MD 69: Showtime Cougar vs. Constantine

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The camera spins frantically as Leon Kensworth makes a slow and subtle walk from behind a metallic set. A large TV behind him as he takes his mark on the floor.

Leon: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to your favourite WZCW catch-up show, WZCW Chronicles. Today, we'll be looking back, and forward, to one of the most gripping and intriguing feuds that has raged throughout this company's history. Today, we look at the fierce rivalry that has existed between “Showtime” David Cougar and his once good friend, “The Power Trip” John Constantine.

Leon allows a smile to cross his face before pressing on.

Leon: Since John Constantine made his début with WZCW, he has polarized people in their opinions of the former politician and his agenda. Many have taken arms against his rallying cry but more importantly, few have stood shoulder to shoulder with him and classed him as a friend. However, The Power Trip has found powerful allies throughout his time in WZCW. Many look back at his allegiance with David Cougar as a career-defining portion of both competitor's career and the result as one of the most shocking. To begin our journey, we go back to Ascension 26. Showtime is hot coming off the Lethal Lottery III victory. His friend and ally, John Constantine, who was instrumental in his Elite X Championship reign and Lethal Lottery win, thinks that his luck is in... But Showtime may have other plans for his vacated Elite X Championship.

The camera zooms into the large TV behind Leon and begins to show Ascension 26.

Constantine: Show, surely you didn't forget about me? I mean, what a perfect time to get everything rolling for the Showtime Power Trip, the ultimate alliance, holding both the Elite X and the World Heavyweight Championship, the two of us would be unstoppable!You don't even need to put on a match, you said the title had to be vacated, right? Well why bother trying to find challengers when you've got Showtime's best friend to carry the belt?It's almost like Showtime never gave it up at all!

Bateman and Showtime nod as the crowd boo heavily at the suggestion.

Bateman: That is one thing that I actually hadn't considered. They said the belt had to be vacated from Showtime, they didn't state how and if it should be vacated in general. But this decision is surely down to Showtime. I can make it happen, but it's your choice.

Showtime nods and gives it some thought. Constantine smiles knowing what the outcome is going to be. Showtime nods to himself with a smirk as the crowd boos heavily. He walks over to Constantine with the Elite X belt in one hand, the mic in the other, he presents the belt which the crowd boo heavily. Constantine goes to grab it but Showtime indicates for his friend to stop.

Cougar: I wish to make this formal. Constantine, it is with great honour and privilege that I present you with... No!

As Constantine is shocked with his decision, Showtime bashes him off of his feet with the belt and kicks him out of the ring. The crowd is unsure what to make of this as Constantine is on the floor and paces back and forth as Cougar picks up the belt and mic again.

Cougar: Constantine, if there is one thing that I didn't expect you to be, is that you would be so gullible! You fell for the same trap that Milenko did years ago. You expected to get everything out of this alliance when all you did was make things... easier for me. You got me the Elite X Championship, you helped distract Austin Reynolds from me and you make winning the Lethal Lottery act like clockwork. Given I have better success against Ty Burna than you do against simple-minded men in the locker room, you have outlived your usefulness with me! Bateman, consider the Elite X Championship... Vacated!

We return to the set of WZCW Chronicles to see Leon Kensworth and John Constantine sitting in two very plush leather chairs. Between them, a table lies with glasses of water laid out for both men. Constantine picks up his water and sips at the glass as Leon introduces him.

Leon: It is at this time, I would like to offer a warm welcome to “The Power Trip”, John Constantine. John, thanks for being with us.

Constantine: No problem, Leon. In truth, this is something that I would love to do. You see, I don't think I really closure from my trials and tribulations with Showtime, so it's good to talk about it.

Leon: You mention that it was trials and tribulations with David Cougar and that really goes some way into describing the relationship between you. To this day, I don't think we have witnessed such a tale that has so many twists and turns in it. Tell me, John, what was the initial reaction to your alliance with David Cougar?

Constantine shuffles in his seat a little, settling in for his side of the story. He takes a final sip of his water and then leans forward in his chair.

