MD 69: Celeste Crimson vs. Chris K.O.

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A middle aged blonde woman stands in line in a coffee shop, her fingers scrolling across her Blackberry phone. While the weather might have been warmer, it was still a bit chilly outside and if the meteorologist was to be believed, it was supposed to rain later.

“Can I take your order, hun?” asks a bubbly waitress.

The woman takes one look at the menu before placing her order, “I’ll take a mint mocha latte; decaf.”

The woman pays for her drink and walks out of the store, taking occasional sips of her warm beverage. She swears to herself as her phone begins to ring; she retires on a nearby bus bench and sets her drink to the side. She digs through her purse, grabs her phone, and stares blankly at the number on the caller ID.

‘Weird, whose number does this belong to?’


The signal suddenly shoots in and out filling the receiver with static.

“Hello, Hello?”

“Bzzzzz… Cel…bzzzzz…este… bzzzzz.”

Celeste jerks the phone away from her ear, ‘I could have sworn I heard someone call my name.’

She looks up the number on the caller ID, and hits redial. The number rings once then immediately becomes unavailable. Celeste looks rather flabbergasted as she puts away her phone. She had approximately two numbers, a business number and a personal number; she hardly ever gave away her personal number.

‘I wonder what that was all about…’

She picks up her coffee and continues on her way. She walks towards her rental car, sets the coffee up onto the hood, and begins fumbling for her keys. She opens the door, gets inside, sets her coffee in the cup holder, and sets her purse on the passenger side seat… only for her phone to start ringing again. Celeste quickly digs into her purse once more; it was the same number again.

“This is Celeste.”


Her ears are dominated by more static as a non decipherable voice hisses on the other end, “bzzzzz… Cel..bzzzzz..este…bzzzzz”

“Who is this?”

Celeste was getting angry; she didn’t appreciate prank calls on her private line. She hangs up in frustration and puts the phone on vibrate. She starts the car, and heads to her next destination.


Celeste sighs as she watches black clouds start to fill the sky; she was hoping the storm would blow on over. She pulls into a guest parking lot next to arena, and shuts off the ignition.

‘Time to put the game face on; the whole world is just waiting for that smile.’

It was surreal being back in the ring after so many years; Celeste could honestly say that she had missed the feeling of knowing that nearly every move that she made got a response from people. And this time around, she wanted to make sure that she getting the right responses for positive reasons.

Celeste walks into the arena and makes her way down a maze of corridors. The giant structure was empty for the time being, as many of the pre-taped segments were being done today. She walks down a hallway located adjacent to the loading dock of the arena and to a door marked ‘Productions.’ She turns the handle on the door, and steps inside.

“Hello, anyone here?”

She can hear movement in the back of the room, as a figure tears back the backdrop and steps forward into the light.

“Celeste Crimson, it’s good to see you again,” says a middle aged man. He steps across the room and offers his hand, which she generously accepts.

“It’s been a long time Leon.”

Leon Kensworth takes off his glasses and wipes them on a cloth, as he invites Celeste to join him on the other side of the room.

“When I heard you were coming back I was ecstatic, but I never guessed that you’d be coming back full time.”

“What can I say? I love this business; I just couldn’t stay away,” Celeste responds with a laugh.

The two get down to the interview; mainly rehashing what Celeste had said the week before. Celeste continued to follow her convictions to restore order to company by purging all the chaos in the locker room, starting with the Apostles of Chaos.

“I thought about what it means to be a role model,” she explains halfway through the interview.

“…A role model is someone that acts accordingly, because they know what they’re doing is right. I’m not after the Apostles of Chaos because I believe I was chosen to take them on. I’ve chosen to take them on because I’m not willing to take their crap. I am my own person; I act on my own free will, and I’m not willing to bow down to anyone else’s demands. If I am not free to be myself, then what is freedom worth?”

With Ty Burna’s newfound authority, the Apostles were as dangerous as ever; they were a threat to everyone else on the roster. And it seemed to be a growing trend with other superstars embracing the hatred brought on by the fear of the Apostles growing power. It left Celeste wondering if she was the only one left willing to fight the good fight.

“How many are left that believed in the same cause I do? Ricky and Big Dave tried to fight the chaos head on, but whatever reasons they failed… I will pick up where they left off, but I intend to see this through the end.”

From there the interview shifted from the Apostles and chaos to the Lethal Lottery and the WZCW championship. Celeste believed that the champion was acknowledged as the best wrestler in the company not because the belt validated their accomplishments, but the fans advocated for them to be so. She drew from the strength she received after becoming a parent; the morals and values she sought to uphold was a quality that many older fans could appreciate, and a quality that many younger fans could emulate. To become champion to her meant becoming a role model not only for the fans, but for the rest of the roster.

