MD 73: Big Dave vs. Chris K.O.

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Ty will be surveying this match thoroughly as he has given Chris K.O. the tall task of facing off against the former World Champion Big Dave this week as they meet in singles competition for Meltdown. He wants to make sure that his possible choice as leader of Team Chaos will go down smoothly if he can hang with a foe that Burna could never wrap his mind around. Will K.O. impress his boss or is Dave's momentum too much to handle for the Apostle?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time
We’re in a traditional set up for a interview, in the interviewer’s chair we see Stacey Madison having some final touches of makeup being done as the stage crew finalise the camera setup. From the door nearby enters Big Dave, who immediately spots Stacey and he begins to walk away, the director stops him. The debate begins that Dave only agreed to do an interview with Johnny Klamor, but it is explained that he has caught a sudden case of the flu and Stacey was the only replacement at short notice. Dave takes a deep breath and reluctantly agrees to do the interview, knowing he is expecting to be fuelled and fired up by WZCW’s Number One Troll Interviewer. Dave takes a seat as Stacey provides a patronising smirk; he just slouches back in the chair in response as the microphone gets attached to his chest. The cameras get set into position and the director calls for quiet on set before marking down three, two, one and the red light switches on.

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to this Exclusive with Stacey Madison. I have with me an opportunity to interview a man who returned from an injury hiatus, Big Dave. I must say Dave that it’s about time you had a one-on-one with me since your return.

Easy Stace, we’re not that close, and I don’t want to catch something.

Stacey looks annoyed before taking a deep breath, to her Dave hasn’t grown out of his immature behaviour around her.

...As I was saying. So it must be interesting, coming up to Kingdom Come IV, a night where your doubt will be put to rest and Steven Holmes will effectively triumph over what many consider to be a ‘lacklustre return’ to the company.

Dave smirks at her comment.

I see what you’re trying to Stacey, but right now, I recommend leaving the cheap shots to Holmes, it’s all he wants to manage at this point.

Strong words there Dave, they won’t save you at Kingdom Come. So, for the first time, you could actually be a victim of the WZCW vs. Apostles War right before Kingdom Come. Given that Steven Holmes has been costing you matches since the Meltdown before All or Nothing, it must be nerving times for you!

The words are slowly starting to get to Dave, he expected this from Stacey, but it doesn’t change the impact that the words carry.

Nerving times? Stacey, war has always existed within this company because this company runs on the foundations of being survival of the fittest. The difference is the war is of a much grander scale, and do you know what the worst part is for me regarding all of this? I played a part in this war’s ascension. Sure, the Apostles were growing in numbers during the course of 2011, but they didn’t become the threat they are until after one key event, Ty Burna losing the World Heavyweight Championship. Ty is a man who reached Eden and tasted the fruits of immortality, but for what price did it cost him? He reached a new level of insanity, so when he got expelled, his madness becomes an unstoppable wave of destruction and now the WZCW is in this state of turmoil.

And that’s when you...

Reached a state of responsibility, becoming the man who would lead the company out of the madness and into a new era where hope lies for all challengers. But what was the one question I asked the day after I won the title; ‘What next?’ And that’s where I got complacent, the battle was done against Ty but the war had just begun. The WZCW needed to be united against the plague, and it was up to the responsibility of the World Heavyweight Champion to be ready and waiting. Just like how Batman puts away the Joker, he doesn’t stop; he is waiting for the next wave of darkness to strike for him to hold the fort. That’s why I could never be Batman, because I took my eye off the game, Ty was done, time to start planning retirements, and what happened? I got caught off guard by Steven Holmes and John Constantine. One night changed the foundation for this company because it became chaos, the World Heavyweight Championship couldn’t be retained by those captured it, the ‘Elite’ was marking their territory and the Apostles took over Meltdown. And this was because it came down to the fact that Ty Burna couldn’t take being the former champion, and now a war that I affectively started, I now become involved by being faced against the leader of the Apostles, Chris K.O. Funny thing is, I remember how Chris rose up the ranks, making his mark on Everest, something we both have in common and I must admit, part of me respected the face that he took the game into his own hands and made things his own. Now he’s Ty’s right-hand man, what did Ty offer Chris that he couldn’t take for himself? Gold? Opportunities? A night with Celeste?

