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MD 73: Runn Reynolds Runn and Titus vs. Forgotten Powers and S.H.I.T.

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
With the return of James King last week, it seems that the Forgotten Powers have re-united for a second time as they team up together along with Alhazred's new project robot, S.H.I.T. These three Apostles will be taking on the Tag Team Champions Runn Reynolds Runn and they man that James King helped screw over last week in the legendary Titus. Not only will Titus be looking for revenge but also a chance to show that Team WZCW has much more fight left in them but will the RRR Express be able to take this match as serious as him?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time
When I rolled into Keystone City this morning, I couldn’t help but think that it’s been a fairly Chaotic year for me.

So to say I’m happy to play a part in the fair fight against the Apostles of Chaos, no matter how small or insignificant it may be, is a small understatement.

Just like a treadmill, like the one I’m on right now, Chaos doesn’t stop. It is utterly relentless in its’ pursuit. There is no respite from its’ cause and effect. Not many have survived such direct and prolonged contact with its’ source. But I should thank Ty. If he hadn’t put me through his devilish trials, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

I should send him a thank you card because he helped me make the greatest decision of my career and now look where I am. Part of the greatest tag team in WZCW, ready to go the big dance in Dallas as a champion and I’m in Keystone City, Kansas, ready to achieve another first and work with a real company icon.

A company legend who has done everything I have done and more. A company man who wears his heart on his sleeve with pride and is ready to stand up for what he believes in, what he represents. Titus Avison is the man in WZCW and there is no-one better to represent WZCW against Chaos. I know he will be as eager as Ricky and I to put a dent in the armour that protects Ty.

Most people think Ty has surrounded himself with the cream of the crop. And true, Chris KO is a rookie with a bright upside to him but Alhazred and King are a team who used to be great but now they could barely double team their way out of a paper bag. And S.H.I.T. is....I don’t know what it is.

So yes, I’m excited. And I hope that Ricky and Titus are as eager as I am to set a marker ahead of the big show.

Of course the Forgotten Powers are the big bad tag team, the guys who finally managed to beat the Brothers in Arms. A pair of guys who could mean something if they put the effort in, now they look like they just roll out of bed and come to the show. Alhazred has hardly been setting the world on fire plus King has been out injured; that is a big old bulls-eye right there. The Forgotten Powers have been forgotten, surpassed. They can’t continue to live off a reputation that used to mean something just because they have Ty’s backing. No, they can’t live off past achievements because in the great scheme of things, their tag title run means bugger all.

We are the best tag team in WZCW today. We are the champions, the beating heart of a now thriving body of competition; some are even calling us the best ever. I don’t know about that but we are teaming with one of the best singles stars ever. There’s just so much going for us in this match that the immoveable object that is the Apostles of Chaos is surely going to be breached by this irresistible force. Of course, not to take anything away from what could be a great match at the pay-per-view but surely, a win for us will make Team WZCW’s job a little easier at Kingdom Come.

Maybe. Gah, I shouldn’t try and psyche myself up when I work out. I get caught up, lose count and forget how much exercise I actually do. I’m going to regret this in the morning. It’s going to hurt like hell.

I look at my watch and realise the time. Not only have I worked out a lot more than I planned to, but Ricky needs to hurry up and arrive already. I shouldn’t panic really, I’m sure Titus won’t mind so long as Ricky isn’t too late. I mean, I’m sure he has got plenty on his mind too. Just hope he is 100% for Meltdown, he’s taking a battering recently. I know how bad that feels. He hasn’t had a great few months; it must feel like everything has happened to him. What’s happened to him is just bad luck but it must feel like someone has had it in for him.

Oh god, enough of this negative Nancy BS, Titus will know we have his back and that he can trust us all the way, just like he can trust the guys who are on his side at Kingdom Come. Losing for us so close to the big dance is unacceptable. We need to put on a strong showing because between Titus, Ricky and I, I reckon there’s a few people behind us who want to see the good guys get one over on Chaos for a change.

Speak of the devil and he appears. Titus enters the gym and saunters over. He looks happy as I expect he would be in his adopted home town once more. I offer a handshake and he accepts without hesitation.

AR: “So how many ways are we going to kick the ass of those lily-livered Chaos clowns?”

T: “Plenty, but at least give us something to do at Kingdom Come.”

