MD 118: Eve Taylor/Kagura Ohzora vs. Chris KO/Theron Daggershield

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Deadline is Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.
Perception Check

Chris: Sometimes… Sometimes you wonder why you ever became a WZCW Superstar. Sometimes you wonder that as you pick shards of glass out of your forehead as a crimson coat flows down your brow like a waterfall. Sometimes you wonder that while getting a dozen stitches after a typical day’s work. Sometimes you wonder that as you sit a hospital bed, waiting to be cleared of a potential concussion. But then you remember....

Harrys: Here is your winner and new number 1 contender for the EurAsian Championship... Chris KO!

Cohen: What. A. Match!

The crowd roars for Chris!



The sound of dice hitting a wood table enters the scene as we see a pair of sixes. Chris K.O. is pumped up from the roll. He is sitting in a hospital bed with a gown on and his forehead all stitched up. A small table sits between the bed and a small recliner that sits Steve the Volleyball.

Chris: You know what that means, Steve!

Chris grabs a small metal iron on a monopoly board and moves it forward twelve spaces. It lands on Reading Railroad, where a small marker from a Sorry! game is sitting.

Chris: I landed on Reading Railroad, which means I can use that transportation to move my troops-

Chris uses his other hand to push a group of small figurine army men on a risk board into Central America where an opposing force of Candy Land characters have taken refuge.

Chris: I declare war on your claim to Central America. BUT! Before that, I will roll a perception check!

Chris reaches down underneath the table where the boards are set up and pulls out a magic eight ball. He shakes it furiously in his hands.

Chris: Will Andy pick me? I mean, what’s it gonna be?

The eightball shows, “Try Again, Later.”

Chris: DAMN IT!

Chris chunks the eight ball across the room and against the wall. With one big swoop, he pushes the board games off the table and sends the pieces flying everywhere.

Chris: To hell with Dungeons and Dragons!

Chris mutters under his breath as he crosses his arms and pouts somewhat comically.

???: Still needing damage control, are we?

Chris turns his head towards the doorway of the hospital room. His heart skips a beat.

Chris: Astrid?

There she is, standing the doorway. A beautiful blonde. The woman who was once in charge of doing damage control for Chris back when he was EurAsian Champion. They had a fling, but she called it off right before Chris went missing in the plane crash that almost ended his life.

Astrid: So, you called?

Chris: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did. I just, I just-

Astrid: *sarcastically* You just what?

Chris looks disheartened.

Astrid: You just come back from the dead and don’t even bother getting into contact with me for months?

Chris: No. I, uh-, yes. I mean, I don’t know.

Astrid: I mean, I know I ended things personally, but we still had a business relationship, Chris. I’ve lived with guilt since that plane went down, knowing the last thing I said to you was what it was.

Chris: Astrid…

Astrid: So, why now? Why call me? I finally started letting it go and then I look at my phone and see that I have a missed call from you. WHY?

Chris hesitates before speaking.

Chris: … About a month ago I saw you in a dream. Before that I repressed whatever feelings I had for you back then because I knew that was from a different time. A different me. But since that dream… I haven't had one since that did not have you in it. I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t know what it is. I just have never felt it before...

Chris looks down at blanket over his lower torso.

Chris: I think I lo-

Astrid: Shut up.

Chris stops speaking and stares at Astrid’s tear-glazed eyes. Astrid begins to speak, but then swallows her words. She backs out of the room and leaves.

Chris: Astrid! Quick, Steve! Stop her!

Chris reaches over the table and grabs Steve. He throws him at the doorway. He just bounces outside. Chris groans as he lies back in the bed. A doctor walks in the doorway holding Steve in one hand while holding a chart in the other.

Doctor: Ahem.

Chris looks up. He groans.

Chris: Yes, doctor?

Doctor: I believe this is yours.

Chris takes Steve from the doctor and sits him next to him in the bed.

Doctor: I’ve looked over everything, and I have good news. It appears you don’t have another concussion, Mr. K.O.. Sorry for the delay, but we had to make extra sure after we discovered one of WZCW’s doctors did not clear you to compete at Gold Rush. I’ve filled out the paperwork and let the company know that you are officially cleared from this point going forward.

