MD 21 Will v Celeste Crimson

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
After Celeste & DS attacked Steamboat Ricky after winning the number one contenders match, Big Will came and helped Ricky. A tag match has been announced for Unscripted with Ricky & Will v Celeste & DS. At MD 21 however, Ricky will square off against DS & Will shall take on Celeste.

RP Deadline is Tuesday 24th March at 23:59...using Leon Kensworth in your RP will mean you will automatically lose your match.
The cameras open on a Chevy Monte Carlo pulling into the Arena’s Parking Garage. The car screeches through the narrow driving lane, as it comes to a stop just shy of the cameras filming it. As the door opens, a very aggressive and seemingly pissed of Big Will gets out of the car, only to slam the door and march his way passed the camera, into the building.

As the camera follows him through the Arena, Will comes upon a door that reads “W.Z.C.W Director of Authority”. Will stops for only a moment, then literally kicks the door open, as Vance Bateman is standing behind his desk, looking over some papers as he looks up, shockingly.

(Bateman)- “What right do you have barging in here like this? Do you have any idea who I am? What could possibly be so important that you couldn‘t have simply knocked first!?”

(Will)- “Cut the crap, Bateman. I‘m sick and tired of this back and forth kiddy stuff with Spiral. He obviously still wants to fight me. So I‘m more than willing to continue my war against him. Instead, I get an e-mail saying I‘ll be wrestling Celeste, instead? Seriously?! You put me in a match, against a bionic Woman. I‘m not doing it.”

(Bateman)- “I must‘ve missed the memo where you actually had a say in who you got to decide upon wrestling. Hold on a moment, will you?” Bateman looks down at his desk, seemingly searching for something, only to grab his name plaque and hold it up. Bateman nods his head, turning it to Big Will. “You see, for a split second there, I almost thought someone else replaced the Director of Authority. Thankfully, they haven‘t. Which means I‘m still the only person who decides who wrestles who. So you will wrestle Celeste, or you can pack your bags and find a new job.”

Will grows ever more out-raged as he places his hands on Bateman’s desk, and shoves everything off, with a lot of noise as everything crashes to the floor. Bateman steps back, pressing a button under his desk before Big Will grabs his desk, and flips it over, getting up against Bateman, who’s pressed up against the wall.

(Will)- “My contract is unbreakable, unless you wish to pay out a few million in bonuses and incentives. Not to mention, my lawyers will eat you alive with all the legal red tape that you‘d be breaking through, all to get rid of me. I said when this whole mess began that if some genetically jacked bitch wants to get in my face, I‘d rather not strike a Woman, but I‘ll put anyone down if they threaten me. This is on your hands, Bateman.”

Just as Will closes in on Bateman, literally getting close enough to whisper into his ear, a group of Security guards rush in the room, tackling Big Will to the ground and hand-cuff his hands behind his back.

(Will)- “Bateman, what the hell is this?! Get your hands off me, I didn‘t touch him, I didn‘t do anything.”

(Bateman)- “You should know by now, you don‘t cross the boss. And you don‘t get aggressive with authority. I want this man arrested! He burst into my office without an appointment. He made threats against me, and this company, and he even made a threat against an opponent he was scheduled to take on. Get this piece of garbage out of my sight.”

The Security Guards pull Big Will up, as one of the guard begins reading him his rights.

(Security Guard)- “Sir, You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer any questions ask upon you. Do you understand?”

(Will)- “I know my rights, you have the right and hopefully better judgment to let me go, before I really show you what aggression is all about.”

(Security Guard)- “Anything you say may be used against you in a Court of Law. Do you understand?”

(Will)- “This is the biggest crock of shit, ever, Bateman. Let me go. Dammit, I have a match tonight. Release me, now!” Bateman gets up in Will’s face, as the Security guard continues to read Will his rights.

(Security Guard)- “You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the Police, and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. Do you Understand?”

(Bateman)- “Why Will, you suddenly want to wrestle tonight? Just a moment ago, you barged into my office absolutely demanding me to remove you from the match. The way I see it, you‘re getting exactly what you wanted. A whole new match, with a whole new set of rules and opponents.” Bateman smirks then continues “It‘ll be Big Will, against the lowest scum behind bars, in the first-ever Jail House Rock Cell match. Have fun spending the night watching us on television.. Oh, and don‘t drop the soap.”

Will tries to force himself free, out of the grip of the Security guard, to lunge at Bateman, but Will stumbles and falls forward, to the ground, as the security team surrounds him, and moves Bateman back out of harm’s way.

(Will)- “Bateman, I swear if it‘s the last thing I do, I‘ll have your ass for this. You and I both know this is ridiculous! Let me go, you have no right to have me arrested. I didn‘t do anything wrong!” Bateman waves his arms, motioning for them to take him away.

(Bateman)- “Get this pathetic excuse for a Human being out of my sight. Oh, but Will, don‘t forget the Pay per view is Sunday. If you haven‘t posted bail by then, and you no show.. You breach your contract. See you then.”

