MD 122: Kagura Ohzora vs. Noah Ryder

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Sweat pours across the face of Noah Ryder as he rests against the corner of a ring. He steps away and then suddenly drops down, performing a perfect drop toehold that sends his opponent face first into the middle turnbuckle. Noah rises to his feet, the crowd cheering his name loudly. He backs up towards the opposite corner and raises his arm up as his opponent slowly rises to his feet. He drops down to one knee and then springs up, running straight at his opponent.

Pay by Play Announcer: Noah goes for the Blow Ryder!

His opponent ducks and Noah's boot hits the top turnbuckle. As quickly as he falls, his opponent reaches up and rolls Noah back into a pinfall.

1... 2... 3! Ding Ding.

Noah sits right up on his knees and appears quite frustrated. His opponent stands up and then falls backwards into the ropes, using them as support.

What a battle these two warriors put on here tonight.

Colour Commentator: I couldn't agree with you more. Time and time again Noah looked like he'd be able to put this match, but just couldn't get it done here tonight.

His last match in ANT will go down as a loss, but the memories he had here will live on forever.

Noah stands up and stares his opponent in the eye. Both are breathing heavily. His opponent extends his arm out for a handshake and Noah brushes it off. He pulls him in instead and the two hug in the ring, Noah patting him on the back and congratulating him in the process. Noah raises his opponents arm to loud cheers and then rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp. Backstage he is greeted by the entire roster who clap their hands and cheer him on. Hugs and handshakes follow as Noah eventually makes his way back to the dressing room and quickly changes out of his gear. He heads out a back door, hoping not to be spotted by any fans. A couple of die hard Ryder fans are waiting there for him and despite wanting to quietly disappear, he signs autographs for them, poses for pictures, and chats for 15 minutes with them. Finally, they head back in to watch the rest of the show and Noah quickly heads to the parking lot where a women in a red Mustang is waiting for him.

Jessica: Hey baby. How was it tonight?

Ryder: Everything you could hope for in a last match. I wasn't dragged out from the ring with the crowd singing "Na Na Na Na."

Oh of course not, they love you.

Yea, I am going to miss them.

Noah throws his stuff in the back seat and climbs into the passenger seat. Jessica lights up a cigarette.

Would you please put that out.

Not a chance. You should try one.

Never going to happen.

Jessica revs up the engine and the two speed off into the night.


Days later a quiet evening is suddenly interrupted by a constant rocking followed by a loud moan. The volume grows louder and louder until it all ends in a climatic scream. Noah and Jessica roll over beside each other on a messy bed, both breathing heavily. Jessica reaches over to a night table beside her and lights up a cigarette.

I love fucking you the night before you have a big match. You always have so much energy.

What can I say, I'm excited about it.

And you should be baby. You've been working so hard to get into WZCW and now you've finally done it. I'm proud of you.

Noah smiles and the two share a passionate kiss. Noah jokingly coughs afterward due to the smoke as Jessica takes another drag and puts it out.

Shit that went long. I got to get dressed or else I'm going to miss my plane.

Jessica slides off the bed to put on her panties and grabs her cell to call a taxi.

You should spend the night. Forget about this meeting, you can always reschedule.

Leonard silly, I can't do that. A lot of people depend on my direction. My job doesn't involve being nearly naked and wrestling other men every weekend.

I wouldn't mind if you were nearly naked and wrestling other women.

I know you wouldn't, but I have a career that I'm very good at, and meeting with these investors is very important for it. I've already successfully opened three night clubs, but to open one in the heart of Manhattan will put my name on the map. I should've left yesterday, but you talked me into catching a red eye tonight.

I didn't talk you into anything, you knew what you'd be getting tonight.

Well, then I guess it's my fault for liking it too much.

Jessica is now fully dressed and ready to leave. Noah throws on some pants and escorts her out of his room. A loud snoring sound emerges from the coach where Steven is sprawled out half naked. Jessica covers the side of her face to avoid looking at him.

Please take care of him. He's in serious need of some help.

I know, but his heart is good.

It's yours that is good. A little too good I say. You can't keep being there to bail him out, eventually he's got to stand up on his own two feet. When we move into a place together, he's not coming.

Okay, okay.

Jessica smiles at Noah and the two passionately kiss by the door.

I'll see you after your match. I know you're going to kill it.