Clearly Chris had something to offer him.

I didn’t know that Serafina’s services were exceeded by K.O.

Stacey looks shocked at Dave’s comment; the director loves what he is seeing.

Keep your tongue Dave, or I will report this to Ty himself!

And what can Ty do at this point? I have kept my distance from his war with the company, I haven’t opposed his victory at the Lottery, I haven’t got involved because the difference between Ty and I is that I respect the traditions of this company, furthermore Steven Holmes is a man who is equally running amok in this company, and before you rematch with The Joker, you have to take down The Riddler.

Why The Riddler?

Because that is exactly what Holmes is, a man who gloats about his successes at the expense of others, but hides behind that rather than defend those claims.

Stacey feels that he has Dave right where she wants him and goes for the kill.

So does this mean your intention is to get to Ty in the end? Is that why you’re back? You’re a little over your head there.

A little Stacey, my reasons for being back is for reasons that Holmes should know already and everyone will know those reasons when the time comes.

So to hide your doubt, you make yourself to be the superhero of WZCW, the man who will save the day and get the girl. So I must ask, what good comes out of defeating Holmes if you carry such delusions of grandeur?

Dave can only take a few deep breaths while avoiding eye contact with anyone before shooting a very intimidating look at Stacey that catches her off guard as she can see the rage burning in his eyes.

Because simply put, nothing else matters! I don’t care about this war, I don’t care about Ty, and I don’t care about the World Heavyweight Championship! All I give a damn about is to take Steven Holmes and beat him within an inch of his life, knowing that I can equally end his career as he attempted to end mine. All that Holmes has reminded me that what I do isn’t enough, that becoming the World Heavyweight Champion, it may not end at Kingdom Come but it will damn sure be the beginning! As for Meltdown, Ty can throw anyone he likes my way, but it doesn’t stop me from seeing Holmes in their place, and one by one, they will be considered victims until Holmes is actually in that squared circle, staring at the fire in my eyes and knowing that he was wrong to screw me in the first place. He has already witnessed this on more than one occasion, starting with my return, showing that like what he showed with me, it doesn’t end the way you want it to, but rather how it is meant to be. Chris K.O. may be wanting to prove a point, but crossing two separate paths at this point is going to be deadlier than it’s worth because it’s not a case of me worrying about how this affect my match at Kingdom Come, but whether the Apostles will be one short before their own battle. K.O. is a captain for a reason, so he is going to be aiming to prove a point to his peers and his superiors , and given how that battle is set up to be, if their captain falls, then the Apostles may need to consider regrouping. So Stacey, you ask me if it’s nerving to be involved with the war of WZCW vs. The Apostles? The question should be, it must be nerving for Chris K.O. to be involved with the war of Dave vs. Holmes, because there is no stopping what will happens at Kingdom Come, and if Holmes is determined as I am, there will be casualties, anyone caught in the way is going unfortunate.

Dave suddenly jumps out of his chair, pulls off the microphone and grabs one of the cameras off of a cameraman and points it directly at him as if he was recording a video blog. The stage crew and Stacey start calling out at him but Dave continues to walk away from the studio and through the hallways.

Chris, I am going to make this clear. You are doing this for a cause, I respect that, but you’re better off staying out of my way because if there’s one thing your Master should have shown is that you shouldn’t mess with me when I have the adrenaline rushing through my veins. This war was started by my complacency, how does it feel, knowing I was the man who was responsible for your Master’s fall into madness after being expelled from Eden? Any doubts should be put aside when Meltdown rolls in because there is no second chances when dealing with Ty Burna, and I will not be showing mercy, I didn’t show it for Blade last week, I damn sure am not going to show it for you. I am heading into Kingdom Come in search of blood; yours will only be enough to satisfy until I get my hands on Steven Holmes.

After all the twists and turns, Dave appears to be in the car park and approaching his car.

Steven, I want you to be watching, and not at your usual distance, because with Kingdom Come drawing so near, I want you to see just another demonstration of what is coming to you. Time is running out, tick...

