MD 21 Manzo v Everest Non title

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Manzo may feel hard done by by losing to Ricky at MD 20, but he will have the chance to make up for it in a rematch of the Apocalypse match as he takes on Everest one on one in a non title match.

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The following interview is from a sit down that Everest had with Detroit Free Press writer Jimmy Wheatley. The story was written for a feature on Professional wrestling and Everest was chosen for his status as WZCW World Heavyweight Champion and that fact that he is from Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Jimmy Wheatley: First of all Everest, I want to thank you for stopping by and giving up your afternoon for this interview.

EVEREST: Well Jimmy I’m happy to do it. As you know I’m from just down the road in Ann Arbor, so I’m happy to help out the local media.

Jimmy Wheatley: That’s actually a good way to segue into my first question. Since you are from Ann Arbor and you did graduate from the University of Michigan, do you have anything to say about the basketball team’s amazing run.

EVEREST: (Laughs) Well you are right Jimmy, being a Michigan alum I was very excited to see our basketball team make the big dance and I’m extremely proud of how they played.

Jimmy Wheatley: Alright, let me ask you this: You’ve been a pro wrestler pretty much since you graduated from Michigan. What’s been your inspiration that keeps you going night in and night out?

EVEREST: Well Jimmy, it’s simple really. The only answer I can give you is Perfection. You see Jimmy I have been doing this for a long time. I started in a little federation called the FWF down in Ohio. It was a nice little upstart place with good competition and it got me my first World Championship. Honestly it was a great stepping stone, I won multiple titles, both singles and tag team titles but it just wasn’t right. It just didn’t seem fulfilling.

I wrestled in multiple federations after that. Some in Japan, some in England and more right here in the states. Each and every one was a great experience, I was taught some hard lessons, but some very valuable lessons.

After many years of hard work, I’ve earned the right to be called the Pinnacle of Perfection Jimmy. I’m proud of that. You may ask what my inspiration is, but all I can tell you is that Perfection is what keeps me going.

Jimmy Wheatley: Several months ago you resurfaced in one of the most prestigious Federations in the world at WZCW; may I ask why you decided on there to step back into the ring and in front of the cameras?

EVEREST: Well Jimmy, that one is simple. I’d been watching the program for a few weeks and then I get the call. Someone from Talent Relations in WZCW left me a message. Long story short I met with Chuck Myles, had a chat, signed the contract and became a part of the WZCW. You want to know what brought me here though. Honestly it was several things. First it was the prestige. There’s nothing bigger in Pro Wrestling than WZCW. Second there was the fan base, the fans here are the best. Finally and most important of all to me, there was the TALENT. You see Jimmy I’m a World Class Athlete and the WZCW is loaded with world class talent. There is no where else in the world that has a talent pool with the likes of Downward Spiral, Big Will, Joseph Rios, Vengeance, Carmen Bratchney and Manzo. That’s just naming a few.

Jimmy Wheatley: Speaking of which Everest I just seen on that this Monday night you are facing Manzo once again in a non-title match. Any comments?

EVEREST: Jimmy I’ve always got comments. You want to know what I think of Manzo. You probably want some snippet or catchy quote on the big man. Well I’m going to give you a little scoop today Jimmy. As much as I’ve shot verbal daggers at the Japanese Beast, this time I’m going to tell you something, Manzo is the single toughest fight I’ve ever been in. Our match for the WZCW World Title was nothing short of an epic. I’ve never been in such a physical encounter. Its matches like that one that earn my respect. I’ve seen some great great wrestlers, but Manzo, he’s got to be at the top of the list. Anyone with that kind of athletic ability packed into that kind of body has to be respected. That being said, I damn sure don’t plan on backing down Monday night. I am the WZCW World Champion! Monday night will come and go and after Meltdown goes off the air I will still be WZCW World Champion, whether I win or lose. I know that, Manzo knows that, you know that, the WZCW fans know that. What I will promise you though is just because my title isn’t on the line, that doesn’t mean I’m not going 110%. I know Manzo is looking at this as a way to get back into the title picture, maybe even get his rematch clause approved. Well big man, all I can say is this: I’d be happy to grant you that rematch any time you wish.

Jimmy Wheatley: Well I’m sure we’ve probably used up too much of your time but I do have one final question. What’s it like to be the champion?

EVEREST: It’s everything you can imagine. Trust me it’s not all wine and roses though. You get all the perks though, free food, love and admiration, free stuff. Hell I just got a free I phone from Apple. Sweet little machine. Anyway, like I said, it’s not all fun and games. You got to find time to train and stay in tip top shape. You’ve got to figure out how not to get flattened by 500 pound Japanese behemoth. But in the end, the bottom line is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, beats this feeling! I’m on top of the mountain so to speak and Jimmy I don’t plan on going anywhere for a long long time.

Jimmy Wheatley: Well Everest, I really appreciate your time. Good luck Monday night.

EVEREST: Thank you Jimmy, I appreciate it and don’t worry I’ll get you those tickets when we get to Detroit.

Jimmy Wheatley: Ah great champ, the kids will love it.

*End of interview*
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