Thanks, love you.

Love you too.

Jessica turns and walks down the hall, Noah glancing at her behind walking away. He closes the door and heads back to bed.


The next morning Noah wakes up feeling invigorated. He spends several hours alone in his room, showering, shadow boxing, singing his favourite songs loudly. Nothing at all could contain his excitement about tonight. Finally dressed, he steps out of his bedroom to find Steven eating a bowl of cereal without his pants or underwear on.

Good lord man. That's a sight I'm never going to forget.

Steven smiles as he lifts up a large mixing bowl full of fruit-loops to his mouth.

Steven: You like it?

If you were the last person on earth... no I still wouldn't.

Harsh man.

Steven slurps back some cereal as Noah heads to the fridge and pulls out an orange sports beverage.

Today man, I'm going to let it slide. I'm too excited to let anything bring me down.

Oh yea, today's the big day.

You damn right it is. Come on, hurry up and eat, I want to get going soon.

Oh right... jeez man I forgot to tell you.


My license is suspended.

Since when?

Uh... about 6 months ago. I'm actually going to court today to get it back. Friend of mine is a lawyer in training so he's going to represent me in exchange for painting his fence.

And now you tell me?


Forget it. I gotta finish packing and head out myself.

Noah goes to pack his bag and heads out, Steven back sprawled out on the couch half naked. Noah throws his bag into his beat up Corolla and leaves the parking lot. Two minutes into his drive he gets a call on his cell.


Hey, where's the TV remote?

You know I don't watch TV.

I figured you might know.


Noah takes a sharp turn and narrowly avoids getting hit by an oncoming semi.

Geez man, traffic is heavy today. I have to get off the phone.

Hey can I borrow your suit?

You can't fit into it.

Oh right, well can I borrow your tie. That'll be one less thing I need for today.


Could I also borrow $50?

The lights up ahead are red, so Noah takes his foot off the gas and before he reaches the line they turn green. Noah presses his foot down on the gas and sighs.

Steven, listen-

Those are the last words Steven hears as Noah is t-boned in the intersection by a large truck running the red light. Noah is slumped over the steering wheel, unconscious with his arm trapped between the crushed door and the steering wheel.

Leonard? Leonard are you there? Leonard!

Leonard. Leonard are you there? Leonard!

Noah doesn't respond back. He is deep in thought as he continues staring out the window. The two are riding a train through the Rocky Mountains on their way to Vancouver. It is grey outside with the chance of rain appearing quite likely. Noah stares at the majestic peaks as Steven cups his hands over his mouth.

Earth to Leonard.

Noah responds back with a tired glance in Steven's direction. He then turns back towards the window in silence.

Just wanted to see if you were sleeping. Lighten up buddy, you're not acting like yourself.

Steven playfully punches the left shoulder of Noah. Noah grabs at the shoulder in pain, unaware of the surgery that was required to fix it.

God damnit!

Jesus, I'm sorry man. Let me go get you some ice.

Steven jumps up and quickly heads over to the food cart. Noah moves his arm around and works the feeling back in. A little while later Steven returns with a cup of water and ice.

Thank you. I can't remember the weather ever affecting my bones this way before. I must be getting old.

Steven knows why, but he slowly nods his head and sits down. Noah turns to speak.

I'm having this dream. A vision I guess as I'm not sleeping, but I picture myself driving this car. I can't figure out where I am or where I'm going. I think I'm alone, but I keep talking out loud about something and then smash! I hit something, or something hits me and that's it. I can't make heads or tails out of it right now.

Steven gulps and moves uncomfortably in his spot.

Steven do you think, maybe, I'm looking into the future?


Steven stops himself, unable to find the right words.

I saw some delicious food on my way to get you ice. I'm going to go get something. Do you want anything?

No, I'm good right now. Thanks though.

Steven smiles and pats Noah lightly on the back before he leaves. Noah looks straight ahead and notices a man and a young boy approaching him.

Man: Excuse me, are you Noah Ryder?

Uhhh... yea. Yes I am.

You're one on my sons favourite wrestlers. Would you mind if I took a picture of him with you.

No, not at all.

The boy stands beside Noah and smiles for his dad. Noah is still caught off guard by this, but smiles politely for the camera. After the picture is taken, Noah offers to sign the boy's WZCW T-shirt.

