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MD 116: Live Mas vs. The Elite

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the Frog

The last two rounds have been nuts for Live Mas and The Elite. Matt Tastic has had to defend his title twice, and failed to retain against Constantine last round. Things are heated in each respective camp as alliances begin to be tested. Is friendship more important than gold? Will alliances hold up going into the Gold Rush PPV? The WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Constantine, joins Ty Burna to take on multi-cycle-long rivals Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage for possibly the last time in this epic feud. In the end, who will stand tall? Will it be a single team, or a single superstar?

Deadline is Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.
Constantine was still in shock, he had been for almost two weeks now. He had finally won the World Heavyweight Championship; simultaneously cementing his legacy with the company and climbing the mountain that no one thought was possible. What's more, he and Mia had welcomed their first child into the world only a few days previously. In what had proven to be a quiet affair, the birth had come and gone without any real hiccups. Truth be told, Constantine had been worried for months about this day; given the medical situation that they have found themselves in earlier on in the pregnancy.

But as he looked down at her face, Constantine immediately fell in love. She had his eyes, you could already tell. And in that moment, Constantine realised that he had never been so happy or content in his entire life. All of the words about being successful for his unborn daughter meant nothing in that one moment. All of the vitriol about capturing what has rightfully his didn't mean a thing. All that mattered was that one moment and turning his words into actions.

Two days later and Constantine had did what he told everyone he was going to do; he had accomplished his goal since returning to the company and had finally won the biggest prize in wrestling. He sat in his study almost two weeks later, looking at the two accomplishments simultaneously; thanking his lucky stars and wishing the moment would never end. In his arms, his beautiful baby girl; Casey Bernadette Constantine. On on his desk, the WZCW Heavyweight Championship. Truly, Constantine had been blessed.

Constantine: Shh! Shh!

With the baby stirring in his arms, Constantine rocks her gently, adjusting his gaze from the Championship belt on the table. He was new to this kind of thing obviously, but Constantine had been shocked by just how much he loved to be around his daughter. Mia had often said that his real connection to the child would be after the birth and she had been proved right.

Constantine: You hungry?

Constantine spins around in his chair gently as he reaches out towards the bottle of milk behind him. He lifts it to the lip of the small child and smiles somewhat as she accepts it.

Constantine: Just like you dad, hungry from the word “go”...

After a small amount of fussing the baby begins to settle again, suckling at the teat of the bottle; her eyes closed and her Dad watching her with love in his eyes.

Constantine: That's good. That's so good. It's a tough world out there. You don't know it yet but that hunger is what's going to keep driving you forward. Even when your Mom and I are gone, that hunger will always stay with you.

After a moment or two of feeding, the baby lets out a muffled cry. Standing up immediately, Constantine leaves the bottle on the desk and begins to walk around the room softly; bouncing his arms gently in an attempt to soothe his child and get her off to sleep again.

Constantine: I know, I know. It's a tough life for a baby. But you know something? I'm going to give you everything that you could ever ask for in this world. I'm going to make sure that you never want for anything. The house you grow up in is going to be a house of love, passion and determination. What more can you give your daughter, hmm?

Casey continues to cry gently as Constantine rocks his arms back and forth.

Constantine: And sure, some people will come in between that; that's what the world is. People like Matt Tastic, Mikey Stormrage and Ty Burna will always want to take everything from people like us. You'll always have those who doubt you in this world and those who want nothing more than to stroke their own selfish egos...

Casey begins to quieten down with the rhythmic motion of Constantine's swaying; her eyes still locked shut and oblivious to the world.

Constantine: I bet you didn't think it was story time with Daddy?

Constantine's baby voice shocks him as he continues to walk around the room. He catches the inflection in his voice and gives himself a sharp look in the mirror than hangs above the roaring fire. Looking back down at his child, he lets out a small laugh to himself.

