MD 122: Theron Daggershield vs. Titus (Non Title)

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Titus: The advantage of Hollywood is you have an agent to do all this stuff.

The tired voice of Titus Avison is heard, the shot comes in to see Titus sat on a seat on a balcony. This is extravagant with small trees around the outside, overlooking the skyline of Vancouver it is the perfect place for a man with a rich history to get some alone time.

He pulls out his cellphone to reveal numerous missed calls; Vance Bateman, Stacey Madison, Leon Kensworth. Titus sighs knowing that he should answer it. The cellphone lets out Titus' theme song. He answers it.

Titus: Yes?

The person at the other side of the phone is Meltdown General Manager, Vance Bateman. Titus' short and cold response throws him off a bit.

Vance: Oh sorry buddy, have I caught you at a bad time? It was just to let you know that there are still rooms available in the Sheraton if you want to join up with everyone else.

Titus: Oh yeah, I'll just drop my penthouse suite at the Fairmont Pacific Rim to come and hang with you guys. It'll be fun.

Vance: Ah you have a room booked already?

Titus: Of course I have, there's eight hours difference between London and Vancouver. I need to just relax before Meltdown.

Vance: Well you keep rested bud and I'll see you at BC Place.

Titus: Thanks, I didn't think you'd want me at the Sheraton. I'll see you at the show.

Titus hangs up his phone and places it in his pocket. He turns around from checking out the skyline and goes towards a seat which is still outside. The seat is near an unlit fire with drinks on the table. The dusk skyline begins settling in as Titus pours himself a drink and lights the fire.

Titus: It says something when I miss Chuck Myles. I was there when Vance join the company and I've seen him drop down the pecking order. I like to give him the time of day though, always good to keep the boss on your side. I had no intention of joining that rabble, plus if it's anything like previous experiences they'll be in Boston, Japan or stuck on a train.

He sips more of his drink, rum and coke without any ice, as he looks into the distance. Titus puts his feet up with the fire roaring. His phone goes once again.

Titus: For goodness sake.

He put his drink down on the table and pulls his phone out. He looks at it and we see it's Leon Kensworth. He decides give it another couple of rings before answering. He sighs then he goes into a cheery voice.

Titus: Leon, my man, how's it going?

Leon: Oh hey Titus, hope all is well. A tiny bit jet lagged, but I'm used to this by now. I just wanted to see when we could schedule an interview.

Titus: I don't think I'll be able to get one in this week, I'm not feeling too great.

Leon: That is a shame, I just wanted to ask you about the Lottery and how you thought things went. After all you didn't win.

Titus: Lets just say my head wasn't in the game Leon, although it did take every single one of them to eliminate me. I could have done better, I could have done worse.

Leon: Well I hope you feel better, and I'll see you at Meltdown.

Titus hangs up the phone. He places it on the table where his drink is. He picks up the drink, takes a sip and moved from his feet up relaxed stance to put his legs over the side of the chair.

Titus: Leon Kensworth, not many people like the guy. Most think he's a dweeb but he's a good ally to have on side. He's one of the small group who's still here from day one; me, him, Klamor, Cohen, Copeland and Harrys. He knows more about WZCW than anyone else and has just been there if they need him. Yet he can get repetitive.

Titus takes another drink of his rum and stands up, he begins to walk over towards the skyline once again. The lights of Vancouver glistening against the darkened sky.

Titus: I didn't win. He tells me that every Lethal Lottery I didn't win. I'm one of seven people to have won that. Seven Lethal Lottery's, each with 30 wrestlers. That's over 100 unique individuals vying for the prize, yet I'm one of only seven to win it.

Titus pauses making sure he takes in his surroundings. He has an air of pride mixed with smugness at his accomplishments. His phone rings again, but being on the table Titus turns to look at his phone then ignores it.

Titus: It will probably be Stacey, I'll call her back. So yeah, the Lottery. The winner was Dr. Zeus. A man I've faced twice in the three matches I've had since I came back. A man who failed to beat me in Glasgow and a man I defeated in Wales. A man I pinned cleanly. That caused a fun brawl afterwards. Maybe that's why everyone ganged up on me.

