MD 103: Mikey Stormrage & Matt Tastic vs. Constantine and Michael Winters

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
On one side, it's strange bedfellows. Mikey Stormrage seems to have reached Matt Tastic, offering him a fair fight for the Eurasian Title. Maybe Matt Tastic is ready to play fair, and be on the same page as Mikey. He'll need to be, because it's made abundantly clear Constantine and Winters are allies. Now, these two elite stars team up, to prove how strong an alliance they have forged.

Deadline is Thursday, April 10th, 11:59 PM CST. Extensions available on request
The scene opens on a warm spring morning, the sun shining bright overhead as its light dances off the dew covered grass creating a beautiful light show for those in the park today. Father Carlson and Michael Winters walk side by side, welcoming the sun’s warm embrace as the two appear to be in a deep conversation.

Father Carlson: I was very proud of you this past week on Meltdown, Michael. You had a good showing with your limited time in the ring and He rewarded you for it. He spared you the embarrassment of being pinned by that wretched woman, a message from Him that I’m sure you will come to understand in due time. However, a loss is still a loss and if you are truly His champion then it must have been for a much deeper reason that we cannot yet comprehend.

Father Carlson placed his hand on Michael’s back and gave him a reassuring pat, leading him down the meandering pathway throughout the park. The trees were alive with the songs of a dozen different birds as a light breeze sliced through the air.

Michael Winters: Yes, He sometimes works in mysterious ways and leaves certain things to your own interpretation. Los Magnificos Dragones proved to be formidable opponents; losing to them has taught me a valuable lesson. I must be vigilant at all times, He has many enemies and they can take any form and will stop at nothing to sabotage His work. I am here today on this Earth for one reason, to protect it and further his cause in this world and the next. People must be shown the light in one way or another, they must give in to His will and accept Him into their hearts like I have and they will find their salvation. Sometimes it is a long journey but I offer penance to all those suffering from their sins to expedite the process. I will cleanse the WZCW of all those who He deems unworthy, it is up to those who are to get ahead of my wrath and offer themselves unto me before I force Him into their hearts.

Father Carlson turns and smiled at Michael, the young man’s almost blind faith had reinvigorated his and he was happy to be working with such a man but knew he still had much to learn.

A noble cause but violence cannot always be the answer, my son. In some cases it is the only answer, many of the men I see in the WZCW are beyond any hope of being redeemed and must be smitten down in His name. A man of the cloth must be able to pass judgment with a firm hand but he must also be able to give comfort and guidance to those who truly seek a genuine relationship with Him. If you are ever to complete your studies and follow in Father Fournier’s footsteps you must see both sides of the coin. You will learn in due time to find the proper balance and I will help you along the way, just know that He is always with you and always ready and willing to cast judgment upon you however He sees fit.

Michael’s eyes dropped towards the ground as his pace slowed. The thought of Father Fournier burned a hole through his heart and he hadn't heard much after his name was mentioned. He had never had a friend as close as Richard and doubted he ever would again. Father Carlson noticed this and gave Michael a bit of a squeeze on his forearm, letting him know he wasn’t alone.

We cannot dwell on the future, you have a long road ahead of you and your journey is just beginning. You must stay focused and look towards the future; Father Fournier is at peace and will always watch over you from His kingdom. What Father Fournier did for you was a selfless act, one of many in his life. Look how far you have come, you’ve risen from the ashes of despair and now stand before me as a man reborn. Keep heading down the right path and follow His guidance and you will be rewarded for it.

Michael took solace in the fact that Father Fournier was at His side in Heaven above. Father Carlson was an intelligent man and had a certain way with words that seemed to calm Michael’s nerves. He was a bit on edge after the loss on Meltdown but this walk with Carlson had done him good.

Speaking of my work, I have once again been booked into tag-team action with John Constantine for this week on Meltdown.

Ah, yes. Mr. Constantine. You’ve tagged with him in the past, have you not?

I have.

And were you not victorious?

Yes, surprisingly everything went rather smooth when we faced off against Cerberus. I still do not understand this man’s sudden urge to join with myself and Showtime. Why would someone align themselves with a man who has slighted them in the past? Showtime has welcomed him into the fold and I can’t argue with his judgment but I can’t help but question Constantine’s motives.