Constantine: I guess I'd better get used to that, hmm? Just like you'll have to get used to story time, my darling. You see, people like Matt Tastic, Ty Burna and Mikey Stormrage are nothing but a disease in this world. They see someone have genuine success with something they do, and they want it. They want to prove to everyone and themselves that they are the best. I have given everything to this business and I will continue to give everything to this business. But your Dad is swimming with sharks; who want nothing more than to tear him apart and leave him to bleed out. That's the kind of world we live in, my dear.

The WZCW Heavyweight Champion continues to look down at his newborn child as he walks around the room. She is almost asleep as Constantine makes his way towards a crib beside his desk. He gives her a peck on the forehead before placing her into it. After one final cry, Casey setlles into her crib and finally goes to sleep. With his job well done, Constantine quietly moves back towards his chair and settles into it. He picks up the WZCW Heavyweight Championship and brings it closer to his face.

Constantine: But they wont take it from me, Casey. I promised you and your mother, before you were even born; that you would be proud of me. And at Meltdown, I will continue to make good on that promise. Ty Burna may have been a friend in the past but now he is merely another pawn in the game of chess that is WZCW. And sure, everyone wants to topple the king but I continue to move; continue to be the most ruthless piece on the board... And what's more, I finally have something worth fighting for...

Constantine peers down at his child before setting the Championship down on his desk once again. Content, he dims the light to his immediate right and relaxes back on his chair; viewing his work and knowing that it is good.
Bring forth the endless winter, let the liars suffer under the frigid shadow of their own demise. A darkness descends, I shall be in the center of the black abyss. The tendrils of suffering shall wrap around their throats, their pierced screams silenced by the finality of their sins. The seducer awakens inside....forgive me, I am not human. He is the Harbinger, and he awakens in a smoldering field, embers cast aside all around him as he slowly sits up, his eyes glowing red and a look of horrific intent strewn across his face. His jet black hair falls wild around him, his eyes wide as he looks around, gritting his teeth.

That....bastard. He's ruined everything!

The Harbinger slowly gets to his feet as he looks up at the flickering light of the moon, his domain had come to fruition once more, yet something had awoken even deeper. He understood full well the irony of the situation, a monster had taken control over him just as he had done with the Ouija Scroll. He can't help but laugh as he throws his head back, his arms spread out a bit from his sides as the flickering of flames that remain swirl around him. He looks down at his right hand, slowly lifting it up as the flames ensnare him as soon the screen is completely covered in flames. It then goes black for a but a moment, and soon returns to Ty collapsing down upon his obsidian throne, the flowing river of fire surrounding all around the steps of bone. His breathing is heavy, as he tries to push himself up slowly into a seated position.

Not even Chaos can handle such a monstrosity. My power is weak, and my time is even shorter. It's a shame that fool couldn't go through with the plan. I would rather die than be the meal that feeds such a beast, and I no doubt believe Tyrone would be inclined to agree.

He yells out in pain as if his body is rejecting him, grabbing at his chest as he leans forward, his head touching his knees as he does everything he can to keep control. A flurry of purple can be seen, as the robed Serafina suddenly appears. She stands in front of The Harbinger, a look of concern on her face, yet she makes no movement towards him, a long curved dagger in her hand with the blade facing backwards. The Harbinger slowly looks up, gritting his teeth as he looks to his muse.


I will not be fooled once again. I know full well what will happen again monster!

Serafina! It's me Ty! Stop this at once and get me the Ouija! It's our only chance!

Ty's outburst freezes Serafina, her determined voice wavering as the conflict continues inside. She takes a step forward, lifting the dagger up and aims right for Ty's heart, her eyes flashing purple as tears stream down her face. The Harbinger closes his eyes and turns away.

I know full well you have to do this Serafina. I do not blame you. For all the suffering I've put you through, for every ill word spoken in your direction, this is justified. Please......just forgive me if you feel it necessary.

Serafina stands over him, lowering the dagger slowly as she shakes her head, the tears coming full force once more.