Titus pauses and chuckles to himself.

Titus: Or maybe it's because I punched everyone in the dick.

He walks over towards the phone and picks it up. The camera shows it was Stacey Madison who had called. Still chucking at his comment he rings her back.

Titus: Stacey! I believe I have a missed call from you.

Stacey: Seven. You have seven missed calls from me. In addition to that your phone has been busy, twice.

Titus rolls his eyes knowing that Stacey is not one to pull her punches. He sighs and then sits down.

Stacey: Are you there?

Titus: Sorry, yes I am. I've been busy this evening, how is it I can help you?

Stacey: I want to get an interview with you. I bet you've had the others patronising you about the Lethal Lottery, but I'm not that sort of journalist. I want to get your thoughts on your opponent for Meltdown, Theron Daggershield.

Titus: Well I shall assume I'm on the record so allow me to be the first to congratulate Dagger on his first WZCW championship win. The victory allows him to join a small group of people in this company's history. The guy is a hero, and I for one like that about him. The match on Meltdown will be tough, but you can guarantee that I will do my best.

Stacey: Great, thanks for that. Just one more question...

Titus: Sorry my phone battery is out of juice. I need to go. Bye.

Titus puts the phone down before even allowing Stacey to ask his question. He sips some more rum and stands up once again. He looks at the camera directly.

Titus: At Lethal Lottery Dr. Zeus won, yet I've told you why I should be in his place. He's not better than me, I've shown that. The best way to show the world what I'm capable of is to defeat the newly crowned hero Theron Daggershield. I get it, I really do, I've been there myself but there comes a point where you just have to grasp reality. Isn't that right Shawn?

Shawn Dagger's, a kid from Texas who has built this band of misfits. For what? So that fans can declare him as noble, as a hero? I see through the façade, I have lived this for seven years. I have felt the electricity as I have won the Lottery, won the Elite X, won the World title, been in the Hall of Fame. Am I respected? The likes of Logan McAllister can call me washed up.

An anger raises in Titus' voice, his body language shifts to more stiff. He has fire in his eyes.

Titus: I am far from washed up. The time has come for Keystone's hero to show his true colours. It's time that instead of being “the people's ****e” I put Titus Avison number one. I start with Shawn on Meltdown. The kid's in for a big shock, I don't think he'll cope with the pressure of everyone in the company gunning for him. Defending that at Kingdom Come in Montreal with 67,000 people watching is a different game.

I almost pity you Shawn, I really do. I see the glee in your eyes as you go about your business. You love this company, but it's all fruitless. Once you lose that belt you'll go from struggle to struggle wondering what's next in life.

I'm not going to belittle you and mock Dungeon's and Dragons. I was in the movie, but I don't admit that much! I'm not going to mock the fact that you don't live in reality. I'm an actor who once dressed up as a superhero to make a city in Kansas better. If anyone can live outside of reality it's me. Best of luck in your bout at Kingdom Come Shawn, but before that you're going to see what people have only told you.

You've all heard the legends. I'm home. It's time to see the legend.

The camera fades to black as Titus walks over towards the balcony once again, drink in hand. He looks over the Vancouver skyline as the feed ends.
Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits



Scene opens up to a crowded market square in a town outside a large castle. The market is very busy and dozens of humanoids flood the streets in excitement. Angle zooms in on a familiar face in the crowd. It none other than the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion, Theron Daggershield. At his left holding his hand is Theron's girlfriend, Kirilah the Paladin of Mystra. The two find a bench in the shade under a tree in the center of the square and sit down.

Kirilah: It sure was nice of Kayrentia to use her employee discount to get us tickets to the market fair this weekend, as one final nice gesture before we part ways with her for good. This really is a new season of life, is it not? I cannot believe my boyfriend is the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion. How does it feel, Theron?

She rests her head on his shoulder.