Chris doesn’t respond. The Doctor looks up from his chart and sees Chris staring at the doorway behind him. He looks to see if someone is there, but there is no one.

Doctor: Mr. K.O., did you hear me? I said you are cleared.

Chris snaps out of his trance.

Chris: Oh, great. That’s awesome!

The doctor doesn’t seem to be amused.

Doctor: I’ll have the nurse come in and you can sign a few things. After that you are cleared to check out.

Chris: Thanks, doc.

The doctor nods as he exits the room. Chris lies back in the fed as he stares at the wall. The scene fades out


A Few Days Later

Scene fades back in to a thicket deeper in the woods. Chris KO can be seen leaning up by a tree. He has Steve the Volleyball, with him. Theron approaches him.

Theron: Sorry I'm late. I was waiting for my girlfriend to make sure she returned safely to our campsite from shopping.

Chris: That's alright….

Theron: You okay?

Chris stares down at the grass before answering.

Chris: Yeah, sorry. So, it looks like we're teaming up this week.

Theron: Yep. The odds are in our favor, but only if we can work together to win this thing. I respect you Clovis, even though we will be opponents at Uncalled For.... I detect no evil in you.

Chris: I respect you as well. You've come a long way in WZCW, capturing the Eurasian Championship. You know, I held that belt once. I sure would like to hold it again.

Chris produces a half smirk and delivers a wink at Theron. Theron seems cautious of recieving the playful gesture.

Theron: I want you to know before we have our match, that I can trust you. I'll have your back, but I need to know that you'll have my back too. We can only win this by being on the same page. Ella and Kaitlyn do not have the advantage we have.

Chris: You don’t trust me?

Theron: If you want to force me to answer that, let’s just say I still need more evidence that this hasn’t all been a ruse for you to work your way back to the Global Championship. Surely you understand given your track record?

Chris: Fair enough. So, you think they are the ones who have a disadvantage?

Theron: Definitely. We both want to win, right? Plus unlike Kaitlyn Onyx, we do not have anyone evil on our side. Kaitlyn has to go through the struggle of teaming up with Ella Teague, the evil fallen Cleric who I defeated at Treasure Hunt. Ella is surely going to try to try to use manipulation on Kaitlyn, which would cause internal conflict on the young Samurai girl, and cost them the match due to lack of focus on either one of their parts. Ella was obsessed with getting a rematch, the very match you earned against me when you defeated Jonas House. So.... Can I count on you this week on Burnup? Are we on the same page here?

Chris leans over to talk to Steve the Volleyball.

Chris: Steve, what do you think? He’s a good man, but he’s also our challenge come Unscripted. Yeah, I know I couldn’t hold his proverbial jockstrap in a game of D&D! What do you mean I am not even playing it the right way!?

A few seconds pass. Theron tilts his head to the side a bit, then moves it back to its normal position.

Theron: What did he say?

Chris: Huh? Oh, yeah. Steve is cool with it. We like you. Honestly, I have nothing but respect for you. But just remember, come Unscripted we will not be on a team. We will be rivals. So, with all due respect, my first reign needs to be rewritten. I won it based on anger, and I can't look back on it the way I wish I could. So, just know that I’m going to do everything in my power to unhinge that belt from your fingers come Unscripted.

There almost seems to be some awkward tension brewing before Theron breaks it up by laughing.

Theron: We'll see about that, my friend. One thing's for sure.... No matter what the stipulation ends up being.... We're gonna steal the show out of respect for one another and for the Global Championship's prestige on the night of Uncalled For 2015. One step at a time though. For this round, we are allies. I'm counting on you, Clovis. We can do this!

Theron holds out a hand and smiles at Chris. Chris smiles back and accepts the handshake.

Fade to black.
Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits


Also featuring special guest: Clovis the Stunning Fist!



