MD 117: Prince vs. Garth Black

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Deadline is Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.
A cameraman enters a dark-room, with a familiar figure sitting alone.

At Goldrush, I was suppose to, make a statement, and finally make what I wanted to be not just a mark, but a huge gaping hole on the face of WZCW. But not only did I lose at Goldrush, I actually got pinned. And I don't know what else to say it sucks. Growing up I always looked to wrestlers that preached the whole never give up thing, and I tried living up to my heroes. I took punishment throughout the match, and I was saved for a few times I admit, and Irwin hit me with his best shot, and I kicked out, but then the second time he hit that move the "Digereedon't, I thought about the money, I thought about the charities, and even with all that going through my mind, I still couldn't find it in me to kick out. And it's been while since that lost, and I've been out of the public eye, thinking, reevaluating my gameplan here in WZCW. And I realize maybe coming into this company, trying to be the straight-laced good guy, who played by the rules with some of the top talent in the world, was not a good plan. Now this is not me saying I'm going to go out there and start wearing dark colors, and cursing, and beating up refs, but maybe I need to start raking some eyes, holding my submission holds just before the ref reaches the count of 5, and I know how all this sounds, but damn it what choice do I have. There are kids around the country, and around the world that needs me, so maybe I need to start doing somethings that I'm not proud of, but I know in my hurt what I do from here on, will be for the greater good. So Garth Black, I just want to say right now, I apologize for what I'm going to do to you in advance. Because every win counts, and for me to lose to you, you're gonna have to kill me. Because as god as my witness, I am not losing this match.

Prince then points his finger towards the door

Now, please just leave me alone.
We're backstage Leon Kensworth is standing, waiting to interview someone, off screen.

Leon: Please allow me to introduce my guest at this time, former WZCW Tag Team champion, Garth Black

The camera zooms out to show Garth Black looking in considerably better health than the last time we saw him.

Leon: Garth, tonight you make your comba..

Garth: Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years. I've just been trying to get healthier, happier and hungrier for the challenges that I now face. Don't cry for me, WZ Universe, the truth is I never left you, I only loved you, and now I have the opportunity to make a return and repay the patience that this wonderful audience has shown me.

Leon: So what are your aims?

Garth: Well, in the long term I need to prove it to myself that I'm not another of wrestling's great "what ifs". I'm not a has been, I'm a never was through no fault but my own. I now need to take the opportunity I have to rectify the wrong turns I've made since the Second Coming came and went. I want to be at the very top. I want to be WZCW Champion, but I'm not even on the road to redemption just yet. I'm on the footpath of forgiveness. My fans gave me so much time and effort and I repaid them by getting injured or inebriated or whatever. Wasted talent. In more ways than one.

Medium term, I've got to work my way up to the top. Climb those first few rungs of the ladder. Eurasia? Elite X? King for a Day? I don't know, but I do know that I need to start taking the opportunities provided to me.

Leon: And in the short term?

Garth: One match at a time. This week, it's Prince. The guy is a decent man, wrestling for the right reasons but ultimately I cannot afford to lose this match, so his good causes won't get the winner's bonus this time around. Charity begins at home, and the ring is my home. So I'll show mercy, I'm not going to beat the guy to a pulp, I'm just going to win, because that's all that matters.

I'd like to thank the WZ Universe for the opportunity to redeem myself, I won't let you down this time.

Leon: Thanks for your time.

The screen fades to black.
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