Theron: Amazing. I never thought I would hold the most prestigious prize in the world, and now my very first match as the world's best gladiator is against a legend.... Tidarthian. Every single title changed hands at the Risky Raffle. Ella Teague is the Expert F Champion, The Mighty Sweets are the Tag Team Champions, Julius Slime is the Global Champion, and I am the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion. So much has changed.

Kirilah: Speaking of changes.... One moment Kayrentia was still with us, the next this new girl is with us instead. Her grammar is atrocious and I find it frustrating to have to keep translating things from Elven to Common for her too. Why were you so quick to allow Kellia to join our party? I detected no evil in her, but this was so sudden. Do you trust her?

Theron: She is great with animals, they are often very good judges of character.... If she was evil then both of us would have detected it. She'll be fine, Kayrentia's dire bat Alucard already has taken the adjustment of having a new master in Kellia quite well. When are we supposed to meet the others again?

Kirilah: They are probably already inside the castle waiting for the show to begin by now. Let us go inside. Lead the way, Mister World Champion!

She smiles at him as she stands up and pulls Theron up. They hold hands and begin walking toward the castle gates. Festive music starts playing in the background and remains on repeat through the following scenes.


They walk past a wall full of advertisement posters. One of which is promoting Theron's upcoming appearance on Burnup 122 where he will face Tidarthian. Many of Theron's fans of every age group wave at him and congratulate him on his big win when they recognize who he is. He smiles and waves back at them. At the castle gates they find Kellia the Elven Summoner, the newest member of the Merry Band of Misfits.

Theron: Do you have our tickets?

Kellia: Yes. Tickets are in bag of holding.

Kirilah: Where are the others?

Kellia: Space Lady and Pirate are in castle. Dark One off reading somewhere. Theron and Mystra Lady coming into castle too?

Kirilah: My name is not "Mystra Lady", it is Kirilah. Did you say Keifasar is reading a book?

Theron: Probably the strategy tome for Super Stereo Simulator, knowing Keifasar, since it just got released today. That reminds me, Kirilah.... I'm buying a copy of that game if they have a video game shop in there.

Kellia: What is video game shop?

Kirilah groans in frustration.

Kirilah: Never mind about that. Give us our tickets and let us go inside.

The Elven Summoner gives Theron and Kirilah each a ticket while keeping one for herself. The three each give a ticket stub to the guard who opens the gate for them to enter the castle. Inside they walk past a booth where guests can take novelty pictures with statues of a dragon, a king, and suits of amor. A long line has formed at the novelty picture booth. Past that is a bar, where Sheshmish the Orc Swashbuckler is at a barstool arguing with a Dwarven Bartender. Theron, Kirilah, and Killea sit down on barstools by Sheshmish.

Sheshmish: Yarrr, what do ye mean the rum's gone!?

Dwarven Bartender: You drank it all! I won't call your tab yet, but you will have to order something else if you want another drink!

The Warblade waits for a moment before speaking, and allows the Dwarven Bartender to make eye contact. Sheshmish is pouting over not having any rum. The two girls start looking through their bags of holding. Then the Bartender sees who has sat down at the bar.

Dwarven Bartender: Are you....? It is! The World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion is at my bar! What'll it be? Drinks are on the house!

Theron: Thanks, but I'm actually here for information. At my next Burnup show I will enter battle for the very first time as the world's top gladiator, my opponent is a legendary fighter. They say epic bardic tales have been passed down about him. Have you heard? He is Tidarthian. The same gladiator who first inspired me to become the warrior I am today. Know anything I can do to improve my odds against one of the greatest in the history of gladiatorial combat?

The Bartender scratches his beard for a moment, appearing to be in deep thought.

Sheshmish: More rum, matey!

Dwarven Bartender: Shut up!

He begins scratching his beard, once again appearing to be doing heavy thinking. After a brief moment he slams his fist down onto the counter, which startles both Kirilah and Kellia who were still looking through their bags of holding.

