MD 25 - Celeste Crimson & Murfish vs Rush and James Baker

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Unlikely partners are forced to work together as WZCW's only female competitor Celeste Crimson teams with super heavyweight Murfish to take on former tag division competitor James Baker and the unwilling partner, Rush.

Deadline is June 29th at 11:59 EST.
This is the 1st of a 2 part segment.

The setting is in the waiting room as James Baker & Malik Jones are waiting to see well..... a therapist. James has his spiked out stick with him.

Malik Jones- Come on James, you know seeing a therapist will help us figure out what the hell is wrong with you & did you really have to bring that damn thing here.

*James doesn't answer*

Malik Jones- Dog don't give me the silent treatment again. I don't wanna end up like Johnny Klamor did last week.

James- Fine. I don't wanna be here. I hate this crap. I lost at MD24 to some loser who thinks that he is this countries savior & now i'm back in the damn tag team division as I have to team up Rush who thinks he's innovative, please i'm more innovative than him anyday of the week & we have to face some guy named Murfish who's only concern is getting over with these idiotic tapeworm hypocritical fans & of course his partner is well some girl who is a black belt in a crap load of combat sports & is very skilled inside that ring. I don't wanna team up with Rush, but unlike him at least I will do everything in my power to win us the matchup. You see Murfish, Celeste & Rush. I am a very dangerous & psychotic human being as I will do anything at any cost to accomplish my goals. I don't have to accomplish my goals by pandering to these tapeworm idiot fans or do it by being a "good guy to everybody". Yeah what a load of crap that is. If you guys ain't convinced of what i'm really capable of then I suggest you go ask Johnny Klamor on how bad I whooped his ass. From what I know, that dude still can barely walk let alone move around properly.

*The Therapist then comes out of the room*

Therapist- James Baker & Malik Jones, You can come on in.

Malik Jones- Come on James.

James- Let's get this crap over with.

*Cameras shut off as part 1 ends*
Part 2 of 2 in this segment

We are now in the therapist's office as James Baker, Malik Jones & the Therapist are all there.

Therapist- Please fellas have a seat.

*James & Malik both take a seat.*

Therapist- If it's to my understanding. James you have had some psychological problems ever since this wrestling event called Meltdown 23 is that right?

*James is giving the therapist the silent treatment.*

Therapist- Okay the silent treatment. Malik what has happened since James's psychological problems surface.

Malik Jones- Well he beat the living hell out of a WZCW interviewer last week & to make matters worse he lost to a marine & he also has to go back into the tag team division to face a Murfish & a woman.

Therapist- What exactly is a Murfish?

Malik Jones- I have no idea. At first I thought it was a ******ed fish, but hell I really don't know.

Therapist- Okay now what traits has James been portraying since Meltdown 23.

Malik Jones- Well he's giving people the silent treatment & he keeps carrying around a stick with spikes on it. Dammit James I told you not to bring that thing here.

*The Therapist then gets rather close to James & James stands up*

Therapist- You're gonna tell me what's wrong with you right now or I will hurt you.

*James then suddenly figures out who it is & hits the therpaist with the spiked out stick & starts hitting the therpapist repeatedly with the spiked out stick & is now stomping the therapist repeatedly. James then places the spiked out stick onto the therapist's throat & then James steps on the stick & the spikes are going into the neck of the therapist*

James- First off dog, I don't listen to anybody except myself. I'm my own man & I do whatever I damn well please. Now I remember clearly on who the hell you are. You're that little punk Marcus who betrayed me a while back by selling me out. Well now i'm gonna hurt you & beat you like the little punk that you are.