Celeste delivers her closing statements as Leon brings the interview to a close. The two colleagues remain in the common area of the production room as Leon fixes himself a cup of tea.

“Off the record, I do have to say I’m impressed with the way you’ve changed over the past few years. It wasn’t something that I was expecting. For many sports entertainers, they tell the fans one thing, but then they turn around and contradict everything they say with their own lifestyles. Breaking laws, and getting into trouble outside of the Fed… it’s shameful. It is nice to see someone being genuine for a change.”

“I don’t plan on changing, this who I am now because that’s who I want to be. I don’t just play a character on television Leon, I play myself, and that is not make-believe.”

She leans back against the counter, and folds her arms, as Leon sips his tea.

“…The energy that I give the fans and my co-workers is the same energy that I give my friends and family away from here. And because of that, I believe I can really change this company. The moment people forget who they really are, even if they play a character on TV, that’s when they really start to lose themselves to chaos. That’s how I lost myself years ago. I don’t want to see that happen to anyone else either.”

Leon smiles, “I hope everything works out for you Celeste; Lord knows that this company could really use someone like you right about now.”

Celeste says her goodbyes and exits the room, as sudden vibrations in her pants pocket diverts her attention to her phone. She flips it open and stares at the caller ID…

…It was that strange number yet again; she answers it and puts the receiver to her ear only to hear high pitched static once again. She shakes her head, vowing to change her number the next time she returns home. She exits the arena and walks out into the parking lot to make another attempt to redial the number; the last time she had tried she had been unsuccessful. She stops immediately and looks up when she hears an unfamiliar voice call out her name.

“Who are you?”

Celeste addresses a figure dressed in jeans and a distinct red jacket approaching her from across the parking lot. He was a few inches taller than she was, and was of medium build. The way that he carried himself, she could tell right away that the man would be troublesome.

“I should be asking you the same question,” the man responds in a toneless voice.

Celeste’s eyes widen; she recognized this man. He was another member of the Apostles of Chaos and her next opponent… Chris KO.

“You’re Chris KO aren’t you?”

The man's eyes narrow, “That’s right, and as I’m sure you’re already aware I’ll be your opponent this week.”

“Why are you here, then? I’m sure it’s not just to chat.”

“Actually I came here to warn you.”

“To warn me?”

“Yes, Master Burna is aware that you’ve been targeting the Apostles of Chaos ever since you came back. Your fight with us is fruitless; there is not a force on this roster that can possibly stand against us.”

“…Is that so?”

Celeste steps forward and gets right in Chris’s face; neither superstar is willing to back down, and the tension is so tight that it could be felt like a giant weight pressing down on the air around them. Baby blue and brown meet dark blue as the two pairs of eyes fight the proverbial tug of war.

“Your win over Dr. Alhazred last week means nothing; you have barely even seen the tip of the iceberg of the strength of the Apostles of Chaos.”

‘So I was right then,’ Celeste thinks to herself. ‘Alhazred really wasn’t anything but a pawn to these people… how sad.’

“But if I defeat you that’s sure to get Ty Burna’s attention…”

Chris laughs, “Don’t be so full of yourself Celeste; Master Burna doesn’t have time to waste his efforts with someone like you. That’s why I’m here. I’m going to crush this little crusade of yours before it even gains momentum.”

Celeste balls her fist, and for a brief moment Chris could swear he saw a vein budging out of her forehead. She takes a deep breath then smiles.

“I see… so he sent his second in command to deal with me personally? He must really be worried about me then. I see right through your game Chris; you aren’t going to pull the wool over my eyes.”

The man relaxes, and returns the blonde’s smile with a full smirk on his face, “You’re good, Celeste. But, Master Burna has something that you’ll never have, and that’s conviction. The powers of anger and hatred only make us stronger, and you abandoned it because you couldn’t handle the chaos. That makes you weak.”

Celeste frowns, “I abandoned chaos because it nearly destroyed me, and if you don’t watch yourself, it’ll destroy you too.”

Chris laughs, “I’m sure that you’ve noticed, but Master Burna has more than done well for himself; he practically owns the company. You should be bowing down and calling him God, not making a bunch of empty promises that I know you can’t keep.”

“Nothing lasts forever,” Celeste responds with a deadpan voice. “You, Ty, and the rest of the Apostles may have power now, but as the old saying goes the bigger they are the harder they fall. One slip up, one mistake and chaos will destroy you from the inside out. It can’t be controlled, Chris, and Burna is a fool for trying to.”