So have you both traveled down to Minnesota to see an ANT show?

No, I've never heard of that promotion before.

The boy and his dad thank Noah and head back to their seats. The few other people sharing the passenger cart smile at Noah. Noah turns back to the window and stares outside. Nothing has changed out there.


Noah and Steven arrive by taxi to BC Place. Steven heads to the trunk to get their bags as a limo pulls open. Out of limo steps out "Showtime" David Cougar. Showtime smiles upon seeing Noah and extends his hand to shake it.

Showtime: Noah! How's my favourite wrestler doing?

Noah is both shocked and surprised, and cannot muster any words out, only his hand which Showtime shakes.

Listen Noah I gotta check in and see Banks right now. You take care okay. Don't forget what I told you.

Showtime heads inside towards the stadium, wishing Noah one last goodbye before disappearing inside. Noah stands there, unable to comprehend what just happened.


Madison: Good evening WZCW fans. I'm Stacey Madison and standing next to me at this time is the always bizarre, yet entertaining Noah Ryder. Noah, I can't help but notice you appear quite confused today?

You're right Stacey. I am quite confused, and an introduction like that only adds to my confusion. Everywhere I go today people look at me with recognition in their eyes. I don't know them. I've never met them before, to my knowledge anyway. I appear to have quite the following here in Canada, especially for someone who has never wrestled here before.

We do have strong TV numbers in Canada.

But I have never wrestled in WZCW. I'm a rookie, I've never even wrestled anywhere in North America that was broadcasted on TV.

Noah you've wrestled here before.

Stacey, I'm 26 years old. I think I'd remember wrestling in WZCW. I'm not that old.

You're 26! God you look much older. I thought you were in your 30s.

Noah looks at here, both stunned and slightly hurt.

What are your thoughts tonight on your opponent, Kagura Ohzora?

Noah shrugs his shoulders before answering.

I don't know. I suppose I should, but I don't. I've never heard of her before. She's obviously from overseas, or of some decent of it. For all I know her name could mean god-entertainment, or extensive sky. I suppose it doesn't matter. None of who she is or what she's done should matter to me. I didn't come to WZCW to be well known or to make a name for myself. I came to WZCW to compete against the best, and if management feels the best I should be facing is Kagura Ohzora, then I need to do my best to beat her and show everyone here that I belong. The fans can support me, that's great, we owe a lot to them. The wrestlers here can respect me, that's appreciated, I respect many of them too. Management, above all else though, are the ones who decide who you should be facing. I want to face the best, so I'm going to beat the best they give me. 110%, no stopping, and should I get defeated, I'll pick myself right back up and take on the next opponent they give me. I feel the only thing that can stop Noah Ryder right now, is an oncoming vehicle.

Noah turns to leave, rotating his sore left shoulder as he walks off camera.
It was early in the evening and the stagehands could be seen hurrying back and forth like ants in colony trying to get the arena set up for the next show. Following the Lethal Lottery, WZCW had finally left Europe and was heading back to North America, with a stop for a tour of Canada. A figure perched upon a large stack of boxes watched the action as men and women bustled about beneath her. The stack was about 10 feet high so one really noticed her enough to take issue with her presence. She lay on her side, lazily contemplating the world as she knew it.

‘Admittedly the Lethal Lottery was not the best place for me to make a statement for myself, as it was much too unpredictable, but it did lend me an outlet to unleash some of my frustrations.’

Kagura did not really have a care in the world at that moment. She was still trying to get used to the changes the mystical powers of the ancient Shinto ritual book had afforded her. Gone was the language barrier that troubled her, gone was her attachment to tradition and honor, and gone was her trepidation over wanting to pursue one dream or the other. Now she was free to follow the path laid out in front of her with nothing holding her back.

‘Now that the Lottery is over with, everyone will want to make an impact of some sort. I doubt anyone paid any attention to me as I tore through every competitor in sight during the competition. I wasn’t even eliminated by a man, but a monster. I suppose that’s my fault though. I was careless and bit off a bit more than I could have chewed at that moment.’

She sighed.

‘I am only one person. If there was a way for me to have made ten clones of myself then I would have won the Lottery with no problems. But I wasn’t the only one who had their dreams crushed that night. I saw the rest of the Lottery on the monitor from backstage. One after the other I saw all the so called “favorites” being tossed out left and right. The man who won, Dr. Zeus, well he wasn’t even expecting to win.’