I....I just can't do this Ty! No matter what he threatens me with, I can't do it. I can't lose you and Tyrone at the same time.

She falls to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably as the daggers drops to the ground. Ty slides off his throne slowly, sitting across from her as he reaches out for her hand. She withdraws momentarily, but grabs his hand and clenches it tightly.

Hell stands between the two of us Serafina. And we must traverse the path laid down ahead of us if we are to ever be the same again.

Is that The Harbinger, Tyrone, or the beast talking?

It's Ty...the Harbinger. Serafina we have been through so much. We have defeated great enemies, and now we face something stronger than us for the first time. We are not worthy of being the exalted if we fail now!

She looks up at him and wipes away her tears, nodding her head slowly as she reaches into her robe, pulling out the Ouija Scroll. She looks down at the old parchment for several moments before slowly extending her arm to the Harbinger. He reaches out and takes hold of it, his head and body suddenly jerking back as let's out a roar, his eyes glowing a bright red and soon the entire screen is flooded with a red light. As it dissipates, it soon is revealed.....that I am not human. The soothsayer betrayed by his own machinations, he soon falls back to the chains laid out before him. His power now stripped away, he is a broken shell. Trapped forever in the madness of his own mind. The weak one watches with despair, failure damning them both again. The siren stands, hope in her eyes, there is none to be found.

T.....Ty? Are you yourself again?

The beast wraps his claws around the crutch of the messenger, tearing into the parchment slowly. There is nothing left in this, only the memories of a desolated god. He trembles at the feet of the demon, his power usurped.

Foolish is the one that trembles.

She has become the discarded.

Though each saw her in different lights.

Ultimately she was their weakness.

Cast aside the woman that scorns.

Create unto her the loyalty needed.

To be worthy of his presence!

The beast grabs her once more, a scream of panic and fear pierces through the veil of this domain. Silent and Dark, The Everlasting Sky forms around them. The bleakness is only made worse by the death of the stars themselves. Eternities pass, empires crumble. Kings become corpses, nothing more than the earth they once ruled. Heroes slain, their broken bodies cast upon the pile like the rest. The scream dies, and soon the siren becomes the same as the fanged. As the melody of death slowly rings forward, so too does her carnal instincts come to life. Chains wrap around her neck and wrists, becoming one with flesh and bone. Her voice is gone, leaving behind the animalistic. She belongs to the beast now, her soul cast away to join her beloved cursed.

Trapped forever in the cell.

The prisoners shall beckon to the call of insanity.

Torn asunder, they will break down to their base.

Prey upon the cornered game.

There shall be no escape.

Alliances are dead.

Let them know the ultimate savagery.

There is no forgiveness.

There is only....

The sound of my ringing phone woke me up. It was Matt again. I was in no mood to answer him at the current time. Maybe our friendship would be salvaged after our adventures earlier in the day, but at this point I was exhausted and wanted to sleep.

"Fuck off mate."

I rolled over in bed, my phone rang again a few minutes later. I didn't check who it was, I simply turned the phone to silent, rolled back over, and threw the covers over my head and went back to sleep. Soon I began to dream of the first time Matt and I truly began to become friends.

Soon the voice of the pilot came over the loudspeaker and announced we would soon begin our descent. It wasn't much longer after touchdown that I met up with Matt. I think all along he knew deep down what I was saying was right, and there was a part of me that was happy that he was beginning to change his ways, even if I had to lose to him to kick start that process.

"Hey chicken fucker, about time you got here."

Matt's voice cut through the crowd at the gate, as he threw the wrapper from his soft pretzel on the ground, causing some people to turn to him in shock.

"I'm not the one who grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. I know what it's like to be a nerd, you probably got pretty sexually frustrated at times."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

I pulled out my phone and brought up a video.


"All I'm saying is you look like the type of guy who cut the heads off a few chickens in your day."

