MD 118: Matt Tastic vs. Noah Ryder (non-title)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Deadline is Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.



Matt: Holy crap, this place is gorgeous! Look at the antique architecture. Look at all the classic cars! Granpa, this place is awesome!

We open to see the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Tastic, alongside his grandfather. As they tour the streets of Havana, Cuba. Not long after his victory over Eve Taylor at Ascension 92. Soon enough, Russia is the next stop for the World Champ. Where he will face Noah Ryder. The newest wrestler in WZCW. But for now, Matt's job is to connect with the people of Cuba. He's the World Champion. And as such, he is to establish good connections with every country he visits. Plus Cuba is a fascinating culture Matt can relate to as he shares similar Caribbean origins.

Granpa: Keep in mind we're here to meet with an ambassador, 'mijo.

I know. But I always wanted to see all the cars here. I'mma buy one.

Granpa: No.

Matt: Why the hell not? I make more than enough money. Don't you wanna cruise in that nice looking Torino over there?

Granpa: I told you, I want a Hummer.


???: Hello!

As Matt and Granpa bicker, the man they were expecting arrives. Not exactly in the most fitting of clothing. He arrives in somewhat older clothing. But formal nonetheless.

Matt: Oh, hi. I'm Matt Tastic. The WZCW World Champion. This is my granpa. We came to give you our thanks for letting us perform in the stadium a couple of days ago.

???: Ah, yes. My name is Julio. I heard you're from the island of Puerto Rico, champion. I saw your performance. Your appreciation for our culture. I saw your issues with this Dorian Slaughter character.

Matt: Yeah. All he talks about is death and destruction. Just a gloomy character. No real appreciation for something as simple as enjoying life.

Julio: You said we and your island were a lot a like. I disagree.

Granpa: Really? How so? I'm interested in your opinions.

Celia did preach about happiness. But it's not an easy thing to maintain. Life. Life is tough. It's tough everywhere. To breed a good living. It takes a lot of hard work. And struggles. So many people have little opportunity to make it on their own.

Matt: Umm.... Mr. Julio. I don't want to sound rude. But this country is also pretty known for basically controlling the people. Little freedom. Poverty.

Julio: Health plans. Yes, there is economic struggle. But do we have men in suits making millions a year through politicking while others end up on the streets because they were screwed? Even our bums have a guaranteed source of income. But I hear your country is rife with greedy politics, angered people and an unstable economy. Tell me, can your people stay afloat if the U.S. decides to revoke your Commonwealth? They're in predicaments themselves with a government that's too caught up in personal thought and racism of all things. In 2015.

Granpa: .........

Matt: OK. I get your point. Even if I disagree. But what does that have to do with a promo on a wrestling show?

Maybe Dorian is not so far off in his beliefs that death is a release. I mean, it is in fact quite sad to see people pass on. But they would not starve. Not suffer. Not have to worry about things like being assaulted by cops. Trust me, I know it sounds harsh. And I don't want to die. Or to see anyone else have their life taken. But when you think about it, it's not such a ludicrous belief.

Matt: You're saying I can't prove him wrong?

Julio: I'm saying you'll need more than a song written by someone who fled in fear from a country that wasn't even in danger if you want to convince him. Don't misunderstand me. I do believe in you. You're a World Champion after all. A self-made man. Capable and self sustaining. You've obviously exceeded your heritage of dependance and reliance. You'll find a way. It makes for intriguing television after all. Send regards to your president, Kenneth Banks. From the government of Cuba. We look forward to future events from WZCW. Mr. Tastic. Mr...... Mr. Tastic. Good day.

The Tastics look at each other in confusion. They weren't pleased with the way Julio spoke of their island home. But at the same time, he was supportive of them and offered his best advice. They set off for their next stop. Russia. Where at Meltdown 118 Matt will face Noah Ryder. A man with short term memory. They speak of the match on the plane as they first head home before the long flight.

Granpa: So let me get this straight. He has short term memory loss.

Matt: Yes.

Granpa: He always thinks it's October of 2012.

Matt: Yup.

Granpa: How's he supposed to get to Russia? For that matter, who hired him? Who would be insane enough to hire someone with such a mental handicap? A head injury no less! You know how major concussions are nowadays.

They weren't as big back in 2012.

