MD 21 Red Mask v Garth Black w/Phoenix

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
As is always the case in WZCW, Meltdown 20 was not short of entertaining. With that came a lot of questions. First off is what is going on with Red Mask? he first attacked Eric Derf and now Phoenix. At MD 21 he will face off against Phoenix's partner Garth Black in a one on one match.

RP Deadline is Tuesday 24th March at 23:59...using Leon Kensworth in your RP will mean you will automatically lose your match.
We are backstage and Garth Black is walking with caution towards the locker room, looking all around him as he walks. He is carrying a large wooden pole over his shoulder, ready to swing it. Johnny Klamor walks towards him

Hey! Garth

Black swings the pole at him, stopping just before it hits Klamor in the face.


If you didn't want to get hit, don't sneak up on me. You're lucky I didn't follow through, or you're nose would be inverted by now. Anyway, what do you want?

Somebody said that you were carrying around a broomhandle backstage, and I wanted to ask you why?

Because it was the only weapon I could find in the store cupboard.

Why do you need any weapon?

Because last week that fool attacked Phoenix, and I refuse to let him get me.

Right. So,first question is, why did you shake Phoenix's hand last week, after you had let him get beaten up then said that you would destroy him?

That'snot your first question at all. Anyway, I never let Phoenix get beaten up, I said that he had to prove to me that I could trust him. And he did that.

How exactly?

Because during our fight, he fought with honour, and he did not try to cheat to win. The best man won, but he took it well. Phoenix wears his heart on his sleeve and he doesn't hide his intentions, unlike some.

I suppose you are referring to Red Mask?

Yes I am. Red Mask is a corrupt and deceitfulman who hides behind a mask. If he showed his face we would see that he isn't a hero at all. His face would betray him as the ruthless and dispicable man he is. There are no such thing as heroes, and he proved it last week. What kind of hero attacks an innocent man with a weapon?

Maybe he had a reason.

Of course he has a reason! Red Mask is afraid of anything different to him. Last week he saw myself and Phoenix tear each other to shreds before shaking hands. In that instance, Red Mask was faced with honour, decency and self-respect. Red Mask doesn't posess any of those qualities so he did the only thing his inferior intellect could do: he struck out.

Black takes the microphone off Klamor and looks directly into the camera, holding the microphone too his mouth in one hand and the

Well Red Mask, you can be sure that I will humiliate you like the coward you are. I'm going to beat you, then I'm going to take your mask off and expose your lying, cheating face to the world, and then I'm going to give you a home made red mask. You aren't a hero, you don't deserve a title shot. All you have done is sneak up on people. Well, two can play that game, so you better make sure your supersenses don't fail you because I will get you, YOU WILL

He quickly swings the broom handle into the camera and the transmission cuts out, Klamor can be heard shouting in the background as Black continues talking.

(slowly and soft spoken)fade to black.

The mic is heard dropping on the floor, and hears Garth Black's footsteps continuing unbroken away as Klamor shouts after him down the corridor.
Backstage we have Vance Bateman, Johnny Klamor and Becky Serra in the office office of Vance Bateman. Becky & Klamor are sitting on the couch with Bateman standing up.

VB; So next on the agenda....what the hell is this guy doing running a mock in this company?

BS; It's not him..

JK; Yeah it is Becky, I'm sorry, but how can we trust a guy who hides his face, he first attacked Eric Derf and now Phoenix.

BS; I tell you guys it's not him, I can prove it.

VB; Then show us Becky.

BS; OK, watch these clips....

As Ricky celebrates up the rampway, Red Mask comes running down holding a steel chair in his right hand. He takes the chair and destroys an already beaten Derf. Leaving Derf in a pool of blood, Red Mask quickly returns to the back.

Garth Black leaves with Phoenix stood in the ring...out of the crowd carrying a chair in his right hand is Red Mask who proceeds to thump Phoenix with the steel chair just as he had done with Eric Derf the week before. Before Garth Black can run back to the ring to make the save, Red Mask has already hopped back over the fence and out through the crowd.

VB; Yeah so he beats them up mercilessly like the coward he is.

JK; Exactly, that adds nothing, it shows us it's him.

BS; I'm not done yet guys. On both occasions, he was not in the arena. At MD 19, Red Mask arrived late and at MD 20 he left before his supposed attack.

VB; He's clearly covering himself, Rebecca.

BS; Sighs Have you ever spoken to Red Mask Johnny?

JK; You know I have, last week before Meltdown.

