MD 103: Amber Warren vs. Jonathan Hyada

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Amber Warren has allowed her rage to consume her, resulting in many violent attacks. One of her victims became Haven, on Ascension last week. Now his partner, Jonathon Hyada, looks to avenge his partner. Signs of respect seem a forgotten relic in this match... This will be a brutal fight for revenge.

Deadline is Thursday, April 10th, 11:59 PM CST. Extensions available on request

The Fist is for Honor...


Nathanial "Nathan" Black hangs the general question in the air prior to tipping back his third bottle of Flat Tire beer, downing the remnants with practiced ease. Once finished, he set the empty container to the side amongst the rest and waved over the waitress to get another round going.

Jonathan Hyada, a close friend, student and rival of Nathan for a handful of years stared down at the label of his own beer, studying the weight of the half filled bottle in his hand. He hadn't missed his friend's question, but the card he knew Nathaniel was about to play was not one of his favorites in the deck.

"What is it that happened again?"

"We lost our match." The wrestler, no longer a fighter, hit the bottle again, draining it to only a few drops left and set it aside on the table next to him. "After the match the champions, the Dragons, came to aid us against Cerberus who desired to continue the conflict." Jonathan waved off the fourth beer, which Nathan happily took in his stead. "Amber Warren, the female dragon, then took it upon herself to make a parting statement by pretty much kicking Haven's head off. He's currently resting at my apartment after suffering a concussion."

"Your place?"

"He spent a few days under care in the hospital but was released, not cleared to compete for a while, but released all the same. And instead of him staying in a hotel or in his U-Haul, I offered my home to him."

"You were always good to those that meant something to you."

"While I have not known Haven long, I feel I can trust him as well as I can trust you."

Nathan smiled, he always enjoyed a compliment.


There was that card again... but Nathan seemed to not be pressing the issue as hard as he could just yet. Popping his fourth beer and emptying half its contents in a single draw, he left his leaned position against the wall and grabbed one of the chairs by the pool tables; a steel folding chair. Jonathan eyed his friend, understanding that he was getting ready to tip his hand. Returning to where Jon continued to lean, he placed the chair down and sat back in it while retrieving his beer.

"You and Haven are up for the titles soon, right, at a pay-per-view?"

Jon nodded. "All or Nothing."

"Against the Dragons and Cerberus, right?"

Another nod.

"In uh, what kind of match?" Nathan shifted on the folding chair, kicking his feet up to rest them on the bar table.

Jonathan eyed Nathanial for a good number of seconds, disliking the path of questions.

"A Tables, Ladders and Chairs match."

"So in this match there is access to more violence through the use of these objects, legally?"

"Yes." Flatly stated.


Jonathan stared at his feet with those icy eyes while his hands tightened within the pockets of his black Punisher hoodie. The former fighter, former, was rigid in his disdain for the possible future.

"I won't be that person again."

Nathan set his now fifth bottle on the ground, having drained the fourth during conversation, and waved the waitress over again.

"No one's asking you to kill anybody."

Jon stiffened at the off hand jab.

"Do you want to be what you truly desire to be, or do you wish to hold yourself back because in a former life you lacked control?"

There was Nathanial Black's ace of spades.

Jonathan had no answer for his friend and such is exactly why Nathan asked what he had. As the waitress approached, Nathan rose from the chair and handed her a wad of bills, making sure to drain the last beer. With the tab paid he approached Jon and placed a hand on his shoulder and stared his friend in the eye.

"There are many shades of right and wrong my friend. But you trying to remain lily white will not get you want you want."

He tapped the former fighter across the jaw with a feigned punch before leaving him to his thoughts.

* * *

Jonathan Hyada silently entered his own apartment some hours into the night after his conversation with Nathan. He closed the door behind him and turned on the main living room light, finding no surprise in seeing his Young Justice partner stretched out asleep on his couch. Haven still sported a great bruise along the jaw where Amber kicked him, and despite being asleep the man seemed to be instinctively protecting his head in his hands. Jon began to walk towards his room but paused when he noticed that a few of the action figures he normally had on display now made their home strewn about the sleeping hero. The former fighter chuckled to himself, enjoying the fact that his friend still retained his lighthearted quality, but did not continue on his way. He found himself firmly planted where he stood, studying the fallen hero.

