MD 28 - Corey Payne vs Mr. Baller vs Obsidius

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Three of WZCW's rising stars meet in a triple threat contest to rise in the ranks of WZCW.

RP Deadline is September 7, 11:59 EST.
Leon Kensworth and Becky Serra are seen talking backstage after Ascension.

Becky: Hey Leon, are you going to do the interview with Mr. Baller?

Leon not sure whether he wants to or not, thinks for a second, and then decides

Leon: Uhh sure I guess, I mean I don’t know what to expect from him, he always annoys me with his cockiness yet he still hasn’t won a match.

Becky: I know right, I always tell him that when I interview him, but he thinks he’s greatness. That’s why you should interview him. Good Luck.

Leon then heads to Mr. Baller’s locker room where we see Mr. Baller reviewing game film from his last match with Celeste.

Mr. Baller: Attack, attack. What are you doing? Attack her.

Leon frightened to interrupt, finally decides to tap Baller on the shoulder.

Mr. Baller turns around in disgust, and then realizes it is not Becky Serra interviewing him, but it is Leon Kensworth.

Mr. Baller: What in the World are you doing here? Where is Becky? I lose one match and I am already demoted to you. You better be good or I will have your head, I’m in no mood to be dealing with the likes of you.

Leon trembling in fear, doesn’t know where to begin with a man such as Mr. Baller

Leon: Well, Mr. Baller, after losing your first match to Celeste you then decide to make her you’re….

Mr. Baller rudely interrupts Leon

Mr. Baller: Are you serious? You are just as predictable as Becky. I don’t need you to this interview, I will interview myself.

Mr. Baller then grabs the microphone from Leon and Leon quickly runs out of the locker room.

Mr. Baller: Celeste may have beaten me, but now she will be assisting me. As my representative she will beat Karnage, and then I have control over the referee in my match with Blade at All or Nothing. Celeste is a much more valiant opponent then at first glance. I am a man, who believes in second chance, and now Celeste will be given her second chance to impress me and I know she will not fail to disappoint. Karnage is no match for me, which clearly proves she is no match for Celeste. Now Blade once again you would’ve lost at Ascension to Murfish, but I decided to save you once again. I know you can’t win on your own, and that was proven at Ascension. But don’t worry at All or Nothing you wont have to worry about being saved, as I will finally get my hands on you, and it will prove that you are a nobody who can’t do anything for yourself.

Mr. Baller acting as the interview decides to take 2 steps to the left.

Mr. Baller: So Mr. Baller this week on Meltdown you will be facing two of the newest stars in WZCW, Corey Payne and Obsidius. What is your opinion on this match?

Mr. Baller then moves two steps to the right and now acting as himself proceeds to answer

Mr. Baller: These two stars (air quote) are not even in my league. But just because I am Mr. Baller I know these competitors will be like the battle royale and just go after me and basically make it a handicap match. But just like the battle royale, in which both these competitors were participants in that match, I will be victorious as I am the greatest superstar in this business today, and these two are my tune-up for All or Nothing. Now I have to get ready, but thank you for being such a great interviewer.

Mr. Baller then shakes hands with himself, pretending to shake hands with the interviewer.

Mr. Baller then begins to review his battle royale with Obsidius and Corey Payne as the camera fades out.
As a result of Obsidius using changes that have not been approved, the RP has been deleted and will NOT be counted. Please resubmit your RP.

Miami International Airport…
“This morning” fades in across the bottom of the screen. The camera focuses on the Tarmac, showing the planes take off. The scene pans to the left and a private jet, a silver G5, lands into a secluded hanger. The camera zooms in on Rebecca "Becky" Serra patiently waiting for the doors to open. Moments later, the Airplane’s hatch swings open, followed by an enormous bodyguard ordering the cameraman to move back. Carmelita Morales is the next to emerge from the plane, holding the JKAF World title about her shoulders. She adjusts her sunglasses on her nose before proceeding down the stairs, stopping at the bottom to smile up at her husband, David “Obsidius” Morales coming out next. Dressed in a dark gray Armani suit, Obsidius is busy talking on the phone with someone, flailing his hands in disgust. He spots Miss Serra at the bottom of the stairs and wraps up the phone call.

”A word Obsidius,” Rebecca says, pointing her microphone at Morales. ”any comment on your upcoming 3-way with Cory Payne and Mr. Baller?”

”Who?” Obsidius replies.

Carmelita points at Rebecca’s clipboard, showing pictures of Payne and Baller. Obsidius leans in, reading the clipboard, trying to contain his laughter.

”Oh… that one looks like the vato who details my car and that other pinché… didn’t he cut our lawn last week, Carma?”

”No Obsidius, those are your opponents, Cory Payne and Mr. Baller…” Rebecca retorts, “and by the way they’ve been going, they seem to be favored this week. You’re the underdog in this match.”

”The only reason that Obsidius is the underdog, as you say, is because the WZCW hasn’t seen what I’m capable of.”

Morales’ bodyguard opens the lobby door for his boss, allowing him to slip inside with his wife in tow, followed by Rebecca and her cameraman. Upon entering, they head up the escalator to the waiting lobby. They are immediately flooded with fans, who recognize Obsidius from other promotions.

”Both Payne and Baller, although relatively new to the WZCW have already established themselves, while you lost in your debut Battle Royal.” Rebecca adds.

”How many Champions ju’ know went undefeated, chica?’ Obsidius answers, signing a few autographs. ”I came from nothing. I made the pesetas I have… I busted my ass for the titles I got, and lost plenty of matches to get there. You see this?” touching the JKAF World Title on Carmelita's shoulder, ”I bled for this… broke just about every bone in my body for it…”

”Wasn’t the JKAF eventually broken up for being an illegal fighting ring?” Rebecca questions, while stepping to the side to let Obsidius pose for a picture with a fan. ”What about the allegations of drugs and child prostitution?”