Scene opens to a view of a campfire out in the woods. The sun is starting to set. Theron Daggershield is seen sitting on a tree log on the ground a couple of feet to the right of the fire, reading from The Tome of Mystra. The only sounds heard are the crackling of the fire, Sheshmish's snoring, and the occassional chirping of birds up in the trees nearby. Angle zooms out to show that there are four tents present, one for each member of the Merry Band Of Misfits other than Kaleesta who is in her magical prayer chamber which is standing amongst the tents, and Sheshmish who can be seen snoring in a sleeping bag against a log to the left of the fire. Theron turns to the next page of the chapter he was reading, and then looks out into the foliage.

Theron: I hope Kirilah and Kayrentia are alright. I had sent them with the simple task of shopping in the nearby town for supplies we will need on the journey to Moonsea where I will have my first title defense at Uncalled For, but looking back on it maybe I should have gone with them.

Kaleesta's magical prayer chamber makes the whirring noise it often does. Theron looks over at it until the noise stops. The healer does not emerge from the chamber. He starts reading again as a melodious instrumental begins playing, it remains on repeat for the following scenes.


Theron: They should be back by now.... What could be taking those two girls so long? I am meeting up with Clovis The Stunning Fist after dark deeper in the woods. My tag team partner for the week, but also my opponent when I defend my Global Championship for the first time....

Sheshmish's snoring stops and the large Orc Swashbuckler awakens. He gets up out of his sleeping bag. Theron looks over at Sheshmish, with the Tome Of Mystra still on his lap. Sheshmish takes out his bottle of rum, drinks a few sips, wipes his face with the sleeve of his shirt, and walks over to Theron while still holding the bottle.

Theron: Have a good nap?

Sheshmish: Yarr. Indeed the nap be refreshing, Captain!

The Orc looks around the campsite, then looks back at Theron.

Sheshmish: Where be the rest of our crew?

Theron: Keifasar rode off on Abduroff the horse skeleton long ago, he said something about having to go help a Half Elf Barbarian who had been severely injured in a nearby battle. With Keifasar being a Necromancer, I'd hate to know what his definition of "help" is, so I'm staying out of that one.... As for the others, Kaleesta's in her prayer chamber. Kirilah and Kayrentia went shopping for supplies in town. They should be back any moment now with everything we'll need as we travel to Moonsea, although they need to hurry. I'm supposed to be meeting up with Clovis to discuss our match soon.

Sheshmish: Clovis? Be that the landlubber ye be tag teaming with?

Theron: Yep that's him. We have to discuss our upcoming match on Burnup 118.

The Swashbuckler sits down on a log next to the one Theron is sitting on.

Sheshmish: Be that not the same landlubber who is challenging ye for the treasure? Why would ye team up with him, Captain?

Theron shuts The Tome Of Mystra and looks directly at Sheshmish.

Theron: Well, I didn't have much of a choice. That's the match that got announced. It's Clovis and myself teaming up for a round against Ella Teague and Kaitlyn Onyx. My match is also why I'm reading from The Tome Of Mystra now that I am finished practicing my battle maneuvers for the day, I needed some inspiration.

Sheshmish: Inspiration? What do ye mean, Captain? Did ye not already win The Crusade?

Theron: I'm looking through passages to see what other Chosen Warriors of Mystra did when having to team up with rivals in battle. I've defeated both Ella Teague and Kaitlyn Onyx before, so it isn't my opponents that I am worried about. It's Clovis. He's a very talented Monk so between the two of us we have a much stronger team, it comes down to whether or not I can trust that he'll have my back in this match. I've got nothing against the guy, but I know he wants my Global Championship. He earned a title shot against me when he defeated a disgruntled other monk, Jonas House, on Burnup 117.

Sheshmish scratches his head and then drinks some more of his rum. Theron opens up the Tome Of Mystra again. Angle zooms out as the two friends continue sitting by the campfire. Sheshmish looks out into the woods before looking at Theron again.

Sheshmish: Do ye want me to with ye when ye meet with Clovis, Captain?

Theron: No. I need to meet with him alone. I appreciate the offer, and I had to turn down a similar offer from Kaleesta earlier too. I'm not afraid of Clovis. I trust our talk will go well.

It is starting to get darker, the sun has set but some daylight can still be seen. Sheshmish points out into the distance to his left.

Sheshmish: Thar they be, Captain! Kirilah and Kayrentia be coming!