AR: “Ah yes, though I’m certain if Ty has his way, they’d be sent to the pay-per-view even if they were dead.”

T: “So let’s give em a taster of what’s coming to them.” We share a smirk before he asks a question that I dreaded. “Hey, where’s Ricky?”

My heart sinks to my stomach and I struggle to find the words.

AR:“Not sure, he wasn’t far away because his buddy doesn’t like flying. Let me give him a ring.”

I pull out my mobile and pull up Ricky’s number on speed dial. Two rings and he is there.

AR:“Ricky!.....What?.......No.....Look I can barely hear you......Did you oversleep? Nightmares.....what the....just get here as soon as, we’re waiting!”

Titus looks at me with a small grin. I can barely muster the goodwill to return it.

T:“Young’uns eh?”

AR:“I don’t know what he has going on at the moment but this is becoming a regular thing.”

T:“Don’t be too hard on him. I mean, we were all his age once.”

Titus is trying his damndest to put a positive spin on this but I’m unconvinced.

T:“Let’s get out of here.”

AR:“Yeah we should, is there a bar around here that shows football?”

T:“Of course! It’s proper football too.”
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The two former Elite X champions are shown walking down a street. We join both men mid conversation.

Titus: It's not like you to pull any punches, come out and just say it, I won't be offended.

AR: Well it's just, you've not been in form for quite some time?

Titus: Is that it?

Reynolds seems taken aback by Titus' blasé attitude to his comment.

Titus: Form is temporary.

AR: Ha, come on that's not always the case. Liverpool's form has been brilliant and Newcastle's form? Non existent.

As if it was a nicely timed set up Titus and Reynolds arrive at the bar. Just as Titus opens the door he is met by an image on the TV: Papiss Cisse has just scored for Newcastle United.

Titus: Like I said, form is temporary but a true winner is never down. Just look at me, aside from this current lull when did you last see me down?

AR: When you lost to Johnny Scumm..

Titus: That was over ruled, but lets not go over the technicalities. Within two months I was the World Heavyweight champion.

AR: I suppose, but what about your obsession with Ty? That's been more of a hindrance than anything else.

The waitress brings over two drinks, the perks of being a famous actor, superhero and wrestler are pretty good sometimes. AR and Titus take a drink.

Titus: Sometimes it takes a kick up the backside to make you realise that individual pursuits come to nothing. As a result of that those scum will be teaming up against the tag team champions, a four time Oscar winner and of course the greatest Elite X champion of all time.

Reynolds rolls his eyes at this.

AR: Yeah, sure..

Titus: You do realise I'm talking about you, right? The thing is I was the greatest Elite X champion of all time and then you came in and ran with it. So much so that they've had to rename it the Elite title. Mate you have something that I've not seen in any one in this federation and that's including myself. You made a name for yourself, you're the real ratings winner and then with that title no man could touch you. Did you then use that to propel yourself to super stardom? You could have done but you didn't. The fact you didn't doesn't sway you, in fact I could be saying anything else because you're not even listening.

Reynolds clearly has his mind on something else, staring into space.

AR: Sorry did you say something?

Titus: Don't worry about the kid, he'll be areet. Don't worry about me either, I've got you two in my corner and that's us covered. Besides...

Both men look at the TV screen as Cisse scores a second goal for Newcastle against Liverpool.

AR: Darn it
“What tricks can it do?” King has to speak loudly to be heard over the general background noise of the arcade machines and chatter of people. The noise does little to disguise the fact that this is a run down, cheap looking affair (it only has one Time Crisis Machine for example) with grime on the walls and litter on the floor, the machines themselves aren’t up to much, but they are in working order and for most people that is all that counts, people will pay a lot of money to go and do things that they have in better quality in their own homes, this is of course because of the social element involved, something entirely lost on S.H.I.T, who' limits of social interaction are taking orders from Alhazred or being told to stop chasing various poultrey around the local park by crying children and being egged on by the nastier ones.

S.H.I.T, and The Forgotten Powers are at the end of a very long queue for the lonely Time Crisis Machine, the two former tag team champions seem to be chatting amiably, what is going through their heads is anybodies guess, S.H.I.T is built only to hurt people, not to try to understand them.

“Well, it can stand on one foot.” Alhazred answers.

“So can I” says a visibly unimpressed King.

