MD 82: Chris K.O. vs Krypto

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The Misadventures of Krypto

White Knight? More like Fright Night!

Krypto can be seen walking back to the locker room after winning the Mentor Program and finally getting the approval of his mentors he so desperately desired. Krypto soon enters the room which is empty and begins congratulating and talking to himself.

Krypto: I did it, I beat Isabel Stone, I got Saboteur and Saxton’s respect, and now I can have a match against anyone in the WZCW in any type of match I want. Think of all the possible opponents I can pick…..

??? : 35 possibilities give or take, my calculation haven’t exactly been the same since I’ve been stuck in this sweaty human gym bag.

Krypto turns around to see his robot companion RJX9 halfway sticking out his smelly gym bag which contains various items he was then forced to lug around by Action Saxton and Saboteur. He quickly pulls it out and hugs it tightly.

Krypto: RJ buddy! The Mentor Program and my other personal conflicts have caused me to forget about you, how have you been?

RJ: How do you think I’ve been!? My sensors have gone haywire thanks to that dark skinned human using me as target practice for his sharp human blades called shuriken.

Krypto: That’s Action Saxton and I’m sure he never had any intention of actually hitting you.

RJ: And that other human used me to smash insects in his apartment which is a very unsanitary habitat even for humans.

Krypto: I know Saboteur could have better living conditions but nobody is perfect.

RJ: We were Krypto! We were perfectly fine where we were back on our home planet, with your Mom and Dad.

Krypto begins to reminisce and a look of homesickness develops on his face.

RJ: And what about Azura, you know your wife!

Krypto: She’s not my wife, she was my fiancée. We technically never got married.

RJ: Because you were afraid and ra…

Krypto: Stop! I don’t like to talk about that okay.

RJ: Look Krypto what I’m trying to say it that you’ve had your fun on this little vacation of yours but it’s time to go back home and come back to reality.

Krypto: Don’t you understand RJ? This has become our new reality! While you were napping in Saboteur’s dirty socks I was out there entertaining these fans, I even won the right to have a match against any single person in the company, and the world is at my fingertips!

RJ: Well do you have any idea who you even want to face?

Krypto: I have plenty of time to think that over, how about we stay here and I show you this human channel called Skinemax Saxton showed me.

About 24 Hours Later

RJ: Wake up Krypto!

Krypto: Wha…what’s going on?

RJ: You fell asleep in this dirty, public locker room watching Naughty School Girls Gone Wild.

Krypto: Yup, those human adolescent females sure can get crazy.

RJ: Why couldn’t we have spent the night in the nice hotel that was booked for us?

Krypto: I don’t know, it’s just so expected and boring. Not knowing where you could end up the next day in exciting and unexpected.

RJ: No it’s the human definition of being homeless.

Krypto: Stop disrespecting those unfortunate humans.

RJ: It’s just that if you plan to be taken seriously, if you plan to show all the other human wrestlers in the back that you spar with the best in the company, you need to stop living out of garbage cans and locker rooms and do what they do.

Krypto: I don’t need to copy what somebody else does just to make others think I’m good. I know I’m talented, and if others don’t believe me they’ll end up just like Isabel Stone did when I beat her at Unscripted.

RJ: That’s just it, you’re not facing Isabel Stone this time, you’re not even facing a human female, accroing to come Meltdown you’re going up against Chris K.O.

Krypto: Oh yeah, isn’t he the White Knight of WZCW or something?

RJ: White Knight, Like of the colonial times?

Krypto: No I don’t think he represents any fragrances, at least none of the ones I stole from Saxton’s bathroom cabinet.

RJ: No not cologne you moron, like medieval times, a period in this planet’s history in which Knights were of the highest honor and prestige. If it is true that Mr. K.O. is indeed from this time period is seemingly impossible that you will be able to beat him.

Krypto: There’s got to be some way to beat this Knight.

RJ: Well according to my database we can travel back in time and study the weaknesses of these Knight’s in their natural habitat.

Krypto: How do we do that?

RJ: Like any other worldly and futuristic alien and robot should: Time Travel.

