MD 69: Dr. Alhazred vs. Chris Beckford

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A metal door about 6 feet high and 3 feet wide. Through the cracks of the door, there is a bright, blue light going shining through. The sounds of electricity and a blow torch are barely heard through the cracks in the floors of the old house. Below the noises, a voice is faintly heard yelling. It’s mostly incoherent rambling, the only words that can be made out are “This is the end! Chaos will reign!”.

Loud footsteps are heard coming up the stairs behind the door. Several deadbolt locks are unlocked. The door slowly opens and a welding mask peeks out of the opening. It looks around, checking to make sure there’s no one else around. The man slithers through the barely opened door and closes it carefully, he’s wearing gloves that go up to his elbow, a black leather apron, and a plain black t-shirt and jeans covered in dirt. Next to the door is a keypad that is used to lock the door. He types a few numbers in it, looks over his shoulder, and huddles closer to the keypad as he locks the door. He sighs in relief and then stares at the camera before beginning to laugh hysterically. He pulls off his gloves and unties his apron, then tosses them off screen. Still laughing he pulls up the welding mask to reveal Dr. Alhazred with a giant grin and black soot all over his face.

Dr. Alhazred: The end is near Chris Beckford, the end is near. It’s so fitting that you would be my opponent; do you remember last year’s Lethal Lottery? I know I do, it’s a night I will never forget. Showtime won the Lethal Lottery, the Brothers in Arms battled tooth and nail with the Crashin Movement to capture the WZCW World Tag Team Championships; Mr. Burna survived both Gordito and Barbosa to retain his WZCW World Championship. But all of those pale in comparison to Chris Beckford defending his Eurasian Championship in an open challenge. There you stood waiting in the middle of the ring, anxiously waiting to see who would walk through those curtains. Who would it be? The rising Brad Bomb, the amnesia kid, James King, maybe Johnny Sherman? But no, it was Power, Wisdom and Courage that blared through the speakers at that moment. The unveiling of the Power Glove in WZCW, the debut of Dr. Alhazred. You must have known it, you must have felt it as I walked through the curtains, holding my Power Glove high in the air. You must have known that this man will become something great. This man will do terrible things to his opponents. This man will rain chaos across WZCW.

Dr. Alhazred pulls a rag from out of his back pocket wipes his face then cleans off his Power Glove.

Dr. Alhazred: Then again, maybe you felt nothing. Maybe I’m giving you too much credit. How can a man such as yourself comprehend the magnitude of a situation like that? You a man who cares so much about doing good and what these pathetic fans think of you. You were probably too busy thinking about entertaining the snot nosed kid in the front row instead of thinking about the greatness that stood before you. Do you know what I was thinking about Chris? I was thinking about pounding my Power Glove into your skull until it caved in. I wanted to rip your guts out, bring them home, hollow them out and pull my Super Nintendo Controller wire through them, so your intestines would be the cord. I wanted to do all of that so I could show off my pride and joy.

Dr. Alhazred waves with his Power Glove

Dr. Alhazred: I wanted to show that everyone who ever doubted its greatness, all those morons in the military who denied my weapon’s capabilities. Imagine what the world would have thought of my creation if in my first match in WZCW I became Eurasian Champion and I achieved that by obliterating everyone’s golden boy. But that wasn’t to be, I lost that match. I put on a good show and almost had you, but you squeaked away. Some may say it was just a case of rookie bad luck, had I done a few things differently and had more experience, I probably would have won. But I believe that it was fate, I was supposed to lose that match. You see, had I won that match and that title I would have walked down entire different path in my career. Who knows the heights I would have soared to. But had I not lost that match I wouldn’t have formed the Forgotten Powers with James King. I wouldn’t have ran roughshod through the entire tag division, wiping every team out until only the Forgotten Powers and StanTime stood. I wouldn’t have got in that car crash, I wouldn’t have gone into that coma. Most importantly though, I would have not heard the calling of Ty Burna and unleashed who I truly am supposed to be. You see because back then, I too thought too much of what others thought of me. Everything I did was to prove to others that I made something incredible, whether it was the military, the kids who bullied me in school, or that same snot nosed kid in the front row. I was trying to prove something to them. Because I lost that match and eventually allied myself with Ty, the voices of all those who doubted and still doubt me no longer linger in my skull. The only voice I hear is my own, telling me to do everything you can to cause as much destruction to everyone in your path. And that’s exactly what I’m doing right now.

He points to the door.