“S.H.I.T can do it for hours, go on, stand on one foot.” He says encouragingly, like a master telling a dog to fetch, or a parent urging a child to take its first few steps. The robot obeys, lifting its leg up so that one foot is raised off the ground, yet retaining superb balance; Alhazred and King watch it in interest.

“What else?” King asks after a while, both men moving down in the queue while S.H.I.T remains stationary, unable to walk due to its raised foot.

“Err. . .”

S.H.I.T can imitate Human voices!



“Do it now.”

Both men watch, but S.H.I.T does nothing.

“Perhaps, I have to tell it who’s voice.”


Alhazred thinks for a while.

“S.H.I.T! Imitate James King’s voice.”

“10 bucks says he cant.”

“10 bucks says he cant.”

King jumps in shock at hearing his own voice fired back at him, Alhazred himself looks a little surprised, for while it is James King's voice, it is still said in that soulless, heartless way that S.H.I.T usually speaks. S.H.I.T remains stationary, one foot still off the ground while they stare. The queue gets shorter, but S.H.I.T doesn’t follow the former tag team champions down it.

“And it just chops people in the head when you tell it to?” King’s voice is trailing off, beginning to get lost in the general din.

“Oh yes, we’ve become quite the unit S.H.I.T and I.”

“I. . .” King’s voice fades out completely as the robot is now completely overwhelmed by the arcade noises around it, that and the small child that has decided to plonk itself on its one standing foot begin screaming at the top of its lungs. S.H.I.T looks at the child, with a face radiating terror, it can’t help it of course, but strangely enough the child doesn’t seem to be particularly bothered, in fact, the face seems to cheer it up.


S.H.I.T tries to shift its foot slightly; the effect only raises a slight gurgle of laughter from the child, who is now playfully punching the robot in the leg.


Giving up, S.H.I.T looks for Alhazred, he is near the front of the queue now with James King, both men still exchanging a few words of conversation.

“Pssssssssssssst!” The noise is now a very irritating (to normal humans perhaps) hiss, it appears to be coming from behind the change machine. S.H.I.T looks in that direction to see a forlorn, shadowy looking figure poking its head out from behind it.

Pssssssssssssst! It imitates stupidly.

The figure, seeing that this is its queue to reveal itself properly steps out from behind the change machine and sidles over to S.H.I.T! The person is clearly not used to sidling, the effect creates a very strange crab like waddling motion.



“Stop that!”

Sto. . . S.H.I.T doesn’t continue with its imitation, something, somewhere in its programming tells it to stop.

“Hello S.H.I.T, long time no see eh?” The voice is a familiar one, even if the look isn’t, but knowing this voice, the look isn’t important at all, as it has been a different look nearly every time it has come into contact with the Robot, the only possible way to accurately describe it this time though is non-descript. If it wasnt standing in front of you, you wouldnt know it existed.

Greetings Gustav! How did you know S.H.I.T was here?

“Your actions aren’t exactly secret, it wasn’t hard. At least you remember your old trainer and mentor.” He said with a chuckle. “I am pleased to hear that the good Dr. . . Or should I call him Mister now? Whatever he is. Regardless, I am pleased to hear that he hasn’t destroyed everything about you when he altered you for his own purposes.”

Alhazred destroyed nothing. Alhazred altered nothing. Alhazred uses S.H.I.T for the purposes that it was originally created for.

“Like standing on one foot in an amusement arcade?”

S.H.I.T turns its head towards its former mentor, the same furious expression on its face, before looking down at its feet, one in the air, the other occupied by child.

This is. . . Regrettable, Alhazred is Human after all, therefore he is not perfect. Like all Humans however, he is open to suggestion, manipulation, while he has the perfect weapon in S.H.I.T, the weapon strives to turn him into the perfect handler, the one who will let the Machine loose in the way it was supposed to be.

A pause between them, broken only by a small burp from the child still happily playing on S.H.I.T’s standing foot.

“Does that thing have parents?”

S.H.I.T reaches down and lifts the child off of its foot, grabbing it under the arms it raises it to face level, a terrifying sight for any Human adult.

Do you have parents small Human?

As a response the child just laughs, reaching out to try to touch S.H.I.T’s face.

“Seems you’ve got a friend there” says an obviously amused Gustav.

Pathetic Human Child, remove yourself or be destroyed!

The huge outburst of laughter wasn’t the anticipated response to such a terrifying threat, S.H.I.T, out of ideas just puts the offending infant back down by its foot, this is a matter that will have to be resolved later. It decides to focus on current problems for now.