The two remained locked inside of a mental stare down, until Chris suddenly backs away.

“It is obvious that the two of us will never see eye to eye; I will see you in the ring. The two of us will settle things there.”

He turns and walks away leaving Celeste in the middle of the parking lot. Lightning flashes overhead as the first raindrops of the storm that had been blowing over the city begin to fall. She turns and makes her way towards her car, as thunder crashes down over the area.


Rain was pouring in torrents now, as Celeste weaves the car in and out of traffic. She had a lot on her mind at this point. She didn’t buy into Chris’s bullshit, she knew that Ty Burna was fully aware that she was gunning for him and he had to be a little worried; after all she had been just like him years ago… until she had been burned by the chaos.

Burned… just like the house fire that had left physical scars on her body as a child, the power of chaos left emotional scars. It was the power of love that changed her, and now the fires that raged within her soul burned golden white instead of crimson black.

The car suddenly lurches as Celeste quickly grabs hold of the wheel to keep the car from spinning off the road.

“What the hell?!”

She could feel heavy vibrations coming from the rear of the vehicle. Her back tire was flat; she must have run over something in the road. She groans, and looks for a place to pull over out of the rain.

“A flat tire? Perfect…”

Celeste pulls the car into a parking garage adjacent to a mini mall and a sub division. She hits the switch to open the trunk and gets out of the car. She leans down to insect the tire; it appears she had indeed run over a nail that had been lying in the middle of the road.

‘Changing a flat tire, what a pain in the ass; at least I’m not out here getting soaked.’

She takes the changing kit with the jack and tire iron out of the back, and lifts the spare tire out of the trunk. She spends the next several minutes jacking up and loosening the bolts on the flat tire. There wasn’t anyone else around, but she really didn’t mind. Celeste had always considered herself to be an independent woman, but that didn’t mean she didn’t like being pampered and waited on from time to time. She succeeds in getting the flat tire off and the spare tire on; she replaces and retightens the rest of the bolts.

She lifts the flat tire back into the trunk when she notices something off; she could see a small box with a flashing red light peeking out from underneath the car. She gets down onto the ground and crawls underneath the car to see what the device is. She tears it off and gets back to her feet; she’s shocked to find that the box with the flashing light looks an awful lot like a tracking unit.

“What is this?! How did something like this get put onto my car?”

This couldn’t have been a coincidence; her paranoia was screaming at her that someone had been following her, but she tried to brush off those thoughts. She reaches into her pocket to grab her phone when she notices that she’s received a text. It was from the same number that’s kept harassing her all day…


Lightning flashes overhead causing the lights in the garage to flicker; thunder crashes overhead and suddenly Celeste feels a little uneasy. She lifts the tire into trunk and closes it when a clanging noise coming from the other side of the garage gets her attention. She shuts the trunk and slowly walks away from the car to investigate.

“Hello, anyone here?"

An eerie silence fills the area when suddenly figure dressed in a black hood and robes leaps from out of the shadows and grabs her from behind. The figure, a male, begins to choke her as she struggles to free herself. She elbows the man in the side of the head and takes him down with a judo throw. She kicks the man in the head when a second man dressed in the same outfit charges at her brandishing a steel pipe. Celeste ducks and dodges and kicks the pipe out of the man’s hands. He lunges for her but she catches him and applies a sleeper hold which renders the man unconscious within a few seconds.

Celeste picks herself up and dusts off her closes when the first man tackles her from behind and pins her to the ground. He mounts her and begins to strike her unmercifully, but Celeste puts up her guard and manages to catch the man in a dragon sleeper. Celeste tosses the man’s prone body next to his companion. She takes the steel pipe and crushes the tracking device before leaving the scene.

She wasn’t going to call the authorities; no, Celeste was going to call her cousin Annabelle, who worked in the CIA. She was certain that she could get to the bottom of the tracking device by using her governmental resources.

‘Whomever these guys were, I doubt this was a simple attempt at mugging.’

Celeste gets back into the car and drives away…


About an hour later another car pulls up to the same parking garage. The driver’s side door opens to reveal a man wearing a familiar looking red jacket. He walks around and opens the passenger side door as a woman with onyx black hair steps out. She walks over to the prone bodies of the two men and bends down to check on them; they were both still unconscious. She looks over to find the broken remains of the tracking device in the corner.

“That woman is better than we thought,” she said as she rose to her feet.

“You’re going to have your work cut out for you this week Chris.”

Chris KO nods; he wasn’t expecting Celeste to find the tracking unit that they had placed on her car, but he wondered if she knew that the Apostles of Chaos were following her. It was as he said earlier; Master Burna did want to keep an eye on her, and based on the number she did on the two thugs they hired, she was still as formidable as ever.