Her lips curved into a smirk as she continued to ponder the outcome of the lottery.

‘A match like the Lethal Lottery is all about luck. There’s no skill. Zeus was fortunate enough to find allies that helped him achieve his goal. Expendable pawns that would have sacrificed themselves at a moment’s notice. The man that tossed me out, Abel Hunnicut, had the power to win, but he didn’t. Another favorite, Titus, who entered much latter than expected, had the stamina to win, but didn’t. A man that entered at the beginning of the match won the whole thing. So should I have been upset having been eliminated much quicker than I thought I would have?’

She shook her head...

‘No. It was not my dream to win the Lottery and go on to fight for the world title.’

…and smiled.

“My dream was to cause as much mayhem as possible. Mayhem I inflicted, but not enough to my liking. But that will change…”

The grin on her face hid a level of deviance that was totally foreign on someone like Kagura. Behind those brown eyes that seemed to blaze emotion hid a terrifying empty void. Because that’s what Kagura had since become: hollow. And not hollow as in devoid of any emotions, she was hollow in that she was devoid of any sort of conscience. This was the path that she had chosen to follow.

She reached down grabbed the book that lay beside her and opened it to the page that sealed her ritual in blood. The “self” that she had once been were now trapped inside the pages, and in their place evolved the kind of “self” that Kagura had wished she could have been. This book had changed her life.

She shifted her body as she rested her head on her head, propping herself up as she continued to watch the people below her. The book she placed next her chest.

‘But all that will change. Tomorrow starts another round and another chance to cause mayhem. That is my nature now. But I am not foolish. I chose to follow this path for a reason, and whether or not others choose to admire me for my actions or hate me for them I do not really care. It is not my concern anymore.’

Her eyes followed one man as he barked orders to several workers that were obviously ranked lower than him.

‘There will be some men like this one who have power…’

Her eyes glanced over to a woman who was obviously some kind of assistant writing notes down as she spoke to a man Kagura recognized as one of the lead production crew members.

‘Others like this woman are seeking power…’

She narrowed her gaze as she viewed a man that was dutifully doing his job with speed and precision. She could tell by the way her worked that he took allot of pride in his work, even if his position on the team was meager.

‘Then there are those like that man there, who is content with what he has. I see these attributes within many of the other wrestlers. Some want to move up the card and fins a way to better their careers. Others have found new successes and will be defending that honor at all costs. And others are just simply happy where they are. So which am I?’

A voice caught Kagura’s attention. She sat up and watched as Stacey Madison walked past her stack of boxes. From the look of it she had not noticed Kagura of top. The woman grinned and decided to have a little bit of fun. She jumped down from her perch and slowly crept up on the blonde woman from behind. Stacey stopped and took a sip from a water bottle. The woman was so oblivious that she didn’t notice Kagura’s appearance at all.

The black haired woman smirked and whispered into the woman’s ear, “You should pay better attention to your surroundings. Who knows what might happen.”

Stacey jumped, cursed out loud, and dropped her water bottle all at the same time. She wheeled around to face Kagura as she just laughed.

“Holy Hell; you scared me.”

It was Kagura Ohzora. She had only interacted with the woman a handful of times, but due to the language barrier she had opted out of many of their interviews. She half expected to see her manager Sasuke Gozaburo next to her, but then Stacey remembered that he was still recovering from a serious injury.

“You nearly gave me a heart attack,” she scolded.

Kagura threw up her hands, “I couldn’t resist.”

Stacey gave the woman a once more look over; she looked different. She wore a black version of her in ring outfit. Looking up Stacey noticed her hair style was slightly different and that she had very pronounced dark circles under her eyes, like she had taken mascara and colored a ring around them. She also wore an unnerving grin that did not look like it belonged on a sane person.

“So, I mean, you look different,” replied Stacey.

“My, is it that obvious? I don’t recall having interacted with you too many times Stacey Madison.”

The blonde shook her head, “I suppose not.”

Then she blinked and did a double take as her head shot up, “You speak English now? I suppose it has been awhile…”

“Indeed,” replied Kagura.

A silence filled the air. Stacey was starting to get a little unnerved and tried to make some small talk.