As we both laughed, more patrons turned to look at us, many covering the ears of their children. It wasn't long however before people began to approach us for autographs. Matt and I, surprisingly only had to pose for one picture each. It was one of the benefits of purposely flying smaller airlines.



As the short lined got down to the last person, we both scribbled our names and were happy to leave until the man stopped us.

"You know I work at one of the casinos here in town, and well I was wondering if the two of you would be interested in a free buffet and house credit in exchange for a personal appearance. I think it would be a good deal since WZCW is having a show this week."

Matt shook his head and we both rolled our eyes as I turned to face the man once again.

"We appreciate the offer the sir, and believe me when I say I'm not one to turn down free food, but we both have clauses in our contract that prevent us from booking our own appearances and using the WZCW name. You would have to talk to the office rats, then they talk to the suits to arrange meet and greets and what have you. Besides, Matt is homesick so I'm taking him to Taco Bell. Their food is enough of a gamble."

As I walked back to Matt he looked at me, almost offended.

"I'm glad you lied to that guy, a casino in Vegas is pretty cliche, but Taco Bell?"

"Yeah, Taco Bell is like the most Mexican thing I know. Live Más."

"Live more? And I'm not even Mexican, I'm...."

"Live Más!"

Matt shook his head at me as I picked up the keys to my rental car and began to drive away.

"Is that the only Spanish you know?"

"Live Más!"

I yelled and pumped my fist into the air. Matt sat back in his seat and sighed defeated.

"Live Más."

I awoke some time later, and as I lay in bed, my thoughts drifted to my opponents, The Elite. For months they had been a thorn in my side, a constant pain in my ass, and a reoccurring source of depression as they continued to find ways to get one over on me. I was sick of them. For all I cared they could run naked, backwards through a field of dicks. Sadly my feelings toward Matt in recent weeks were much the same. I was looking forward to getting back on solid terms with him.

I rolled out of bed and went to get some breakfast to try to take my mind off of things. I grabbed my largest bowl from my cabinet and went to pour some cereal. Before I could sit down, I heard my phone vibrating and subsequently falling to the floor. I went to pick it up. I made my way back to my couch and began eating. I finally checked my phone and when I did, I dropped my bowl of cereal.

"You have three new messages. First unheard message."

"Michael, its your mother, I don't know why you aren't answering but I have some bad news.....your father passed away in his sleep last night. Please call me back as soon as I can. I love you sweetheart."
And now for a mood whiplash:

Califa: You need to apologize.

Matt: For what?

Mikey: Matt. My brother. Last week you said something that struck a cord with me. And now you just said something else that seems to re-enforce what you said. You said you would have to have an eye over your shoulder during your match tonight with Constantine. Last week you were mad. You screamed at me. I asked what I did. And then you responded. "Nothing". It took a lot of thinking. But you just confirmed it. Brother, you don't trust me, do you?

Matt steps back trying to ignore the accusation as the fans groan. Matt has a hard time thinking about responding as Mikey holds up his hands waiting for an answer.

Matt: Mik-Wh- What are you talking about? I-I You-

: Stop stuttering! You don't have to lie. Just say it! I've lost every major match since before we eve came together! You don't trust! management doesn't trust me! The fans don't trust me! No one thinks I can get it done! Hell, I'm starting to believe it!

Matt: I don't believe that. You shouldn't either. I would not be World Champion if it wasn't for you. I would not had headlined Kingdom Come if it weren't for you.

Mikey: That's nice. All this time, you're the one carrying the rewards for what according to you is OUR work. Well tell me then, brother. When do I get the once in a lifetime chance you got? That I gave you? I don't want to say I deserve it. But good grief, I do deserve a chance don't I?

Matt: What? At the World Heavyweight Championship? Gladly. But you lost the #1 Contenders match to Ty Burna and you lost the Gold Rush qualifier to Dorian Slaughter. It's not my fault, you keep getting beat by the same people I've.... beat--en.

Cohen: Oh boy! I think that was a slip of the tongue!