Constantine: You know something, Leon, the allegiance with David Cougar, if you can even call it that, was the best and worst time of my career simultaneously. Make no mistake, both Cougar and I had plenty to gain from our allegiance and we went about accomplishing that in as expeditious a manner as possible. We knew straight from the get-go what we wanted to achieve and we would stop at nothing to make that happen.

Leon nods in agreement as Constantine continues.

Constantine: At the time, we were both having some trouble with Austin Reynolds. Don't get me wrong, Both Showtime and I had fabled history with Reynolds and as soon as that message was delivered to e at All Or Nothing, I knew what I had to do. At the time, Showtime and Reynolds had been embroiled in a hugely enticing feud and an offer was made from Cougar that I couldn't refuse. In return for my help in saving his career and assisting him in his Elite X Championship journey, he promised that I would know success that I could only dream of. With my EurAsian Championship match going pear-shaped, I didn't really have a choice in the matter. I had to make things happen for me.

Leon: And I guess it was at that time, that you decided that your involvement in the Elite X Championship match was assured? Let's have a look and remind ourselves of what happened.

Leon beckons towards the TV and the camera zooms in to show a portion of the Elite X Championship match at All Or Nothing 2010.

The clock strikes a minute to go as everyone's attention turns to the entrance way as Constantine enters with a chair looking very frustrated, Reynolds stands poised waiting as Showtime climbs out of the ring, Reynolds challenges Constantine to come in who is now at ringside. Showtime walks near to Constantine and tries to motivate him to attack the Elite X Champion as only 30 seconds remain. Neither Constantine or Reynolds will budge as the clock is continuing to run down but Showtime gets frustrated and starts shouting at him going “my career is on the line”, The clock is now on fifteen seconds as Constantine shoves Showtime back and then goes at him with the chair, only to stop and tap him on the head as the referee signals for a disqualification. Showtime and Constantine start laughing as Reynolds looks on in frustration as the clock counts down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

The crowd start booing as Reynolds can't believe what has just happened, the referee goes over to Anderson to discuss what just happened as he looks on with understanding.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of a disqualification, the winner of the fall, Showtime Cougar. Therefore, the winner of the match and NEW Elite X Champion, Showtime Cougar!

As we again return to the studio, Constantine sits in silence as he stares at the screen to his immediate right. The picture has long since disappeared but Constantine remains glued to the screen, his thoughts racing through his mind. He gives a slight shake of his head and then turns back to Leon.

Leon: Judging by your reaction, John, I can tell that this brings back a lot of emotion for you. Tell me, what were your thoughts that night?

Constantine: At the time, Leon, I really had no idea of the enormity of what I had just did. Not only did I gift a win to Showtime David Cougar, I robbed Austin Reynolds of his Elite X Championship. Reynolds had held onto that title as if it was his own life force. No one could take It from him, I should know. But with the combined forces of myself and Showtime, we managed to take it from him. What's more, I had started David Cougar on a road that we would never turn back from. A road that took him all the way to the main event of Kingdom Come.

Leon's eyes emanate an excited glow as he quickly takes this to pose his next question to Constantine.

Leon: Indeed. And it was a road that stopped off at the Lethal Lottery, an even that we are only weeks away from. Some have mentioned how instrumental you were in the overall result of that match. To what extent do you consider yourself responsible.

Constantine quickly responds with passion is his voice.

Constantine: Fully! Let me make this clear to everyone, without John Constantine, David Cougar would never have won the Lethal Lottery. And to that end, he would never have been in the main event of Kingdom Come. Whether David Cougar chooses to admit it or not, I was the one who gifted him his opportunity at Ty Burna.

Leon: You paint the picture of someone who needed your help more than he would care to admit, John?

Constantine: I certainly do and that is a very astute proclamation, if I do say so myself. Look at the facts, Leon. Showtime can't beat Reynolds until I turn up. He decides to put his career on the line to get his rematch and just when all looks dim for Cougar, Constantine enters. Not only did I save his career, I gifted him the Elite X Championship. Something, I should add, he failed to do in return. But nevertheless, he cast me aside and went to Kingdom Come.

Constantine takes a sip of water and as Leon attempts to talk, Constantine raises a finger in his direction before finishing his sip. He sets his water back down before continuing once more.