Kayrentia the Druid drags a large bag of items over to her tent. Sheshmish goes over to her and helps her get the bag into the tent. Kirilah the Paladin of Mystra walks over toward Theron. She appears to be happy. Theron puts away the Tome Of Mystra then goes to Kirilah and hugs her.

Kirilah: Hey sweetie!

Theron: How was your shopping? Did you get the supplies we need?

They stop embracing. Kirilah looks up at Theron with a smile.

Kirilah: Yes. We got everything on your list. Kayrentia has the items in that bag she just took into her tent. So, about that favor I needed to ask you....

Theron: Yep. I'm listening. What is it?

The Paladin's smile gets larger and she is noticeable excited.

Kirilah: I want you to come attend my graduation from Paladin training at the Weaponmaster Academy. It originally would have been the same night as your match at the Uncalled For 2015 event. Knowing you would not be able to make it under that situation, I asked for it to be moved. They granted my request! It is now going to be the night before your title match. So, will you please come?

Theron smiles back at her.

Theron: Is that all? I wouldn't miss your big day for anything. Well, anything but my big title match. So since it's now on a different day.... Of course I'll be there!

Kirilah: Good! I am so glad. You have no idea how happy that makes me. I have a special surprise for you that night too, so you better be there!

She walks over to her tent giggling. Theron stands up.

Theron: Wait a minute.... What kind of surprise?? Kirilah! You know I hate surprises....

No response is heard. Theron sighs.

Theron: I could be up all night trying to figure out what this surprise of her's is, but I have to focus on my match. Speaking of my match.... It appears it's time to go see Clovis.

Theron stretches and looks up into the sky. There is a full moon. A wolf is heard howling in the background.

Theron: Sheshmish! Take watch. I'll be back!

Sheshmish nods in approval and walks back over to the campfire. Theron walks past some foliage into the thicket. Scene fades out as the instrumental keeps playing.


Scene fades back in to a thicket deeper in the woods. Clovis The Stunning Fist can be seen leaning up by a tree. He has his Cannonball, Stan, with him. Theron approaches him.

Theron: Sorry I'm late. I was waiting for my girlfriend to make sure she returned safely to our campsite from shopping.

Clovis: That's alright....

Theron: You okay?

Clovis stares down at the grass before answering.

Clovis: Yeah, sorry. So, looks like we're teaming up this week.

Theron: Yep. The odds are in our favor, but only if we can work together to win this thing. I respect you Clovis, even though we will be opponents at Uncalled For.... I detect no evil in you.

Clovis: I respect you as well. You've come a long way in the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation, capturing the Global Championship. I held that belt once.... I'd like to hold it again.

Clovis smirks and winks at Theron, who is careful about choosing his next words.

Theron: I want you to know before we have our match, that I trust you. I'll have your back, but I need to know that you'll have my back too. We can only win this by being on the same page. Ella and Kaitlyn do not have the advantage we have.

Clovis: Don't you trust me?

Theron: If I must answer that, let’s just say I still need more evidence that this hasn’t all been a ruse for you to work your way back to the Global Championship. Surely you understand given your track record?

Clovis: Fair enough. So, you think they are the ones who have a disadvantage?

Theron: Definitely. We both want to win, right? Plus unlike Kaitlyn Onyx, we do not have anyone evil on our side. Kaitlyn has to go through the struggle of teaming up with Ella Teague, the evil fallen Cleric who I defeated at Treasure Hunt. Ella is surely going to try to try to use manipulation on Kaitlyn, which would cause internal conflict on the young Samurai girl, and cost them the match due to lack of focus on either one of their parts. Ella was obsessed with getting a rematch, the very match you earned against me when you defeated Jonas House.

A few seconds pass with neither speaking. Theron tilts his head to the side a bit, as he hears something behind the trees. It's Neep the Floating Skull, one of his friend Keifasar's undead pets. Neep peeks out from behind a tree, and says his own name quietly.

Neep: (Whispered) Neep!

Theron: Neep? What are you doing here?

Neep floats in circles around the tree, says his name again excitedly, and floats offscreen.