Mikey paces the ring nodding angrily at Matt's words as Matt covers his mouth regretting his words.

Mikey: Matt, I can beat you. I know I can beat Ty. And I know I can beat Constantine. If I could get the chance to do it, I'd prove it! I don't need your sympathy.

The two friends butt heads as the tension boils. They seem about to come to blows.
Mikey: For that.

Matt: Ooohhhh......

Several days have passed since the events of Ascension 90 and Meltdown 115. Matt and Mikey had a nasty fight. That same night, Matt lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Constantine. Within one night, Matt had lost both his best friend and the item he had treasured and guided him his entire life. It's been a rough week. The World Heavyweight Championship was everything to him. Everything to him. And his friendship with Mikey is what made it possible. Now Matt has to little by little, repair the damages. And reclaim what he's lost. Starting with his best friend. But it won't be easy.

Matt: Well, he started it!

Califa: Matt, you unintentionally told him he wasn't fit.

Matt Tastic and El Califa Dragon, 2 thirds of the Armada (at this point) sit around a bench discussing their issues following the shows.

Matt: Well..... He isn't. I don't think he can do a sit up.

Califa: Que? I mean "capable of winning a major match".

Matt: Ohhh..... Well..... Well, he's fat. Califa. But I told him he could do it. That he could win the World title. Then he tries to hit me.

Califa: He was mad, Matt. Constantine was pushing his buttons.

Matt: Well, I told him to "chill". So he fucking slaps me! Why should I apologize to him? He should apologize to ME. Freakin' Pillburry Doughboy. You're supposed to laugh when someone pokes you, you whinny bitch! ARGH!!

Califa:You both need to apologize to each other. OK? I know he bursted out in anger, but you do that all the time.

*(Foul Mexican word in Mexican)

Califa: Vela tu lengua!* I already talked to Mikey. He said he would apologize if you did.
*(Watch your tongue)

Matt: He did?


The scene cuts back to a line at a hot dog stand. Mikey stands in line pouting while El Califa stands by him talking. Mikey doesn't seem too thrilled.

Califa: Mikey, you need to apologize to Matt.

Mikey: What? Why should I apologize to that spice boy?

Califa: Spice boy? Que?

Mikey: Yeah. He thinks that just because he has that stupid fiery Latin temper that he can get away with throwing fits. But if I get mad, it's just a fat guy being stupid.

Califa: Mikey, that's not how it works. He's also being stupid.

Mikey: Then he should apologize to me for saying I didn't beat Ty and Constantine.

Califa: You didn't.


Califa: Mikey, he said you didn't but he also said you can win the World Heavyweight Championship. Why are you so angry about him saying that?

Mikey: Because I know he doesn't mean it.

Califa: Yes, he does. Otherwise, he wouldn't say it so much. You should see him backstage during your matches. He gets all tense.

Mikey: Really?

Califa: Si! He bends down in tension. And he's clutching his fists so tightly. His arms shake furiously and rapidly.

Mikey: I don't like where this is going.

Califa: No, homo.

Mikey: Califa, get him to apologize to me. And I'll apologize. In the meantime, I'm gonna eat this wiener.

Califa: ......OK?


Returning to the present time, Matt and Califa face each other. Still by the bench.

Matt: You told him I tense up during his matches?

Califa: I clarified with "no homo", OK?

Matt: I'm not sure that's a very wise term to use, Califa. But if that's the case, fine. I'll meet up with him and I'll apologize. And then he'll apologize. Let me just call him and--

Matt pulls out his phone. A Razr. He flips it open and the top half snaps off. The piece falls as Califa and Matt look at each other.

Fuck. Califa, can I borrow your phone?

I can't. The number is from Mexico and I don't have long distance.

Matt: But you work in AMERICA!

Califa: Yes. But the Mexican line was cheaper. And I got a Samsung Galaxy. Much better than that antiquated thing you have.