Someone like him should not have to face such violence.

After a moment he finally began to move again, entering his room and turning on the light. He removed his hoodie, revealing a black Red Lantern shirt beneath, and opened his closet to hang the hoodie where it belonged. He gave pause upon opening the closet, for before him was an Iron Fist costume he had been working on for an upcoming comic convention, stylized to be red and black rather than the normal yellow and green.

His eyes followed the details of the outfit; the red dragon symbol on the hardened black torso armor. The subtle flame designs he had painted onto the gauntlets.

More importantly the mask of the costume stood out to him, as his coming opponent had now come to favor wearing a brand new mask of her own. The red eye designs on the otherwise fully black material stared back at Jon, boring into him. He leaned back away from his closet to check on Haven, finding him still completely passed out on the couch. His thoughts drifted towards the happenings at Ascension; the challenge laid out by Amber and the second assault on Haven. He clenched his fist and returned his stare to the mask, his eyes now showing a faint tinge of purple flame.

What are you willing to do?

* * *

"Where's the money?!"

"I-- I--"

"Get the money in the bag or I swear to fuck I will end you!"

"But-- but I--"



A timid little clerk, pushing into his seventies, had never had his small gas station robbed before. He had found a peaceful little corner of Los Angeles a few months ago to set up shop post retirement to make a bit of extra income to keep from getting bored. It was unfortunate for Herburt, that the robbing currently in progress would make him wish he had read more into the Sunny Oaks Retirement Home flier.

Davis was the runt of the family, falling behind four older brothers and two older sisters, always being picked on or slapped around by his dad. Over the past few months Davis had found a family who treated him with respect, gave him cool clothes of red and saying his was part of their blood. They didn't beat him, they didn't yell at him, so he didn't see any problem in them asking that he swipe a fistful of cash from this old man to prove his loyalty to his new family.

"Please... please don't hurt me son!"

Herburt opened the register and began filling the duffel bag that had been given him.

"Shut up old man! I ain't yo' son! You talk to me like a pops again an' I'll cut you!"

Davis took a short swipe with a small knife towards Herburt, narrowly missing the old man's hand.

"O-Okay... here's all of it... please..."

Herburt pleaded with tears in his eyes while shakily holding the bag out to be taken.

"Yeah, that's right! You rem'mer that it was Davis the Dime that owns this place! An' maybe next time I won't be s'nice!"

Davis snatched the duffel bag from Herburt and brandished the knife once more before turning on his heel and bolting for the door.

He'd done it! His family would know he was truly loyal to them, that he knew they really respected and loved him unlike his so-called family back at the dump of a home. Davis ran wildly out the door and began to cross the parking lot, amazed that he had been able to do what he did so easily. His spirits were high, so high that he thought to look up at the stars.


Jonathan Hyada stood over the fallen kid, whom he judged couldn't have been more than eighteen. He wasn't wearing any form of his usual clothing or his ring gear, but rather the same outfit he had been creating for a comic convention.


Davis, knocked groggy from the unsuspecting hit, looked up just in time to see a man whom he didn't know become even more unknown as he pulled down his red and black mask. Jon reached down and hoisted Davis up by his collar, releasing him just as he came to his feet so he'd stagger back.

"What the?! The hell k'nna freak are you?!"

Davis dropped the duffel bag and lunged forward wildly with his knife. Jonathan easily caught the knife hand with his left before it got into any sort of range to do damage and twisted it, causing Davis to scream in pain and drop the weapon. With the kid disarmed, the former fighter slipped his forearm underneath the boy's jaw and forced him backwards, slamming him back first into one of the pillars holding up the covered fuel pumps.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

Jon screamed at Davis.

"Yo! Lemme go man! I ain't do shi--ahAH!"

Davis cried out as Jon pinned the weapon arm in a compromising position.