*James then kicks Marcus repeatedly in the ribs & now James places his boot back on Marcus's throat.*

James- Celeste, Murfish, Rush. I hope & pray that you 3 are taking note of this little beating that this traitor is taking cause this is a minor image compared to what I bring to the table week after week. Technically our matchup at MD25 is a tag team matchup, but the difference is that I don't need a tag team partner to help me achieve my goals. No no no no no. I am a one man army , i'm "Da Xtreme Gangsta", i'm a well known psychopathic thug who lives by his own rules & like I said last week, not a damn soul is off limits, well except 1, but i'm not gonna mention who that person is. The point is that I can do whatever I damn well please & I won't feel one ounce of remorse in my body. So after MD25, I will definitely lay Celeste & Murfish to rest 6 feet under & Rush if you get the idea that getting in my way is acceptable then you will suffer the same fate as Celeste & Murfish by me beating the hell out of you & laying you to rest 6 feet under with both of them.

Malik Jones- Dammit James now we gotta get the body out of here.

James- Don't worry dog. Just throw him out the window. There's no difference really. If we get questioned for this, we will just say that he jumped out the window.

Malik Jones- You really cease to amaze me huh James.

James- He ain't dead Malik. Let's just leave him here. He won't mess with me ever again.

*James & Malik leave the therapist laying there in a pool of his own blood as the camera shuts off*

A thunderous banging noise echoes though multiple levels of a parking garage.


Its echoes fill the inside of a multi-level parking garage.


Confused bystanders are drawn in by the noise.


Curiously and cautiously, they walk towards the noise in search for the source of the commotion.


A large group has formed a large circle blocking others from view. Some people are on the phones describing what they are witnessing, while others are using their phones to take pictures and video of this future youtube star.


A younger girl forces her way to the front of the crowd. She sees that the group have surrounded a white Cadillac Escalade with dents and scratches all along the driver side. “What happened?” She innocently asks to the person standing next to her.

Without a word, the man answers simply by lifting his finger and pointing slightly up and to the left. Quickly she turns. Her eyes open and her jaw drops as she witnesses a 361 pound bald man leaps off of a barricade and almost as if it was in slow motion, landed a carefully placed elbow drop onto the hood of the SUV. The man rolls off the hood and resumes punching the side of the vehicle with his bare hands.


He slowly turns to the crowd of gatherers that surround him. He uses his shirt sleeve and wipes a single bead of sweat from his face.



RUSH: No tag-team! It’s what I said when I first walked though the WZCW doors. I devoted my whole career to tag-team wrestling. I’ve traveled the world putting on a clinic of tag-team wrestling! My brother and I won tournament after tournament. We won the respect of the fans and all of our peers! Everyone thought tag-team wrestling was dead! And they were all right! Until we came along and breathed life back into it!


RUSH: We always stepped into the ring together, as one. Never selfish, always working together. We knew that if we could show the world what today’s generation of tag-team could be, there would be more money for us to make, then if we were go for any singles gold!


RUSH: At least, that’s what I’ve always thought! But brother!... my BLOOD!!...he found the spotlight was too hot for both of us. So, he did what any big brother would do!




RUSH: Put me out of the right for 3 years. Broken arm!


RUSH: Four broken ribs!


RUSH: A pierced lung!


RUSH: A concussion!


RUSH: Over 200 stitches throughout my body!


RUSH: Broken nose and cheekbone!


RUSH: AND! A dislocated shoulder!


RUSH: Everyone thought that would be the end of my wrestling career. And I guess you could say that in a way, they were right! My wrestling was never the same! And I sure as hell wasn’t going to put my effort into another tag-team just to have the same result! NO MORE TAG-TEAMS! Those 4 words are what even got me back into a wrestling right again!


RUSH: In fact, that is the exact same thing that Bateman promised me seconds before I signed my contract! He assured me that I wouldn’t have to babysit any other wrestler and I would get to show the world the damage I could do as a singles competitor!


RUSH: Did I not do that Bateman?! Did I not dominate in my contract battle royal! Did I not entertain you when Celeste and I went down to the wire in our match? Did I not step over Milenko?! Just like I said I would! I’m not green like all of these other new guys! I’m a seasoned pro! I deserve to be at the top, but I wanted to play it right. I wanted to earn my WZCW stripes! I saved you the headache of constantly bitching and moaning about how I deserve to be main eventing every show!