Granpa: 'MIJO! Don't joke like that!

Matt: What? I don't know who hired him. But why are you so shocked? We had an alien, a cardboard robot and a guy obsessed with bears. I already tried to argue against this kind of stuff. I got karate chopped by a cereal box for it. Besides. Like Julio said. It makes for great television.

Granpa:Yeah. He was a dick.

Matt: I guess. But he wasn't wrong about Dorian. By the way..... When we get home......

The camera pans out to show something rather hard to miss on the plane.


How the hell did they get it in is anyone's guess.

Matt: ..... I'm dropping this puppy off in the shop.

The scene fades to black as Granpa and Matt look at their new car quite pleased.

Matt:Hey, gramps...... Weren't you scared of planes?

"I hate the rain, it washes away everything."

Light rain falls down on a dark and cloudy evening. Cars zoom quickly through a bumpy intersection, driving off to their destination without a care about the things around them; not that there is anything particularly special about this intersection. A gas station lights up one corner of it and the other three are occupied by dark coloured buildings that are filled with ever changing tenants. The intersection is normally busy with vehicles heading north into the city or out to the main freeway. Tonight though, traffic is light and cars are driving particularly fast, speeding 10 mph above the limit and frequently cutting the light close. There is a patrol car not far down one of the roads, but they are on stakeout, looking out for a potential drug deal. A figure stands up against a lamp post and occasionally takes a drag from his cigarette. He looks down at a notebook he holds with his other hand and looks at the address on it.

4th St and Smith Ave

"This is where 'it' happened."

The man takes another drag and flips the page on his notebook. Underneath a plastic seal is a piece of newspaper with a picture. On the picture is a pretty gruesome car crash with the title '6 Car pileup leaves local indy wrestler in critical condition'

"I don't know how many times I've come to this place. It just looks like a plain old intersection. Nothing special or significant could ever happen here, but I know that's not true. Every morning I wake up and remind myself about what happened here. The rippling effect that it's had on my life. Every day starts the same and a new layer gets added on to my blank canvas."

He takes one last drag of the cigarette and throws it onto the street. He writes something quick and then closes up the notebook and begins to cross the intersection, but not before making a quick stop as a motorist blazes through the intersection on a red light. The motorist honks his horn and yells at him as he drives inches in front of him. He looks enraged, but calms himself down and continues across the street.

"Even with what happened to me, the accident, I'm not any more careful around here. It's just an intersection, and I'm just a wrestler. I can't be anything more."

The man continues to walk down the road as the rain beings to pour down harder. He lights up another cigarette and flips his hood over his head, as if somehow that will keep his cigarette dry. He coughs horsely and tosses the half cigarette away as he turns and enters an apartment building. He runs up the stares all the way to the fourth floor and enters the first door to the right. He drops his keys on the counter and takes off his wet jacket. Papers are scattered everywhere on the counter and along the walls. Front and centre on the wall is a contract for WZCW. There is no TV or computer, or any recent news print or calendar, only a couch, a table, a lamp, and a phone. The man opens up the fridge and grabs a beer. He twists off the cap and takes a long swig as he walks over to the couch. The answering machine is blinking and he pushes the button to listen to the message.

"Leonard, it's Steven, where the hell were you? Give me a call when you get this. 612-246-5889."

Leonard writes down the number quickly on a piece of paper. The number can be found everywhere in his apartment from the numerous messages he has received from Steven. Leonard gets up and walks to the counter where there is a big binder of notes. He opens up the binder and turns it to a section regarding Steven and thumbs through it.

"He's worried about his new found responsibilities, but most of all I think he's worried about my well being."

Flashback to a conversation between Noah Ryder and Steven.

"You're crazy man."

"How exactly does this make me crazy."

"Okay, maybe it doesn't make you crazy, but it shows that you are a damn fool."

"I disagree. This is what I want and I've given it a lot of thought."

"I find that unlikely, everyday is a new day for you. Fresh start, fresh interpretations."