Neep: Neep!

Theron moves his head back to its normal position.

Theron: Well, Neep says I can trust you. His judgment of character is quite strong for a floating skull.

Clovis: Who's Neep? Honestly, I have nothing but respect for you. But just remember, come Uncalled For we will not be on a team. We will be rivals. So, with all due respect, my first reign needs to be rewritten. I won it based on anger, and I can't look back on it the way I wish I could. So, just know that I’m going to do everything in my power to unhinge that belt from your fingers come Uncalled For.

An awkward tense silence follows. Theron breaks the tension up by laughing.

Theron: We'll see about that, my friend. One thing's for sure.... No matter what the stipulation ends up being.... We're gonna steal the show out of respect for one another and for the Global Championship's prestige on the night of Uncalled For 2015. One step at a time though. For this round, we are allies. I'm counting on you, Clovis. We can do this!

Theron extends his hand to Clovis, who accepts. They shake hands as the instrumental stops playing.

Fade to black.

Pro wrestlers never stop travelling. It was one of the perks as well as one of the cons. There wasn’t any shortage of people that loved the product; and while watching all the big stars on television was fun, there wasn’t anything quite like the experience of getting to watch all the big name stars live. WZCW was the largest wrestling promotion in the world, dedicating to bringing its audience wrestling, and not a glorified soap opera with an hour of talking like some other promotions might want to do. And that was why within a span of a week young Kagura Ohzora from Japan had found herself traveling from Cuba to Russia.

Russia was warm this time of year, with the weather balancing out in the mid 60’s. Nights were cold though; which didn’t surprise her at all. She did get to do some sightseeing, along with her mentor. Sasuke had travelled all over the world when he was wrestling, though he had not been to Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union; though to him nothing had really changed. To Kagura though these would be memories she would treasure for the rest of her life.

Nothing new had changed about her career at all. Since losing the Elite X championship she had been struggling to find her place on the roster. Last week she defeated Bruce Irwin, which had helped to ease the transition a bit and allowed her to build some momentum. This week she had been placed in a tag team match with her formal rival; Eve Taylor. They were up against some fierce competition: Theron Daggershield the new Eurasian champion, and Chris KO, a man that had defeated Kagura in the past. Some experts would liked to have pointed to her loss to KO as the beginning of her downswing; though Kagura held a deep respect for his abilities and loved the prospect of getting to face him again. Her partner Taylor, didn’t hold the same sentiments.

That was where she found herself now. She and Eve Taylor being the only two female wrestlers on the card were given their own private dressing rooms. Some of the men were envious of this, but alas could not change their genders in order to join the two vixens. Kagura though had been relieved, as she would have probably not have sought out Taylor for a pre-match meeting, as something had recently happened to make her life far more interesting – but more on that later – but as of that moment she figured it was for the better that Eve Taylor had approached her first.

Kagura had found herself warming up in the dressing room when Eve Taylor came up to her. They stood there in silence for a moment until the blond bombshell started talking.

“I hope there are no hard feelings between us,” she said.

Kagura nodded but didn’t understand a word of what the woman had said. Eve cursed in her native tongue, disappeared momentarily, and returned with a pen and notepad of paper.

“I purchased this as soon as your manager told me that you could read English.”

She wrote something on the paper and gave it to Kagura to read. The Asian beauty took a look at it as the gears in her brain started to turn. Eve Taylor’s writing was neat and her use of calligraphy humorously profuse.

I hope there are no hard feelings between us. We need to work together if we are going to beat our opponents.

Kagura smiled. She had Eve Taylor-san pegged all wrong. She had figured her to be a bossy, whiny, pampered, audacious woman that would have never had showed her any type of respect or acknowledgement. And the truth was Eve Taylor still felt that way, silently hoping that Kagura didn’t prove to be totally incompetent if teaming with her. But since Kagura wasn’t a normal woman – meaning that she didn’t speak her language – and the fact that she knew Kagura to be quite skilled, Eve Taylor thought it would suit her interests if she simply “played nice.”

Kagura wrote something on the pad and gave it to Taylor to read.