RUSH: And what do you do Bateman?! You go back on your word not even a month later! Not only did you put me in a tag-team match. But you teamed me up with a lunatic with no talent! ZERO! James Baker depends on a stick with a little nail on the end of it to make his point!


RUSH: But don’t worry too much Bateman! I know that first and foremost, you’re a businessman. And I know that when a businessman goes back on his word, that’s not good for business. Especially when you don’t keep your word to me, that’s bad for a man’s health. So I’m going to help you out. I’m going to ensure that you keep your word to me! I won’t be showing up to Meltdown this week. And any other card that has me in a tag match, I won’t be there for either. No more tag-teams!

And it is a shame. Because I’ll be missing out on a chance to face Celeste again. She was, without a doubt one of the greatest competitors I have ever faced. I looked forward to doing battle with her again. But, of all people, I’m sure she can relate to what I am doing. Don’t worry dear, we’ll meet again.

Oh, and Baker. Sorry about your Cadillac!

With those last words, Rush walked over to a metal garbage can and picked it up with his bloody hands. Simultaneously he released it and a scream. A trail of garbage landed as the can soared gracefully though the air and finally landed, crashing though the rear window of the Escalade.
Becky Serra arrives at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Camera Guy: Are you sure that he wants us to meet him here?

Becky: No, he wanted to meet up in Houston. Where’s your head at? Do I look like an idiot? Don’t respond. What? Shut up.

Becky makes her way to the thoracic section of the hospital. Murfish appears from around the corner of the hallway and he approaches Becky. He's wearing a long white lab coat, scrubs, and a pair of horn rimmed glasses. He's carrying a clipboard and he waives to Becky and the camera man.

Murfish: Hey, I just wanted to meet you in my other work environment. You look surprised. Well guess what: I am a doctor.

Becky: And they let you work at a hospital?

Murfish: Yes, it is quite exhilarating. Physical competition is nice, but I can't deny the thrill of making life an death decisions

Becky: Does anyone here know what you do in your spare time? You are known for disloyalty and brutality.

Murfish: WZCW helps me let out a different me. My therapist says it's very healthy for me to vent my rage.

Becky: I'm just going to move on. What's your specialty?

Murfish: Um...medicine?

Becky: You're a physician, right? At your age you should have a specialty. What is it?

Murfish: Look, I don't really like technical questions. I don't have to justify myself to you. I have a chart in my hands. A CHART! Do you understand what I'm saying?

Becky: Are you really a doctor?

Murfish: Shut up, next question.

Becky: Well you are in a tag match this week. You have a bit of experience there. Remember GM?

Murfish: I love tag matches.

Murfish does a little dance.

Murfish: Oh GM? We used to be best buds. I can't for the life of me remember what happened between us.

Becky: Well you did attack him multiple times to the point were he sustained career threatening injuries. Then a the King of...

A security guard comes sprinting down the hallway. While making a beeline for Murfish, the guard begins to yell.

Security: Hey you, what are you doing?

Murfish bolts to the nearest exit.

Murfish: Shit, meet me at the Starbucks down the street in fifteen minutes.

*Fifteen minutes later*

Murfish: Alright, what do you want?

Becky: I'll take that as a sign that you aren't a doctor. More importantly you have a tag match against Rush and James Baker. Comments?

Murfish: As I said before I love tag matches. Rush and Baker seem to be having problems anyway, and one man can't win a tag match by himself. That strategy is dumb. I won't even indulge it's discussion.

Becky: Funny that you should say that because are the only man on your team.

Murfish: What?

Becky: You're teaming up with Celeste, the only female competitor in WZCW.

Murfish: guess? Oh wait, that chick is hot. I'd love to tag team her.


Murfish: That didn't come out right.


Murfish: Oh, that's what she said.


Becky: for the interview. I'm going to leave now.

Becky walks away.

Murfish: Have a good night!

Becky: Please don't put in a request for me to interview you ever again!
Becky walks nervously down the corridor; her eyes see nothing but tunnel vision as she makes her way towards the back of the arena.