He headbutts the camera, cracking the glass and making the footage all fuzzy and static.


The camera is dropped and the footage is in an even worse state, the sounds of doors slamming and an engine revving up can be vaguely hear through the static until the glass cracks again with a stronger force. The last bit of footage that can be seen is Dave’s car driving away before the footage cuts out completely.
“Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's beautiful.”

― Milan Kundera

The "disc error" text disappears from the screen and we skip forward through the footage. Rain is softly falling into a closed off ally-way. Only the rims of the ally are shielded as gutters overhang from the roof’s end. The sun is absent in the sky and a solitary wall lamp displays a small spherical aura around its dirty glass case. Below, and a little to the left, of the lamp is an aged metallic door. It pushes open as Chris K.O. walks out into the enclosed space. The door, like a magnet, returns to the door frame and closes shut.

Chris remains underneath the overage as he swipes his nose with a thumb. He examines the strength of the downpour before he steps out and allows himself to greet the rain. Soft thuds can be heard as several drops patter down on his signature leather jacket. He uses the aid of the rain to dishevel his hair into a messy art. A good thirty seconds in the makeshift shower is enough for him. He escapes back under the overage and lets his back slide down against the outside wall until he is in a sitting position. One knee is bent while the other extends out, leaving the grip of his boot to get a good wash.

Chris’ voice from the skybox begins to dub over the footage.

Chris: We are now past Meltdown 72. As everyone knows, Ty and I lost in the main event to Celeste and Kurtesy. Ty gave up the pin fall. I was not exactly pleased with the outcome. I would of rather taken the pin than have Ty take it. Losses like those cause him to pull back from his current situation and re-examine himself; to get a grip on his foundations. I guess beggars can’t be choosers, but in a situation like this, everything has to go near perfect.

Ian has since contacted me and told me that everything is going great. He said that everything should be complete by Kingdom Come. Ah, Kingdom Come. That is what brings us here to this damp ally. The final road stop until the big one. The event that will change everything.

After the events on Meltdown, Ty felt it necessary for the Apostles of Chaos to travel as a single unit from here on out. Call it a strength-building tool or whatever you want, but I see it as one thing; fear. Ty opened up the bag of the current situation and dropped two cherry bombs into the mix and shook it up. Alex Bowen and James King. Both men are the two new additions to team Chaos. I am sure that Ty does not regret it, but I think he wished that he had thought of it sooner. It’s the kind of decision that gives further proof to Ty’s total lack of focus on anything, but the World Heavyweight Title.

Now, I found myself alone, outside in the rain and under an overage. A team Chaos meeting had just expired and I was looking to fill a forgotten need. Adrenaline had been carrying me the last several weeks, but now it was time to call on an old friend.

Chris reaches into a chest pocket on his jacket and pulls out a small carton. He flips it open with a flick of his thumb and extracts a cigarette. A lighter is quick to follow as Chris burrows into his jeans pocket and lights a gracious spark. It takes a few seconds, but the cigarette glows beautifully from the aid. A small clink sounds as the lighter is closed shut and put away.

A soft material finds its way to the crease in Chris’ lips. It feels like a sponge or a soft piece of bread, but a soothing huff lets Chris know that is more than that. His mouth dismisses his hand as the cigarette hangs out from his puffy lips on its own. Chris eyes are closed as the sound of rain drops hitting the concrete fill the air. Tobacco for my tongue, a pitter-patter of rain for my ears, and the future destruction of Ty for my mind. What more could a guy ask for?

Suddenly, his peaceful bubble is popped when the sound of the metallic door intrudes his thoughts. One eye opens as he examines the visitor. S.H.I.T.? Alhazred? Bowen? King? Ty? No. Serafina has found herself outside with Chris, alone. The door shuts behind her as Chris keeps his one eye fixated on her. She softly walks over to his area and lets her back slide down the wall as well. Long gone are the silly robes that he has become used to associating with her. She is sporting a pair of dark-faded jeans and a black logo-less hooded sweatshirt. She nods silently at Chris’ cigarette.