Dwarven Bartender: I've GOT it! What you need, Theron Daggershield, is to obtain a sacred relic. One that they say makes heroes even MORE heroic. After our show tonight has ended stop by the shop. A mysterious Drow there has an ancient Ruby Pyramid blessed by Mystra and The Triad. This item will make you powerful enough to defeat Tidarthian. Anyway, you better go grab a seat in the main hall. The show will start soon.

Kellia: Space Lady said she saving us spots. Come on, I show you where.

Sheshmish: Space Lady? Who do ye speak of?

Theron: She means Kaleesta....

The four each get up and Kellia walks them over to the door leading to the main hall. Scene fades out to black as the four walk through the door, the festive music is still playing.


Scene fades back in to a door being opened as the festive music continues to play. Various humanoids walk out the door before any familar faces are seen. Theron and his Merry Band of Misfits then walk out. They form a circle.

Theron: Alright guys. I have an important item I need to look for, in order to gain confidence going into my match with Tidarthian. You're free to go wherever you want, but we have to leave in the morning to travel to the next town where my match will be taking place. Everyone fine with that?

Sheshmish: I be going back to the bar, Captain!

The Orc walks back over in the direction of the bar.

Kellia: I go to horse stable.

The Summoner leaves in the direction of the animal stable. Theron is alone with Kirilah and Kaleesta.

Kirilah: Weren't we going shopping, Theron?

Theron: Yeah, we are. Kaleesta, I need you to remain with Kirilah and myself so we can locate the Power Pyramid the bartender told us about.

Kaleesta: As you wish.

The three begin walking to the shop. Signs on the wall point in the direction of the shop, which is at the other end of the castle. They walk past the animal stable, waving at Kellia and Kayrentia who is working there, as they pass. They continue walking and making their way through the crowd mostly without much conversation amongst themselves until Kirilah breaks their group's silence.

Kirilah: Did you both like the show? I loved it. The food was very good too, I have not had Roasted Boar in a long time.

Kaleesta: I enjoyed myself when I began to ignore their historical inaccuracies.

Kirilah: Kellia seemed more fascinated by the Gryphon and the Horses than anything else. What about you, Theron?

Theron: It was pretty fun. I did not see it coming when the Green Warrior turned on his allies, he was the fan favorite up until that point! Luckily the Red Warrior was still there to save the day at the end. It kind of reminds me of something.... Wait a minute!!!!

The Warblade stops immediately afterwards, having just made the connection. The girls turn around and face Theron.

Kirilah: What is it?

Theron: Tidarthian is a legendary warrior, one I have always held so much respect for.... but his actions at the Risky Raffle were a bit questionable. What if he is headed down a path toward darkness? He is the one gladiator who many felt would NEVER align himself with darkness or evil. If he fully gives in to the darkness, that would be unthinkable.

None of the three speak for a few seconds.

Kaleesta: You are the light in a galaxy filled with darkness. Show Tidarthian back into the light.

Theron nods in agreement. The three walk a little further and reach the shop. A male Drow Shopkeeper is behind the counter with a big grin on his face.

????: Hello. Name's Platinum, I'm the owner of this shop. Can I help you?

Theron: I'm looking for an ancient artifact that you may have according to the bartender. It's an item that it says makes heroes even more heroic when they hold it.

Platinum: The Triad's Pyramid Of Power, you say? Why would you want that?

Theron: I want to be the greatest heroic gladiator of all time. I'm the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion. All eyes are on me right now. Whether it be newcomers like Mallow the Pizza Merchant and The Character Sheet.... Those still trying to make a name for themselves like "The Duskblade" Lokarion Kemultt and that wizard Cecil Flarebook.... Allies like The Mighty Sweets.... Old rivals like Ella Teague.... Or even legends like my opponent this week the incredibly powerful Tidarthian.... Everyone is watching to see how I will do now that I hold the top prize. I want to prove I am worthy of being a warrior that everyone can look up to.

The shopkeeper's grin becomes even larger. He goes into his stock room, then walks back out holding onto a shiny ruby pyramid as large as his hand.