‘How could Vance do this to me? She’s going to crack I know it… she’s a prideful and arrogant person, this was her first loss, she can’t be in a good mood. She’s going to take her anger out on me, I just know it. I knew I should have hired that lawyer…’

Thoughts raced through Becky’s head like lightning, she was scared, she wanted to turn the other way and run… but she couldn’t. Her body just kept going forward. She went over every extreme, Celeste yelling at her, Celeste attacking her, Celeste breaking every bone in her body.

Becky shuddered ‘Too extreme’

‘Just calm down girl, everything will be fine’

Becky had arrived at her destination; the crewmen were already set up. Becky laughed to herself when she saw that the camera crew had taken their own precautions to protect themselves from an expected onslaught, hiding themselves behind a thick glass wall.

Now all that was left to do was to wait for the guest of honor.

She didn’t have to wait long, after five minutes Becky could hear the familiar click clack of high heels shoes. The sound echoing like thunder in her ears as the sound got closer and closer. Becky closed her eyes as Celeste turned the corner coming into view.

Celeste’s expression was blank, her eyes unreadable. There was no smile on her face, she didn’t have that normal cocky, intense, and proud aura that she normally had. Becky took a deep breath, said a silent prayer before starting the interview.

“Becky Serra here with WZCW Superstar Celeste Crimson. Celeste, how do feel about your first official loss last week, and your chances to win the Euroasian title?”

Celeste smirked then smiled, taking Becky off her guard.

“I feel no different than I did last week"

Becky mouth dropped open in surprise.

‘B-but you lost, you were pinned”

“Was I? I wanted to be pinned, I let Mondragon get the win, it was out of the goodness of my heart that I laid down for him”

“I don’t understand…you lost on purpose?”

“Did I stutter? That’s what I said isn’t it. I have no time for petty games, the tournament was nothing but a waste of my time. I said last week that the tournament could provide me with an outlet for more competition but I changed my mind. I realized that if I did win the tournament… and the belt, then that would solidify my place in midcard limbo, defending the belt over and over again against the same people.”

Becky scratched her head, she wasn’t following her logic.

“Belts are stepping stones, they are pieces of the company used to gain respect. Don’t you want that respect?”

Celeste laughed.

“The belts don’t belong to the company, they belong to the people… always have. The problem is that the people don’t know what they want… they never have. To be truly great in a company such as this, a superstar must transcend the belts. Champions are nothing but slaves to the masses, drones. Champions aren’t immortalized, instead they are demonized. Champions have to meet standards, and when they don’t, the people give them the boot.”

Celeste continued, speaking with passion and boldness.

“I am not a lap dog, I represent myself and no one else. The fans will follow me, and whether they hate me or love me is irrelevant because they’ll tune in to see me regardless. That was my plan all along, my goal is not to be some clown with a cheap belt catering to a bunch of idiots. When I face the World champion, and he holds that belt above his head he will only be proving his ignorance. He will know that I am better … not because of my win/loss record but because the fans follow me, they cater to me, if I leave they’ll leave as well. A champion is replaceable… not me… I will be immortalized.”

“So what happens next? You have a tag team match against Rush and James Baker. Your tag team partner will be Murfish”

Celeste scowled, shaking her head

“I’ve been moved back down to the undercard. What a bunch of underachievers. Rush wasn’t a challenge for me the first time, and since I have a partner he’ll be even easier for me to beat. Baker talks big, but what as he really done? He’s a perennial jobber, if I were Bateman I would have pink slipped his ass months ago. This match will be nothing but a waste of my time, but I’ll show up… since I’m the only one in the match with actual drawing power.”

Celeste pauses, considering her chosen partner for the match

“Murfish, don’t screw this up… even though I’ll be the one carrying the match I expect you to at least pull your own weight. Please prove to me that you aren’t totally worthless.”

There was a pause, Becky felt like asking another question but before she could even inhale a breathe to speak, Celeste turned her back and left Becky with her mouth open.

“I- I think that’s it.”

‘That went better than I thought’
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