MD 122: elegANT vs. James Howard

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The scene opens in a backstage interview area. Various techs and officials are running around, getting things set up. In the middle of the set stands Stacy Madison, reading some notes for the upcoming interview with clear disinterest in between sips from her coffee. The look on her face turns to full disgust as elegANT walks up, hand outstretched.

Ms. Madison, how wonderful to see you!

We aren’t supposed to start for another twenty minutes. Why are you here already?

Anything worth going to is worth arriving early to, Stacy. Plus, I don’t know you that well so I thought it would be delightful to talk with you a bit before the cameras turned on.

I cannot think of anything I would enjoy less than that.

They stare at each other for a moment before elegANT bursts into laughter. Stacy stares at him in astonishment while elegANT tries to compose himself.

See, Stacy? This is why we need to get to know each other! I had no idea you were so funny.

That wasn’t a joke.

Too funny! Tell me, how is your day going?

Stacy sighs loudly and hands her notes and coffee to a worker nearby.

Look, I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to be your friend. In a few minutes, that camera will turn on, I will ask you a question or two, you’ll give stupidly pleasant answers, and then we go our separate ways.

elegANT gasps and pulls Stacy in for a hug. Her face is an incredible mix of shock, horror, and disgust.

You poor thing! Please, tell me what’s wrong! I can’t promise that I’ll be able to help, but certainly will make the best attempt possible.

Stacy escapes the embrace, nearly throwing elegANT across the set in the process.

Don’t you dare touch me!

elegANT is taken aback by her reaction.

You think everything you do is driven by kindness, but I see your true motivation: fear. You are afraid that people won’t like you or accept you. That fear is why you lost the Elite X Championship without successfully defending it and why you were anonymous in the Lethal Lottery. Look at James Howard, who won the title from you, or Eve Taylor, who tricked you and left you lying; they don’t care about making anyone happy but themselves, which is why they’ve already had more success than you ever will in this company.

Stacy stares daggers into elegANT, whose head steadily dropped throughout the tongue-lashing. A few of the techs and cameramen shake their heads in disgust, but don’t say a word.

I’m starting to think you don’t want to be friends, Stacy.

Stacy is reaching the point where she is too angry to be able to speak. Her face is now a wondrous shade of coquelicot. elegANT begins to speak again before he is unwittingly the victim of more violence.

You do have a point, though. There have been times that my career was directed by fear. I came to WZCW a year ago because I love to make people happy. I am an entertainer first, fighter much lower down the list. By coming here, I not only had to fear for my own mortality, but that wrestling fans wouldn’t take to a kind gentlemANT. It thrills me to no end that I was embraced and received as much love as I gave out.

I do still have fear when I go to the ring. I am not a trained combatANT, and yet, night after night, I step into the ring with men and women trained as wrestlers, grapplers, martial artists, or brawlers and have to try and defeat them. That fear dissipates a little each time I go out there, however. You know why, Stacy?

She opens her mouth to respond, but elegANT speaks first.

Because I’ve been Elite X Champion. I’ve beaten Ty Burna. I beat the Beard not long after he main evented Kingdom Come. No matter how scared you think I am, or how scared I think I am, the fact is that maybe I am good at this pro wrestling thing. I can beat these trained fighters. I can win championships, whether it be Elite X, Eurasian, Tag Team, or even the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. This week, I face James Howard. I won’t have a chance to get back the Elite X Championship, but I can redeem the most heartbreaking loss I’ve had in my first year here. If there were simply one thing I had learned in my first year, it would be this: I will still be nervous before the match, but now I know I can win.

elegANT turns to the nearest cameraman.

You gents got that all, am I correct?

He nods, causing Stacy to go from anger to disbelief.

Wonderful! Stacy, we’ll have to chat again soon.

elegANT walks away, shaking the hands of the production crew, leaving Stacy standing on the set in bewilderment as the scene fades out.
"Ants are possibly the finest example of colony creatures. Working together, as they do, towards a common goal is a laudable trait; one that many humans could learn from."

The TV screen goes black as James Howard hits the power button on the remote control. As he stands and turns.

"Colony creatures are only as strong as their weakest link elegant. Last time we met I took your Elite X Championship from you. Now we both have nothing to lose and everything to gain. They say that groups are only as strong as their weakest link, but when they're alone they're weak, isolated and useless. I on the other hand am more like Cordiceps. I find the weakest among you and get into your head, the colony all abandon you for your new weakness and you eventually give in to me climbing higher and higher to your eventual death. Well now, you're as high as you're ever going to get. So let's see how you decide to go out. I hope with a bang."
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