You must trust in His judgment, my son. Like Showtime, John Constantine has been placed by your side to aid in His efforts. Cleansing the WZCW is paramount to your salvation and to the good of all mankind, you must be patient. Trust in His plan and it will reveal itself unto you. You must also trust in Showtime’s judgment for he has already reached the pinnacle of the WZCW on three separate occasions. There are countless superstars in WZCW that take their blessings for granted; being able to ply their craft in front of Him should be their greatest moment but to most it’s just another paycheck. Men like David Cougar and John Constantine realize that there is a higher calling and their accolades speak for themselves.

Winters mulled this over as the two men continued to make their way throughout the park, receiving a few bewildered looks from people they pass by. They are an odd couple to say the least, Father Carlson being of average height and build, slightly balding and wearing his clerical collar as Michael towers over him at 6’7, his long hair and beard hiding most of his face.

I suppose I have no choice but to be patient and see how this partnership works itself out. I will heed your words and hold them in high regard. Thank you, Father.

I only do my duty to the church in hopes to further His cause and spread his love throughout the world, enough talk of wrestling though. I have a job for you today as part of your training, it is not something you are accustomed to but I want to take you out of your comfort zone. You will be going to visit with sick and dying children at the local Hospital. Take these next few hours to reflect on the blessings He has bestowed upon you and spread His love to these sick children for they are the ones that truly need it. Spread his word and love to them and do not let their time on this Earth be dampened and tarnished by fear. That is all I ask from you today.

Michael grimaced at the thought. The last time he was at a hospital was when Father Fournier had passed away, ever since then he had despised them. The opportunity to spread His word to those less fortunate and in need of His blessings was one he relished in. He knew it was a test so he wanted to do his best to spread His message to the sick children and uplift their spirits as best he could. Despite his hard exterior and devout, almost blind faith Michael was still a man and didn’t want to let these children or Father Fournier down.


The scene reopens outside of a hospital. The sun that so openly embraced him in the morning was now gobbled up by the clouds rolling in and didn’t look like it was coming back out any time soon. A light rain fell overhead and dampened the mood as well as his new clothes. Michael was dressed in a black clerical shirt sans the collar as he had not earned the right to wear one yet. His shirt was tucked into a pair of basic black jeans and he wore a black blazer over top of it all, completing the outfit. He got some concerned looks as he walked in but most were set at ease when they notice the large cross necklace hanging at his chest and a bible in his right hand. As he approached the front desk there was already broad shouldered man in what looked like an expensive suit already standing there. It sounded like he was looking for the Children’s Ward as well so Michael moved in a bit closer to overhear the directions so she wouldn’t be bothered twice. At this point, he recognized who it was…

Michael Winters: John?

The man turned around to face Michael and sure enough it was John Constantine himself. He greeted Michael with a smug smile and turned to thank the nurse as he headed down the hall to the left, presumably towards the Children’s Ward as Michael followed.

John Constantine: Ah, Mr. Winters. I thought I smelled wet dog, I guess it was just Showtime’s puppet come to call though. I assume you've come to talk about our match, or has Showtime sent you to do his bidding again?

Contrary to popular belief, the world does not revolve around you. I am here on my own accord to try and spread His love to these children and give them some hope. Most of these children have very serious conditions, some terminal. I want them to know that they do not need to be afraid and that He is at their side, as long as they welcome Him into their hearts. I can only imagine why you are here.

Michael glanced back behind him at a man who has been following them at a safe distance. A camera hangs from his neck and some type of press credentials can be seen tagged to his polo shirt.

We all have our motives, Michael. Believe me; I can understand why you would want to join forces with Showtime. Three time WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, what’s not to love? Let me be the first to tell you though, he will throw you under the bus the moment he’s done with you. I know from experience and I won’t make the same mistake again, nor should you.

That is where you and I differ, John. I was wary myself when Showtime approached me and even more so when he brought your name up but I trust in His plan for us all and know that everything I do is for the greater good. Look into your heart, we aren’t very different. Both of us want the same end, to rid the WZCW of those who are unworthy and have plagued this industry for years. Sure, we may have different motives like you said but why not get on the same page for the greater good? I know you have some reservations about Showtime with your history with him but did he not show his true allegiance this past week on Meltdown and did I not show mine when we defeated Cerberus? Look at what we accomplished when we were on the same page, Cerberus fell before us and they will be but the first of many if we can come to an understanding and trust each other even just a little bit. Two former Elite X Champions and a three time WZCW Champion being aligned and on the same page, who could possibly stand in our way? I am not Showtime’s lap dog and I never will be. I answer to Him and Him alone. As long as we all have a common goal it only makes sense for the three of us to do His bidding and cleanse the WZCW of this affliction.