"See that's where you are wrong. Everyday isn't a new day, it's the same damn day. Every day I have woken up thinking that I am going to compete in my first WZCW match ever, and every day I face the harsh reality that that isn't going to happen. I've had to accept it and move on because ever since that day I can't retain any information. You have no idea what it's like; it's like waking up on your birthday only to be told that your mother died, only it happens every morning. I've had to keep track of everything that's happened so I don't get lost, so I don't get more hurt than I already am. This binder has become my life and every day I have to memorize it and review it and live by it to be able to add another day to it. Now, I've been given a rare opportunity, a second chance. I can wake up thinking I'm going to wrestle for WZCW and I will be. That's going to happen, and I don't want all this weighing me down, having to think and over analyze everything I've been through, for once I want to wake up and live the life I was meant to live."

"You have really thought about this."

"I have and everyday I reach this conclusion. I've kept a tally of it."

"What I'm worried about is, what are we going to do when it's your second match, when it's a PPV? What about Jessica?"

"All that will be challenging to explain, but I know you'll be able to handle it. You've been through this for years now. You helped me keep track of everything and get me into routine. This doesn't have to be a forever thing, when the time is right you can show me all this and remind me of the years I've lived. Let's have some fun with this and if it doesn't work, we'll go back to the show we've lived these past few years."

"Don't worry, I'm going to enjoy this. Remember when I used to slap you every day?"

"I don't know when that started, but I know you stopped when I started keeping track."

"I'm sorry, I'm going to live by your wishes, but I just don't get it."

"I guess most of all is, I want to see if I could've made it. I want to rely on my natural skills, and believe that I could've done it back in 2012. I know I could've, I just want to go back and really believe that I can."

"I understand, you got a lot of heart there Leonard. You're going to turn a lot of hands, and not just because you'll forget everything they say or do to you."

"I'm just sorry for the person who's going to have to put up with this."

Leonard grabs the phone and dials the number Steven gave him.

"Leonard, where the hell were you?"

"I was out for a walk, I just wanted to clear my head."

"Couldn't you have just taken a nap instead."

"Fuck you. I just wanted to see the spot one last time before I leave it all behind."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I am sure."

"Okay, write this down, I'm going to be by your place at 11 am to pick you up. Make sure to leave yourself a note saying Jessica has gone out shopping."

"All this time you've had to think and that's the best you've come up with?"

"Like you'll care."

"Yea, that's true. Anything else?"

"Leave the key where you won't find. Top of the book case?"

"Sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye Leonard."

"Bye Steven."

Leonard hangs up the phone and quickly writes down a note and leaves it in his bedroom. He grabs all the papers and puts them in a safe and locks it with a key, that he remembers to put atop the book case. Leonard walks to the bathroom and gets himself ready for bed. He looks himself in the mirror and smiles.

"Good luck tomorrow."


The pitter patter of rain opens up the scene. Leonard is seen sprawled across his bed as he yawns and slowly opens one eye, a smile crosses his face.

"I love when it rains in the morning. It brings everything to life tomorrow."

Leonard gets out of bed and stretches.

"Baby! Are you here?"

He walks around the room and stops by his dresser where he spots a note left behind. He smirks and goes about his morning ritual of a heavy breakfast, yoga, and a cold shower. He steps out of the shower and stares at himself in the mirror.

"Todays the day buddy, you've been waiting a long time for this. This is your time to shine. 2012 we make our debut. 2013 we beat Showtime at Kingdom Come."

Leonard's so excited that he has himself completely ready when Stanley arrives sharply at 11 am.

"Staven good to see you. You're never on time like this."

"I've had to make a few adjustments in life."

"Like what?"

"Never mind, I'm just excited for you."

"Me too, have you heard from Jessica. I tried her phone number but I keep getting a busy signal."

"Yea, yea, I did get a hold of her. Apparently she broke her phone and is trying to get a new one. She's got a work related meeting that just came up so she says she might not be there."

"Aww man."

"She was real chocked."

"That's alright, she'll get to watch me next time. I'm here to stay. Come on, I'll get my bags and race you down."

Leonard reaches down to pick up his bags, he struggles a bit with his left arm, but manages to carry them all.

"I can get used to doing this every time."

Steven closes the door behind him and hurries down the stairs where Leonard already has the bags packed and ready.

"Easy there Leonard, I know your excited and we'll get there, but I'm driving."

Leonard frowns and tosses him the keys.

"And call me Noah. WZCW gave me the name Noah Ryder and I want to get used to being called that."

"Okay Noah, hop in."