Your methods were counter-productive, you would of used S.H.I.T as an agent of good, to try to feel something for the pathetic organics that would cheer it on, to try to have the purpose of stopping evil!
S.H.I.T’s purpose is to destroy, whether it is in the ring against an unknown, the WZCW Heavyweight Champion or the President of the United States, means and motives are alien, they would slow S.H.I.T’s progress, S.H.I.T destroys who it is told to destroy.
You cannot change the nature of things Gustav.

Now leave. Alhazred is returning.

All Gustav can fathom for a reply is to open and shut his mouth repeatedly, S.H.I.T has never seen this mysterious and seemingly all knowing entity speechless before. It would seem strange, but this is S.H.I.T we are talking about, unfamiliar is perhaps the best word.
The figure approaching from behind isn’t as S.H.I.T suspected Alhazred, in fact it is a Human female, currently in tears, upon seeing the child playing happily by S.H.I.T’s foot she shrieks in delight, picking it up and smothering it in kisses. S.H.I.T looks around to see that Gustav is gone.

“What a game that was!” Alhazred’s loud voice makes the woman jump noticeably, seeing the crowd in front of her, a Robot standing on one foot, a masked lunatic with a metal glove and their sinister looking counterpart, instead of thanking S.H.I.T for looking after her child she leaves as quickly as dignity would allow.

Ingratitude, another of Humanities flaws.

“Yes, yes indeed” Alhazred shrugs at King’s questioning look “time we got back though, eh?”

“Whats the rush?”

“Oh, Ty wants to borrow S.H.I.T later today, I think he’s going to see Alex Bowen and just wants another presence there should things become a bit heated between them.”

“I. . . See.”

It will be important for Ty to make sure that Alex Bowen is on side, with his help and match against Everest, and our victory over Titus and Runn Reynolds Runn, we can deliver an even bigger blow to team WZCW than the beating of Everest. Team WZCW is fighting for scraps, they can not be allowed any hope or chance at all. Teaming Titus with the tag team champions was another desperate move on their part, it will not help them.

"We can knock Runn Reynolds Runn off their perch!"

It would be an advantage if we did.

The three. . . People seem to reach an agreement, in open at least, inside their minds only they know for sure.

“Put your foot down S.H.I.T” the Robot obeys Alhazred as usual. “It’s time we got back.”
CC: Wow, what a dodge by Runn!

Ricky quickly ducks under a clothesline from Barbosa and rolls out of the ring to collect himself; he has been getting slaughtered in a Handicap match for his life. Ricky holds his arm in writhing pain and in almost an instant; Ty Burna sucker punches him with a Concentrated Banishment. Runn is sprawled out on the ring floor before being rolled into the ring by Ty. Then as a pack of wolves attacking their prey, they take turns hitting their finishers on Runn. Barbosa than picks up Runn and hits a Doppelgänger.


Ricky suddenly shoots up from his slumber. His quick jump back to realty causes him to hit the ceiling of his car. And his scream startles his driver, Rob and causes him to serve on the highway. Ricky falls back into his seat with a loud thump. He rubs the spot of his head that made the most contact with the ceiling of the car. Rob looks over to Ricky and says with a concerned tone.

“Jesus, Ricky…What on Earth happened, another bad dream?”

Ricky shakes his head and straightens up in his seat. The bright sunlight blurs Ricky’s vision for a moment. He groans and covers his eyes.

“It was more like a Nightmare, trust me.”

Ricky’s eyes peep just a little bit as he looks out the window to see the mid-west plains. The never ending stretch of road leading them to Keystone, in hopes they can talk to Titus for their upcoming match on Meltdown. The tag team of Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn are teaming up with a future hall of famer in Titus. Their opponents, the former tag team champions in the Forgotten Powers, and also in their corner, the robot man, S.H.I.T. The man/robot neither Runn nor Reynolds were able to best in singles matches. Once Ricky starts to get his body moving after his slumber, he looks over and grunts to Rob, still very tired.

“Ugh, Rob why couldn’t we take a plane to Keystone? Driving there is such a hassle, if we took the plane with Austin we would have been there and have some time to kill.”

Rob laughs and responds with a witty response. His eyes focused on the empty road in front of him.