Matt: If you're gonna make fun of me, go make yourself useful and tell him to meet me in the theater later tonight. I wanna go see Furious 7.

OK. The tickets are on me.

Matt: Oh, good. 'Cause I wasn't paying for them anyway.

================At The Theater=================

Matt arrives and finds Mikey. Both look at each other with angry looks as Califa arrives with the tickets.

Califa: Well, gentlemen. Here you go. 2 tickets.

Matt: Where are you going?

Califa: I have a date with a sexy mamacita. You two enjoy each others company now.

Mikey: What?

Califa: No homo.

Califa leaves as Matt and Mikey stare at each other in awkward silence.

Matt: Had I known a mask could get me laid, I would've never taken mine off-- WHAT THE FUCK?!


Matt: CALIFA!!

In the distance, Califa responds.

Califa: QUE?!

Califa walks back to Matt and Mikey as Matt looks angrily at him.

Matt: What the hell?!? This ticket is for 50 Shades Of Gray!

Califa: Is that not what you said?

Matt: I said Furious 7!

Califa: Oh. Well, both have numbers and start with "F". Adios!

Matt: CABRON!!*
*(Foul Mexican word in Mexican)

Mikey: Cool. I hear the girls love that movie.

Matt: It's just you and me here, Mikey. And what about my apol-

Mikey: I meant that that theater must be nothing but chicks. All for us. Come on. Lets get some snacks.

Matt: Fine. I'll make the line.

Mikey: By the way, what about my apol-

But Matt is already gone to make the line at the snack bar.

Mikey: *GRRRRR*

10 minutes pass and Matt comes back with a box. An extra large soda, popcorn, candy and nachos. Mikey looks on excited and Matt extends what he got for Mikey. Mikey doesn't seem too thrilled.

Mikey: The heck is this?

Matt: A salad. You need to watch your figure.

Mikey: Don't call me fat, Cheech!

Matt: I'm not Mexican!

Matt hands over the nachos with an angry look and the two march off to the movie. The room just has one, lone chick. She's not very attractive.

Mikey: Fuck.

Matt: Shit, with all these women here to see this MONTHS OLD MOVIE I wonder where we're going to sit?

Girl: This is my 40th time watching it.

The duo sits and the movie eventually begins.

Christian Gray: I'm a totally unrealistic portrayal of a man.

What's her face
: I'm flushing decades of female empowerment down the toilet.

As the movie goes on though, it suddenly cuts off. At the stage of it though, two figures appear. A tall, brooding, sexy guy with red eyes. And a tall, hairy one in a very fine looking suit. Holding none other than the World Heavyweight Championship Matt Tastic lost. Tyrone and Consty have taken center stage and have declared an attack on the weakened Live Mas!

Consty: Matt Tastic! Mikey Stormrage! We are here! To put an end to you! Once! And for all!

Tyrone: Kick you in the face!

Consty: Yes! We! Have your most priced possession! Your friendship! Is fragmented! And now! We will end! It!

Tyrone: Kick you in the face!

Matt and Mikey drop their food and get up defensively. But the Elite duo looks all fired up. The 4 battle it out in the theater as bits and pieces of the room fly apart. Matt and Mikey do their best but seem outmatched by the much more well groomed and sexier duo.

Consty: For day one! You two! Have stood in our way! Humiliating us! But now! No more! You! Two! End here!

Tyrone: Kick you in the face!

Costy: No more fast food shilling!

Tyrone: Kick you in the face!

Consty: No more hogging the main event!

Tyrone: Kick you in the face!

Consty: No more goody-goody acts!

Tyrone: Kick you in the face!

Consty: No more Live Mas! Dammit!

Tyrone: Kick you in the motherfucking face!

Tyrone kicks both Matt and Mikey in the face knocking them across the room and shattering the stage and screen as debris falls on them.

Matt: *cough cough* What'd he do to you?

Mikey: He.... Kicked me in the face.