The two men climb into the car and begin their drive to the arena.

"You still got my Kongos CD?"

Steven pushes a button on the CD player and the familiar beats of "Come With Me Now" blare out of the speakers. Noah begins to dance around in his seat.

"I'm so glad I discovered these guys while wrestling in South Africa. These guys are going to make it over here one day, I know it, and me using their song as my entrance is going to help them get that exposure."

"I'm sure it wouldn't hurt."

The approach an intersection and come to a stop. The light turns green and Steven pushes down on the gas. Suddenly he hits the breaks hard and another car zooms inches in front of them as it runs the red light.

"Whoa, stupid idiot. Could you imagine if he hit us?"

"I think I could."

Steven signs and they continue on to the arena. They pull up a short time later and Noah steps out a gazes at arena as Steven grabs his bags.

"I've never wrestled anywhere this big before."

"What about the Tokyo dome?"

"I've never been there."

"Uh, sorry, I'm mistaken. I didn't sleep well."

"Me neither. I couldn't. I've been waiting years for this moment."

Steven nods his head and the two men walk into the arena together. Noah looks like he's died and gone to heaven as he stares around at everything and introduces himself to just about everyone along the way.

"Does WZCW have a developmental league?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"There sure are a lot of faces here that I don't recognize."

"Maybe you're not the only one here that just got a new contract."

"Maybe, but I can tell you this, none of them are going to impress people like I will."

"Lets go see the training staff and get you ready."

The two men go to see the medical staff. Hours later after Noah's been checked and papers have been signed he and Steven emerge and look ready for the show tonight. As they walk down the hallway, WZCW announce Leon Kensworth is standing there.

"I see here we have one of WZCW's newest talents. Welcome to the show, how about he do a quick interview."

"Hello Leon, great to finally meet you. I've been looking forward to this. This right here is my good friend Steven. Steven wish me luck."

Steven does and steps off camera but not to far away. Noah rubs his hands in eager excitement as Leon opens up the interview.

"Good evening WZCW fans. Standing with me now is one of WZCW's newest superstars, former indy wrestling legend, Noah Ryder. Noah how excited are you to be apart of the WZCW brand."

"Leon, words just cannot describe it. I've had this feeling for years that this was the place I needed to be. I got to be honest with you, we almost got into a car accident on the way here. I can't tell you how devastated I would've been if we got hit and I wasn't able to compete. I just don't know what I would've done, but what I do know is that I am here right now and that I am more ready to make an impact. The whole locker room better be on their toes, Noah Ryder is going to blow them all away."

"Tonight in your debut you face a very difficult challenge in Matt Tastic, who has been wrestling in WZCW for years already and currently..."

"I have a lot of huge respect for Matt Tastic. He's one of those guys who is always giving it 110% out there. You never know what to expect from one of the greatest Mayham champions out there. He's just so diverse in what he can do in the ring. Just a short while ago at Apocalypse he was tag teaming against John Constantine against the tag team champions. They didn't get the win, but they looked strong out there and if they can just learn to work together they could become one of best tag teams in WZCW."

"Constantine and Tastic?"

"I know, I thought it was an out there combination too, but both have great potential in WZCW. Won't be long before they're competing against Showtime for the WZCW Title."

"Showtime? You're a big fan of his?"

"Yea I love the guy. He is pound for pound the best wrestler in WZCW, and my goal is to beat him and become WZCW Champion. Right now though, I know that's not going to happen, I got to work my way up and that's why i feel so blessed to have this opportunity to face Matt Tastic. He and I got a similar style in the ring and I think he can put together one of the most entertaining bouts of the night. I know that a win against him will put me in the right direction to one day compete against the big boys, Showtime, Callahan, Holmes, Titus."

"I think... we need to start this over again."

"I'm sorry, was I being too brash or not clear enough. I'm sorry Leon, I don't do a whole lot of these backstage interviews, usually I'm out in the ring shooting my mouth. How about this, forget what I said, tonight I'm going to do my talking in the ring. Matt Tastic, he's good, but he's not the best in WZCW right now. Tonight, Noah Ryder is. Thank you Leon."

Noah shakes Leon's hand and gives him a hug as he walks off. Steven walks up and shrugs him shoulders as he follows. Leon appears flabbergasted.

"What year is this?"
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