MD 122: Flex Mussel vs. "Showtime" Cougar

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Scene opens at Lethal Lottery. Entering backstage through the curtain is "Showtime" David Cougar. The smile on his face quickly disappears and is replaced by a look of disappointment. He shakes his head and wipes a bit of sweat off his forehead.

Showtime: I must be getting old.

Showtime begins walking down the hallway towards his locker room. He spots a few WZCW employees that he is familiar with and casually greets them as he basses by. Showtime approaches Noah Ryder in the hallway and stops to properly introduce himself.

Hi, I'm David Cougar. Folks around here call me Show.

Noah is speechless. He barely has the wherewithal to extend his hand to shake Showtime's.

You must be Noah Ryder. I've seen some of your matches, and you're one of my favourite wrestlers here.

Noah is still in shock. All he is able to do is mouth the words 'wow' to himself.

Listen, I gotta get going, I have an early flight to catch. A word of advice, work your butt off here. You do that and I think you're going to go pretty far here. Don't forget that, okay.

Noah nods his head as Showtime continues down the hall. He stops by a door of a dressing room that has 'Titus' labeled on it. Showtime looks around and then puts his hands over his crotch area as he continues down the hall.


Scene reopens inside Showtime's beautiful California mansion. The door bell rings and Showtime opens the door to reveal Leon Kensworth. They shake hands and Showtime leads them to a massive living room with children's toys scattered all over the floor. Leon carefully tip toes around them as he sits down on a couch opposite of Showtime.

Sorry about the mess. The place was clean 5 minutes ago. That's all it really takes for kids to make a mess again.

Kensworth: That's all right; I have nieces and nephews that are the same way. How has it been playing the role of 'Dad' these past few years.

Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. There is no greater joy than seeing their smiling faces or hearing their laughter. It adds a whole different perspective to life and what's really important. It is easily the most rewarding feeling I've ever experienced.

I'm happy to hear that Show. Now last week you made a surprise return at Lethal Lottery after almost a year out of action. What are your thoughts on the match, and specifically your performance?

Disappointed, but at the same time thrilled to be back and thankful to have survived it. You know with the competitiveness inside me and the drive to be the best I was upset that I was eliminated so early. However, I'm realistic about my situation. I've been out of action for about a year. During that time I also beat cancer, which is an incredible accomplishment, but it's one that also takes a lot out of you. I'm no Lance Armstrong, I'm not going to stick some needles in me to get to the top. I'm gonna get back up there on my own with hard work.

WZCW has also changed quite a lot since I was last here. It's a whole different jungle. A lot of new faces were out there competing and that is something else that I am going to have to prepare for. I don't know a lot about these wrestlers and one mistake against them could cost me the match. I need to be ready to face anybody, and in time I will be.

During the Lethal Lottery there was a confrontation between you and Titus that lead to you getting the remaining participants to throw him out of the ring. After you were eliminated, Titus attacked you from behind. Was there any reason behind your actions? Is there some bad blood between you two?

The reason I went after Titus is simple, he was being dick. He was being a dick to the wrestlers, he was being a dick to the fans, he was even being a dick to the dicks. So I had to try and snap him out of it.

That's it?

That's it, honest truth. There is no bad blood between me and Titus. We're both legends in WZCW, we've had our battles before. I've beaten him, he's beaten me. We've accomplished just about everything there is to do in this company. All this was, was a friend telling another friend that he was being a dick.

This kind of leads me into my next question. With everything that you have accomplished in WZCW, why have you decided to return now?

Let me ask you something Leon. Were you a fan of wrestling growing up?


And I'm sure you had your favourite wrestlers to watch compete, we all did. It was usually those larger than life hero's who you just couldn't help but get behind. Those wrestlers who would always make the bad guys run away, that would stand up to injustice, and make you laugh and smile, whether it was on the mic, or in the ring cracking some skulls.

That's what it was all about growing up.