The Security team escorts Will through the Arena, to the parking lot where a Squad car is parked and awaiting him. Will is loaded into the back of the Police car, as the door is shut. Will leans up against the glass, with a very pissed off look in his face, as the cameras suddenly fade out.
The sun is setting over the arena as the once glorious golden beacon is reduced to a dying orange ball setting low over the hills, giving birth to dusk. It is here that we see a blond woman with a confident expression on her face marching towards the ring. Celeste felt it was high time that she pay a return to the people that brought her into the business into the first place, but that’s not because she felt the need to justify her actions – or her soon to be actions, no, she was doing this because she wanted to see for herself just how much control she had over the situation. Her current mission being a driving force of determination for her, she blocked everything out of her surroundings as she made a beeline towards the ring. She barely even noticed a figure approach her from behind. Without turning around, she can already tell who this person is and why they’ve approached her. Celeste slows to a halt, tilts her head slightly to the left, and calls out this person’s name, momentarily stunning them.

“Becky Serra”, Celeste said with a grin forming over her face. She turns to face the nervous looking brunette interviewer standing across from her. Folding her arms Celeste takes a half a step towards the girl.

“Well? Spit it out. Why have followed me here? Answer me, now!” Celeste eyes narrowed, her sudden change in tone making the girl take a half a step back and rethinking the reason why she had tracked Celeste down in the first place.

“I was just wondering why you’ve suddenly decided to address the fans; do you plan on revealing more about your partnership with Downward Spiral?” Becky asks, holding the microphone out towards Celeste.

Celeste smiled, “Well, whatever information that I do choose to disclose is obviously of my discretion. Although I can assure you that the business I have tonight is strictly professional.” Morally professional anyway, Celeste said to herself. “Now if you don’t mind, I think you’ve kept me waiting long enough.” Celeste said, turning to leave.

“Wait!” called Becky, “Answer me one question, why Will, why the hostilities towards Will? You show up suddenly in the middle of his feud with Spiral, Spiral claims to have a connection with you, yet you claim to be nothing more than a hired gun. However, your actions towards Will indicate something more. “

Celeste stopped and smiled, “Clever girl, I never could fool you could I?” Celeste said smugly. “All will be revealed to you, and everyone else that’s wants to know in due time” Celeste said with a blank look on her face. Turning to leave, she ignored Becky’s attempt to ask another question and continued walking towards the arena.


“10’s” by Pantera hits the loudspeaker as Celeste slowly makes her way to the ring. The welcome that she received was as she excepted, mixed, but still teetering towards the hostile side. ‘Good’, Celeste thought to herself, ‘now let me see what I can do to really get these people to hate me’. Celeste continued down the ramp, bothering no one, she walked over to the announcers table and grabbed a microphone. Celeste made her way to the steps, ascended them, and then entered the ring through the middle ropes. Standing in the center of the ring, mic in hand, Celeste took the time to savor the moment, as she found herself surrounded by a legion of anxious fans.

“I’ve been receiving a lot of complaints lately, not just because of my actions towards Will, but because of my somewhat shady partnership with Spiral. However, I am well aware of the insults being hurled behind my back. I’ve been called a coward, I’ve been called incompetent, and I’ve been called untrustworthy. I can see from a standpoint how the situation looks, I show up unexpected and unannounced, tampering with a feud that been ongoing for over half a year now. Two separate stories are now being spread of my intentions with my alliance with Spiral, and I’m here to set the record straight.”

Celeste pauses and ponders on a thought in the back of the mind before continuing.

“It’s true, Spiral did pay me to attack Will, but I wouldn’t have even agreed to the terms if I didn’t see silver lining to begin with. I find it utterly pathetic that no one here has had the intelligence not to simply put two and two together. Of all the people that have ever worked for this company, Spiral found a way to forge an alliance with me of all people. For the talent in the back that have been here for a while that remember me, know that I can’t stand partnerships. I find them passive and for weaklings. I had a partner a long time ago, and partnerships tend to go awry, and ex partners have to be dealt with accordingly. I don’t forge alliances unless I can see a silver lining first. I’m surprised you of all people Will haven’t picked up on that.”

The anger and passion in Celeste’s voice begins to rise as she talks, pacing around the ring.

“You’re so caught up with your feud with Spiral that you’re oblivious to the fact that there are other people that have worked for this company that hate you, for me personally it’s a battle of pride. You were once a respectable champion, a respectable performer, and an ally. Now it’s seems like you’ve traded in your pride… and your balls, in order to get further within the company. What happened to you Will? You were once dastardly, proud, arrogant, and despicable – all traits that I came to admire about you. Now you’re merely a shell of your former shelf. Why did you change? Did you think it would help get you further into the company? It hasn’t. Pointing to the fans. “Do you think getting these idiots to cheer you would get you further into the company? It hasn’t! All it’s done is made you weak.”

Celeste calms herself, smiling at the onslaught of hate pouring from the crowd.

“I’ve returned to bring you back, to make you evil again. To make you remember the pride you once had, you once felt. I expect nothing but a fight from you at Meltdown, and if you don’t come prepared I swear I will beat the pride into you. Maybe if I did that, then maybe even Spiral could finally come to respect you again.”

Content with herself, Celeste begins to wrap up her promo, addressing a new foe she stares into the camera.

“Ricky, I don’t believe in turning the other cheek, I believe in vengeance. You would be wise to stay out of my business. As of right now, I don’t have much of a problem with you, but don’t push your luck.”

With that, Celeste tosses her mic onto the canvas and exists the ring as her music plays
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