BS; And what was he doing?

JK; Carrying a ladder under his left hand.

BS; EXACTLY notice the two clips he carries the chair with his right hand, yet when you spoke to him and with his match last week he carried the ladder under his LEFT HAND. Watch in his matches, it's obvious....Red Mask is a lefty, not right handed. The person who made the attacks is right handed and noticeably slightly taller. Someone is setting him up, and I want to know who.

JK; You make a good point Becky, it could be anyone.

VB; Or the fact is it is him...he's just playing it safe, he knows how these things work.

There is silence between all three...

VB; OK guys unless anyone has anything else to say we're done here.

Becky & Klamor shake hands with Vance Bateman as they leave his office. Klamor goes right, as Becky goes left. The camera stays on Becky.


Becky turns around.


BS; Who is it?

The camera turns around to show Red Mask

RM; It's me, how's it going?

BS; Don't worry about are you? It seems a lot of people are after your head, I've actually just been attempting to clear your name.

RM; I know, I'm being set up...dunno who by, it could be anyone, but that's not my focus...apparently I have a match against Garth Black.

BS; Correct, you do and Phoenix is accompanying him. How do you feel about that?

RM; Frustrated.

BS; Why?

RM; I did not attack Derf...I did not attack Phoenix...someone is setting me up...I have an Elite X title match at Unscripted, I should be focused on that and know I have a match that has no personal baring on me, other than these two went revenge for something I DID NOT DO. It just doesn't make sense. Both are formidable wrestlers, they have a tag title shot and I can see them potentially winning this. I'm sure I could sit and talk with them like real men and explain it, but nope they wanted a match so a match the3y have.

BS; So how do you think you'll do?

RM; I'm going to do what I do in every match I have fought in and that is work my socks off, Garth Black is a great wrestler, and would give me a good challenge. He just needs to know that I was framed, and this whole deal with him wanting to rip my mask off, lets hope he does not. That will destroy the symbol, the hope for thousands of WZCW fans, the hope for Keystone city...the hope for the little man. This is me, a superhero,not a villain. I will win this match to show them that you cannot destroy a hero. Have a good one Becky.

Red Mask dashes off leaving Becky looking rather perplexed.
The scene opens with a random backstage shot, when all of a sudden a commotion is heard off screen. The camera cuts over and we see Phoenix, his face painted black with red stripes across his eyes, storming into the arena with a kendo stick in his hand. Even through the face paint it is very obvious that the side of his head is swollen from the chair shot from the week before. Out of a side hallway, we see Becky Serra chasing after him.

BS: Phoenix! Phoenix! PHOENIX!!!!

P: (stops) Look, I’m in a hurry. What do you want?

BS: I’ll be quick I promise. First, why are you here? I thought you weren’t medically cleared to be here?

P: I’m not. All the doctor said was that he could not allow me to participate in a match. But I don’t need to be medically cleared to make sure that Red Mask doesn’t pull this crap again. He didn’t say anything about accompanying my partner to the ring and bringing this (holds up the kendo stick) in case Red Mask decides he’s gonna try and take out another person, especially the one who came back and tried to save me last week.

BS: So I assume by partner you mean Garth Black. Would you like to comment on the match last week?

P: We put on a hell of a show. Garth, I’m sorry for what I said last week, but in a way I’m glad I did say it. It allowed us to have that match, and I hope I gained your respect enough for us to have another chance at tagging together. Or, at the very least, I want you to know that was the best match I ever had, and I’d love to have another shot at beating you someday.

(pauses) But those are discussions for another time. Mask, you are a coward. You come up, from behind, and attack someone who hasn’t said more than two things to you in his time here. I have no clue what your deal is, but I do know two things. First, if you even look at me or Garth wrong, you will know this kendo stick better than you know yourself. Second, you better cut the crap, or else every single guy backstage will be carrying a weapon and be ready to use it on you the second you try and pull this shit again.

Garth, I know you’ll take care of business. I want to thank you for last week. You could have left me there, but you came back. I’ve been abandoned by so many people in my life, and it is always great to find someone who will stick around. It’ll be an honor to accompany you to the ring, and I hope watching your back at least starts my repayment to you for helping me.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find Garth. And maybe, if I’m lucky, I’ll find a certain “superhero” to use this on.

Phoenix hits the kendo stick against a nearby box, making a loud cracking noise. Becky looks on nervously as he walks away with the same rapid, purposeful walk he entered the arena with.
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