MD 21 Ricky v DS

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
After Celeste & DS attacked Steamboat Ricky after winning the number one contenders match, Big Will came and helped Ricky. A tag match has been announced for Unscripted with Ricky & Will v Celeste & DS. At MD 21 however, Ricky will square off against DS & Will shall take on Celeste.

RP Deadline is Tuesday 24th March at 23:59...using Leon Kensworth in your RP will mean you will automatically lose your match.
*Steamboat Ricky is shown pacing back and forth backstage before Meltdown, with Polley perched on his shoulder. Johnny Klamor sneaks up for an interview.*

JK: Ahoy there, Cap'n Ricky...why the pacing?

SR: Yarrrr....Ricky been thinking....

*Steamboat Ricky pauses momentarily, looks in a funky manner at Klamor*

Yarrrr...hold it right there ya sea rat.

*Ricky goes off for a second, rummaging through a pile of assorted items.*

Yarr...put this on.

*Ricky hands Klamor a mask...the mask of former WZCW interviewer Diego San Pablo.*

Ummmm...why am I putting this on?

Yarrrr! Cuz I be sayin so...and secondly because I be needing a variety in interviewers, though I refuse to use anyone other than you. put this mask on yer head, matey!

*Klamor quickly puts on the mask.*

Kadfianhf adfiha aioqlnmlqn adoifnadl ldfkadfpo?

Yarrr...I'm glad ye asked Jiego San Klabo! I been thinking about how Ricky has a tough challenge ahead at Unscripted! Yarrr...that I be battening down the hatches with 3 competitors over the course of the black night! Yarrr! Twill be a magnificent time!

Eafaoihan adfoialk alfkjaoih nczuhq aknvoiuhe alerknanpn iohap dofna afhiuohb?

Downward Spiral, you say? Yarrr...he be close to bein a legend like your's truly, but that mate hasn't been where I've been. I've sailed the Straits of Gibralter and tamed sea beasts beyond count. Yarrr...he may excel at cheap shotting newly crowned number one contenarrrrrs...but he be having trouble with that expertise as he faces Will and I at Unscripted. There will be Steam 'O Grog ice cold, Spanish Announce Tables flaming with the fire of 1,000 suns, and then Ricky and Will, yar, WILL send Downward Spiral and Celeste Crimson back to the bottom of WZCW. Yarrrr! Then Ricky be moving on and realizing his cabin boy dream...YARRR becoming WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! But yarrr...for now, Ricky will scout out his opponent and warm up for some intense action at Unscripted. Will you be there Johnny?

Eaadfaa noqiuhr ooj ah oiqerhq oiqher iuoh qqer!!

Yarrr! I knew ye'd be! Yarrrrr...shiver yer timbers Downward Spiral...soon ye be walking the plank!

*Ricky paces away with Klamor remaining, looking ridiculous in the Diego San Pablo mask.*
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