“Nothing to worry about Serafina,” he said as he walks over to the woman’s side. “This is not going to go on any longer. Next week on Meltdown Celeste’s crusade will be coming to an end.”
"All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves."

-Amelia Barr​

I sit. I think. I must outthink this thought. This thought must outgrow my mind. I am dust. I am burned. I am ash. And if I am the ash, then my transgressions are the urn. An idle mind breeds unfathomable thoughts. Melancholy consumes me.

The shot opens up to an overwhelmed man with the right side of his face pressed against a small wooden diner table; it is Chris K.O. The brown is faded on the table top and it tells a tale of days in the sun. A wall of glass is directly next to the table, Chris, and a busted seat that supports him despite his problems.

If it were not for what happens next, the viewer could only assume that Chris is dead. Suddenly, a ray of light shines through the grey ghosts in the sky and radiates through the wall of glass. It hits him on his forehead and it prompts him to slowly open his disastrous eye lids. His pupils remain stiff as he quietly looks over at his lone companion.

On the table top, a mere six inches away from his face, is a familiar envelope, still unopened. All the mystery of it has faded away. It was no longer going to be a surprise, but a suppressor. It was going to be something different. It was going to be something that changed things. Or at least he thought it would be. He just felt stuck. He felt like he was in a rut.

The purgatory in my brain expels all desire to continue. Three losses in a row and I find myself on the receiving end of an ex-communication. Although it is unspoken, it does exist. I crept way out of the ring last week and desired to hide my face from his disappointment. I failed in this endeavor, and even though I knew it was coming, it still purged my being. By chance we met in the hallway on my way to the parking lot. Ty Burna, the creator of chaos, could not stand to look at me in the moment. It was not that I failed him, but that I had failed myself. I had delayed my destiny.

The glaze over the Chris’ eyes begins to gleam as his eyes remain deadlocked on the envelope. Background noise begins to creep into the shot as the camera reveals that Chris is not so alone. He is tucked inside of an unusually familiar diner. It is on the tip of the viewer’s tongue.

I evolved here once. I became more than I was. This is where I told Leon Kensworth about how I was going to defeat Steamboat Ricky. A legend that was fresh off a victory at Apocalypse. For weeks, a fallible Mr. Baller gloated about imaginary victories over the man, but it was I who truly put the nail in the coffin. My achievement was downplayed and destroyed by the powers that be. From there, I went on and buried Everest, and I would have done the same to Titus, had he not buried himself.

Now, there is a rush of new hope. There is this idea that old timers have seemed to form. Drake Callahan, Pheonix, and Celeste Crimson…

Chris’ slowly blinks and washes away the glaze.

I must not forget where I started. I must not forget what I came here to do. I evolved here once before, but now I must de-evolve. Is this my calling? Have I gone too far? Is my destiny delayed, or derailed? The roots… That sounds familiar… What about the roots? Have I really plunged so far in that I have forgotten so much? Did I really lose that match last week? I honestly can’t remember. Wait! I remember something… a face…

Chris’ eyebrows begin to rise into a slanted position.

Her. Am I in love? Is this some kind of an oedipal complex? Why did I stop my destiny? Why did I stop it because of her? What significance does she hold in my psyche? Celeste Crimson… A woman who denies chaos, but if she denies chaos, then she denies me. Why does that bother me? Why do I feel this sudden urge to seek her approval? Am I mad? Has Ty truly turned me into a mad-man?

Chris slowly peels his head off of the table top and pulls himself up. He creeps his hands over to the envelope and holds it in front of him.

I have never fought Celeste Crimson, and I do not know what will happen when we both enter that ring. All I know is that she is a part of the roots in this company. Maybe even a part of my own roots… But uprooting has become a trademark of mine. Steamboat Ricky, Everest, and now I must burry h-

The scene goes static as the feed cuts out. Suddenly a grainy shot appears, and it looks like it is being filmed with an old video camera.

A group of people dressed in black are surrounding an isolated area in the middle of them. The camera pans and it reveals that a beautiful maple wood casket is being lowered into the ground. Gold handle bars line the sides of it and a pink slip, with gold trim, covers the top of it.

The camera shot begins to focus on a small boy as he digs his face into the side of a man. The side of the man is soaked with what appears to be tears. The boy weeps softly into his side as the man comforts him by tussling his hair. The shot begins to flicker and it finally cuts out all together.

The screen is black but a lone voice appears out of no where.

Is my destiny delayed


Or derailed?

The feed cuts out.
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