Dr. Alhazred: Behind door number 1 and down those steps, sits my greatest idea. If my plans go as well as I think they will, this will give me power superior to my beloved Power Glove. No one in this company will be able to stop me from achieving my goals. I will crush everyone and everything that stands against me. I’ve been on downward spiral, in every way as of late. I’ve not won a match since my return, I haven’t slept a wink, and when I sit alone on my couch I could swear I still hear the voice of Mister talking next to me. Sure I’ve caused my share of mayhem, had a bit of fun with the Apostles raining chaos down everywhere we go. But have I really done anything of real significance? No, I don’t think I have. When one doesn’t sleep or hang around other people all that often, it leaves room for a lot of thinking, a lot of drinking and a lot of thinking. And in my lonely, alcohol fueled state, I concocted this genius plan. This idea that I am capable of so much more; all I need are the right tools. I have the Power Glove, I have the Apostles, and I have the power Ouija on my side. But something is missing, something very important and that one missing component has been my downfall as of late. It’s the reason I haven’t won a match in months. I have bad news for you Christopher and I have bad news for everyone on the WZCW roster that is not an Apostle of Chaos. I’ve found that missing component. I found it in the deepest, darkest section of my mind. I’ll admit, it’s not quite ready for use at the moment. There are still many things that must be done, calculations to made, adjustments and tweaks until my plan is complete. I do not have full control over my secret weapon as of yet. But I almost have it. I’m so close I can taste it.

Dr. Alhazred clenches his fists and closes his eyes.

Dr. Alhazred: When I close my eyes it’s all I see. Bodies strewn across the ground, blood dripping over everything in sight, and in my hands it will lie, in my hands I will hold its power. When I’m alone, my Super Nintendo on pause and the T.V. on mute, the sounds it will create are like music to my ears. They say a hanging man hears glorious music and I imagine that what crawls through my brain are the very same sounds I hear. The beautiful sounds of confusion and disorder echo through my ears as I envision what I will do when my plan is complete. If only I could sleep, I can’t imagine the wonderful dreams I would have. I picture it in my mind and it seems so real that I know that it must be done and that it will be done; and when it is done, the ruin it will cause shall be astounding. Will it lead me to the top of the world? Will it lead me to the greatness that I so badly crave? Will it lead to the complete annihilation of all that my opponents hold dear? I can only hope so. For now I must rest on my own laurels. I must use all that I have gained in my time here in WZCW to my advantage. Use it to dismantle Beckford and finally gain victory.

Dr. Alhazred opens his eyes and smiles.

Dr. Alhazred: But I’m not the only one who’s fallen from grace. Isn’t that right Christopher? What have you done as of late? What have you done since defeating me at Lethal Lottery? You had your feud with the priest and Brad Bomb and then you got in a bit over your head when you went after Blade. You fought well against him, but you lost your title and you almost lost your career when he gave you that injury. I don’t blame you for wanting to shut down the dreams of Blade, I go on for hours about the disdain I hold for that man and what he thinks he can do to the Apostles with that little stooge Overlast. But that is a story for a later time, perhaps.

Dr. Alhazred stops for a moment and presses his hand against his chin in thought.

Dr. Alhazred: Where was I going with this? Oh yes, you lost your title to that scum of a human Blade, you got yourself injured and faded into obscurity. Just like me, since your return you’ve done nothing of significance. Last week you and Bomb lost to Scott Hammond and Mick Overlast. Really, Chris? Have you fallen so low that you can’t even defeat the man who rode Wasabi’s XXXL sized coat tails to prominence and the protégé of the man who took you out? Sure I’ve had some losses lately but nothing as embarrassing as that. Celeste is a woman, sure, but she’s a legend in this company and has accomplished more than you and I combined. Plus how can I destroy an opponent when all I want to do is stick my joystick in her controller port? I was distracted. But you, you had no reason to fail. You were better than both of your opponents and so was your partner, they didn’t have jiggling breasts like my adversary. You just flat out lost. That tells me that in the time since we last faced off, you have grown weaker. No longer are you the young kid that everyone has I hopes for. These fans still chant your name but it’s not because you matter or because you’re the next great white hope. It’s because they pity you. Just as like me, they see how far you’ve fallen and how much you’ve been struggling and they pity you. They say “Poor guy, he used to have such promise. Maybe if we cheer for him it will make his pathetic life a little happier. He may have lost the match but at least he’ll think we like him”. That’s the difference between you and I. While your losses have gotten to your head and made you weaker, my losses have made me stronger. They’ve made me hungrier than ever for the chaos I crave, they’ve made me desperate. In that desperation I created my plan. I realized that I had to do something to pull myself out of this funk. I had to create something that would shoot me out of this hole I’ve dug myself into, launch me into sky, and drop bombs on the world. Things are looking up for me but I’m sorry to say, I can’t say the same for you. Your woes shall continue this week when I lay you out in the middle of that ring with the Triforce Combination and pin you for the 1…2…3. You can’t possibly hope to beat me this week, my rocket just shot out of the sky and the only thing that will stop me is when I land on the moon. The only thing you can hope for is that my creation won’t be ready by Meltdown. Because if it is; the pain and anguish you will be put through will be so gloriously excruciating, you’ll beg for my mercy. But there will be no mercy for you Chris and there will be no mercy for anyone else anymore. The end is near; just pray it doesn’t come on Meltdown. But even if it doesn’t, chaos will reign.

Dr. Alhazred puts his welding mask down and begins to laugh hysterically. He puts his apron and gloves on and types in the code to unlock the door. He looks back at the camera and makes a cut throat gesture with his Power Glove. He goes to go down the stairs but slips on his untied shoe. The loud bangs and clangs of him falling down the stairs is heard as the scene fades to black.
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