Exactly, and now watching WZCW with my son, I don't see many of those wrestlers anymore. Theron Daggershield is about as good as it gets. Live Mas, Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage have both been at the top and have held that role. Beyond those three though, there isn't anybody else really. Who is there to stand up against monsters like Dr. Zeus, Slaughter, Abel Hunnicutt, Cerberus, or John Constantine? Dr. Zeus is forming another army and Abel has the backing of Steven Holmes. Titus turned into a dick at Lethal Lottery. The bad guys are making their move and it won't be long before the young fans cheer them on and start to emulate them outside the ring. It's already begun in certain circles. That's why I decided to come back. To take a stand against this new generation of bad guys. To test my skills and show that I still have the ability to not only compete, but to win. I'm ready to face anybody now.

Flex Mussel-

Showtime shrugs his shoulders and rolls up his sleeve, showing Leon his bulging bicep. Showtime looks at Leon who is staring back at him confused.

Oh, you mean my opponent.

I have a bit of a cold. Have you been lifting?

Why yes I have. You should try it too. I hear it fixes everything, even that cold you have.

I don't think so, but I did want to ask you about your opponent. Flex Mussel has made quite a name for himself in the tag team division in WZCW, becoming the longest reigning champion ever with his partner Ramparte. What are your thoughts on Flex and what do you have to do to beat him?

Pin him, make him tap out. That's still how you beat someone here, right? Joking aside, Flex is obviously going to be a difficult opponent for me. He's in peak physical condition, and having just lost the WZCW Tag Team titles he may be looking for something or someone to vent out his pent up frustration. I faced Flex once before At All or Nothing 2014 in a 4 team TLC match. He just started a tag team with Ramparte and I myself was in a 3 person stable, like he currently is in right now. I don't think I need to remind you how that turned out. Anyway, after the match, even though both our teams lost, I knew that his team would have staying power in WZCW. I was in the match that began the previous record for the tag team title reign against the Full House of Daves. I saw what they had and I knew they were going to be good too. Funny thing also is they formed a 3 person stable too.

And that one blew up also.

Exactly, so even if Flex says that things are hunky dory in Cerberus, deep down I know he's looking over his shoulder at his two partners. All great stables come to an end. Something else that will be wearing down on him is the opportunity presented to him in this match. See, Flex has been a huge success as tag team partner. He became accustomed to it, it all felt too easy for him. Singles competition is whole different jungle. There's nobody watching your back, there's no one to help you out or take a beating for you. I'm no saying that Flex might not be up for the challenge, he seems like someone who's willing to try anything. I'm saying what's he going to when he's standing in the ring opposite of me, and he looks over his shoulder and doesn't see Ramparte on the apron, or Eve Taylor outside the ring. What's he going to do when I have him locked in the Commercial Break, or standing on the top rope about to deliver a Final Act? I don't think the question here Leon is what am I going to do to beat him? I know what I've got to, I've beaten guys like him, guys like Big Dave, Reynolds, Saboteur, Barbosa. The stronger pieces of their tag teams. I've beaten World Champions, Tag Team Champions, just about every type of wrestler. The question that Flex should be asking himself is, what am I going to do when I'm in the ring by myself with Showtime? If he isn't thinking about himself, Cerberus, or the tag team titles, he might come up with an answer before the Final Act happens.


Scene opens at BC Place for Meltdown 122. Showtime is walking down the hallway, carrying his own bags. He stops by a dressing room door that has his name on it. He looks across the hall and sees another private dressing room, this one reserved for Titus. Showtime reached into his pocket and pulls out a new name tag and places it over his name. He moves his hand and reveals it as 'Noah Ryder' now. Showtime smiles and laughs to himself as he picks up his bags and continues down the hall.


He stops by the dressing room that is for the rest of the WZCW roster. Showtime takes a deep breath and opens the door. Inside everyone looks at Showtime and he returns the look back at them. He enters the room and the door closes shut behind him.
Flex Mussel can be seen alone inside a Flex Fitness gym working out harder than he usually would at an unhealthy pace. Where he would normally take breaks in between reps of unnecessary weight he instead goes directly into another workout machine or goes immediately to run another mile. Where he would usually do warm up stretches he instead goes directly into non-stop push ups with weights tied to his ankles and wrists. Normally during times like these in his own solitude he would sneak a rice krispie treat or chocolate bar but ever since the Lethal Lottery Flex has been starving himself completely. Hanging on one of the pull bars is Mussel’s imaginary motivator Masquer who despite his usually cold and ruthless demeanor even seems concerned by Flex’s recent behavior.

