MD 70: Mr. Baller vs. Gordito (KFAD Qualifier)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
In a match that surprisingly has never happened before, the #30th entrant of the Lottery Mr. Baller looks to take on the man who recently contested for the Elite title Gordito in a match to determine who will be entering the KFAD Elimination Chamber at Kingdom Come IV. Both men have been teetering on the verge of World title contendership and are eager to have this opportunity. Will the Dirty One make his own path to another World title or will the cocky Baller finally get his chance?

Deadline is Tuesday, March 20th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
Gordito (voice over): This business is all about attitude, baby.

Gordito is running along downtown LA streets in the early morning, water bottle in hand. He's wearing sweatpants and a black t-shirt along with his bug-eye shades and a pair of earbud headphones attached to an arm-mounted music player. The green beanie on his head has a handful of punk rock buttons along the rim. He's in a pleasant mood, but there are bruises along his arm which seem fresh.

Gordito (voice over): You gotta have the right attitude. It's too easy to get your ego bruised coming in with the right mindset. I don't care who you are; you can beat, and it can come from anywhere.

Copeland: “Our Elitist champ has just used a chair to destroy Gordito!”

Cohen: “This is just doing what needs to be done! I admire Steven Holmes because he knew this was a possibility and came prepared!”

Holmes discards the chair, throwing it towards ringside where it lands with a thud! He lifts up Gordito by the arm and then reapplies the Aristocracy Reigns! Gordito grimaces as he desperately tries to avoid tapping out but Holmes wrenches back once again and it proves too much for Gordito and he weakly taps his hands to Holmes’ shin! The referee has to intervene and Holmes seemingly has no intention of releasing his hold.

Gordito (voice over): Take it on the chin like a man and move on. Holmes was ruthless, determined, and never once let up. And I'm happy because that's what I want. That right attitude I was talking about? Part of that is knowing that you can always improve. You can always get better. And guys like Holmes are gonna be the ones that pull that out of you.

The Dirty One comes to a street corner and jogs in place while waiting for the light. He looks to his right and finds to two young boys; one is wearing a Titus t-shirt, and the other is wearing a WZCW branded beanie. Both have recognized him. They are seating on a bus bench next to their mother, who is on her cell phone. The light is about to change, but Gordito slows to a stop.

Gordito (voice over): The other part of that right attitude is to remember why you're here. What is it that keeps you around, that made you even start doing this? Remember what that is. Stay in touch with what drives you, and find strength from it.

He checks his pockets with his free hand; he wants to give them some kind of souvenir. In one he finds his wallet. In the other he finds a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He looks back to the kids for a second as he thinks of another option. He reaches up and pulls out a couple of the buttons out of his beanie. He holds them out in one hand towards the child in the Titus shirt. He looks over to the other boy, then pulls his shades off and hand them to the child. The kids are grinning in awe as the light changes. Gordito gives them a quick wave as he starts jogging away.

Gordito (voice over): Don't get distracted. Stay focused on what you love and what you desire. Everything is a learning experience, especially the losses. You'll get there in the end. You can only get better and better.

Baller is like that. He just gets better with age. He matures, and improves himself, and he's got that drive in him. Losing doesn't scare him. What scares him is the thought of not doing his best with every opportunity he gets. We're the same like that.

Gordito stops in front of a small corner store. He catches his breath and empties his water bottle. After a bit, he heads into the store.

Gordito (voice over): After everything else, we're just two guys hungry to take on the best. "King for a Day" brings the best out of people, and I'm excited to see what it brings out of Baller. Appreciate a good challenge. If you aren't being challenged, you can't get better.

A bus passes by and through the windows the two children from earlier can be seen, waving their souvenirs around still ecstatic.

Gordito (voice over): The last part about that right attitude? Know when to relax. When to take it easy. Let things go. Look forward to the next fight. When you get wound up too tight, you end up like Ty. Or Wasabi. Blow off that steam, yo.

Gordito emerges from the store with a tall can in a paper bag. He lights up a cigarette and opens the can. After taking a small sip, he turns back from where he came and strolls back leisurely.