Krypto and RJ file into a small cardboard box and enclose themselves into it.

RJ: We shall teleport using my quantum shift flux compacting fasers.

Krypto: Wait hold on.

Krypto pulls out his IPod and proceeds to play the following theme.

RJ: Why are you playing that?

Krypto: Saboteur said this should always be played when attempting time travel, in case you get stuck.

RJ: Whatever, preparing to jump back in time in 3….2…..1….go!

Krypto: Are we there yet?

RJ: I don’t know, nothing’s happening.

Krypto and RJ wait impatiently in the cardboard box for something to happen only for a janitor coming in to clean the room notices the box, picks it up and hands to the local garbage and he dumps into a garbage truck. The enclosed box rattles around the back while the truck bounces up and down due to various pot holes.

Krypto: Finally, we’re time traveling!

RJ: I remember it being a much less bumpy ride last time I did this….

Eventually the small cardboard box is squeezed under the door of the garbage truck and after the truck once again bounces falls right in front of the gate of a medieval reenactment center. The truck keeps on driving and the enclosed box is picked up by a female supervisor wearing an old colonial dress.

Supervisor: Oh finally those new batch of costumes have arrived, why are they so smelly? Whatever, we’ll just wash them.

The Supervisor takes the box to her office and opens to find WZCW’s resident “alien” and holding his robotic pal in fetal position after being pretty banged up from the ride over.

Supervisor: What the hell is this?

Krypto: So this medieval times huh?

RJ: Follow my lead Krypto.

RJ clears his robotic auto tune voice and while still in his hand urges Krypto to exit the box.

Supervisor: Who are you?

RJ: How goes it my fair lady, we are from ye future, we have come a great and far distance to observe you’re fine and respectable Knights.

The supervisor stands there not uttering a word, as if she didn’t hear a thing RJ said, still waiting on a response from Krypto to her earlier question.

Supervisor: Are you going to answer my question or do I have to call security.

Krypto: No, we wish not to cause any trouble with your mighty Knights we wish only to learn from them.

Supervisor: So you want to be a part of the jousting contest or something?

Krypto: Jousting?

RJ: According to my database jousting is a medieval sports contest in which two opponents on horseback fight with lances

Krypto: So I would have to fight a Knight?

Supervisor: Yes you would, metaphorically speaking; you would use a lance, if you want an example just look outside.

Krypto and RJ look out the window to see a huge, muscular, man in a black knight’s costume riding on a horse smashing his lance into the chest of an unfortunate reenactor who is also wearing a lighter colored knight’s outfit.

Supervisor: That’s our number reenact….I mean jouster Christian Oliver Kingsley; some call him Chris O.K. for short.

Krypto: That looks like it hurts, I’m not sure that’s a good idea RJ.

RJ: You have to do this Krypto; it’s the only way to see if you have it in you to beat Chris K.O.

Krypto: If you think it will get me prepared I’ll do it.

Supervisor: Prepared for what?

Krypto: Oh….nothing…I’ll play this jousting game.

Supervisor: Okay we’ll you’ll need put on this Knight’s outfit, it’s the last one we have and it’s probably the one that fits you the best it’s still bigger than your size.

Krypto struggles for a bit but is eventually able to put on the oddly white and shiny colored Knight’s outfit and shuffle is way out to the Jousting arena where Chris O.K. is finishing off his next victim.

Chris: Another pathetic challenger defeated eh?

The defeated jouster attempts to make it to his feet after his defeat.

Chris: Stay down unworthy knight, for you must lay in the wallow of your own pity.

Chris forces the defeated challenger to stay on the muddy ground.

Chris: Who is next? Who shall I defeat and conquer this time? This is an open challenge to anyone who thinks they can defeat the Fright Knight, the mighty warrior who strikes fear in the hearts of all the other jousters.

Chris is about to continue his monologue when he notices the short Krypto dressed in his armor attempting to climb his way onto a horse but slips and falls off.

Chris: Are you the next challenger oh short peasant?

Krypto: Um…yes.

Chris: Oh my….have I decimated so much competition that this is all that is left?

Krypto: I am here to learn your weaknesses.