Masquer: As much as I’m glad to see you working harder than ever I’m afraid you might be doing it for the wrong reasons.

Flex continues bench pressing and decides to address Masquer without interrupting his routine.

Flex: You’re unhappy when I’m not training, you’re unhappy when I am. Make up your mind.

Masquer: It’s been days since the Lottery Flex, as much as I’ve never been a fan of your alliance with the bookworm and fashion model you can’t ignore what happened by secluding yourself. If you won’t take interviews on, if you won’t answer the fans on twitter, at least answer a figment of your imagination, is Cerberus done?

The monsieur of muscle finally sets down his weights. He does not go immediately into a thousand jumping jacks nor does he tie on anymore weights to his body. Instead he begins to take deep breaths and finally turns his body to address Masquer.

Flex: You know I should be pretty proud of myself. I was one half of the longest reigning tag team champions in history, Cerberus became one of the most dominant stables in WZCW history, and I was a dark horse pick to win the Lethal Lottery and main event Kingdom Come. However, Cerberus is no longer tag team champions, I didn’t win the Lethal Lottery, and in fact I was eliminated by one of my stablemates leading me to question where Cerberus stands in the spectrum of WZCW as a whole.

Mussel gets up from his seated position on the bench and walks over to a table and downs a protein shake and begins wiping sweat off his face.

Flex: There’s a lot of questions I need to ask myself and I need answers to them relatively quickly. However, I’m not the only one that has questions that need to be answered.

Masquer: Ramparte? Eve?

Flex: No, Showtime Cougar. You think my recent troubles with the other heads of Cerberus is the only reason I’ve been here for days? I’ve made it very clear throughout my tenure here in WZCW that Showtime Cougar is my favorite WZCW wrestler of all time and his return at the Lethal Lottery has just like I said has left people asking a lot of questions. Does Showtime still have what it takes? Can he compete with the younger generation? Can he once again become World champion? And in my not so humble opinion I believe the answer to all those questions is yes. I believe Showtime is that talented that if he put his mind to it he could beat anybody on today’s current roster. Showtime is a hall of famer with more accomplishments than I have time to list at the current moment. Showtime is unquestionably the most decorated and difficult opponent I’ve had in WZCW thus far which is the exact reason I requested I be his first opponent on Meltdown.

Masquer: Do you really think that’s a good idea with your current situation?

Flex: You mean the potential downfall of the most successful thing I’ve been a part of here in WZCW? I think it’s a wonderful idea actually, what better way to prove to the people who I think I’ve leached off the success of others then to beat arguably the greatest superstars to ever grace a WZCW ring. Don’t get me wrong though, this match means so much more to me than trying to please the detractors. You remember back when I was a pudgy little brat we sat in Svetlana’s fat camp orphanage watching Showtime’s career blossom from championship to championship, main event to main event, accolade to accolade whether he was waging war with Austin Reynolds, Drake Callahan, or Ty Burna. I looked up to him based on the confidence, the good looks, and pure talent I didn’t have at the time and I wanted to be just like him.

Masquer: I just fear you’re looking at this opportunity more as a fan than what it can do for your career.

Flex: And that’s the entire problem, I didn’t just become a wrestler for the money, I had plenty of that already from Flex Fitness. I joined because as a kid I looked up to my favorite WZCW legends such as Showtime and Everest and one day hope that I could share the same ring as them. I don’t think I’ll ever wrestle Everest but I’ve had the honor of calling him a mentor. So you’re damn right the fan in me is blushing on the inside about going one on one with Showtime Cougar. Thing is however I no longer want to be like Showtime Cougar, I want to be better than him.

Masquer: You’re speaking with a lot of bravado for a man who doesn’t have a lot experience competing alone.