I do not disagree, that doesn’t change the fact that I still don’t entirely trust you or Showtime. I am an intelligent man though and can see when an opportunity presents itself and consider myself a consummate professional. We have a common goal in mind, you do not have to worry about me. I respect you as a competitor, but that does not mean I trust you entirely just yet. We all want to set the WZCW down its rightful path and I will be focused and ready to go come Meltdown.

We can make an example this week and show what a cohesive Winters and Constantine can do when we go up against that glutton Mikey Stormrage and that coward Matt Tastic. The last two weeks they have been at each others throats and they expect to be able to quell our efforts? It is almost laughable that He has placed them in my path but I can not question His judgment. He must want to make an example of the glutton who can’t stop eating himself to death and the coward who can't even muster up the courage to combat a man face to face. But alas, all men who do not embrace Him are cowards, as said in Matthew 10: 32-33.

“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.”

We will show them what true power is when they step inside the squared circle with Him by our side. I know you will be at your best, as will I and therefore they stand no chance at all. I look forward to Meltdown and hopefully the start of a long and prosperous partnership between the two of us. I know if we are on the same page there is no one who can stop us.

The two men finally reach the Children’s Ward. John looks to Michael and they both intensely stare at each other for a brief moment before Michael extends his hand. John hesitates for a moment but extends his as well and they exchange a firm handshake solidifying their new found allegiance and the scene fades to black as they both go their separate ways...
An Uneasy Alliance

St Louis, Missouri.

Constantine: So we are in agreement, then?

The scene opens to Constantine sitting on a beautiful wooden desk. His body language is laboured but his features are remarkably younger looking. His top button on his shirt is undone and his tie hangs almost lazily from his neck. He looks down at the similarly exhausted looking woman sitting before him as she sighs and gives a small nod.

Constantine: We have to provide this great state with a united front, Janice, there is no doubt about it. The state needs it, the country needs it.

The older woman straightens up in her chair, using one hand to clear away her grey hair from her eyes.

Janice: I don't like this, John. If Aitken knew that I was bending towards your whim, I'd find myself out of a job.

Constantine lets out a derisory snort and immediately cuts the woman off.

Constantine: You leave your whip to me, Janice. And don't lose sight of what's important here. The people of this great state elected us both to office. They put us in office to look after their best interests. Healthcare is an evolving system, it needs to be brought into this century. Closing a hospital and channeling those funds into this state will help us bring new jobs, a more stable economy and – if we're lucky – another 6 years in office.

Constantine slumps from atop his desk and kneels down beside the older politician, steeling himself for the crux of the conversation.

Constantine: You have to go against your party, Janice. The party system just throws up barriers on the road to evolution and progress. Aitken is still stuck in the middle ages. We simply can't have it all any more. Someone has to lose out so that someone else can win.

Janice shakes her head, closing her eyes in the process.

Janice: All those people, John. All those people who have families and mortgages. We're just kicking them to the kerb. The electorate will never forgive us.

Constantine: They will, Janice. If we stand united. I reached out to you because I knew that you would see sense; that you would understand that our jobs as members of Congress is to make tough decisions. Unity, Janice. That's what is needed.

Constantine takes the hand of his Congressional opponent and partner.

Constantine: Tomorrow at the press conference, we need to be united. Tell me I can count on you.

Janice hesitates, pondering the implications of such an alliance. After a few tense seconds she lets out a soft and smile and nods. Constantine had won this round.

* * *​

Constantine dips a piece of paper into a burning candle beside him before raising it his face and lighting the cigarette hanging from his lip strongly. As soon as the cigarette is lit, he waves the paper quickly into the breeze before tossing it from the open window. The room is once again dark as Constantine silently considers himself and the predicament he has found himself in. He found it to be relaxing; being on his own. In a profession with not a lot of time for analysis and evaluation, time like this had become precious to the Power Trip. A routine almost.

Mia: I see the smoking isn't going anywhere...

