MD 117: Theron Daggershield vs. Alhazred (non-title)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Deadline is Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.
Alhazred walks out of the trainer's room after HMP's lost to Cerberus. His face bruised and body broken, bandaged and barely hanging together. Leon Kensworth walks up to him with a microphone.

Leon: Alhazred, you just went through a war with Cerberus, took them to the limit and beyond. What's next for Hard Metal Penetration? How do you guys bounce back from this?

Alhazred looks down to the ground then to his Power Glove. He turns around to the door behind him.

Alhazred: I'm not sure that we do, Leon. I'm not sure that we do.

He walks away and heads down the hallway into the locker room. He throws on a hoodie and grabs his bag. He looks around and nods his head before leaving and heading to the parking lot. He goes into his white van and starts it. It puffs and stutters but gets going.

He drives for several minutes in silence. He gets to a redlight in front of a taco bell. He looks inside from his car and sees a black mother, father and daughter laughing and throwing nacho cheese at each other's faces while police exit their police cars, guns out.

Alhazred: What a nice family.

He runs the red light and speeds down the road.


He pulls up to his house and Machiko is sitting on the front porch steps playing a 3DS. She stands up and waves. He gets out and heads towards her, stopping a few feet in front of her.

Machiko: Rough day?

He nods and walks past her, patting her on the back. He opens the door, it bumps into S.Q.U.I.R.T. who is malfunctioning on the floor. He helps her up and heads up the stairs to his room. On the top is a pickle, he carefully steps over it and opens the door to his room. Pictures of his time in WZCW line the walls, replica Tag Title belts sit above the head of his bed. He looks out the window to the right. He sees a house with a giant pile of shit in the yard. He picks up a picture of him, S.H.I.T. and James King from his AoC days. He takes off his Power Glove and places it in his top drawer.

He takes off his shirt and his pants and lays in his bad. He covers himself with blankets and closes his eyes smiling as the scene fades to black.
Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits



Footage from the match at Treasure Hunt between Ella Teague and Theron Daggershield is shown, but nothing can be heard other than Theron's thoughts.

Theron: (voice-over) They said I couldn't pull it off. That I would fail just like every other title opportunity. I proved them wrong.

The footage continues playing and stops at the moment Theron holds up the championship he has just won.

Theron: (voice-over) The Crusade ended, good had triumphed over evil. Now the real challenge starts....

A mosaic animation transitions the scene to a view of Theron Daggershield dressed in casual attire without any of his armor. He is looking out the window in a fancy hotel room. Obnoxiously loud celebratory music can be heard and it repeats through the following scene.


Theron continues to look out the window for a few more seconds before speaking.

Theron: What a night Treasure Hunt was. Leonaros Moonshadow is the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Champion once more, humbleBEE is the Expert F Champion, and I won the Global Championship.....

Angle shifts to a view of the event out in the courtyard. Dozens of people are in attendance, including each of Theron's companions. Most of them are unable to be seen due to the size of the crowd gathered around the stage the bards are at though. Sheshmish the Orc Swashbuckler can be seen leaning up against a Palm Tree drinking from a bottle of rum. Kirilah the Paladin of Mystra is next to a fountain, clad in a classy fuschia dress. She is speaking with a female elf who is wearing a green robe that is not quite as fancy as Kirilah's dress. Kirilah's conversation cannot be heard over the loud music but after a few seconds she facepalms and she is then seen exiting the courtyard to go inside. The angle switches back to Theron in his room once Kirilah walks offscreen.

Theron: I should be down there, that party was thrown in my honor. This is not the time for arrogance though. Plus.... Parties were never really my thing. I'm more interested in getting back into the ring, to show the world how proud I am to be the new Global Champion.

He walks over to the table at his right and picks up the flyer that had been left on it. It advertises the upcoming Burnup 117 event where he will be facing Alakablue the Evocation Wizard.

Theron: It's a shame that Alakablue will not be walking into our match as a Champion like I am. I expected for Soft Golem Infiltration to win the Tag Team Championship war against The Garmr Dogs.... To think the match originally would have included Ella Teague and myself as well.... Would I be The Global Champion right now had the original match taken place? I suppose it is best not to slip into "what if's" and instead simply just look forward.

He sighs and puts the flyer back down on the table. There is a knock on the door. The voice of his girlfriend, Kirilah, can be heard through the door.

Kirilah: Theron! Are you in there?

Theron: Yeah. You can come in.

The door opens and Kirilah the Paladin of Mystra walks into the room. She spins around one time to show off her classy fuchsia dress and has a big smile on her face when she sees Theron. She closes the door, skips over to Theron, and gives him a big hug. She speaks while they are still embracing.

Kirilah: So, I just spent 20 minutes trying to explain the concept of deities to an Elven Summoner who barely speaks any Common. That got frustrating. Anyway, all of our friends are down there. I came to see if you are ready to come down to the party. I would ask if you are going to change into more formal attire, but I know you well enough to know you hate such things. Are you ready to come downstairs?