Theron Daggershield-san and Chris KO-san are tough. I am happy that we are friends. There is no way that we will lose.

Compared to Eve Taylor’s magnificent handwriting, Kagura’s was sloppy. And Eve took notice of this. She was bilingual herself, so she knew that the Japanese girl probably wrote like this normally.

‘Typical.’ She thought. ‘Why pair me with this country bumkin? We’re nothing alike. She better not slow me down.’

But she kept up the smile for the sake of appearance and wrote something back.

Oh absolutely. But do you mind maybe following my lead? I know that you can handle yourself, but I’ve fought both of these guys and I know how to take them down.

Eve grinned. She knew she had the girl hooked, line, and sinker. What an easy way to get her partner out of the way, then she’d show that idiot Theron Daggershield a thing or two.

Kagura wrote something on the pad.

Sure, what kind of battle strategy did you have in mind?

Eve wrote a fast response, and handed the pad back to Kagura.

We give them pain.​

“I have to leave but I will see you out there, partner.”

Kagura understood the word ‘partner’ so she smiled and bowed as Eve left. I suppose it was her own ignorance, but she was going to trust Eve Taylor. After all they had the same goal. Win matches and move up. This partnership she was sure would work even better when they both had something to prove against their opponents.


However; her match that night was not the only thing on her mind. When Eve left she walked over to her side of the dressing room, unzipped her bag, and pulled out the book that she had found in the St. Louis airport a few days prior. She and Sasuke had been at odds over what to do with the book. Sasuke had wanted to return the book to the St. Louis airport, as that’s where the book had been lost, and that’s where the owner would probably look first. Upon inspection the book had all sorts of notes written on paper that had been stuffed into the center. The notes contained a number and an address. Kagura had hoped to track down the owner that way. The man that had dropped it had been tall and handsome. A scholar, maybe a professor, by his looks as he was young but didn’t appear to be middle aged. Perhaps he had been a few years older than Kagura.

The most incredible thing about the book was that it was written in Japanese. The notes had translated allot of the kanji into English. She had read a bit of the book, even though Sasuke had told her repeatedly to leave it alone, and to her shock it turned out to be a Shinto ritual book; a particularly ancient one at that. She had not been able to hide her curiosity any longer.

The day before she left Cuba she decided to call the number of the woman in the notes. Ayamo Miyamoto was one of the curators at the Tokyo National museum, and was not expecting a call from someone like Kagura Ohzora.

*ring* *ring* *ring*


Miyamoto-san had answered in English. Kagura was not expecting that so there was a bit of an awkward pause.

“U-uh, yes. I found this book that I think belongs to you.”

The curator at first thought this to be a prank, but then again not many people had her cell phone number.

“What book?”

“It’s a book on ancient rituals to Shinto deities. A man dropped it at the airport and left before I could return it.”

What followed was a quick conversation on the book itself. It was quite old, and one of a kind.

“What’s your name?”

“Kagura Ohzora.”

“Ohzora-san. You said the man that had the book in his possession dropped it at the Tokyo airport?”

“No-no, The St. Louis airport. In Missouri.”

Miyamoto-san sighed. This wasn’t good at all. She informed Kagura that the book was in the possession of a Dr. Derrick Housman, a young but brilliant minded researcher of ancient Shinto and Buddhist texts. She had no idea what Dr. Housman could have been doing in America. Last she checked he was still in Japan. This wasn’t good.

“Listen Ohzora-san. That book is very valuable. It’s one of a kind. Dr. Housman was due to bring it back to Tokyo next month. There is a collector of fine literature that wants to take a look at it. Normally we would not sell museum pieces but we’ve been made some offers that we cannot refuse.”

Kagura didn’t poke or prod. She understood. However there was a problem.

“Are you in Tokyo, Ohzora-san?”

“I’m not. I’m actually in Havana, Cuba.”

“Havana, Cuba? Well that’s a problem. Is there any way that you can make it to Tokyo by the end of the month?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m leaving Havana, Cuba tomorrow. My works requires me to travel allot.”

“Where will you be?”

“Moscow, Russia.”

