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MD 20 Red Mask v Carmen Bratchny in a winner picks stipulation match.

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
At MD 19, Red Mask pulled off a big upset by pinning the Elite X Champion Carmen Bratchny. At Meltdown 20, they will go one on one in a non title match. The winner will pick the stipulation of their title match at Unscripted.

*The scene opens on the inside of a car, the camera is pointing out of the front window, suddenly a light on the dashboard begins to flash and a phone begins to ring, A chubby finger presses a button on the steering wheel, the camera turns to show Swindle is the man driving the car as he begin to talk in to a blue tooth ear piece*

Swindle: McKenzie….. Hi…… Yeah I’m on it now?... I’ve tried the new gym, he’s not there…. I’m on my way there now…. You realise that if I can’t sort this we’re in trouble…. Yeah…. Bye-now

*Swindle goes quiet as he continues to drive…*

Swindle: Damn it!

*The camera focuses on the road. Silence with the occasional sigh can be heard inside, suddenly the Car erratically takes a left at a cross road and then left again in to a side road. The car then pulls in to a parking lot. The car screeches to a halt in a disabled spot. Swindle swings open the door and climbs out, he then looks at the building in the corner of the precinct. The building looks as though it was once derelict but now must have at least one occupant as its boarded up door has been kicked in. Swindle wipes the sweat from his brow. Quite how he has managed to perspirate is a mystery as the weather is cold, so cold that steam escapes from Swindles mouth every time he breathes out. Ignoring the cold Swindle heads toward the broken down door… Mumbelling can be heard from inside – suddenly the camera switches

The view changes from outside to in, this time all you can see is the hanging door and the light from behind it, the limited light is shown only for a short while as the door swings open then off its hinges on to the floor. Swindle is the man standing in the former doorway now hole in the wall.*

Swindle: I thought I’d find you here

*The camera flashes around to show Carmen Bratchny sitting on the floor up against the wall. Carmen has a bottle of vodka in his hand. Carmen looks more then slightly worse for wear*

Carmen: Wha… What you wanting???

*Carmen throws the half empty bottle in Swindles direction… the bottle bounces on the floor about 2 feet ahead of him and doesn’t break. A small amount of the liquid inside spills out and on to the dust covered floor.

Aggressively swindle picks up the bottle and walks toward the Elite X champion at speed*


Camen: Shhh….. Shhh….

*Carmen puts his finger to his lips to try and signal to Swindle to be quiet*


Carmen: I not make mistake… you… silly fat man… you make mistake… you make me lose… give me Водка

*Swindle looks at the Elite X champion half cut on the floor*

Swindle: You want it…. Here!

*Swindle throws the Vodka over Carman’s face… There is a half second pause before Carmen springs to his feet, Carmen stands tall over Swindle but astonishingly Swindle Does not Back down*


*Carmen struggles to find the words to respond*


*Swindle rips open his buttoned shirt to show scars all over his flabby chest and shoulders*

Swindle: I was getting my hide tanned by guys bigger then you when you were still learning your ABC’s Kid

*Carmen steps back*

Swindle: What do you think of me kid? What do YOU think I’m trying to achieve?

*Carmen sits back down on the dusty floor against the wall, Swindle kneels opposite him*

Carmen: You have me win belt to give to other man… you stab me in back… I see it

Swindle: If I were really trying that… do you think I’d do it during a non title match?

Carmen: What is non title?

Swindle: What? You don’t know what non title is?

*Carmen sits silently*

Swindle: You did not lose your belt at meltdown… your belt was not on the line… this week at Meltdown you have another match where your belt is not on the line

Carmen: So I Still Champion

Swindle: Yes…

*There is a short moment of relief*

Swindle: Look kid… I know your issues… I know you!

Carmen: *Interrupting* then you know not to have me join gang

Swindle: How many times….. Avarice are not a gang… they are a business!

Carmen: Same… Same

Swindle: No! No… you don’t get it kid… umm let me think….. OK Who is the most popular person in America… in fact scratch that… who is the most popular person in the world right now?

Carmen: Barack Obama…. First black president of united states

Swindle: Correct. Barack Obama’s predecessor was George W. Bush. George W. was one of the least popular US Presidents of all time. I bet you think it was easy getting the most popular man in the world to take over from the least popular man in the world

Carmen: Yes… Election…. Democracy

Swindle: Wrong… Did you know Barack Obama’s campaign for office was the most expensive in history… more expensive then 2000 when Bush won through the courts?

Carmen: So…

Swindle: So… So? Even the most popular man in the world needs money to get what he wants and so do we. The contract we signed gives us the financial muscles to train in the best gyms, spa in the best rings and have the right preparation for any match in the world. We now have access to the largest video library on earth…. We have the tools to make you legendary

Carmen: And what they want back?

