MD 54: Alex Bowen vs Chris Jones - Mayhem Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Chris Jones was on a roll after winning the Mayhem Championship earlier in the month, taking on all challenges until last week where Alex Bowen won the title in a triple threat match. Desperate not to lose an opportunity to be on the Kingdom Come card, Jones has invoked his rematch clause against the new champion where the winner will get not only the title but the honour to defend it at Kingdom Come. Will the new champion's reign begin to build or does Jones have what it takes to reclaim the title once again?

Deadline is Tuesday 15th March 23:59 EST
*camera cuts to backstage in front of the locker room, with Leon Kensworth standing by*

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, after last week's Meltdown, we have a new Mayhem Champion in Alex Bowen. In a moment I will conduct an interview with the man he beat for the title, The Savior Chris Jones-

*Kensworth is cut off by Jones bursting out of the locker room, stopping only to grab the mic out of Kensworth's hand before marching past him, heading down to ringside. Jones heads down to the ring, not even letting his music come on, as the fans boo him heartily. Jones doesn't even give them a glance as he enters the ring, mic in hand*

Jones: This company is an insult to professional wrestling as a whole!

*the fans boo loudly as Jones continues*

Jones: It has become painfully clear that there is a conspiracy going on backstage to prevent me from getting the glory I so rightfully deserve! It is obvious to anyone with a working brain stem that the so-called "geniuses" back there do not want me as the Mayhem Champion of this company!

*the fans continue to boo in response, some of them making mocking crying motions towards Jones*

Jones: When I won my very first Mayhem Championship, how long was I the champion? A week? Maybe two? And what happens? I lose to some Nazi wannabe, who wasn't even brave enough to stay in the company long enough for me to win the title back! It's obvious that the WZCW braintrust only wanted to get the title off of me, no matter what it took!

*fans continue booing, one in particular shouting at Jones to "quit being a crybaby". Jones ignores them and continues*

Jones: And then, when I beat Ferbian, the guy who was supposedly the next big deal in Mayhem, and win the title a second time, what happens? Multi-man matches up the ass! "This week, you gotta fight three other guys, and next week, you fight two, both of which you already beat!" Yeah, have me wear myself out in a Fatal-Fourway, and while I'm recovering, throw me in a Triple Threat! And most importantly, they purposely pick people I've already fought, because they already know what I can do, and are able to form a counter-strategy! I, on the other hand, don't learn anything from them, because I beat them so badly, they were lucky to even land a hit on me! Even you short-bus riding hicks can see the pattern there!

*fans boo louder and louder, seemingly in an attempt to drown out Jones*

Jones: Now, those of you with working brains in their heads may be saying "Well, there is a noticeable pattern there, Jones, but why do it? What's the motive?" I'll tell you the motive! It's because I make the rest of the Mayhem Division look bad, and the WZCW officials know that! I am ten times better than any of the garbage wrestlers plaguing this company, and anyone can see that! As such, WZCW makes things harder for me, so that I don't make the rest of the Mayhem wrestlers look like crap! Which, admittedly, isn't very hard to do!

*the fans' booing has reached a constant drone, but Jones doesn't stop*

Jones: And if you want proof of this, look who won the belt! Alex Bowen? SERIOUSLY?! How can anyone honestly think that Bowen deserves to be the one carrying the Mayhem Title?! I brought class and dignity to this division! I made it more than just random senseless violence! Yeah, I can get downright dirty and disgusting when the situation calls for it, but that's only if I want to hurt somebody! I am a better standard of athlete than any member of this division, and that most especially applies to Alex Bowen! The reason Bowen is living in a dump and making chump change, is because that's all he deserves! In fact, he's lucky he's even here! If I had my way, the only place he would be wrestling is at some 7-year old's birthday party for a cold hot dog and a glass of orange juice! THAT is what Alex Bowen deserves!

*the fans have reached a fever pitch with their booing as Jones slowly starts to calm down*

It's obvious that WZCW doesn't care who the Mayhem Champion is, so long as it's not me. But you know what, that's fine. I'm a good company man, folks. I can play ball. So, I'll tell you what. As you know, I cashed in my rematch clause for Meltdown this week. If I win, I'm back on top and a three-time Mayhem Champion. But if I lose, then I'll leave the Mayhem Division for good. Alex can go ahead and drag this division back into the mud, and I will have no part in it.