Flex: Have I had as many singles matches as Showtime? No, but I will. Have I held as many championships as him? No, but I will. Have I main evented multiple Kingdom Comes? No, but I will. Have I had a hall of fame worthy career? NO, BUT I WILL!

Mussel goes to the pull up bar and begins lifting his body up and down as he continues his conversation with Masquer.

Flex: I’ll be honest, I don’t know what the future holds when it comes to Cerberus. But we’re no longer tag team champions and Live Mas is no longer the only other team in the division. Can we rise from the ashes in our current form to once again make it to the top of the mountain? Once again I don’t know, but I intend to accomplish the goal I had when I originally joined WZCW before I was paired with Ramparte, and that was become the absolute best in WZCW. And to accomplish that I need to not only face one of the absolute best but do something neither Eve or Ramparte can say they’ve done. And that’s beat a Hall of Famer.

Masquer: So, is it safe to say you’re officially over the troublesome blonde?

Flex: Why would that matter?

Masquer: Because here comes the troublesome brunette.

Flex drops down from the pull bar and turns around to see his on and off mistress Svetlana standing in the door-way of the gym observing him.

Svetlana: Still talking to that mask huh?

Flex: Still stalking me from a distance?

Svetlana: You should be honored I risked sneaking back into the country just to see you.

Flex: Which leads me to ask the question of why did you go through all that trouble for me?

Svetlana: I know you think I’m only using you for your body Flex but I watched the Lethal Lottery, I saw you and Ramparte lose the tag titles, and I also watched your crush eliminate you both from the Lottery match itself. So I figured all must not be well in the Cerberus household and thought I’d come and make things better.

Flex: And how exactly were you planning to do that?

Svetlana: By finally getting you to see your partnership with Eve and Ramparte has outlived his usefulness.

Flex: Why does everyone believe that we were all just using each other?

Svetlana: While I do believe the amount of time you all spent together may have convinced you all into thinking you were a family the differing personalities and hidden agendas are finally starting to come to light don’t you think?

Flex: What are you talking about?

Svetlana: Well anybody with eyes can see Ramparte’s infatuation with Eve and his jealousy of whatever previous entanglement you had with her. That coupled with Eve’s obsession for glory and a need to be better than everyone and she seemingly had the two of you wrapped around her finger for close to a year to accomplish it.

Flex: That’s not what happened…

Svetlana: I’m not sure why you’re the only one who doesn’t see that it’s time for you three to go your separate ways but I’m not leaving her until you tell me that Cerberus is dead.

Flex: Then I guess you plan to stay here all night.

Svetlana: Why can’t you just let them go!?!

Flex: BECAUSE I’M SCARED! I’ve made a lot of enemies in this company in the last year, a lot of ambushes, a lot of running my mouth. I’m not asking for forgiveness and I’m not saying I regret any of it but I’m worried about being on my own. People think because Ramparte is the antisocial one that I must be the complete opposite but the truth is I don't have very many friends in that locker room besides him and Eve. I don’t know if Cerberus can continue as a tag team but what would be so bad in watching each other’s backs every now and then in solo competition?

Svetlana: Because you’re better than that. You’re better than both Ramparte and Eve. You don’t need their help to achieve all you’ve ever wanted in. Prove it to the critics, prove it to me, but most importantly prove it to yourself. Without their help I want you to face Showtime Cougar and beat him.

Flex: You really think I can do it?

Svetlana: I know you can, because I believe in you. The question is do you believe in yourself?

Flex: Maybe my inability to is why I’ve relied on Cerberus for so long.

Svetlana: Sometimes thinking for three heads makes it harder to see what's best for one.

Flex: Then I guess it’s a good thing I’ve got you to keep me on track.

Svetlana: America has made you so cheesy Flex. This is the part where we have stereotypical romantic kiss, yes?

Flex: Naw, I’ve got a better idea: pick up some weights.

At that moment a wide smile develops on Svetlana’s face. She and Flex both sit down and pick up a fifty pound weight and begin multiple repetitions as the scene fades to black.
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