Mia enters the room and slides herself into the armchair next to her partner, almost reminiscent of 2 weeks ago when she had slapped the spit from his mouth. Constantine withdraws the cigarette from his lips and looks at it, the dim light from it's end illuminating his a spark in his eyes that Mia had long since correctly associated with caution.

Constantine: It relaxes me.

Mia: It makes the room stink.

Mia stands for a second, tugging the window upwards and securing it as a soft gust of wind rolls in.

Mia: It's a beautiful night though. Quiet.

Constantine rolls the cigarette in his fingers as Mia once again joins him in sitting. For a moment, there is only silence as The Power Trip looks out the window, scanning the horizon and the skyline of the city only a few miles away. Night had long since rolled in and it was quiet. The way Constantine had come to like it.

Constantine: It's funny really. All those times I took to a pedestal and berated people for smoking. And here I am; John Constantine the hypocrite.

Mia lets out a small laugh as she rests a hand on Constantine's thigh.

Mia: You're hardly a hypocrite, John.

Constantine: Oh no?

Mia doesn't reply but continues to stare lovingly into the eyes of her partner and former boss.

Constantine: Smoking, drinking... Crawling back into bed with Showtime and Winters.

Mia: You're just doing what you need to do, John. It's what makes you human. And you've come a long way since your début in WZCW.

Constantine lowers his eyes to the cigarette in his hands before he brings it to his face and takes his another draw.

Constantine: Have I, Mia? I seem doomed to repeat the mistakes and failures of my past in search for something bigger and better. After Showtime turned on me and failed to hand over the Elite X Championship to me, I made a promise to myself to never find myself in that predicament again. And yet; here I am.

Mia remains silent as Constantine takes another draw of his cigarette before tossing it out of the window and into a plant pot already lined with cigarette ends. He takes a deep breath inwards before expelling the smoke into the room.

Constantine: It's a vicious circle, Mia.

Mia: Things are different this time.

The Power Trip reluctantly accepts this with a feint smile and a nod as Mia slumps back in her chair.

Mia: Trust never comes easily, John. Do you remember how long it took you to allow me to even open the mail? It has to be earned, you know that. Michael Winters needs to earn that privilege, John. Just as we all do.

Constantine: I met the man personally yesterday. He seems a shade different now than when we last tagged together. Perhaps Showtime has strengthened his hold over him. Or perhaps he is truly behind this idea and purge of ours. For our sake, Mia. I do hope it is the latter. I see a lot of untapped potential in him and if we can only work as a team at Meltdown then I am positive that we can come away with a victory. In the name of The Elite.

Constantine stalls for a second before sitting back in his chair slightly.

Constantine: But I mustn't get ahead of myself, Mia. This new phase with Winters and Showtime is exciting and could be the key to opening the door of saving this company from the cesspool it finds itself entrenched in. At Meltdown 103, I will take on two such wrestlers and with the help of Michael Winters and the ambition of our lofty plans, I will turn the EurAsian Champion into nothing but a footnote in the history of our newly established stable. It could be glorious.

As Constantine begins to pick up pace in his voice, Mia's face begins to glow. She has seen ambition on the features of her partner many times before, it excited her.

Mia: Now you're talking!

The former Elite X Champion stalls once more, looking for his thoughts.

Constantine: But I cannot be fooled again...

Constantine crushes out the cigarette before standing up. He leans over an intrigued Mia before kissing her on the cheek. She accepts it but remains still as he leaves her in the darkness as another cool breeze blows through the room.

* * *​

St Louis, Missouri

Constantine: I'd like to introduce my fellow senator for this fine state. I think that you'll find her thoughts on the new Hospital legislature interesting.

Constantine stands back from the podium and begins to clap as Janice makes her way from the back of the hall. She is dressed completely in white, as her long white hair brushes against her smiling features. Her appearance is far removed from it was only one night ago but John sees the same broken woman underneath her make-up. She approaches the podium as the onlooking journalists prepare their cameras and notepads.

Janice: Thank you, Mr. Constantine.

Janice was always a master of putting a shine on a turd, much the way she had dolled herself up for the event. It was nothing more than Constantine had expected. But this turn of health legislature was going to hurt her, there was no doubt about it. As a Conservative, people had come to expect nothing less of a shameless climber like John Constantine. But Janice would never recover from this. She was dead in the water and he knew it.