“Because the last time we were in Keystone, you pushed me out of a plane. I still have a fear of heights in case you forgot. Besides, you can use the rest and slow down. You still need to get your sleeping schedule adjusted back into shape, so I figured this would help.”

Ricky smiles and throws on his Sunglasses to help shield his eyes from the sunlight. He shakes his blonde hair in his fingertips. He looks out the window and says with a huge smile.

“I’m stoked for this match on Meltdown. This is the go-home show before Kingdom Come! And it can’t get any better. Reynolds and I are teaming up with Titus and facing perhaps our toughest opponents since Mind Over Matter, the Forgotten Powers, and don’t get me started that both, Reynolds and I want to finally beat the cardboard robot, S.H.I.T. “

Ricky lets out a loud yawn and stretches and says lazily.

“Man the Forgotten Powers that is a team I wish stayed together after losing their titles. Sure they weren’t really all that likeable in the locker room. But you can’t deny how talented they were as a tandem. Al-has-a-red has that glove that can deliver a knockout punch. We need to avoid that as much as we can and work on the rest of his skimpy little body with well-placed and careful Submission holds.”

Rob cocks his head in shock to Ricky’s words. Ricky laughs and says with a bright smile.

“I’m joking, I’m joking. It’s the RRR express teaming with Titus! Our collective speed is no match for Al-Has-Red shiny toy glove. We’ve seen how well Al performs when he is facing guys like Scott Hammond. You know, the slow, and dumb meat heads that Reynolds and I beat on multiple occasions. If we avoid the strikes and keep hitting him hard and fast, and frustrate him, he’ll have a meltdown. But the guy and I are a whole lot alike.”

Rob, now even more curious as he pries.

“What do you mean, Ricky?”

“Al-has-a-red lost someone very important to him. It is the reason why he wears that mask. It is the reason why he changed his name. I never talk to the guy for obvious reasons, but I understand what he is going through, and hell…I can respect him for that. It is hard to continue on and travel the world and plaster on a fake expression and put on a show for the fans. If wearing his friends mask and honoring his name is what works for him to cope, that is fine. I have my own way to cope with losing someone special to me. But I didn’t take the easy route and drank the Kool-Aid Ty spoon-fed him and King. Every day I deal with what happened personally, and it only makes me stronger because of that. Al-has-a-red can hide behind S.H.I.T and the Apostles for so long befo~”

“Alhazred…its Alhazred.”


“Mister’s name…You’re pronouncing it wrong. Its Alhaz…You know what, never mind… What about his buddy, James King is back and better than ever with rejoining the Apostles of Chaos, you can say all you want about his questionable common sense, but he is downright an amazing wrestler. “

Ricky nods his head and continues.

“King…What is wrong with that guy. Remember when we visited India and we ran across the hot coal? Then afterwards, we had all those blisters on our feet. And you swore you would never do that ever again?”

Rob nods his head and asks curiously.

“Yeah…But what does that have to do with King?”

Ricky grins and replies.

“That is exactly my point. King doesn’t know any better. When Ty decided that there wasn’t any room for the guy, he got Toyota to crush his rib cage. Why do you go back to a group that obviously will cast him away as soon as they deem fit? It is really weird how powerful of a control Ty has over these Shower robe wearing weirdoes, it’s a damn shame that King is buying into this. He is talented enough to walk on his own and become a star here. It sucks that he can’t see that. Hell, even with Al-has-a-red they could have been the toughest opponents for Reynolds and I…Hell, with or without S.H.I.T, they are still the toughest team we are going to face. “

“Even more so the case with S.H.I.T being added to the mix, he’s beaten Austin and I in singles matchups, the man, robot thing has been on a roll recently. Hopefully we are able to confuse the damn thing with quick tags and constantly switching in and out. That would stop it from analyzing and copying our moves, and if it does try to copy our moves, he will botch them, something Austin, Titus and I can take advantage of.”

Runn's expression turns to a more solemn stare as he begins to gaze out the window. He then begins to speak softly.

“But what does that prove if we go out and beat the Forgotten Powers? We are still the far better Tag Team. Hell, we are the first tag in this company to defend our titles twice. And at Kingdom Come, we will be tied in the longest reign with the Brothers in Arms and the Full House Dave’s. That’s huge, that is more than anyone expected of me when I joined WZCW, hell. No one expected us to win the titles in the first place. But do we really need a win over these guys in order to prove anything? “

Rob sighs and responds to Ricky.