Constantine: To say that Cougar was on a roll until he stuck a knife in back would be an understatement. Together, no one would stand in our way. Everyone in the locker room saw John Constantine and David Cougar as the most dangerous tag team in the history of the company. No one would stand in our way. David Cougar wasn't bright enough to realise that it was because of me that he was so successful. He didn't realise that as a team, we were strong and as individuals, we were compromised.

A quizzical look envelops Leon's face as he takes exception to the words of The Power Trip.

Leon: I'm curious, John, what do you mean by that?

Constantine: Isn't it obvious? Showtime began to think that he was better than everyone else. His childish bravado led him to believe that he could beat anyone on the roster, regardless of who that person was. He went into the main event at Kingdom Come with the mindset that Ty Burna was going to be a pushover. He still thought that he would have people like John Constantine rushing to his side and helping him through the most important match of his career. He foolishly went into Kingdom Come thinking that he didn't have to put in the effort and that he would receive help from someone at some time. And that, Leon, is how I will go about beating Showtime Cougar this week.

Leon: And that nicely brings us onto this week. Of course this is the first meeting of Cougar and Constantine since your very public end as an allegiance. You mentioned a part of your strategy already but our viewers must be wondering what The Power Trip has up his sleeve for David Cougar. And perhaps more importantly, if he can keep his emotions in check when he stands across the ring from David Cougar with closure beckoning him.

Constantine smiles for a moment as acknowledges Leon's words with a nod of his head.

Constantine: Trust me, Leon, I've been waiting for this match since the very moment that Showtime screwed me out of my first Elite X Championship reign. I have tossed around the idea of ending his career, the way it should have been when he faced Austin Reynolds. I have kept myself awake at night thinking about how I would like to take my fist and cram it down his throat for double crossing me. I have thought about how satisfying it is going to be to show everyone that John Constantine was robbed of everything he had worked for until that point.

But the more I think about it, the more I realise that this thinking would be my downfall once again. I am not allowing myself to get ahead of myself any more. Showtime allowed himself to be taken over with emotion, greed and revenge when he faced Ty Burna. And how did that work out for him? He was beaten without a whimper. Ty Burna took him to the edge of his sanity and Showtime almost lost everything. So I don't need to trouble myself with thoughts of revenge when I face Cougar. I will step into the ring with a clear conscience and a fire in my heart that will only be extinguished with the ultimate destruction of Showtime Cougar.

Leon nods his head in agreement as he listens intently to Constantine's words.

Leon: Finally, John, let me ask you this. People have mentioned that your allegiance with Steven Holmes looks as though it is following the same path as your allegiance with Showtime David Cougar. How do you feel about that?

Constantine lets out a slight chuckle.

Constantine: Do you think that I don't hear them talk about me, Leon? Do you honestly think that I didn't consider every and all possibilities before I jumped into another allegiance? Do they honestly think that I haven't thought about the nature of Steven Holmes? I bet that, even now, when he needs me more than ever, that the thought of double-crossing me isn't racing through his head. At some point, we will come to a cross-roads. He has what I want and he knows it. Both of us love the Elite Championship and he knows just as much as I do, that I am the number one contender for that Championship. The thought of taking me out before I can challenge him for it must be tempting. But for now, Steven Holmes needs John Constantine. I will keep my eyes on Steven Holmes for the entire time that we are aligned and I promise you that no one will ever get one over on Constantine again.

Leon: Thank you, John.

Leon shakes Constantine's hand before turning towards the camera once more.

Leon: Showtime David Cougar and John Constantine face off for the first time since Cougar's betrayal of The Power Trip at Meltdown 69 this week. Emotions are sure to boil over as two of the most iconic superstars in WZCW come together to settle a score. Tune in or miss out!
John Fucking Constantine.

The audience gasps, the director drops his coffee cup. Even the camera man lowers the camera head as the whole crowd is in disbelief about the words that came out of Showtime’s mouth. Always one to straddle the line but never cross it, with one word he stalls what has been a remarkable comeback for The Show, and puts his entire career in jeopardy. Put it next to or in between any other wrestlers name and it simply wouldn’t have be spoken with the same emotion Showtime did when he sat down in front of his desk and spewed those words out, before welcoming his audience, before listing off a bunch of his accomplishments, like how he has successfully defended every belt he’s ever held, or that he lasted longer than every other wrestler when he won the Lethal Lottery match in 2011. You can tell... on the week of shows before the Lethal Lottery PPV, where he will try to repeat as winner of the biggest Lethal Lottery match in WZCW history, that he is not happy with the opponent that he is facing on Meltdown.