The girl wasn’t kidding. She did travel allot. That’s what Miyamoto-san thought anyway. She would have to track down Dr. Housman to intercept the girl, retrieve the book, and bring it back to Tokyo before the end of the month.

“How long will you be in Moscow for?”

“Two weeks, then I’m leaving for India.”

“India? I’ve been there many years before. You sound like a native Japanese; are you in the military or Peace Corps? Not many professions would require a person to move around so often.”

“Yes ma’am I’m originally from Ise, Mie. And I’m a pro wrestler. I love my job.”

Miyamoto-san laughed.

“Sounds like an entertaining life. Listen Kagura, keep that book safe. Make sure that no harm comes to it in any way. I will track down Dr. Housman and have him meet you at your next destination.”

“Yes. I will do the best I can. Until Dr. Housman comes to retrieve it.”

That had been one week ago. Still no word from Dr. Housman, though Ayamo Miyamoto had called to verify that he would be waiting for her when she arrived in India. Until then the book had to remain safe at all costs.
* BANG *

Eve Taylor booted the locker room door open, indenting the wooden material with her stiletto. She stormed inside the empty room and grabbed her carry bag, throwing it across the room as hard as she could. Eve collapsed in a heap, breathing heavily. She wasn't sure if she was infuriated or upset, trying to hold back any water works whilst not letting her blood boil as she thought about the loss she recently suffered.

"Don't think about it, Eve. Don't think about it... it'll only make things worse."

No matter how much the Fabulous one tried to avoid what just happened, the situation kept replaying over and over in her head. Her eyes darted around from left to right as if Eve was visualising the match take place right in front of her, attempting to spot any mistakes she made that cost her the victory. She reviewed her performance over and over again but nothing came up, causing confusion for Eve and flaring up her emotions once more.

"How did I lose? I don't understand, I beat Matt Tastic. I had him beat just like I had Theron beat..."

Eve rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache coming to fruition thinking about her unfortunate situation. She couldn't fathom how badly her luck had turned within a matter of weeks. Eve shook her head in disbelief, continuing the analyse everything but she wasn't getting any closer to a legitimate answer... other than her own failures.

"It couldn't be... I'm not the one to blame. I didn't lose to Theron nor did I lose to Matt Tastic. They were my victories, not theirs... isn't it?"

A slither of doubt began creeping in the mind of Eve as she couldn't prove anything other than Eve failing in her first defense and failing again in her only potential chance to prove to everyone she deserved to be Eurasian champion.

"... I lost my Eurasian championship..."

Eve began breathing faster than normal as more doubts and negative thoughts ran through her head, followed by hyperbolic situations of people making fun of her for failing. The WZCW Universe, her stable-mates, co-workers within the fashion industry... even her former best friends pointing and laughing at her.

"I think we picked the wrong Third Head for Cerberus, Ram."
"Nothing but a hot mess, Flex."
"Look at that pathetic piece of work."
"Talentless hack!"
"Just come to terms with it, Eve. You aren't cut out to do this any more! I'm glad you turned down the modelling contract I offered."
"Go back to the pits you crawled out from!"
"I thought you became champion for me? I thought you loved me, Eve..."

Reality had become blurred and her imagination ran wild, seeing all of these past and present figures standing around Eve in a circle looking down at her as if she was the scum of the Earth. Eve turned around every corner and tried to escape but these inescapable figures kept blocking her path. Eve had no choice but to sit in the middle of them, almost hyperventilating in the process. Her head was throbbing and her ears burning, as if the laughs of the imaginary people were ripping her head out from the inside. She couldn't cope with the pressure any more and had to find a way out before she passed out.

"I'm not a failure! I'm not! Get out! Go away!"

With all her strength, she got to her feet and managed to crash tackle the locker room door she slammed shut before, breaking it off its hinges. She lay on the corridor floor in a heap of wooden pieces, picking herself up from the floor almost instantly. She looked around, confused about her location. The once real world became imaginary and reality came back into focus. However, her head was still hurting very badly and her breathing had slowed slightly.

"What is happening to me?"