“Come on, Ricky you guys are going out there, and you are going to put on a hell of a performance. And you guys are going to head into Kingdom Come undefeated since Lethal Lottery. “

Rob looks over to Ricky and gives him a quick Ricky a quick smile and says upliftingly.

“You guys might have nothing to lose for this match, that don’t mean you can’t go out and kick as much ass as you can.”

Suddenly, Austin’s ringtone starts blasting through Ricky’s pocket. Ricky quickly pulls out his phone and slides the slider in order to answer.

“Yeah Austin, what’s up? Yeah yeah, I know I’m late…I’m not driving…Yeah man, jet lag and stuff…Yeah Nightmares to…We’re almost there just give us a little more time, okay bro? Sheesh.”

Ricky sighs and hangs up his phone. He rolls his eyes and says tad upset.

“Jesus Christ, you would think Austin was my dad with how controlling he has been lately. The dude needs to chill out a little bit; he is really killing the vibe we’ve been on lately. But if we can get Titus in the mix and show how superior teamwork and bravado can beat a bunch of weirdo’s in shower robes and cardboard outfits that follow around the commands of Ty Burna and his wee-gee board.”

Rob sighs and responds.

“It is an Ouija board, Ricky.”

Ricky looks over confused and responds.

“What, I heard them call it a wee-gee board, are you sure you're not getting it wrong?”

Ricky rubs his face with his hand to get rid of the eye crust. Ricky was visibly upset with the tone Austin took up with Ricky. He sighs and rests back on the seat as Rob responds.

“We’re here.”
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The scene opens with James King being seen after his match with his partner, S.H.I.T., and the newest member of the Apostles, Alex Bowen. The two men and robot get a wide berth of space from the others in the back. James' eyes shift between his two companions.

James: Interesting time for a return, Alex.

The King of Mayhem turns his head to James, a smirk painting his scarred face.

Alex: Well, you can thank Mr. Burna for that. He was able to ... persuade me to come back from my break.

James gazes over to him, his mind flashing to possible reasons for return. The thoughts he comes up with are reflected in an evil look in his eyes.

James: Well, I'll remember that next time I see Ty.

Alex chuckles, a low noise that draws glances to the group.

Alex: Yes, Ty was able to bring up some ideas for coming back.

?: Works for me.

The group stops as a figure appears in front of them. James' face changes to a stone cold glare to the newcomer.

James: Chris.

The figure comes closer, as it is indeed the other original member of the Apostles.

Chris: What, do I not warrant an actual greeting?

Alex notes the tension growing between the two, as he makes his way off to a locker room. James turns to S.H.I.T., his glare not leaving Chris.

James: Go check on Alhazred.

The robot shuffles past the former Eurasian Title contender, and James takes a step forward.

James: You're changing, Chris.

Chris: And so are you, but which one's for the better?

James smirks, as he reaches his hand out.

James: Good luck later.

Chris stares for a moment, then takes the hand. The two go their separate ways when James stops. He turns to look over his shoulder at the other Apostle.

James: A tip.

Chris stops, not even bothering to turn.

James: Don't hesitate at any moment. Anyone who stands in our way should be punished.

Chris starts at James' statement, then continues on his way.

?: Well, did that go as as planned?

James starts, then starts to chuckle. He shakes his head as he turns to meet the newcomer.

James: Why does it always seem like you're the injured one, Raziel?

The former doctor shrugs, then laughs as the former tag team champions embrace for a moment.

Alhazred: Good to see you again.

James nods, then looks over at the project of Alhazred.

James: First a glove, now a full out robot. You will never cease to amaze.

He chuckles as S.H.I.T. looks on.

Alhazred: yea, it's nice. Although, there are some things that a human does better.

James laughs, shaking his head.

James: Well, I'll be in touch. You go heal, and lay off the video games.

Mister shakes his head at James.

Alhazred: No promises on either count. But I'll call you later. See ya.

The two shake hands, then head off in opposite directions, with S.H.I.T. following it's programmer. James looks back as the scene fades.

The new scene seems to be a few days later. James sits in a dark room with a piece of paper in his hands. He looks up, the darkness hiding his face.

James: Well, well. Looks like my old stomping grounds has grown. And I'm not surprised at the fact that there is faulty champions at the top.