Cougar: Do you think that’s coming on a little strong?

Scene opens inside Showtime’s dressing room at WZCW studios. Showtime is practicing for his show later tonight as we now realize that was merely a day dream of what may have happened if Showtime uttered those words to start his show. Showtime is alone inside his dressing room, of course that is to say Showtime is never truly alone as Trent Stonewall is present inside the room, projected by Showtime’s unstable mind.

Stonewall: I thought you would’ve loved a match with John Constantine.

Yea... maybe about twelve months ago. This feud is so last year. Hell it was never even a feud as I was still teaming with John weeks after I assaulted him with the Elite X Title, the same title, historically speaking, that is in the possession of his new associate, Steven Holmes. My assault on John was based on pure paranoia. I had no knowledge yet that my own mind was against me in the weeks leading up to Kingdom Come and felt that I couldn’t trust anyone anymore. John was an unfortunate casualty.

John was merely dead weight. He saddled up beside you because of a promise to help resurrect his falling career. He knew that when you won the Lethal Lottery that management would make you forfeit that gold and he wanted it all to himself. Steven Holmes best keep close watch of this partner of his.

John is different now I’m sensing. No longer confused about being WZCW’s savior. The fact is I don’t think John won’t be a difficult opponent. I know he’s a fierce competitor. The reason for my displeasure is why now? John is not even qualified for the Lethal Lottery. For the second week... hell for what seems like forever already... I’m no where near the main event. Swept under the rug. Forgotten. I am the defending Lethal Lottery winner, yet I’m going in at about the same hype as Sam Smith or Brad Bomb. My return is slowly becoming a dud, and with Ty running the ship on Meltdown I feel as though my career is sinking now.

We could always join him.

Showtime looks towards Stonewall who has a smile on his face.

You’d like that wouldn’t you. Side next to my biggest rival, my arch nemesis. Ty Burna would love it if I bowed down in front of him and signed up to be apart of his wacky crusade. He really would and sometimes... I think I am already qualified to join his nut job of a stable, but I don’t do the whole group thing. Much like any other year I’ll have to ride this one on my own. Better to stand alone and be forgotten than to become just another member.

Allen Lewicki knocks on the door and enters.

Oh great... speaking of nut jobs.

What have you got there Allen?

Lewicki: Why you are in luck Showtime. While I was walking by Bateman’s office, I say a poster rolled up by the door. It looks like one of the possible Lethal Lottery PPV posters.

Well shoot son. That’s some great work. Let’s see the damn thing.

Allen moves some things off Showtime’s desk and lays the poster on the table.

Credit to Phoenix for the poster

Showtime scans the poster over. Allen speaks up.

Ahh would you look at that. Ty Burna is way off to the si...

Allen... please tell me you noticed something else besides Ty Burna fading into obscurity.

Ummm... a lot of street signs?

Yes... and of the faces on there do you notice anyone who is missing?

Allen scans the poster over one more time.

Mick Overlast? That guy has been on a terr...

Look closer you simple minded fool!

Showtime lowers his associates head until it is pressed against the poster.

The winner of last years Lethal Lottery. The only man to hold four different titles in WZCW history. Where is he on this poster?

Allen moves his head slightly off the desk so he can see the whole poster.

He doesn't appear the be on there.

Showtime releases Allen's head as Allen quickly stands straight up. He pulls out an inhaler from his pocket and breathes out of it.

So... suffers from either Asthma or Panic attacks. Useful information. Trent notes to himself with a smile.

Where did you find this again?

Outside of Bateman's office. I'm sure if it's the one they were using it would've been in his office. Perhaps it's just a backup or an alternate.

Regardless. I am WZCW's biggest star. Me... nobody else is. I have the titles, the ratings, and the victories to prove it. Last year nobody predicted I would win, despite being the odds on favourite to win it. This year is no different at all.

Actually it's worse. Trent says with a snicker

You're right. It is much worse.