“So what do you want?”

Kagura smiled, “Isn’t it your job to talk to the wrestlers?”

Stacey gaped, “Yeah but I don’t have any equipment. It’s not really…”

Kagura held up her hand.

“It’s alright. This can be ‘off the record’ or whatever. I was on my way to train but then I got bored.”

She pointed to the large stack of boxes behind her.

“So I climbed up there and started observing everyone. And then I found you and now I’m here.”

Stacey nodded, “Uh-huh.”

“So… how are adjusting to WZCW without Sasuke Gozaburo around? It’s a shame what happened to him. I hope he is feeling better.”

Kagura waved her off.

“Sasuke is fine. He’s recovered and is at home. But I don’t think he’ll be coming back. I don’t really need him anymore.”

“That’s… kinda harsh,” replied Stacey.

“He was your mentor right?”

Kagura shrugged.

“And he has nothing left to teach me.”

Stacey rubbed the back of her head.

“Well it was nice to see you again Kagura Ohzora but I have to…”

Kagura reached out and grabbed the woman’s shoulder, stopping her. Stacey glanced to see the woman giving her a piercing glace. It sent shivers down her spine.

“Kagura Ohzora. That’s what you called me. Everyone does. However what everyone, including you fail to realize is that ‘Kagura Ohzora’ is not a name. It’s a title. My real name is something I’ve never disclosed. “

Stacey turned as Kagura continued.

“Now I feel as though the title of ‘Kagura Ohzora’ is a bit outdated. So from now on I prefer to be known as Kagura Daikonran.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Not that I would understand.”

Kagura shook her head, “No. You wouldn’t. So I will explain it to you. Ohzora means ‘big sky’ or ‘heavenly cosmos.’ You could even call it the ‘big cosmos.’ Daikonran means ‘big chaos.’ Quite fitting for someone like me don’t you think?”

Stacey pondered for a bit and shook her head, “Sorry. I don’t see it.”

Kagura laughed, “I suppose no one does…yet. However with my match tomorrow against Noah Ryder I have a chance to cause mayhem. I was thinking about it earlier and Ryder is the type of man that wants to move up the card.”

“Well doesn’t everyone,” asked Stacey.

“No. There are wrestlers that are content where they are. Others have found some success already and will fight to keep their positions.”

“So, which are you?”

Kagura smiled.

“I asked myself the same thing. I want to move up the card as well. But I’m not going to do so by fighting fair. Someone like me exists to be a roadblock for someone like Noah Ryder. He probably perceives that he can defeat me by simply doing his best, but it won’t be that easy. I have something that no other wrestler has right now, Stacey. And that is the element of surprise. Noah doesn’t remember me. And if he does he remembers a past representation of me that he perceives he will be facing, ‘Ohzora’ rather than ‘Daikonran.’ Eventually the others will catch on to my little ruse, but I plan to make the most out the element of surprise while I have it.”

She laughed.

“I’ll crush him. And then afterwards I’ll move on to something else. You see Stacey, I am nothing but a vengeful wraith at this point. I was able to able to mask my presence to someone as consciously aware as you. With someone as weak minded as Ryder, there’s a million different ways that I can bait him. Maybe I’ll play the ‘weak female.’ Maybe I’ll play the ‘friendly competitor.”

She slid her hands up and down her body.

“Maybe I’ll use my body to my advantage to distract him. Maybe I’ll pound him into submission with superior skills. Or maybe I’ll throw out the rules, kick him in the balls, and simply walk away. But I won’t do any of those things. What I plan on doing is getting in Ryder’s way, because that is the nature of mayhem. And I have one more weapon on my side Stacey.”

She brandished the book and held it in front of her.

“As long as I have this book I am invincible. I have yet to use its power on anyone here, but if I do, there won’t be anyone able to stop me.”

Kagura smiled that same deviant grin that Stacey had seen a while ago. She walked up to her and glared right into her eyes.

“Pass this message along Stacey. Are you listening?”

She nodded.

“Kagura Daikonran has marked Noah Ryder as the first of her victims. At Meltdown there will be no reprieve of his punishment. He will be made an example of. And I choose to do this not because I am filled with hatred or love, but because that is the nature of mayhem.”

She laughed and before Stacey knew it she had disappeared, leaving only the echoing sound of her hysterics behind.
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