Janice: Last night, as I sat in the study of my fellow Senator, he pleaded with me to see sense on this issue. He talked me through the benefits of closing this hospital and I must admit that he made a lot of sense.

There is a sudden gasp from the audience as cameras begin to snap and pencils begin to scribble. Constantine allows a cunning smile to cross his features as Janice swallows hard.

Janice: The money that we save from closing just one hospital will go a long way into creating new jobs elsewhere and perhaps creating a more stable economy right here in this state.

Constantine cannot help but smile as Janice continues to bury herself. She was old and weak and deserved to go. It was time; the humane thing to do.

Janice: But I will not stand behind it!

Another shocked gasp goes around the crowd as Constantine rushes over to the podium. However, he is quickly met by the outstretched hand of his woman in white. Stopping suddenly in his tracks, Constantine feels an all to real shiver tingle down his spine.

Janice: This state was built upon hard work and loyalty, ethics that I certainly will not forget, no matter how hard Mr. Constantine tries to convince me. I will not willingly put thousands of people out of a job with the idea of creating only hundreds more in the future. It is not something my party backs and it is certainly not something that I condone of appreciate. I will fight for your rights! I will fight for you all against this charlatan!

Constantine feels his legs turn to jelly as Janice continues her diatribe. He looks around the room as the journalists continue to snap their pictures of him. Quickly, he darts through the crowd and out into the hall, struggling to catch his breath. He had never been double-crossed like this. His career was a laughing stock and fine he knew it.

It would be the last time...
I grew up in rural Indiana, walking around a farm all day wasn't exactly my idea of fun. It smelled like shit, and didn't look much better. I had to resist the urge to kick the chickens roaming around freely. I'd played enough Zelda to learn my lesson.

I followed behind Grandpa Tastic, my headphones in my ears. The weather had started to warm, so I wore my sandals. As I walked I came to regret my decision, as I had to avoid cow pies every thirty or forty feet. Finally we draw to the top of a hill, and I see our destination at the bottom.


I pull out my phone, which has no reception, to check the time. Stacy Madison won't be here for a few more hours, and Matt was nowhere to be found.

Grandpa Tastic shows me inside. He has been making small talk, mostly in Spanish. I haven't said two words to him since I arrived, but once we step inside he speaks to me in plain English.

"I reckon Matt will be around shortly, until then help yourself to the kitchen. You look like you shouldn't need any help."

I look down, noticing that I have actually gained weight in recent weeks. I still happily walk into the kitchen as Grandpa Tastic vanishes to some other part of the house. I open the door to the fridge and don't recognize most of the food inside. Various tropical fruits, not the kind sold in supermarkets, as well as unidentified meats fill the space inside. I decide to pass and rummage through the cabinets. Some of the canned goods look as though they have been around since the first World War, and most of the boxed food is in a language I don't quite understand. Taking German instead of Spanish in high school was really starting to bite me in the ass. It was at that point that I turned around to see a familiar face standing behind me.

"What the hell are you doing here fatboy?"

It was Matt, standing with a pizza box and a large bag of chips in his hands. He almost dropped them at the sight of me inside his childhood home.

"Matt, we have some talking to do."
Talk about what?

Our match.

Matt and Mikey begin their banter in front the old Tastic homestead.

I don't give a damn about that match. There's nothing for me to gain from it.

So you just give up?

No, I'm simply focusing on the fight that matters. The one against you.

You are stubborn as hell. Matt, come on. How could you not want to fight Constantine and Winters? They're ripping you off.

And you are a Champion I am challenging. What do you think is more important, Mikey?

Ugh..... Yeah. The title, I guess. But come on. I gave you that shot. Do this for me.

I don't have to. You signed off the match already. It's official. If you're so curious as to where I'm from, just go in the kitchen and eat or drink. I don't really care what you do. Just keep away from my junk food.

You can keep me company.

Granpa Tastic pops in the picture offering his advice.

Selfish jerk.

Yeah. Whatever. Help yourself to some drinks or something. I'm off. FLORENCE! Help Granpa with some drinks!

A rooster armed with a bow tie around it's neck comes flying in, startling the Eurasian Champion.

Woah, what was that? And who's Florence?

Florence, we have a guest. Do.... Whatever the hell you're supposed to do when company comes.



Inside the house, Mikey sits on the couch as Granpa makes coffee for himself with stuff Florence brought over.