I didn't say anything.

Now I'm not even being considered a threat. That's okay though. Every opponent I face makes the mistake of underestimating me. They all cast me down as worthless. Say how I need others to win. That I cannot overcome my obstacles alone. That I am a fraud. They all say that, but in reality I am the best. I have beaten the best, I have held championships to prove it, and I continue to defy all expectations and win. And at Lethal Lottery it won't be any different.

Showtime opens up a bottle of Whisky. He grabs a glass and then tosses it aside and downs a big drink form the bottle.

Forget preparation. Tell the crew that we are ready to roll Allen. I'll be out there in 5 minutes.

Allen speedily races out of the dressing room.

What are you going to tell them?

Showtime chooses to ignore Trent this time as he takes another swig from the bottle before putting the cap back on. For a person who has been created by Showtime's own unstable mind, Trent Stonewall seems to ask quite often what his client is thinking and never seems to know what he is about to do. Perhaps Showtime has learned to better guard his thoughts and actions. Or maybe he too has no idea what he is about to do.


Scene reopens on the set of The Show. Showtime David Cougar is seated behind his desk as he begins to speak.

Cougar: John... Constantine...... What can be said about the two of us that wasn't already chronicled in Leon's cleverly titled show.... WZCW Chronicles. My show is kinda like a chronicle too... it highlights the rise, triumphs, and yes sadly, falls of the greatest wrestler in WZCW history, Showtime David Cougar.

John Constantine. Was a powerfully name once that struck fear into the hearts of wrestlers when he first arrived in WZCW. The hype, the promise, to give an over used word, the destiny of John Constantine was supposed to be the stuff of legends. Many wondered not if but when John Constantine would ascend to the main event. His opponents feared that too. Another roadblock on their own path to the top of WZCW. So at All or Nothing once John stood in the ring with five competitors, five opponents who each thought they too deserved to move up to the main event, they all nodded there heads and made sure to kick John out of the match and forever keep him beneath the five of them.

That’s when I reached out to John. My intentions were true at the time. I had no doubt in my mind that I could beat Austin Reynolds on my own, but I am an entertainer. Suspense, mystery, intrigue, the moment, it’s all that I live for. I had no idea if John would respond to my telegram by the time my match started. I left it up to fate. It isn’t as much fun if there isn’t a little mystery for me as well. Remember when I finally figured out who damaged my set. What a twist.

Showtime chuckles to himself and scratches his forehead, a little embarrassed that it was he who burned his set to the ground last year.

But... I didn’t trick or force John Constantine to join me. He willingly followed. He sought an ally to help him fight his battles since he had finally become outnumbered. John will like to say that he carried me onward to my win at Lethal Lottery. For someone who entered at number 20, last in the match, that is a pretty skeptical statement. I say... where was Constantine when Reynolds, Baez, Smith were all hitting their finishers on me. Where was John when Barbosa decimated most of the competition, including damn near breaking my neck. Constantine wasn’t there. Just like he didn’t help me qualify for the Lethal Lottery, just like how I remained victorious all the way from AON right to Kingdom Come where, sadly yes, all did unravel. I won it all, everything, without him or anybodies help. Could I have won more with his help... without question, but why taint my greatest victory, my eventual WZCW World Championship win, with a second fiddle helping me to it. The fact is that’s not how I plan on getting it done.

John expected me to help fight his battles for him. I refused. We were partners, but it was about singular domination. John repeatedly failed to qualify for the Lethal Lottery until the last show before the PPV. He continued to lose after the fact. He did not deserve to hold the Elite X Championship. He did not deserve to stand beside me anymore. He was a savior, and at the time I did not want to be saved. So I cast him aside. Do I regret it... a little. But it’s not something I’ve ever lost sleep over. Something I plotted or obsessed about. It was business... and sometimes business fucks you over. John is expecting the past to fuel him to victory in this contest. I hope John the best but I won’t let the past work myself up for this contest. I look at this match just like any match with Tastic, Reynolds, Steele, or Rogers. It’s business... and business will be taken care of at Meltdown 69 as usual. No distractions, no tricks, just the same determination I bring to the table. Showtime wins... and then... on to the next match.

Thank you.
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