MD 21 Vengeance v Drake Callahan v Daniel Stokes

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
After decimating Daniel Stokes, Vengeance was given a match against him at Unscripted for the number one contenders for either the Mayhem or Elite X belt. Add into the mix the current Mayhem no 1 contender and we will have an epic three way with Vengeance v Drake Callahan v Daniel Stokes.

RP Deadline is Tuesday 24th March at 23:59...using Leon Kensworth in your RP will mean you will automatically lose your match.
Daniel - Drake.. you were better off as the happy-going, unaware drunk. Oh yes, you're dark now, evil, uncaring, you've unleashed the beast within, et cetera, et cetera. How original. You think that I care? At least before, you were.. remotely entertaining, especially to those of us better than you who watch you roll in your own filth. Now those better than you don't even care to watch you kiss our feet.

*Daniel walks right up next to a large box outside a small convenience store, with a sign on it that says "PLEASE DONATE" and in smaller letters underneath, that has more details on it "All funds go towards helping people with their problems such as: alcohol addiction, smoking, drug addiction etc. Even a small donation can help!"*

*Daniel begins to chuckle like a crazed fool. He calms himself but still smirks insanely as he talks again.*

Daniel - They think that a few dollars are going to help people who can't control themselves? Iddiots. WHY? Why do they think they can change someone who has been smashing broken bottle around, or abusing women, or endulging themselves in any drugs they can get their hands on? People who think someone will change are almost as bad as the tragedy themselves. THIS SHOULD BE GONE.

*Daniel swiftly knocks the box off the table on which it was on. Coins rattle and some fall out of the box, onto the ground.*

Voice - HEY?! What do you think you're doing.

*A man comes out of the convenience store, apparantly the owner, and starts a rant aimed at Daniel. The man is an Australian.*

Store Owner - You're disgusting. That money is important. People's lives can be turned around, why'd you go knocking it down.

Daniel - Knocking it down? I knocked it down because it should on the ground with the people it's feeding money to. You are a fool. You're Australian right? We are better than them. They won't change, they shouldn't be on our Earth. You obviously don't seem to get it. WE ARE AUSTRALIAN. WE ARE BETTER.

Store Owner - That's unbelievable. You don't get it at all. People can change, and we should try and help someone. We are Australia, and we help others! That's how we are, not up ourselves.

Daniel - I see now. You're one of them. You're a low life. Pathetic. You don't understand. Humans walks superior to animals, just like us - Australian's - walk superior to everything. It's a shame, just being Aussie gives you potential. But you throw it away. If only you understood.

Store Owner - You're crazy.

Daniel - I think you'll find that MANY other Aussie's will agree.

Store Owner - Whatever man, just leave, you're scaring away my customers.

*Daniel chuckles one more time before walks down the street away from the scene. The camera panes back to the Store Owner as he is picking up the coins and replacing them in the box.*

Store Owner - Poor soul. Maybe he'll understand again, like he used to. One day.
Wainwright: Interview commenced at 1939 hours, Sergeant Angel and Inspector Wainwright present.

Mr Vengeance, thank you for coming in again to answer a few more questions. I appreciate you have a busy schedule to keep and it was good of you to come in voluntarily.

Sir, Leon Kensworthy has been missing for the past few weeks and there have been no sightings of him since. Given your history of intimidation and indeed, violence towards Mr Kensworty in recent weeks, we would like to ask a few questions.

For a number of weeks, you waged a campaign of terror against Leon. Signing him up for a match and then assaulted him in a match he was untrained to be in. So, tell me everything you know.

The camera switches from the Officers, to Vengeance sitting on a chair facing them. He stands and as he begins to speak, the lights flicker

Vengeance: Leon Kensworthy...I told you before all I know. On the night he disappeared I was preparing for a match. Where Mr Kensworthy was during that time is anyone's guess.

Wainwright: Well perhaps you can explain your involvement in the abduction of one Mr Rickly

Angel: That's Ricky sir, he's a former champion

Wainwright: ... Quiet. Mr Ricky disappeared for several weeks and only returned recently claiming he had been abducted by one Mr Piece

Angel: Former tag team champion. He returned as the Master you've been aluding to the last few months

Wainwright looks and his colleague in irritation

Wainwright: When you've quite finished, Vengeance, this man was a colleague of yours and it must be assumed that you were part of these activities.

Vengeance sneers

Vengeance: What this 'Master' of mine did was fulfil his own ends and act on his own. I was merely a pawn in carrying out his whims to spare himself the inconvenience of getting his own hands dirty.