Chris smoothly pops out the carton and allows Serafina to steal a stick. He swiftly lights her bud and re-hides the lighter. Chris examines her smoking method. There is something odd about how she handles the cigarette. It is not the same way that he relishes his. In all honesty, Chris’ smoking habit is perpetuated by an addiction, but Serafina smokes as if she truly needs each huff. Not in an addiction sort of way, but in a serene way that is nearly indescribable.

He decides not to disturb her personal space anymore and returns to having two eyes closed, but is quickly met with an angelic sound.

Serafina: So, Bowen and King?

Chris: Yep.

Chris says nonchalantly with his eyes remaining closed.

Serafina: Good or bad?

Chris: Increasing the numbers of those who support Ty? Always good.

Serafina gives a small laugh that gives Chris a mixed signal.

Chris: I mean, I am sure that Bowen thinks that he is doing Ty a favor by joining up with us, but in the end he will just be another one of Ty’s tool. Just like S.H.I.T. and Alhazred.

Only the rain and the occasional huff and puff fill the airwaves between words.

Serafina: And what about King?

Chris: What about him?

Serafina: You said Bowen is a tool. Is James too?

Chris: Yes, but I think his role is more significant. I think Ty wants to motivate me by using James. Maybe even make me jealous.

Serafina: And why would you be jealous?

Chris: I don’t know.

Chris takes a huff and exhales smoke through the aperture in his lips.

Serafina: Well, I don’t think you have anything to be jealous about.

Was that a compliment? Or is she just playing some mind game. Before Chris can follow up on the comment, Serafina interjects.

Serafina: Do you think that you can beat Big Dave?

Big Dave is a big step-up from those that I normally fight. Ty had revealed earlier in the week that I would be facing WZCW’s first Triple Crown Champion. I can’t determine whether not Ty is sizing me up or if he is genuinely preparing for me to be a strong ally in his future. Neither scenario really matters at this point in my plan, but sometimes I desire to just pick apart his mind.

Chris notices that Serafina is watching him and it pulls him out of his thoughts.

Chris: Hopefully.

Chris takes a drag from his faithful stick.

Chris: It would make Ty happy, right?

Serafina: Would it make you happy?

Chris turns towards Serafina with a shocked expression. What is this heresy? Did Ty set her up to this? Am I being played or is she actually opening up to me?

Chris: Why does it matter?

Serafina: It matters to me. I like to see you triumph.

Chris can’t believe what he is seeing as he sees Serafina, Ty’s Mistress of Chaos, blushing. This is it, the first time that Chris has fully taken in how beautiful Serafina is. Her now red cheeks shine below her beautiful slate-green eyes. Her pale complexion allows those features to glow as strands of jet black hair cover her face. Suddenly, her beauty is divided by a salty stream. A tear rolls down her cheek.

She pulls her cigarette to her mouth as she stands and steps out into the rain, hoping that Chris didn’t notice her tear and that it could blend in with the falling water. She flicks her soggy cigarette into the ground as she stubbornly faces away from Chris, but her direction is soon turned as she meets Chris in the middle of the ally way and in the rain. Chris, now cigarette-less, stares into Serafina, as she does the same to him.

The rain begins to weigh down their garments and hair. Years of torment and hurt rebound between the two damaged souls as fantastical chemistry begins to thread together. Like a cheesy movie, in the rain, after a long moment of silence, Serafina pulls Chris’ face in and plants a kiss on his lips. The moment is surreal.

And she is gone, pulled away and heading towards the metallic door. Chris turns his head and watches her as she disappears into the building. Soaked from head to toe, his mind becomes a field of chaos.

I am torn. Is this a trick by Ty or something deeper? Are all of the pieces truly falling into place? Ian and now Serafina? I thought she adored him, but has that love grown cold? Bliss is on my lips and I want more. Am I so reckless that I would just rush in after her and possibly destroy the plan that Ian and I had built so carefully?

Even the main plot escapes me, because now I can only think of one thing; beating Big Dave. Not because it gets me closer to destroying Ty, not because it will somehow springboard me into the main event scene, but because it matters to her. It matters to her because she wants to see me succeed; because she cannot bear to see me lose. Suddenly, I am a toddler and she is my crush. She doesn’t know a lick about my plan, but all I know is that I must beat Big Dave. I must win… for her.
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