Theron: I think I'm gonna sit this one out. I just wanted to spend some time alone and process everything that has happened. I don't think I can handle a party right now. Not even one specifically thrown for me. It's all just too much.

She lets go of him and walks forward a few steps before turning around to face Theron again.

Kirilah: Is it because the bards are playing their music too loud? I could have Sheshmish make them tone it down.

Theron: No, it's not the music. I actually like the song they are playing. It's more of not wanting to be bombarded with questions. Winning my first championship ever at Treasure Hunt was a dream come true. I have so much on my mind at the moment.... You know me better than anyone, Kirilah. I need some time alone sometimes.

Kirilah: You should come down to the courtyard. At least say hello to everyone. Kaleesta went through the trouble of tracking down friends you have not seen in ages like Mosquito the Rogue or Teepo the Kobold to invite out here. They both came, as well as many others, to show support for you. And to have fun, of course.

The smile on the Paladin's face grows even larger. She looks at Theron in awe.

Kirilah: I cannot believe it. You are a gladiatorial Champion, Theron. History will forever recognize your name under the lineage of that belt. You did it! I have never been more proud of you.

He smiles back at her as he walks over by the bed. Theron sits down on the left side of the bed.

Theron: They say it's even more difficult to defend a title than it is to win it in the first place. Celebrating now would be giving in to arrogance. Yes, I won. Treasure Hunt was, without question, one of the best nights of my life. I can't let my guard down though. A new number one contender's going to become named and they will be challenging me for my title.

Kirilah: A title you surely will fearlessly defend. You never back down from a challenge. Are you competing this week?

Theron: Yep. I'm facing Alakablue the Evocation Wizard on Burnup 117.

Kirilah: Your friend who is in the Soft Golem Infiltration team? You two respect each other do you not? Are you concerned about this match?

She sits down next to him on the bed.

Theron: No. I'm quite confident I can win my match. Alakablue and CRAP the Golem failed to defeat The Garmr Dogs in their final battle. I, on the other hand, defeated all three members of the triumvirate in recent weeks, the last of which earned me the Global Championship.

Kirilah: So you think you will win your match then?

Theron: I have nothing to fear. Alakablue's most successful times came when he was part of a group. He is one half of Soft Golem Infiltration, who easily have my vote as one of the best tag teams in the world today. Alakablue doesn't have a teammate out there with him when he walks into battle with me on Burnup 117 though. Without CRAP, Alakablue is significantly less dangerous. Alakablue will be all by himself, facing the new Global Champion.

He cracks his knuckles.

Theron: With that being said, I consider Alakablue a friend. I respect the success he has had and the popularity he has earned as a gladiator. He and I are about to enter a match that could steal the show. That's what I want to do with this Global Championship reign. Steal the show. Every single time I enter an arena. My goal is to be the best Global Champion ever. Even better than The Dark Dragon Shaman!

Kirilah: Then come to the party, you can announce your goals as Global Champion to our friends.

She gets up and grabs his arm, trying to pull him up off the bed.

Kirilah: Come on!

Theron stands up.

Theron: Are Lunatic Willy, Master Caster, and Keifasar all here? If so, I owe them a 4 player race at the Crystal Skyway track in Stereo Chariots on the Yutendo Gamecone.

Kirilah: They should be. I know Keifasar is. He was playing Stereo Chariots in the lobby earlier as the Skeletal Kappa King who became unlocked with the new content that just got released for the game.

Theron: The Skeletal Kappa King? He can't beat Star Princess Rosita, she's still my best character in the game.

Kirilah: So does that mean you are coming? You earned it. There is nothing wrong with having some fun.

Theron: Alright I'm convinced, let's go! I'm ready to go have a great time tonight, but after that my focus has to be on defeating Alakablue and then on preparing for my first title defense once I find out who my number one contender is.

They begin making their way toward the door but Kirilah stops mid-step.

Kirilah: Theron? While we are on the subject of your future and what is coming next, I wanted to ask you a question. About what is next for me.

Theron: Sure, what is it?

Kirilah: So now that I have finished my Paladin training, you know this fall I will begin training in a prestige class at the Weaponmaster Academy, right?

Theron: Yeah.

Kirilah: Well.... I have an important favor I would like to ask of you before my prestige class training begins. Could I get you to....

She is silent for a couple of seconds, and takes a deep breath.

Theron: What is it?

Kirilah: Never mind. I shall ask you again later. Tonight is your night.

She walks over to Theron they embrace again and she kisses him. Theron speaks while they are still holding each other.

Theron: Burnup 117 will be my night as well. Alakablue better have that Strength Gauntlet of his around, because he'll need all the power he can come up with in order to face me.

They exit the room holding hands, and the door closes as the celebratory music stops being heard. Fade to black.

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