Gordito (voice over): Take 'er easy once in a while. Enjoy your day. Treat yourself like a King. How else would you expect to be ready to earn the right to be call "King for a Day"?
Lethal Lottery has come and gone and Mr. Baller despite entering at number 30, finished in 5th place at the event, after losing in controversial fashion. Baller is in his locker room, with a towel on his face. He seems disgusted with himself being eliminated by Matt Tastic, the number 1 entrant, in a one on one encounter on a stretcher outside the ring. As Baller continues to replay the match in his mind, WZCW Interviewer Stacey Madison walks in. As she walks in to the locker room and approaches Baller, she puts her hand over her nose as it seems something smells.

Stacey: Eww what is that smell? Did something die in here?

Baller: Yeah my chances at winning what is rightfully mine at Kingdom Come, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Stacey: Seriously it stinks in here, what is that smell?

Baller: I haven’t showered yet. I don’t see the point, I was the most dominant man in that match with the most eliminations and I lose to Tastic after landing on a stretcher. I wasn’t prepared to fight on that stretcher, I make the most athletic save in the history of Lethal Lottery, and that lunatic Tastic ruined it. I made 4 eliminations and I was the last one to enter, Tastic was out there for an hour and couldn’t even get that much.

Stacey: He still eliminated you.

Baller: He got lucky, I was screwed once again. Did you see my domination? And what am I going to get out of it? Absolutely nothing. Now I am going to be stuck in some stupid match at Kingdom Come, that won’t mean a damn thing, because the only thing that matters to me is getting the WZCW World…

Stacey: Heavyweight Championship… I get it.

Baller: No you don’t get it. Nobody in this damn company gets it. It’s the same thing over and over again. I beat everybody WZCW has to offer, get one opportunity to win the title and I get screwed. First, the Apostles of Chaos attack me at Unscripted, and now I lose after falling off a damn stretcher outside the ring in the Lethal Lottery. The elimination shouldn’t even count, who the hell allows the fight to continue on out there. I save myself, try to regain my balance and get back in the ring, but that fool Tastic doesn’t let that happen.

Baller takes the towel off his face and throws it down at the ground, which happens to land on the feet of Stacey Madison. Stacey grossed out by the towel, immediately jumps backwards.

Stacey: Eww, how dare you throw your smelly towel at me?

Baller: I didn’t throw at you. You just happened to be where I threw my towel. Now Stacey, did you come in here just to piss me off even more then I already am?

Stacey: Actually no. You see with the road to Kingdom Come, the card needs to start to get filled out, and I have gotten the inside scoop on your path to the big event.

Baller: What’s the difference? It won’t be the match I deserve to be in.

Stacey: Well it’s the next best thing… King for a Day!

Baller jumps out of his chair with a glee of hope.

Stacey then begins to laugh.

Baller: What’s so funny?

Stacey: You honestly think you would be automatically placed straight into the match? You got to earn your spot.

Baller: My resume has earned me a spot in that damn match.

Stacey: Unfortunately it hasn’t, however I do know whom you are facing. “The Dirty One” Gordito. Then again maybe he truly isn’t “The Dirty One” since you never take showers. I can see all the headlines now, and WZCW’s best interviewer and reporter Stacey Madison break the news.

Baller: Gordito, huh? A man I have never crossed paths with in WZCW. A man who got handed title shot after title shot on a silver platter from the second he debuted. A man who hasn’t done a single damn thing in his career ever since his hot start, yet continues to get opportunity after opportunity. He doesn’t belong in this match with me, he shouldn’t even be considered for qualifying for King for a Day, but since it is Gordito, WZCW has to have him in there. Management wants him to win, I know that. I got to make sure that doesn’t happen. When I get into that match, and when I win that Elimination Chamber match at Kingdom Come, then the entire WZCW landscape changes. It gives me a title shot on a silver platter, whenever I want. And there isn’t a damn thing WZCW could do about it.

This match could be the break I need to finally get the shot I deserve. I have earned a one on one match for that title, and Management is going to rue the day they handed me this match. I am the best damn wrestler in this company and it took a fluke for me to lose out there tonight. There won’t be any flukes against Gordito and there is no flukes once you step inside that chamber. I will be the King, and I will be the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, and Gordito you are just phase one of the plan to get what is rightfully mine.

Now right that down in your damn notepad because you better believe that!

Stacey: You better believe I will, and I better believe that you plan to take a shower.

Stacey Madison heads out of the locker room, with Baller sniffing himself after that comment, Baller then shrugs his shoulders and then heads to the showers.
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