What he chose to do was entirely his own will and I have no desire to associate myself with him. I already told him that the fire of judgement would visit him soon

Wainwright looks at his associate knowingly, before speaking again

Wainwright: Strange you should mention that. Because earlier today we received word that Disasterpiece's vehicle was found blown to pieces on a remote road on the way to your next show.

There is silence as Vengance sits back down in the seat and bowing his head. As he speaks, his voice is lower and appears to have more emotion.

Vengeance: Disasterpiece...was the one... the one man who I truely confided in. He was the one who gave me the direction I needed in life. And now he's gone?

He appears to compose himself

Do you know who is responsible for this crime? Because I swear I will make him pay!

Wainwright: Well, we'd like to know where you where you were on the night of Friday 13th March at 9:35pm... just to eliminate you as a suspect.

Vengeance stands up and yells at the man

Vengeance: You would dare to accuse me of this crime?!? Suppose I ask your assistant what happened instead?

Wainwright looks at Angel, who seems unsure as to whether he should respond or not. After an awkward silence, he speaks...

Angel: Ummm, well sir. Last Friday at that time I was at home watching Meltdown, and, eh... well Daniel Stokes and Drake Callahan

Wainwright: Who???

Angel: Two wrestlers that Vengeance is facing this Friday at Meltdown. Anyway, after the match, Vengeance, er, the suspect came down to the ring and laid both of the guys out. So, er, he couldn't actually have done anything as he was in a different part of the country. The suspect kicked ass sir

Vengeance: Yes, so as you can see... your search will have to lead you in different paths. Sergeant, Inspector... I hope that you are able to find the one who did this. Because should you fail to find them before me, I will tread the winepress of wrath and pour out my fury on them.

Had I had my way, Disasterpiece and I would have settled our differences and paid his debt in blood. He betrayed me for his own ends and had no regrets. I swore I would be the one to gain my retribution on him and someone stole that from me.

I will go on the record as saying that Mr Callahan and Mr Stokes will be made to suffer for the crimes of another. They will be the sacrificial lamb for the sins of the people.

Stokes and I have history, and I will not let my dominance of him in the past cloud my judgement and desire to destroy him and the blot on society that is Drake Callahan.

This interview is over

Vengeance hits the table and the light goes out, Vengeance not being there when they go on again.

Angel: Wow, that is awesome.

Wainwright looks at his partner in disgust

Wainwright: Interview terminated at 1954... when the suspect, ehhh, disappeared
The scene opens to a grainy picture of a wooden chair with a small table next to it, atop which set several half finished beers. The screen shakes as a voice mutters:

Voice: Is this thing on?

It shakes again and a wave of static goes through. Drake Callahan's super close up face looks down as he inspects the camera.

Drake: Alright, we're rolling!

He saunters over to the chair and sits down. His head is out of the picture.

Drake: All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome...

He paused, reaches out, and moves the camera so it gets his face into the shot.

Drake: Okay, we're good! Ladies and gentlemen, Drake TV!

He cracks open a beer and chugs a bit of it down, wiping his mouth and grinning widely.

Drake: And your host...Drake Callahan!

He bows a bit in his chair.

Drake: This is my all new, extra special interview show! And tonight, I have some very special guests...

He pulls out some notecards.

Drake: Tonight, I've got...the lovely Becky...Mr. Vengeance...and Mr. Daniel Stokes! It'll be a real great party!

He takes another drink of beer.

Drake: But first, a word from our sponsors!

He stands up and leaves the room. Nothing happens for a few moments, before the door crashes open and Drake sits down, holding a large glass filled with a reddish liquid.

Drake: Want wine? Want beer? Don't have the time for both! Drink...winebeer! Sold exclusively by Drake Callahan, buy it outside the arena in the dark shadowy alley.

He goes to set the glass down, finds no room on the table, and decides to chug it down quickly. When he's done, he throws the glass over his shoulder and it shatters. He appears unconcerned.

Drake: And very first guest...Becky!

He reaches into a bag on the ground and pulls out a sock puppet. There's two blue buttons sewed on for eyes, a mouth drawn on, and some string attached for hair. Drake holds his one hand over his mouth as he poorly voices for the puppet.

Becky Puppet: Oh, hello, I'm Becky! I'm an interviewer type person! I interview Drake all the time! But he was verrrryyy scary last week, and I didn't want to come back! So now he has a TV show! He's very strong! And very sexy! Oh, Drake, I love you!

Drake moves the puppet towards his face as he makes exaggerated kissing noises.

Drake: Becky! No! Not on camera! Later...

There's an awkward pause. Drake pulls the puppet off and then throws it off camera.

Drake:, anyway, that was Becky! She's a very lovely lady and she likes me a whole lot. She's my new best friend since Leon left.

He rummages in the bag.