Matt: Yeah. He does that. Mikey. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry I let my anger get in the way of our friendship.

Mikey: Matt, I'm sorry I let my red hot fiery Latino temper get out of control. I need to learn to control it.

Matt: That's not a thing, Mikey.

Mikey tries to get back up on his feet. Struggling as The Elite gloat.

Consty: We! Are! Victorious!

Tyrone: Kick you in the face!


Mikey: Come on, Matt. Get up. Lets rock these two ***** world.

Matt is slow and plodding as he begins to get up. As he does, a melodic guitar begins to play in the background as Live Mas regains their composure.

Matt: ♪ There's just no way that we can win, these guys have epic moves. They wrestle too well, because they're stuck up heels ♪

Mikey: Listen! ♪ They'll take over wrestling. They're gonna bury plucky guys like Us. Unless we break their massive egos into pieces. ♪

Matt: ♪ We've been through so much stuff ♪

Mikey: ♪ I got turned on by Ty Burna ♪

Matt: Should've seen that coming- Wait what?

Mikey: ♪ Now it's time to take these wankers dow-wn ♪

Matt: Alright ♪ Come on, Mikey now it's time to blow doors down ♪

Mikey: ♪ I hear ya, Matt. Now it's time to blow doors down ♪

Matt: ♪ So bring it on, fuckers. 'Cause now it's time to throwdown ♪

Mikey: ♪ OK get ready because now I'm bringing the Smackdown ♪

Both: ♪ Now we're going bring these suckers dow-wn ♪

Matt: ♪ My Headache Driver will put you two fuckers down ♪

Mikey:♪ My Falcon Punches will knock both your jaws out ♪

Consty: ♪ No, this can't be happening. How do we take them down? ♪

Tyrone: ♪ I can't believe a kick to the face won't bring them down ♪

Matt: ♪ We're gonna beat'cha! Oh, fucking Elite! No doubt about it! Our faction rocks! ♪

Mikey: ♪ As far as builds, go! This feud is gold! But at the Gold Rush! We'll blow it off! ♪

Both: ♪ You tried to mess with! The wrong tandem! We're not just any faction! We are Live Mas! ♪

♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪
♪ We are Live Mas! ♪

♪ We are Live Mas! ♪

Consty: NOOO!!!

Tyrone:They're kicking us in the faceeeeee!!!

Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage concentrate their awesome and unless it into an amazing tag team attack blowing away The Elite as the theater blows to pieces and their screams are heard in the distance of the destruction. The sunset rise as the duo look at each other. Thrilled.

Mikey: Matt. We did it. We're awesome partners.

Matt: Yeah. You can be my tag partner.... Any day.

Mikey: No homo?

Matt: All Of The Homo!!


Mikey: Agghhh!! What the hell?

Mikey wakes up in the theater realizing it was all just a dream. He turns to Matt who is buried in snacks still napping and snoring very loudly. The movie has ended and the credits are starting to roll.

Mikey: Matt! Wake up!

Matt: WHAT?

Mikey: We're facing Ty and Consty at Meltdown.

Matt: Yeah. That prick Constantine took my World title. I'm not gonna let that slide. Dammit, I wanted to face you with that title on the line. We have to get it back. And Ty. That persistent bastard. I'm so sick of him. He comes in and-

Mikey: Kicks us in the face. Yeah. I know. We'll get him.

Matt: And you'll get into Hell In A Cell. I don't know how yet. But you will. We'll figure it out, bro. Together.

Mikey: Yeah.

The two grab hands to signal their friendship and reconciliation. But they suddenly start to sniff something out.

Matt: Why does it smell like piss in here?

Mikey: Jesus! The girl! She's mastur-- And she pissed herself! And-and Eugh!

Matt:Note to self. Buy 50 Shades of Gray to watch when you have a girl over. Lets go, Mikey. And kick The Elite in the face.

We're gonna kick you in the face, Elite.
Especially Ty.

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