James crumples the paper up, then throws it over his shoulder.

James: Runn Reynolds Runn. You claim to be the best. Need I remind you that The Forgotten Powers went undefeated in tag team match ups from our debut to when we lost the tag titles, unfairly, I may add.

James leans closer into the frame, his face now clearly showing disdain.

James: Need I remind you that to win the titles, we beat a team that many claimed to be one of the best teams in WZCW?

James smirks as he leans back once again.

James: But, let's not forget that there is a third player in this game.

James shakes his head.

James: Titus, couldn't wait for us to beat you into nothingness, could you? You are nothing, a hero no longer wanted. I'll make sure we help settle your retirement.

James cackles as he widens his eyes.

James: None of you will be able to stind in the way of Chaos! It will rule in it's rightful place over WZCW!

James' face turns to stone as the feed cuts out.

James: Thus was written in the Gospel of Chaos.
James King is walking up the steps to Mister Alhazred’s house. With every step comes a louder creek in the wood. He knocks on the door politely and waits for an answer. Nothing. He knocks again, this time a little harder, nothing. A large black car brushes against his leg and King angrily looks at it and shoos it away. He finally starts banging on the door as hard as he can, eventually the door opens on its own. As it opens about a half-dozen cats come running out of the house and the black one runs in. King slowly walks in the house looking around to see if anyone’s home.

King: Hey Alhazred, you here man?!

There’s some rattling in the living room so he goes in there to check it out, expecting to see Alhazred or at least S.H.I.T. Instead he’s met with by 20 or so cats all lounging around the living room, meowing and hissing at him.

King: What the hell is this? Where did all these cats come from?

King looks all around the downstairs area but doesn’t find any man or machine. He heads upstairs and once again with each step the wood creeks a little louder. He sees Alhazred’s bedroom and that the door is slightly open, he knocks gently on it before entering.

King: You guys in here? He whispers.

He opens the door and stops and shock at what he sees. Alhazred and S.H.I.T. are lying in bed together, spooning, surrounded by even more cats. He walks over to Alhazred’s side of the bed and taps him on the shoulder. Alhazred immediately jolts up out of bed, flinging several cats off of him. Mister Alhazred looks confusingly at King. King looks away in disgust as the only things Alhazred is wearing are his mask, his Power Glove, and a leopard skin thong.

Alhazred: Sup man, whatcha doing here?

King: Um…you told me to come by so we could talk strategy for our match this week.

Alhazred: Oh that was today? Totally forgot about that.

Alhazred throws a pillow at S.H.I.T.

Alhazred: Hey wake up! King is here.

S.H.I.T. quickly gets out of bed and stands up, stepping on one of the cats. Alhazred starts to leave the room and S.H.I.T. follows.

Alhazred: Alright let’s go talk in the living room.

Alhazred sits down on one of the couches and S.H.I.T. stands next to him. A cat jumps on his lap as he motions King to sit down. King tries to find a spot but all the chairs have cats on them.

Alhazred: Just shove them off, they don’t bite.

King pushes a cat off a recliner and it bites down on his hand hard.

Alhazred: That’s a bad Dr. Light, bad Dr. Light. I named him Dr. Light because he looks like he has a beard.

King rubs his hand and sits down.

King: So…what’s up with all the cats?

Alhazred: What do you mean?

King: There’s like hundreds of them in your house.

Alhazred: They’re my minions. I’m planning something big for them.

King: Oh yeah what are you planning?

Alhazred: Oh you’ll see in a week or two. It’ll be awesome. Me and S.H.I.T. spent the last week or so driving around in my van and snatching them up. We’ve both grown quite fond of them, shame what’s going to happen to them when my plans are complete.

King: I don’t even want to know. So, what’s the plan for Meltdown? We have a pretty big test before our match at KC. Runn Reynolds Runn are one of the most dominant teams of all time.

Alhazred: Yes they are, but not THE most dominant. That goes to us remember? Back when we were champs, they wouldn’t have even been good enough to lick our joy sticks let alone be a challenge to us. It’s been a while since we’ve tagged sure, but with the chemistry and bond we had I have no doubt it’ll all snap back into place. Plus now we have several advantages that we did not possess before. I am stronger than I have ever been, wiser than I’ve ever been, and most importantly; I have less mercy than I have ever had before. The fact that they are tag champs is meaningless to us. Titles are as insignificant as a flea compared to the cause of Ty Burna. We have a purpose that goes beyond accolades and championships. We must use this opportunity, capitalize on the moments we create in that ring when we face them. What is my favorite thing to do before a big match King?