Swindle: Just the promise of good results… The more we win… the more tickets and merchandise is brought... Do you know how big the wrestlers of the WZCW are in Asia or Western Europe? In Russia you are as popular as Roman Abramovic… kids buy you’re merchandise over food even though you’re hated by the fans over here… in fact he more your hated over here the more your stuff gets brought else where…. You’re the ultimate anti-hero… you are perfect for Magnus and Magnus is perfect for us

*Carmen sits up… it seem’s Carmens speech has opened his eyes slightly*

Carmen: So I have fans?

Swindle: Yeah…. In other countries… you’re hated here though… but you also have the money for to live…. Not just survive… how many Russians from where you’re from have that?

Carmen: Ummm Not many

Swindle: And how many can say they have the Elite X title?

Carmen: Just me

Swindle: And that’s right…. And at Meltdown we’re going to Beat Red Mask in the one on one match and you will pick which ever rules you want for the ppv

Carmen: I look forward to match

Swindle: Now come on kid... lets get out of this peice of crap and go to a proper gym

*Both men get up and leave the derilict remains of silvers gym for pastures new*


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Backstage we see Johnny Klamor and Becky Serra talking in the hall way.

Becky; There was absolutely no way that was him, it was out of character, and he told me he was late to the arena.

Johnny; People lie, that's one of these things.

Becky; Not everyone lies and certainly not Red Mask, he's a hero, he's different.

Johnny; Different how? By decimating a very injured Eric Derf who was already out after losing to Steamboat Ricky? Yeah that's different, it's a cowardly act!

Becky; Red Mask is NOT a coward, he is a good man. That's evident by him looking for Leon!

Johnny; Oh yeah, he's good at that, it's been what, way over a week now and no luck? Give me a break.

Becky; Well he knows Leon's alive, when you call his cell it rings three times then cuts off as though he's rejecting the call, we know that much.

Johnny; So he can't find a lost man! He attacks a very injured Eric Derf! He narrowly picks up a win over Bratchny because of some who ha with Manzo, Swindle and McKenzie! How is that being a hero?

At that moment Red Mask comes bouncing up the corridor, carrying a ladder under his left arm, he walks past johnny and Becky giving them a wave.

Red Mask; Hey guys! Can't stop.

Red Mask carries on his way still carrying the ladder.

Becky; Go and ask him then, I've yet to see you speak to him at all, so before you bad mouth him, go and speak to him!

Johnny; Fine, I shall do!

Johnny runs up the corridor

Johnny; HEY...HEY...RED MASK!

Red Mask stops and turns round

Red Mask; The world famous Johnny Klamor, what can I do you for?

Johnny; I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Red Mask; Well I did say I couldn't stop...but I guess you can walk with me, what is it you want to know?

Johnny; Well I'll get straight to the point then shall I? Four things I want to know, four things you shall answer, ok?

Red Mask; Yup got it.

Johnny; What's the Leon update?

Red Mask; He's alive, you know that, I told Becky, I told Bateman. I think I know where he is, but that shall keep shtum for now, don't want to let the cat out of the bag now ey?

Johnny; OK then, next question; Eric Derf...why did you do it?

Red Mask; Wasn't me, I wasn't even in the arena. I didn't even know about the Elite X title stipulation until Becky told me, so I dunno how I was attacking Eric Derf of all people.

Johnny; Well he did push you off the top rope at Meltdown 18.

Red Mask; Oh yeah, he did, ah well I forgive and forget...it wasn't me.

Johnny; So what about your fluke pin over Bratchny?

Red Mask; I don't think that was a fluke, mainly me capitalizing on a weak link, isn't that what you're supposed to do in wrestling? At Apocalypse, he took advantage of a weak moment from me, at Meltdown I did the same to him. So now we're even.

Both men still walking, arrive at the arena curtains and come out to where the ring is set up. There are various crew members round about the ring.

Johnny; What is the deal with that ladder?

Red Mask; Well ladders are used for climbing things, and sometimes they are used in a match, maybe to grasp a briefcase, or an Elite X belt that is hanging from the rafters. I have this ladder so I can practice,

Johnny; I see where you're going with this.

Red Mask; For sure, if I manage to beat Bratchny at Meltdown, I will have a ladder match as the stipulation for my title shot. It would be the easiest for me to win, I'm good with heights, good at climbing, so a ladder match would be pretty beneficial to me, that's for sure.

Anyhow Johnny, I shall let you get back, I have lots of practice to go on, a busy schedule ahead of me, you must understand that.

Red Mask climbs in the ring and sets the ladder up as the screen goes to fade.
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