It was at that point, Eve decided to stumble towards the medical trainers office and ask for some aspirin and a heat pack at the very least. She clutched her head, walking down the corridor at a slow enough pace to keep herself on her feet without toppling over. She wobbled from side to side momentarily before leaning on the wall for the last few steps. Eve stopped at the door and knocked on the door, calling out.

"Hello? Anyone in here?"

She noticed nobody was currently inside the trainers room. The inside of her head pounded against her skull, aggravating Eve's pain surging through her veins. She didn't want to feel the pain any longer, entering the room with authorised access. She fumbled through the medical supplies before finding herself a freshly warmed-up batch of heat packs and a bottle of aspirin. She gulped down a few tablets before wrapping the heat pack around her head. The instant the warmth of the pack touched her skin, Eve slowed down her breathing very quickly and slumped her shoulders in relief.

"Much better..."

"I'm sure it would be."

Shocked by the sound of a second voice, she turned around and tried to begin explaining herself to the trainer.

"My head was throbbing and I needed... wait, you're not the trainer."

Indeed it wasn't. It was Gozaburo, Kagura Ohzora's esteemed manager, standing behind her with a cigar in his mouth. Eve clutched herself, recovering from the initial shock before pointed fingers at Gozaburo.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that, especially a female."

Silence from Kagura's manager, who stood there leaning against the wall enjoying her cigar, blowing a puff of smoke into the air. Eve coughed slightly, annoyed at Gozaburo's actions.

"Do you mind?"

"This is an authentic Cuban cigar; very rare to find these lying around the states or my own country for that matter. Wouldn't get them again, though. I don't understand how these are sought after."

"Is that your excuse for blowing those second-hand toxins straight into my lungs?"

Gozaburo smirked, looking directly at Eve.

"No, just thought you might need to relax."

He offered Eve a drag of the cigar. She hesitated for a second, trying to figure out Gozaburo. She looked at him and there was no malice to him. Instantly, she snatched the cigar off Gozaburo and took a few huge puffs.

"I see you've done this before."

"I used to be an international super model who travelled the world. Cuba was one of my most-visited spots. You get the picture."

"Funny you should say that, Miss Taylor. You don't."

Eve took one long drag before blowing it back in Gozaburo's face, completely annoyed at the cheap shot. She looked directly at him as he remained unfazed through the smoke.

"Excuse me?"

"No, Miss Taylor. No excuses: you lost your Eurasian championship just like Kagura lost her Elite X championships. It's as clean cut as that. The only difference between Kagura and yourself is that she remains humble about being beaten whereas you look for every excuse in the book to compensate for your failures. If you truly wanted to win back your Eurasian championship, you'd train harder than ever before like Kagura and seize your opportunities."

"Why are you suddenly taking an interest in me?"

"Because Miss Taylor, I've just received word from the General Managers that you've got a tag team match with Kagura by your side."

"So what? This is your little speech as papa bear protecting his young?"

"No, nothing like that. Kagura can handle herself in that match, especially against the likes of your opponents Chris KO and the current Eurasian champion Theron Daggershield."

Eve's eyes widened, looking directly at Gozaburo and dropping the cigar on the ground. She realised her "one opportunity" was a lie; she had a second chance to redeem herself and what better way than by beating the champion himself.

"That caught your attention. Good but don't make it an obsession Miss Taylor. It will consume you from the inside."

Eve looked away, knowing this part to be true but she didn't want Gozaburo to know. One look in her eyes and he could read her like a Dr. Seuss story.

"If you want to beat Theron Daggershield and Chris KO to prove you are worthy of Eurasian championship glory, you best be talking to Kagura when you reach Moscow. If she doesn't trust you, there is no way the two of you are walking out victorious."

Gozaburo stays for a few more seconds before bending over, picking up the cigar. He wets the end of it using the sink in the trainers room before disposing of it, looking to leave. Eve is left standing to ponder about what Goazburo said. Again, no matter how Eve analysed the situation, she knew that she had no other choice. If she wanted her Eurasian championship back, she needed to beat Theron & KO and she couldn't do it by herself. She needed to seek out Kagura and temporarily convince her she was an ally: a one-time partnership where a win would benefit both parties, more importantly herself.

"What could go wrong?"
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