Chris: I do not have any weaknesses peasant, except the fact that I am irresistible to all fair maidens.

Some people laugh along with Chris of fear while others roll their eyes and boo out of hate.

Krypto: I don’t think that’s true, you seemed to be loved by some but hated by others, a mixed reaction of sorts.

Chris: The Fright Knight does not receive mixed reactions for he is the unifier of everything that is good in this colony.

Krypto: You say that you are the bringer of good but then go around and do something dastardly like humiliating that poor human I mean fellow laying in the dirt. What are you really Chris K.O…. I mean Chris O.K. a bringer of good, or a harbinger of chaos?

Some spectators cheer Krypto for comments while others are silent for fear that cheering will incurred the wrath of The Fright Knight.

Chris: How dare you disrespect me in my own colony peasant! I shall end you here and now! On guard!

Chris begins charging at Krypto on his horse and Krypto struggles to pick up his heavy joust. Chris closes in furiously and Krypto is not strong enough to pick up the joust. The Fright Knight is just about to take off Krypto’s head but the resident alien ducks just in time. Chris turns his horse around heading back for another shot at Krypto. Krypto once again tries to pick up the joust but just can’t do it. Chris is closing in so Krypto makes a bold choice and decides to stand up on the back of his horse and as The Fright Knight is making his way to attack Krypto hits him with a cross body! The two collapse to the ground, Chris’s helmet is knocked off along with Krypto’s revealing his un-normal face.

Chris: What the hell are you doing?

Krypto: Proving that I can hang with the best.

Krypto flips up and while Chris is on one knee he hits him with an Alienator! The crowd is in complete shock and O.K. is unconscious on the muddy ground.

RJ: You did it Krypto! You beat a knight!

Krypto: Yeah but I’m not so sure I can do the same to Chris K.O. After all he is a White Knight not a Fright Knight.

RJ: Krypto Chris K.O. is lost. He has no idea what he is anymore, he wants to save WZCW but there is nothing to for it to be saved from. He’s outlived his usefulness and that’s going to be shown when you beat him on Meltdown.

Krypto: But didn’t he beat Ty Burna and save the company from the Apostles of Chaos?

RJ: But he was the one who helped Apostles cause chaos anyway,the fans will never fully accept him for that. Plus according to my database he hasn’t done anything of note lately, suffered losses to Steven Holmes, Titus, Steamboat Ricky, Justin Cooper. While you’ve beaten a former champ, won the mentor program, earned Saboteur and Saxton’s respect and you’ve even beaten a real medieval Knight. You’re not lost any more like Chris K.O. is now. You’re going somewhere, straight to the top.

Krypto: Straight to the top?

RJ: Straight to the top.

Krypto: And I’ll never stop!

Supervisor: Hey! You just injured our best reenactor. Get that freak!

A whole angry crowd of reenactors chase the resident alien and robot pal out of the medieval field.

RJ: I think it’s time we go back home.

Krypto: Or shall I say, it’s Time to go Back to the Future!
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Part 1

We start with a stony structure. As the audience, we vaguely remember it. It is the wall that our hero was building on an unusually sunny day in the middle of December nearly a month ago. However, the wall has now blossomed and it seems as though our hero has turned it into something massive. We can only assume that our hero, with his bare hands, has constructed the mini-castle we now see. Torches on the outside illuminate the castle in the dead of night. We take a peek through a window and see that a man stands within it. In dark-faded jeans and a white t-shirt, he is hunched over a stove with a frying pan in hand. Something is cooking. No, not just in the pan, but inside the mind of the man; the man we all know as Chris K.O.

His eyes are always the deepest blue. To gauge them is nearly impossible. It is a mixture of sadness, hope, strength, and confusion. We zoom back and look at the man we once knew. Where is the tall, dark, and handsome man that ushered in the end of the apocalypse? Now he is replaced with a bulky mass of muscle and an unproven title. This is where Chris retreats. This is where Chris thinks... A place he built himself. A home.

The losses and the boos. The Tituses and the Coopers. A sea of opposing troubles. All of this is churning and turning in the mind of our hero. We see the face of Chris as he stares aimlessly down at the frying pan in front of him. The sizzling goes on in the background as the screen begins to get cloudy. Yes, we are entering a flashback.