Platinum: Here is it. The Triad's Pyramid Of Power. Take a look for yourself.

The Triad's Pyramid Of Power is set down on the table. Kaleesta and Kirilah stare at it with eyes wide open. Theron picks it up and holds it in his hands.

Theron: So this is it, huh? It's very shiny. I need to be even more heroic than ever if I'm going to defeat someone as iconic to the fans as Tidarthian. How does it work?

He notices the Mystrian verse engraved onto the bottom face of the pyramid.

"Finally, be strong in The Mother Of Magic and in her mighty power. ~ Evocation 6:10"

Upon reading the verse, Theron feels a burst of adrenaline. He closes his eyes and his thoughts are heard.

Theron: (Voice-over) Mystra, give me strength....

His thoughts are interrupted by the shopkeeper.

Platinum: Well? Do you want it? It will cost you.

Theron: How much?

Platinum: Everything comes at a price! Hee hee! For this ancient artifact blessed by both Mystra and The Triad.... I could not part with it for more than four thousand gold!

Kirilah: FOUR THOUSAND!? Are you out of your-

Theron: We'll take it!

He gets out his bag of holding and begins emptying out his gold from it.

Kirilah: What!? Theron! No, that is too expensive! That money was going to fund your tuition to go back to the Weaponmaster Academy and begin Paladin training!

The Warblade had exactly four thousand gold, down to the very last coin. The Drow Shopkeeper begins counting the coins and cackles to himself as Kirilah looks at Theron with disappointment.

Kirilah: Theron.... Think about this.

Theron: I have made up my mind Kirilah. If Mystra has plans for me to begin Paladin training, then she will provide the finances I need for that. This is the artifact that will make me into the new generation's hero, the one deserving of defeating the most heroic icon in the federation's history. It makes the heroes who hold it even MORE heroic.

Platinum: It does.... but you do know the other half of the tale behind this Pyramid, do you not?

Theron raises his eyebrow in confusion.

Theron: No....? What other half of the tale? It gives power to the heroic.

Platinum: And....? Hee hee! You really don't know, do you?

Several seconds pass before anyone answers. Theron looks over to Kirilah, who shrugs at him. Then he looks at Kaleesta, who has a look of concern on her face.

Kaleesta: If it were to fall into the hands of someone evil, they become MORE evil.

Platinum: Exactly! Oh, I like that one. She knows her artifact history.

Theron: Wait, so if somebody who has given in to darkness and evil were to obtain the Triad's Pyramid Of Power....

The shopkeeper is still counting coins as he responds.

Platinum: Then he becomes more evil, yes, dearie!

Kirilah: Theron.... No evil being can ever take possession of that Pyramid.

Theron: The Triad's Pyramid of Power will be safe in my hands. Plus, with it I'll have all the confidence I need to win against Tidarthian on Burnup. I'll go out there on Burnup and not only defeat the man I once looked up to, but show him why he must turn back into the light. I have to do it before it is too late. I won't let my former hero turn to the dark side. No! I must win this match, not only to send a message to Davkas, but also for Tidarthian's own sake. I must snap him out of this before he plunges deeper into the darkness of evil!

The Drow finishes counting coins.

Platinum: Well young one, that was enough gold. The Triad's Pyramid Of Power is now yours. Hold onto it and guard it from evildoers.

Theron and the two girls turn around to leave the shop.

Platinum: I look forward to when we will meet again.

Theron: I travel all over the world as a gladiator, chances are it may be a while.

Platinum: Oh, it will be sooner than you think, dearie. Hee hee!

Theron: Ummm.... Alright. Well, thanks for the Pyramid. Come on, girls. Tidarthian seems to have forgotten what it means to be a hero. Time for me to go show the fans who the REAL hero is!

Kirilah holds Theron's hand and they both leave. Kaleesta looks over at the Drow Shopkeeper who begins cackling maniacally at her. The laughter continues. Kaleesta walks offscreen. Angle focuses on the Drow who keeps cackling as the music stops playing.

Fade to black.
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