MD 21 Carmen Bratchny v Milenko Non Title

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Carmen Bratchny and Milenko are our champions, whilst not number one, they are debatably the second and third best in the company. Both men will face each other one on one in a non title match as a warm up for their matches at Unscripted against Red Mask & Drake Callahan.

RP Deadline is Tuesday 24th March at 23:59...using Leon Kensworth in your RP will mean you will automatically lose your match.
*The scene opens within the WZCW offices. The room looks like an office, There are 4 desks. Each desk has a PC and there are various bits of paperwork that are scattered amongst the desks. Sitting at one of the desks is WZCW interviewer Johnny Klamour and sitting at another is WZCW Interviewer Becky Serra the two are talking…*

Johnny: So… who’s in your line up this week?

Becky: Np-one so far

Johnny: Really? I’ve already secured interview with a bunch of guys from last week’s battle royal not to mention my interview with Chief Anoki last week

Becky: Yeah well I’m sure something will turn up

Johnny: You see… that’s the difference between you and me Becky – I go out and get the story while you expect them to fall in to your lap

*Suddenly Becky’s Cell phone begins to ring*

Becky Hello…. Yeah!... oh….. 5 minutes?... no that’s fine…. See you then

*Becky hangs up her phone*

Becky: That may be the case champ but I just scored a sir down interview with Carmen Bratchny AND Swindle McKenzie

*There is a slight pause – Johnny Klamour has shock written right across his face*

Johnny: But… But… I always interview them

Becky: Not today Johnny… Smell ya later

*Becky grabs her coat and heads ofr the interview set…

Meanwhile a silver Bentley Continental pulls up outside the WZCW offices. The scene cuts to inside the car*

Swindle: Right Kid, I’ve spoken to Becky and she said she has a slot for us

Carmen: Why not small man?

Swindle: Because he is a pain in the ass who asks stupid questions at the wrong time. I want the people out there to see the truth and to know what’s really going on… not some skewed version that looks and sounds ridiculous

*Carmen does not respond as the car stops. The driver gets out and opens the doors for both men. They step out – The weather is not particularly welcoming. The sky is cloudy and there is a drizzle of rain. An umbrella is passed to Swindle who puts it up. Carmen walks next to him but does not go under the umbrella, instead preferring to feel the rain on his head as is pours from the mass blanket of cloud above*

Swindle: I’m looking forward to the match at Meltdown kid, I think it’s a good chance for us to stretch our legs ahead of the PPV match. You do need to work on some isolation techniques though. You need to work more on one body part then all over, it will render your opponent injured easier. Try working on one leg rather then both it’s a lot easier and can also injure the opponent should there be a re-match

*Both men are now in fro mthe rain and are approaching the interview set which is already made up… there is a couch, a chair, multiple cameras and a satisfied looking Becky Serra*

Swindle: Remember we do this like always… Let me talk…. That saves you from looking like an amateur!

*Carmen looks at Swindle with discontent, Swindle doesn’t even notice it – Both men arrive at the set*

Becky: Hi! Nice to see the both of you. Would you like to take a seat?

*Both men sit on the couch next to each other. Their body language shows a relationship which is on the rocks… not broken… not shut down but going through rough times… this is the sort of stuff marriage counsellors excel in. Unfortunately Carmen & Swindle are not to see a marriage counsellor. In fact they are here to see someone who is going to try and provoke a reaction as these sorts of interviews are the ones that get big ratings… Never satisfied with the fact that they are interviewing one of the rising stars in professional wrestling, a man who is holding a championship which is destined to be of higher status then the world championship and his manager… a manager whose reputation in the business screams nelson ratings with only the rumour of an appearance. These guys are money!

Becky Sits on the chair opposite with a clipboard in front of her. The clipboard is little more then a prop as Becky already knows exactly what she is going to ask. The Cameraman signals and the interview begins*

Becky: WZCW fans… I’m Becky Serra and with me is WZCW Elite X Champion Carmen Bratchny accompanied with his manager Swindle McKenzie

*Both men acknowledge Becky and the camera but say nothing*

Becky: Carmen… The first question on everyone’s lips is.. After your win last week… What is the stipulation for your match with Red Mask at Unscripted?

Carmen: It’s a…

Swindle: *Interrupting* - That is to be revealed when the time is right. We feel by telling the world what the stipulation will be it would give Red Mask extra time to train

Becky: OK… Another question… How is the relationship between the both of you?

Swindle: *Quickly answering* - Absolutely fine. What the world saw two weeks ago and again last week were a blip! This was proved when we won on meltdown and will be proved again when we make it two wins in a row by defeating Milenko

Becky: That answer brings me on to my next question… What are your predictions for Meltdown when you take on the current WZ|CW Mayhem Champion?

Swindle: Milenko likes to call himself a Dynasty and he shouts out that he is the future of WZCW. After meltdown the only future I see for Milenko is one where he will be eating through a straw. Guys like him come and go. Yeah he has a strap around his waist but that doesn’t make him a threat… You can buy more prestigious belts at your local toy shop…. I believe they still stock a plastic replica of Carmen’s Elite X Belt

Becky: Do you not worry that Red Mask will try and get an advantage before Unscripted?

Swindle: I have full confidence in Carmen and should the moment arrive Carmen will not think twice about making Red Mask bleed

Becky: So… Carmen… If you were to wrestle in any kind of match against Red Mask… what match would it be?

Carmen: The sort of match that cause pain and to suffer

Becky: Could you be a little more Specific?

Carmen: Yes… Lots of pain and suffer!

*Becky looks frustrated but feels she should wrap up the interview - slightly aggravated she has not found out what the stipulation is for unscripted and has only got a basic I’m gone whip ass at my next match style interview*

Becky: Well fans… that’s all the time we have this week but keep checking WZCW.Com for the latest news and Don’t forget WZCWE Unscripted coming soon only on Pay Per View…. Good Night

*Scene fades*
The camera turns on and we see Becky Serra walking around the [FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,&quot]backstage[/FONT] area. She sees Milenko walking around and runs up to him.

Milenko, I have a few questions for you.

Milenko looks at Becky with a look of disdain on his face.
Make it quick I have places to be and things to do.

Becky is a little taken aback by the look on his face but she asks the first question anyway.


Last week you lost to the WZCW Champion Everest after you guaranteed a win what do you have to say about that.

Milenko gives Becky a bad look as he answers.

Everest got lucky last week, I was still feeling the effects of a Beer Bottle to my skull so I wasn't at 100%. If we ever meet in the ring when I am 100% this will turn out differently.

Becky looks at him like he is a little bit crazy as she asks her second question.

This week on Meltdown you face the Elite-X Champion Carmen Bratchny do you think you can beat him?

The look on Milenko's face changes from bad to murderous and Becky jumps a few steps back.

Carmen is nothing when compared to me, I am the better Champion and I am the better wrestler. Besides he needs to be worried about his manager. I saw you interview those two they could barely hide their contempt for each other. All I need to do is get McKenzie worried about each other and then I can win this match with ease.

Becky nods her head like she agrees as she asks her next question.

Don't you think that will be easy considering that you've been on a slight losing streak?

Fire jumps into Milenko's eyes and Becky takes a visible step back.

What's past is past, what happened before will not happen again. I am better than him in every way and I will win.

Unscripted is coming up do you have anything to say about your title defense?

Milenko shoves his Mayhem Title back up onto his shoulder as he answers the question.

Like I said before Callahan will not win my title.

After that Milenko turns around and walks the other way leaving Becky staring down the hallway at him as the camera fades to black.
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