*the fans start cheering in hopes of that happening*

Jones: Don't go getting excited. If I'm gone, it's back to garbage wrestling for the lot of you. Back to mindless violence without rhyme or reason between talentless and inexperienced rookies, designed only to hold you over until the main event. You may say otherwise now, but if I go, you'll miss me. And WZCW, don't misunderstand me. I will not be leaving your company any time soon. You cannot force me out. If and when I go, it'll be of my own accord, with my head held high, and after I've left a legacy that no one will ever forget!

*the fans resume booing, eager to see Jones lose and leave the Mayhem Division*

Jones: And finally, to you, Alex Bowen, I'd tell you to prepare yourself, but the truth is, nothing can prepare you for what I'm going to do to you. You see, the difference between then and now is that I'm driven to win, at any cost. This isn't just about me getting my title back, it's about removing you from the equation. It's about eliminating a disgrace, not just to this company, but to society as a whole. It's about getting rid of someone who looks like he might get a bit too friendly with boys under the age of thirteen.

*the fans boo louder than ever, eager to drown Jones out*

Jones: Bowen, you can do whatever you like to prepare for what's going to happen, but it won't help you. No matter what you do to yourself to get ready for this, it is NOTHING compared to what I have in mind for you. The sick, twisted, demented ideas running through my head right now would wake you up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. It really is times like these that I question my sanity, because I'm looking forward to seeing just how long I can twist your body in unnatural ways before it breaks. But don't worry too much, Bowen. This is for the best, for you and society. Because I am your Savior, and I know what's best for you.

*Jones drops the microphone as the fans boo louder and louder, camera following Jones as he leaves the arena before fading to black*
Alex Bowen is sitting in a hotel room on top of his bed. He is sitting in old faded checkered PJ pants, with no shirt. He kicks the underside of the bed. He is smoking a very large cigar and has a big glass ashtray on the nightstand next to a glass half full,and a cheap champagne bottle next to that. He puts the cigar in the ashtray, picks up the glass and takes a small drink of the liquid inside of it. He smiles as he puts the glass back in its former spot and begins to talk.

Alex- I've smacked people in the face and I've cut grown men open. Some people call me a monster, but I tell them it is a just a job. Like most jobs, when you are good at it you need to be one upped by someone to really know your place and get back into the mix. I rejoined WZCW some months ago, only to be upstaged by the new talent. Let me tell you this, I had to bring my "A" game to win this title.

Alex smacks the new hardware sitting across his pillow, winking as he does it.

Alex- This is my first title in the company. Some people might remember me as the dude with the screw loose or as anything they want. But now, I will always be known as a Mayhem Champion. I have a very large hump ahead of myself now due to you tasting defeat, Chris. Now you know how I feet the whole time I was losing. I hope this is a giant wake up call for you, brother.

Alex looks at the cigar sitting in front of him which has gone out and reaches in his pocket for a lighter. He lights the big stogie and puffs on it to get lit. A calming presence seems to be coming over our new Mayhem champ and he takes a big drag and puts it back into the ashtray. He blows the smoke out as he begins to talk.

Alex- I am looking forward to this match with you, trust me, I really am. You're a hell of a man for wanting to take this match with me. You know what it is to taste defeat now. I've just come off that and know what it now takes to finally be on top of the game.

Alex shakes his head as he takes that last statement to heart.

Alex- You were on a huge win streak for well over a month and as all of the WZCW loyal can state, I was blowing out my name with loss after loss. As I said before, it takes someone to upset you for to really know what your place is in the company. You did it to me once, and now I took my revenge. No one makes a fool of me in my own division. I won't go on and on about how many companies I made my name in doing hardcore matches, because right now only one company matters to me. I took you to the limit in that company and I aim to prove that I can do it again next week.

Alex looks down at the belt on his bed and smiles again. Then shifts his hips, balls up his hands, and blows into them. He laughs at the camera and shakes his head.

Alex- Am I really worried about you Chris?

Alex tilts his head at the camera with wide eyes and answers his own question.

Alex- Yes, yes I am. You've taken me to the limit for the past two shows. While you prevailed with three other men in the match, you lost your nerve, man. See here are the facts. I had nothing to lose. I still really have nothing to lose. This title is just that, a title. People know me as the king of this division anyways. What do they know you as? Some kid who got lucky a few times and finally met his match. That’s all you are Chris, very lucky. You're very lucky to have won the title in the first place and very lucky your carrier is still in tact.