”That was Singapore. That’s the way it was then.” Obsidius answers, looking straight into Rebecca’s eyes. ”I’m not going to pretend that I was innocent in the whole thing, pero, this whole business is corrupt, chica. You can no more blame me for being in that, then ju’ can blame… what’s his name? Mr. Baller, for hanging with that elephanté.”



”Her name is Beautiful Bonnie.”

”Whatever… the point is, I’ve been working too hard in my career to sit back and let some rejects from a boy band think that they can…

”No,” Carmelita whispers, grabbing her husband’s face, ”focus baby… focus, we’re in Miami, remember?”

”Sí… Miami.” Obsidius replies.

”What my husband is trying to say is that now that we are in the WZCW, he’s planning on making an impact.” Carmelita states. ”The ‘scramble for the contract’ rumble was just a minor setback. My David’s been a star before and he will be again.”

”But this triple threat…”

”This triple threat match is going to be no different than any other match that David’s had.” Mrs. Morales interjects. ”not only will my David dominate in this match, but those other two will have to work even harder to keep up. You people can call him the underdog all you want, and they can make fun of us and think that this is going to be a walk in the park, but just remember, when the match is over and my baby’s hand is raised high… it’s just business… nothing personal.”

”Anything else to add, Obsidius?” Rebecca questions, pointing the mic back at Morales.

Before Obsidius can answer, the bodyguard covers the microphone whispering something inaudible. The camera pans to the left, watching a large black Suburban pull along side of them. The back door opens and the cameraman tries to get a look inside at the ominous figure in the back.

”Hey! Is that Kim…!” Rebecca blurts out, before the bodyguard swats at the camera, knocking it to the ground. The camera manages to get a look at the man in the truck, confirming his identity, just before the scene fizzles out
(The scene is the WZCW locker room. It is the morning of Meltdown 28. WZCW interviewer Leon Kensworth appears with a camera crew. He knows this is a much earlier hour than he usually wakes up, but this the only available time he can get the interview he is about to do.)

(Kensworth walks further into the room and finds Corey Payne sitting on a bench in front of his locker with his head lowered. He has his Tapout hoodie pulled above his head, but it is made clear that he is listening to an iPod as we hear Down With The Sickness by Disturbed blaring where Payne is seated. It also is clear that he is not aware that anyone is standing behind him. Payne is staring at a picture that he is holding in his hands. It is a picture of him and a man. They look like best friends. Kensworth looks at the picture and tries to make out who it is. But suddenly, Payne realizes someone is behind him so he crumpled up the picture and threw it into a nearby trash can and rips the iPod out of his ears.)

Payne: (to Leon) Yes?

Kensworth: (stammering) Umm sorry. I’m Leon Kensworth and I would like to get your thoughts on a few things.

Payne: (not really focusing) Go ahead.

Kensworth: Well first off, after putting up a good showing against Rush last Meltdown, but still losing, what-

Payne: (interrupts in anger) Good showing? What the hell are you talking about?

Kensworth: (nervously) Well…. you see…..

Payne: Maybe in your opinion I put up a good showing, but in my opinion I didn’t do well at all. Do you want to know why?

Kensworth: (still obviously nervous) Ok….

Payne: I wasn’t focused. Plain and simple. I was content with celebrating my contract win with my friends that I didn’t prepare enough for my match against Rush. I didn’t build up enough stamina and that was my downfall. I couldn’t get up enough energy to kick out of Rush’s powerbomb and he won. But believe me, something like that will not happen again. (turns to Leon) Anything else?

Kensworth: (confident enough to ask a question without getting knocked out) Tonight, you are in a triple threat match against Mr. Baller and Obsidius. What are your thoughts on this?

Payne: Baller and Obsidius are nothing but a bunch of punks. When I saw Baller’s interview, I laughed because of how delusional he is. He actually believes he is the biggest superstar in the company when he hasn’t even won a regular match. He’s all hype. And he was too busy talking about his match at All Or Nothing that he seems like he will win automatically at Meltdown. Well news to Baller: Big mistake. I underestimated Rush and look what happened. Now Baller is underestimating me. (gets close to the camera) Well Baller, maybe you might not make it to All Or Nothing after getting done with me. (smiles)

(backs up again) Now to Obsidius. You are just like Baller, expect Baller actually lasted the full 15 minutes at the Meltdown 26 battle royal. You barely even got a WZCW contract. And also like him….. and also like me last Meltdown, you are expecting to dominate as soon as you get in the ring. But you aren’t doing anything to prove that. You’ve got the ability to hype yourself, which by the way anyone can do, you have the fancy nickname, and you sure as hell got the ego. But the question is…. (leans in) do you have the skill? (looks at watch then glances at Leon) I have to leave in a few minutes.

Kensworth: Can I get your final thoughts before you go?

Payne: I just have to say one thing. Rush, I would like to thank you. If I can steal a verse from one of my favorite songs (laughs a little) You’ve woken up the demon in me. (leaves the room)

(Kensworth is about to leave but he finds that Payne has left his iPod on the bench. He goes to yell for Corey but stops and stares at the crumpled up picture. Curiosity gets the best of him and he picks up the photo and is about to look at it when Payne re-enters the room.)

Payne: I forgot my iPod and… (looks at the picture in Leon’s hand) Hey that’s personal! (rips the picture out of his hand, grabs his iPod and leaves)

Kensworth: Why did he get so crazy over a picture? Oh well. (Shrugs and walks away as camera fades to black……)
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