???: Leave him alone!

We open up to a shot of what appears to be a group of kids huddled around two specific ones. One appears to be much larger than the other. An abundance of pleas to stop as well as cheers to fight surround the two kids. The larger one seems to be in complete control. He has a firm grasp on the smaller kid’s shirt and is using his other fist to pound his face. The larger kid pulls back his fist and sends a stiff shot to the nose of the smaller kid. Finally, we see a droplet of blood come out of his nose.

The shot pans and we see two young kids turn down the hall. The moment slows down and we see that one of the kids has piercing blue eyes. The moment he sees the fight occurring down the hall, he drops the backpack off his back and sprints towards the action. The other kid he was with cries out.

Kid: Sam! Wait!

With a tiny roar, Sam jumps into the pit of the action and begins slugging the larger kid. Sam seems to be the same size as the smaller one. The larger kid absorbs a few of Sam’s puny punches, but then finally shoves him down to the ground.

Large Kid: Stay down Sam, this isn’t your fight!

Sam grits his teeth and jumps back up, but this time he gets knocked back down from his side. Sam falls down and looks up. He is surprised to see that the smaller kid has pushed him down.

Small Kid: I don’t need your help!

Sam looks up at him in bewilderment. He is shocked that the kid who he was trying to help, has rejected his hand in aid. The screen begins to get cloudy as we transition out.


Back to the kitchen where Chris is at. He snaps out of his trance and turns off the stove that he is using. He proceeds to move the skillet to an unheated burner. We zoom out and see that he is in an appropriate sized kitchen for his body size. He makes his way over to a cabinet and pulls out a plate. He returns to the skillets and pulls out a steaming steak and takes it over to a small wooden table that is a few feet away from the stove and just slightly out of the kitchen area.

He sits down and picks up a knife and fork that was already on the table. As he begins to cut the steak, he looks down and to the side of his plate. A picture of the WZCW star, Krypto, is resting on top of a folder, which is surely filled with documents upon documents of the superstar. Chris had denounced the stolen fortune he took from Ty Burna, but he could not resist the opportunity to use the wealth to gather information on the unlikely Mentor Program winner.

Chris: How does this guy come out on top of a competition like that?

Chris continues to cut his steak. The camera pans around to assure us that Chris is indeed alone in the small dining area wing of his mini castle.

Chris: Furthermore, how do I get paired up against someone like that in a match?

A hint of resentment trickles through Chris’ comment as he finishes cutting his steak and then shoves a piece of it into his mouth, via a fork. Chris stares off into space as he eats his steak, but after a few seconds he begins to think out loud.

Chris: How can they book me in a match like this when there are people like the New Church or maniacs like Cooper and Bowen prancing around the company?

Chris shoves another piece of steak into his mouth.

Chris: How does pitting a good guy versus a goo---... good guy... solve any of those problems?

Chris looks back down at Krypto’s picture. He picks it up with his idle hand.

Chris: Krypto. Carried into the limelight by Saxton and Saboteur.

Chris chews on a piece of steak in his mouth and then swallows it.

Chris: Saboteur...

Chris smirks and then looks down at his plate.

Chris: You know, when you read the articles on you always see Saboteur’s name attached with the tagline: The guy who beat Ty Burna.

Chris lets out a grunting laugh.

Chris: Yeah, that did a lot of good.

Chris looks back at the picture and then wears a serious look upon his face.

Chris: How can someone like you get so much ovation from the crowd, but yet someone, who has done what I have done, can fight against two great evils in this company and get booed? No offense Krypto-

We get a close up of Krypto’s picture.

Chris: But you are a sideshow, and I don’t belong down at the bottom, facing someone like you. I respect what you stand for, but I am better than you.

The camera now gets a close-up on Chris’ face.

Chris: I don’t think that it is cocky for me to believe or say that. I think all men are entitled to what they have earned. You may have your day sometime my little green friend, but when you come against me, it will not be that day.

