scene opens inside an airplane. WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Showtime David Cougar is seated inside the plane, holding the side of his ear. The camera continues to pan out and we see he is sitting with Leon Kensworth who appears to be talking. A stewardess walks up to them and offers both men a drink. Leon politely declines and it takes Showtime almost 30 seconds to respond to the offer. The stewardess places a drink down in front of Showtime and walks off. Showtime stares at the drink when the loud ringing sound finally ends.

Kensworth: Showtime... are you feeling alright?

Showtime: Yea, I just have this loud ringing in my ear. I've never experienced this before when flying, but I guess my head being smashed repeatedly into a steel cage at Unscripted isn't helping the situation either.

Here, take some aspirin. I usually get dizzy and have head pains on airplanes so I always carry some when I fly. It’s strange that you are experiencing this as this is one of the few times I’m not experiencing any discomfort.

Showtime takes the aspirin from Leon, but turns down his offer of water and downs the pills with his alcoholic beverage. Showtime places the cup down too loudly, as it causes him further pain in his ear. Showtime’s face flinches as a result of it.

So the show rolls on this week against Steven Holmes. How do you think you’ll do against The Elitist in WZCW?

Leon do we have to?

Have to what Showtime?

Have to talk about this every time we see each other. Who my opponent is? How I will do against him? Do I think I have a chance? Why can’t we just talk like friends?

I'm sorry Showtime. What do you want to talk about then? I heard the NHL lockout is finally over. As a Canadian I'm sure you've taken some interest in it and...

Leon I'm just messing with you. You know me... I love to talk about myself, almost as much as I like to talk down the competition. I didn't win this belt and retain it at Unscripted by tip toeing around my opponents. That's not what a champion does. A champion looks straight into their opponents eyes and dares them to take their best shot. He doesn't back down from nothing. Who am I taking on again this week?

On Meltdown you are going to go one on one with Steven Holmes. Holmes will be looking for retribution for not being able to win in his first ever WZCW Title match, and with no number 1 contender named yet he will no doubt pull out all the stops on Meltdown and try to lay claim to that position.

Holmes is a terrific wrestler, no question about that. You don't get put in a main event World Title match and not be something amazing. Especially when that champion is none other than Showtime David Cougar; but at the end of the day when his wallet is put away, when his bathroom robe is hung up, when the Elite One has finally shut his mouth and is ready to fight, Holmes is just another wrestler. Hardly considered elite and certainly not the greatest wrestler he lays claim to.

Holmes may not be World Champion yet, but he improved by leaps and bounds in 2012. His performance at Lethal Lottery was record breaking, his matches against Big Dave, Chris K.O. and John Constantine were top notch, and with the sting of defeat still fresh in his mind, I think he may put up more of a fight than you estimate from him.

Leaps and bounds. Holmes has certainly improved a lot in WZCW in the past year, but it's easy to show improvement when you've been flying so low for so long. Holmes still has not won the big match here in WZCW. Nothing Holmes has done in his career yet has garnered him the right to face the World Heavyweight Champion, let alone become World Champion. When Holmes first arrived, we tried to destroy the Mayhem division. He couldn't even take the belt off its greatest champion. And then Holmes was able to win the Tag Team Championships, but was soundly defeated in his first defense. His partner, Steven Kurtesy, went on to win the WZCW Title, proving that he was the strength to his team and Holmes was the weak link. Holmes then wins the Elite X Title because his associate John Constantine was able to knock Sam Smith out with one move. Holmes had a lackluster reign and ended up dropping the title to a wrestler who really shot up the ladder in 2012, I'm talking about a definite future World Champion in Triple X. Holmes, the book is still out on him. Triple X will become World Champion one day. You heard it from the champion first and I would love to go one on one with him before I hang up the boots and this title.

Nothing wrong with looking ahead to the future, and Triple X certainly is on his way to becoming a main eventer in WZCW, but are you sure you're not overlooking Steven Holmes just a little. Unscripted could've gone anyway and he could've been champion.

Could've, you are absolutely right Leon. Steven Holmes could've been World Champion. Just like Titus could've been a 3-time World Champion and Drake Callahan a 2 time champion. Could've, but it didn't happen that way. I came out on top because I am the best wrestler in this company and I have the belt to prove it. Look I'm not saying Holmes isn't great, you're not saying Holmes isn't great either. You know who is saying Holmes isn't great, The fans are saying Holmes isn't great, and while you can say that we control much of our own destiny, no one in this business can make it unless the fans believe you can. Just look at who the fans nominated as wrestler of the year for 2012. I don't see Steven Holmes' name on that list, and you might sit here and try to tell me that Steven isn't popular with the fans. Well I see Drake's name on there. I'm sure he's not that popular since he tried to hold the WZCW Title hostage. I see John Constantine's name. I'm sure the fans love it when he rips on them. S.H.I.T., Rush, the fans aren't screaming their names either. None of those guys are popular with the fans, but the fans still took the time to acknowledge that they were among the best in WZCW. Steven Holmes, the fans see right through his words, and his actions, and his grandeur, and his pompous arrogance, and they see what I see. Someone who has potential, but at the end of the day is not among the best in WZCW, let alone the best wrestler. I am the best wrestler in WZCW and I challenge Holmes and any wrestler in the back to prove me otherwise. I know one day, one match, someone will defeat me and I may have to shake their hand and call them the better wrestler, but it won’t be Holmes, and it won’t be this Meltdown.

The plane begins to shake a little and the pilot speaks through the intercom.

Pilot: Folks we are experiencing a little turbulence as we approach our destination. Please return to your seats and safely buckle yourselves in. We will begin landing very shortly.

Showtime and Leon buckle themselves in. Leon puts his hands on his head and looks down.

Oh man... here comes the pain. I knew this was too good to be true when I felt fine after takeoff.

Here... have some aspirin. I don’t need it anymore.

Ahh... that ringing. I wish it would just go away.

To me... it’s the sound of Holmes dreams ending.

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