King: Send a message.

Alhazred: That’s right. Send a message that no man or woman in that locker room will ever forget. Send a message so loud and frightening that every member of Team WZCW will be afraid to even step into that ring at Kingdom Come. And how do we send this message James?

King: By inflicting as much as pain as humanly possible.

Alhazred: No, not as much pain as humanly possible, more than that. We now possess a machine, a machine that was built for one purpose and one purpose only; to destroy. We also have the Ouija on our side, the powers of our master Ty Burna flow through us as well. I’ve heard in several interviews that young Ricky wishes he could have faced the Forgotten Powers when we were champions. Poor kid has no idea what we have in store for him. His wish has come true and with that wish will come his demise. You know what I want really, really bad?

King: What’s that?

Alhazred: I want to kill Ricky Runn. I want to grab his pretty little face with my claws and headbutt him until both of our heads are dripping with blood. I want to slam this Power Glove in face over and over and over again. I want S.H.I.T. to chop his head over and over and over again. I want you to lock in Amesia Strikes as hard and long as you possibly can. I want him to feel so much pain in his body that he taps and begs for mercy. The more he taps the stronger you’ll apply the hold. The more he screams the harder my Power Glove will come down on his spine. The more he bleeds the more powerful we become. I almost feel sorry for what we are going to do to him. He seems so excited to be finally facing us and in the end he’ll be in so much pain he’ll wish he’d never been born.

King: What about Austin? He’s been at the top of this company for a long time now, faced all of the top guys.

Alhazred: He’s faced them but he’s never really done anything of significance. How many chances did he get against Ty? He is an amazing wrestler, I will admit that, but he has always shown weakness even when he was at his best. There’s a reason he’s fallen so far so fast. He proudly wears that WZCW Tag Team Championship on his shoulder but you can see in his eyes he wishes he had more. He wishes he had what it took to get the job done against Ty. But he didn’t and he never will. Week after week, Pay-Per-View after Pay-Per –View he would face Ty and every time he would get his teeth knocked in harder. He’s a failure. He clings to those glory days when he was the future of this company and when he had all the titles and accolades he could get. But that was ages ago. Time flies by in this company and he is not the man he once was and it’s because of Ty. He crushed the one true dream Austin has, he crushed it in his fist, wiped it on his boot and kicked it down Austin’s throat. Ty destroyed him, thus we will destroy him. So the Ouija has foretold, so it will be done.

King: We’ll show Runn Reynolds Runn what it truly means to be a tag team, I have no doubts. But what about Titus? You guys had a pretty big brawl last week, he Tit Dropped you into a stack of palettes.

Alhazred: The old fool viciously assaulted me from behind. I was simply trying to get a soda when out of nowhere I feel a hand hit the back of my head. I was defenseless and he should have been suspended for that attack. I did nothing to him and he just jumps me. He didn’t expect me to fight back, that I know. He thought I would go down easy. What he did to me was horrific and is despicable. And since management seems to have no problems with what he did to me, I’ll just have to deal out my own justice. He’ll pay for what he did last week and he’ll pay for thinking he has a chance of stopping the Apostles of Chaos at Kingdom Come. His bones are old and weak. He, just like Austin, is a shell of his former self. He’s fallen farther and faster than Austin has and he’s older so it’ll be harder for him to get back up. We are going to beat him down within an inch of what little life he has left and just when it looks like he can’t possibly take anymore, we’ll stop. We’ll stop, just so we can do it to him all over again at Kingdom Come. We will win this week, we will annihilate all three men, we will win because Ty wills it, we will win because it is what the Ouija has foretold, and we will destroy them because chaos reigns.

James King as does S.H.I.T.

Alhazred: So… you guys want to go to Chuck E. Cheese’s or something? I had a blast at that arcade the other day and Chuck E. Cheese pizza is the boooooooomb.

King shrugs yes and they all get up to leave. Alhazred is stopped by King just as he’s about to leave the house.

Alhazred: What’s up?

King: You probably want to put some pants on, unless you want to be added to the sex offender’s list.

Alhazred: Good call, can you be added to the list more than once though?

King shakes his head as the scene fades to black.

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