Chris looks off into the distance, and we see a torch fire glowing in the eyes of Chris as a reflection.

Chris: The crowd can scoff all they want, but I truly can help them. I can save them...

The scene begins to get cloudy.


We see the young Samuel sitting in what appears to be an office scenario. Along with Sam, the smaller kid and the larger kid are also sitting the office. All three of them are separated by at least two or three chairs apiece. Suddenly, a tall man comes into the open office area through a wooden door. He looks over at Sam.

Man: Samuel. Your parent just came through the front entrance. Gather your things.

Sam nods as he grabs the backpack sitting at his feet. His eyes begin to water slightly as he thinks about the trouble he will be in when he gets home. Sent home for the day and two days worth of detention is the punishment that he has received. Although his dad is not an abusive man, Sam still readies himself for the burden of disappointing his father. Sam knows that there will surely be further punishment that will be enacted at home. Sam snaps out of his pity train of thought and looks up at the sound of nearing footsteps.

He surprised to see that a woman enters the office entrance. Sam looks up at the young and slender woman with brunette hair.

Woman: Come on Sammy, let’s go.

Sam: Yes, mama.

The scene transitions as we see the two of them leave the office. We get a final shot of Sam staring at the friend he tried to help, but rejected his attempt. Now, the scene is set inside of a car. Sam’s mom is driving as Sam sits in the passenger side with his attention glued to the outside world.

Mom: Are we going to talk Sammy, huh?

Sam continues to look out the window.

Mom: Samuel Jonathon Masters; talk to me.

Sam: It wasn’t my fault.

Mom: It doesn’t matter whose fault it was. What matters is that you were in a fight.

Sam begins to get teary eyed, as any little child would when feeling like they are being blamed for something.

Sam: I saw Tim getting beat up by a fifth grader that always picks on him. I tried to help him mama, but-

Sam sucks up the tears and snot that has begun to flow with his emotions.

Sam: He pushed me down! He told me not to help him! I was just trying to help.

Sam’s mom looks down at him with comforting eyes. She reaches out one of her arms and brushes Sam’s cheek as she continues driving.

Mom: It’s alright baby.

Sam: Why would he do that mama? I was just trying to help him. He was bleeding.

Mom: Sammy. Look at me Sammy.

Sam wipes away the tears retaining underneath his eyes and looks up at his mother.

Mom: You are a hero.

She shoots him a quick smile before returning her attention to the road.

Mom: Sometimes people, like Tim, don’t think they need help whenever they really do. You can’t let that stop you from doing the right thing. I won’t get on to you for that.

She shoots him a smile again.

Mom: Even if you have to ignore the ones that you think are telling you the right thing, just remember that you are a hero.

Sam and her both lock eyes for a short moment.

Mom: You saved Tim, and I am sure that you will save many other people. You are special Sammy. More than you know.

Sam finally grows a smile on his face as his mother returns the affection. The scene becomes cloudy.


Back to Chris at the table. He is done with his steak and he has the picture of Krypto in his hand. He places the fork and the picture of Krypto down in unison. He pushes the plate away from him and then pulls the files and Krypto’s picture in front of him. Chris licks his lips and then reaches in his jeans pocket. He pulls out a coin and then places it standing up on the picture of Krypto.

Chris: I am special-

Chris raises his hands to the coin and uses this thumbs to begin spinning it. The sound of the swooping of the coin begins as it turns and turns.

Chris: More than you know, WZCW.

We see the coin spinning in Chris’ eyes, but we also see something else. What’s that? Outside the window? Chris notices it too and jumps out of his seat. He runs over to the front door and exits it. We hear twigs breaking and can only assume that someone is running away. A blur can be seen in the darkness. Chris heads that way and begins sprinting in-between trees and through thick grass.

Chris: Hey!

The chase continues for a good thirty seconds, but the bulky Chris finally has to stop. The trail is gone. Chris can no longer hear or see the blur. We see sweat begin to form on the brow of Chris as he softly pants and looks off into the darkness. The camera then cuts back to the dining area inside the house.

We get a close up of the coin still spinning on the picture of Krypto. The swooping sound fills the air. The scene goes black.
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