Drake: But, now, the featured guests of the Meltdown opponents...first, let me introduce, Mr. Vengeance!

(in a soft voice)

Drake: Yaay, Mr. Vengeance...

Drake pulls out another sock in the image of Vengeance.

Drake: Oh, hello, Vengeance! How are you?

Vengeance Puppet: Grr! I am angry!

Drake: Oh, that's so sad, Mr. Vengeance. Why are you so angry?

Vengeance Puppet: Because nobody loves me!

Drake: Oh, Mr. Vengeance, someone must love you!

Vengeance Puppet: No one!

Drake: I'm so sorry, Mr. Vengeance. But why must you be so mean to everyone!

Vengeance Puppet: To express my latent anger issues!

Drake: You should really see a therapist.

Vengeance Puppet: I ate my last therapist!

Drake: That's horrible! How could you?

Vengeance Puppet: With ketchup!

Drake: Oh, my, Mr. Vengeance. Did he taste good?

Vengeance Puppet: Like chicken!

Drake: I'll have you know there's a strict no cannibalism policy on Drake TV, sir.

Vengeance Puppet: Then I'll just have to eat you after our match, when I defeat you most thoroughly!

Drake: Oh, Mr. Vengeance, that's quite amusing, but I'm afraid I'm going to be defeating you at Meltdown.

Vengeance Puppet: No! It cannot be!

Drake: I'm afraid so, Mr. Vengeance. Don't worry, you'll have other matches you can win.

Vengeance Puppet: This consolation is unsatisfactory!

Drake: Well, you'll just have to deal with it, now, Mr. Vengeance. And that's all the time for Mr. Vengeance, it's time for him to go back in the bag...

Drake takes the puppet off and puts it into the bag.

Vengeance Puppet: I dislike this bag!

Drake: It's your house now, Mr. Vengeance, and you'll learn to like it!

Drake eventually straightens and grins drunkenly.

Drake: Well, that Vengeance certainly has some issues to work out. I'm sure after our match at Meltdown he'll see things differently. And now, the main man of the evening, Mr. Daniel Stokes!

(again, in a soft voice)

Drake: Yaaaay, Daniel Stokes...

Drake pulls out another puppet, in the likeness of Daniel Stokes, with an exaggerated Australian style hat on its head. Drake voices it in a high pitched Australian accent.

Stokes Puppet: Crikey, mate! This show is crikey nice! Crikey!

Drake: Mr. Stokes, you and I had a match last week. What did you think!

Stokes Puppet: Crikey! You broke a bottle over me head, mate! Why'd you go and do that for!

Drake: You were very mean, Mr. Stokes, and you had it coming to you!

Stokes Puppet: Crikey! I'm sorry, mate!

Drake: But you were again to those poor people this week!

Stokes Puppet: Crikey! I don't mean it! My daddy didn't love me!

Drake: Maybe you and Vengeance need a group therapy session.

Stokes Puppet: Crikey! Maybe I could just wrestle a crocodile?

Drake: I don't see how that will solve anything, Mr. Stokes.

Stokes Puppet: Crikey! It won't, mate, but I love to wrassle a crocodile something fierce!

Drake: Maybe if you're good, Mr. Stokes. But I don't know that you'll be in any condition to be wrestling crocodiles of any sort after our match on Meltdown.

Stokes Puppet: Crikey! You can't beat me, you're just a drunk!

Drake: And you're ugly! But in the morning, I'll be sober!

Stokes Puppet: Crikey! You're a mean one, Drake!

Drake: Well, you were mean first!

Stokes Puppet: Crikey, mate, I didn't mean it!

Drake: Did so!

Stokes Puppet: Crikey!

Drake: Mr. Stokes, I'm afraid I'm in no condition to continue this interview.

Stokes Puppet: Crikey! Don't put me back in the bag with that crazy man! He'll eat me, he says!

Drake: That's just too bad, Mr. Stokes!

Drake returns the puppet to the bag and straightens.

Drake: Well, folks, that's about all the time I've got, I hope you enjoyed the show and tune in next time!

Suddenly, the lights go out. A lighter flicks on, and a single candle seemingly from nowhere lights.

Drake: And Mr. Stokes, Mr. Vengeance...I hope this little fun hasn't disarmed you. You both have many lessons to learn on the workings of the dark side. Class will be in session at Meltdown.

The lights flicker back on to see Drake holding a beer bottle, drinking. The candle is nowhere in sight.

Drake: Until next time, I'm Drake Callahan, and this has been Drake TV!

He stands and walks away as the camera still runs. He suddenly returns, sticks his face in the camera, taps a few buttons, and grins one last time as the camera fades to black.
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