Bowen takes a moment, picks up his glass and sips some champagne from it. He looks down at the floor as he keeps talking.

Alex- You needed to realize in our last match that even if you have beaten us before that we were still a viable threat. Just like you're still a viable threat and the 7 other men who could possibly face either me or you at Kingdom Come are a huge threat. It's an unknown right now. The whole Mayhem Division is in a huge uproar right now because of me, and I'm glad that I was the one to cause it. I was sick of showing up week after week, getting tossed around and not getting paid what you all are.

Alex looks at the camera with wide eyes and points at his chest. Hitting it after pointing to it for a moment.

Alex- I work my ass off in the ring every week and still get shit on. What do you get? You get your ass kissed by the whole company and then complain when you have to face the same people two weeks in a row. You walked with your head held high and your whole savior attitude into that match while I had to grasp for a win out of thin air. I worked harder than you, I out performed you, and I have been for the longest time.

Alex starts shaking his head and gritting his teeth. His chest heaves in and out with every breath as he stares at the camera. His eyes tell a story of pain and anger, and with great energy he states this.

Alex- You want to run your damn mouth about how I'm new to this company? Well Mr. Savior I'd like to make this very clear, so open up your ears. I was in the first match ever at Kingdom come, On August 14th, 2008. I sat in the Citrus Bowl waiting to face my brother. You want to call yourself hardcore, I participated in the first and only Juggalo death-match EVER In WZCW history. You want to know what that’s like Chris? Do you want to know what it's like facing someone you tried to protect from your own family for years?

Alex hits his hands on the bed and spits this out in rage.

Alex- Have you ever been smacked in the head with a baseball bat until you were almost unconscious? Have you ever had the life almost choked out of you by a length of chain.... By your own brother? We took it to the max in that match and we have had many more since then. But in the end, he took it to me. However, I'm still here, and I will never let that happen again.

Alex stops, composes himself, and stands up. He starts to walk around the room. It's quiet as he looks back at the camera with fiery eyes. He squats down and his knees crack. He begins to talk again.

Alex- I'm a man of my words Chris and until you or whoever can step up to take this belt from me, I'm never going to let it go. No one knows what it's like in the division better than me, and that's why I now have this belt. Your a good challenge Chris, but really that’s all you will ever really be.

Alex walks back over to the bed and stares up the shiny new Mayhem Title belt that is sitting up on his nice fluffy pillow. He wipes off the imaginary dirt that is on it to keep the shine of his new belt for just a bit longer.

Alex- The past is history Chris, and I plan to repeat it. Like so many before me in everything I can look back on my past matches and whatever I've done and say that I've given one hundred percent.

Alex picks up his Mayhem Title belt off his pillow and places it on his right shoulder. He looks at his title and nods at it knowing he's finally accomplished his goal. He puts his hand up to his mouth and wipes it down letting a groan out as he stretches back on his bed.

Alex- I gave it all and I know that I can give that same show that I put on last week this week. When the time came to shine I, Alex Bowen, came into the picture. It took me a match to get back into old form, but while you were trying to be bigger than me I relied on the same old skills that I will this week. Face it Chris, you don't have it in you to do what I do. You'll move up to bigger and better things after this week. But I'll stay here for a while...

Alex stretches out and puts his feet on the floor. He readjusts his belt on his shoulder as he stands up once again for the camera. He pats his belt on his shoulder and looks at the camera then back to the belt. He grabs one end and takes it off his shoulder placing it in front of the camera.

Alex- While I'm here this name will forever stay on this belt. I don't need other titles that are in the company to tell me I'm the best. After I beat you, I would like to invite each and every title holder at the moment into a hardcore match with me. I can put money on me winning, or I can put money on me losing. But the one thing that will count is Chris Jones will never step foot in a WZCW ring ever waring this belt ever again.

Alex slings the belt back up on his shoulder, it makes a dull thump when it hits. He leans down a bit and puts his face right into the camera. A fire is in Alex's eyes he seems to be staring out at Chris Jones himself.

Alex- Chris you may be WZCW's savior, But I am the Hardcore messiah. I'm going to bring this division back to what It should be, a true hardcore division. I'm in charge now, not some pissed off little prick. This place needs me as much as I need it. The WZCW Mayhem division is under new management, and I plan on making a few changes.

Alex leans back and takes his belt off his shoulder, he holds it in front of the camera showing the name Alex Bowen engraved in gold. He waves at the camera with his free hand as the scene fades to black.
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