Um... Sir, what's the water for? And on what coffee maker are you making that coffee? And what's with the pantyhose?

Mr. Tastic takes the grinded coffee and puts it in the panty hose before pouring the boiling water into it and from there to a cup. He takes the cup and shows it to Mikey as if he was saying “that's what I'm doing”.

...gross... So anyway, I'm just curious about Matt. You say he was raised over here. Did he go out much? I didn't see a house for miles.

He went up to the mountains most of the time. Though he loved going into town for the cockfights.

Co-cockfights? As in he fought with his.....

His cocks. That's right.

He has more than one?

Of course. Every good cockfighter has more than one cock at hand.

At hand?!?!

Florence comes into the house as Mikey has his jaw dropped from what he's hearing.

And here's his champion cock. Amazing record this one has.

Oh. Roosters. That's what you meant.

Of course. What else did.... Oh. You youngsters are truly a sick bunch.

I'M SORRY! But anyway, what did he spend his time doing when he was home then?

Mostly playing videogames. I would have a hard time asking him to do his chores only for him to just sit on the couch playing for hours.

Oh.... I see. That's an NES on top of that odd looking washing machine.

That's a TV, son.

What?! But it has dialers! That's so cool. I think.

The shot pans outside of the house where Matt Tastic stands unseen listening in on the conversation as he thinks to himself.

Is Mikey here to try and figure me out before AoN? I should've known. There's no reason for him to be so nice. He's just been playing nice to keep me from attacking him and softening him up.

The shot returns back inside the house as Mikey wanders around.

He grew up in a very nice place. It's a shame he seems to be so secluded. And the worst part is the reason isn't because of where he grew up. It was just a string of losses and bad luck.

My grandson has always had a fighting spirit. No matter what, when he sees a fight worth fighting, he'll go all out to win. Whether it's good or bad. He's a fighter at heart.

I know. I've seen it. And I want him to see that we all respect that about him. Despite whatever he might think.

Panning back out to Matt, he's now sitting on the ground. Eyes wide open what he just heard. The thoughts stop. All but one comes to mind.

He appreciates..... Me?


The scene re-opens days later at the Joe Louis Arena. Sight of the next round of shows as Mikey walks around the back. Matt Tastic appears and confronts his tag team partner.

Now what? Coming over to call me a fatass?

Well..... You are.

Mikey crosses his arms and shoots a look at Matt, Matt uncharacteristically drops his usual jerkass demeanor though.

Listen. About the other day. I- I've- I've reconsidered. I'll give it a shot then. I'll team up with you.

You will?!

Yeah. The way I see it, a win's a win. Not to mention I remembered something. A few years ago me and Constantine defeated then Tag Team Champions Action Saxton and Saboteur in a non-title match. We got a title shot at, I believe, Redemption. Constantine let himself get hurt. And I was there keeping an eye on him. We lost the match. But right after that, my so called tag team partner vanished and wasn't seen for quite a while. He never thanked me or anything.

I remember that match. I was in it too.

No you weren't. You were unconscious.

…... Yeah, whatever. But he and Winters seem to be under none other than Showtime now. They'll probably be a tight team.

Winters is out of shape. He was a flash in the pan when he first came and now he looks homeless.

Haha. Out of shape. Wait, I'm out of shape.

No, you're fat.

You.... Argh... Before we start insulting each other, here.

Mikey gives Matt something in a box which he opens. He pulls out....


Yeah. I saw you had an NES at home and two controllers. But I never found a 2 player game.

You son of a bitch, so you really were snooping around to get the jump on me!

No, I wasn't I was-

Oh, don't play stupid with me. I knew all those Altar shenanigans would rub off on you.

Oh yeah, well you like to play with cocks!

Want me to beat you with one right now?!


- -

Hey, guys.

As the two bicker, Stacey Madison passes by in a beautiful low cut red dress. Her gorgeous blond hair blows by as she swings her voluptuous legs with each step with a bag of chips in her hands. The two stop and turn over to her.

Woah, hey there beautiful! Mind sharing some of those chips?

Hey, I saw them first.

Piss off! You're fat enough!

The scene fades to black as the two seem like quite a fitting duo heading into their match. But will Matt truly team with Mikey feeling a sense of forming a bond? Or is there a more “sinister” reason behind it?
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