"What makes you think you can steal from people, huh?! What makes you think you can hurt innocent people?! What gives you that right?!"

Jon began to push harder with his forearm, lifting Davis higher up the pillar. Icy-indigo daggers bored holes into the kid, but it wasn't some punk Jonathan was looking at.

All he saw was the face of Amber Warren.

All he saw was the 'Dragon Queen.'

Jon didn't let Davis respond, not with words anyway, as he cried out in shock as the costumed 'hero' buried a stiff left uppercut into the middle of the breadbasket. He tried to double over in pain but the forearm kept him in place for the second and third punch, both in the same spot.

He let Davis drop from the wall.


All he remembered was the warrior of the underground.

"Get up!"

Jon stepped forward without giving the would be thief a chance to respond to his command. He hoisted Davis up once more, and were it some trick of the light or an alteration made earlier, the flame designs on his gauntlets seemed to glow with a powerful indigo hue. With the kid standing upright Jon connected with a well placed left kick to Davis' knee. Then another to the ribs. Then another to the shoulder.

Davis felt the entire Dragon Raid.

The kid wasn't standing and was barely conscious when Jon grabbed his weapon arm and began to lock in a simple submission hold, causing Davis to groan... which then began to escalate into a scream as precise pressure was applied. Seething, he looked up from Davis' swollen face and caught the eyes of Herburt.


The old man stood there, hands held out in pleading, shouting for Jon to stop. The warrior got lost in time for a moment, just staring at Herburt, faintly recognizing his pleas. He looked back down at the kid, the eighteen year old, and loosened his grip.

What the hell are you doing?!

He looked up again at Herburt who disappeared back into the store, more than likely calling the police. Jonathan was confused, angered and vengeful at himself and the situation all at once.

This kid was a thief.

Maybe even a murderer.

But... he's a kid.

Heroes don't do this. Honorable men don't do this.

Jonathan finally let go of the kid's arm and backed off.

But what are you willing to do?

Taking one last long hard look at Davis, still teetering between seeing the scene for what it actually was and for seeing the woman who assaulted his friend, the woman that stirred the pot within him. A half step was taken towards the thief but he veered off to collect the duffel bag full of money, chucking it across the parking lot towards the store.

What are you going to do?

Turning, Jon took flight from the scene, leaving the criminal to be collected by the coming police.

I feel like a different person with my mask now taken away from me. How is this even possible? The mere fact that something as ridiculous as a mask can change one’s perspective in the blink of an eye. Am I really a changed person? Or am I the same person living a façade?

That night was one of the worst nights ever. Things were said that weren’t meant to be said. I could see the hurt I put El Califa through. The same hurt that I felt in my earlier years. God, I never want anyone to feel like that, it’s the worst kind of hurt ever. Maybe I have been in the wrong all this time. Maybe I’ve brought this onto myself? Who knows? All I know is that El Califa has taught me so much and I owe it to him to be a better person.

The adrenaline in me was really pumping as El Califa confronted me about my actions the night of Ascension. How I bad mouthed the other teams how I put the team in jeopardy by forcing a TLC match at the pay-per-view. Was that really bad? It was good for the fans for sure and but it was even better for myself. I feel as if this is my opportunity to not just prove to everyone who has doubted me before but to proved to everyone in the world that I am indeed greater than El Califa.

Then again, maybe it’s my chance to prove to El Califa that I have indeed taken his teachings to heart. That the honor and pride in me will shrine through as we go out and put on a performance of a lifetime against three other very credible teams.


The scene opens to El Califa’s gym. The usual things are going on with students of El Califa training their hearts out looking to make a splash in the wrestling world themselves. The camera scans the gym before focusing on the squared circle put right in the middle of the gym for all to see. Here, we see Nate supervising two students as they spar with one another. With that going on, all eyes face the double doors as the entrance to the gym swings open. The person who comes through those doors, Amber Warren. Muttering fills the room as the students and even Nate are shocked to see Amber back in the gym.

Amber: What’s everyone staring at?

Nate: Well you haven’t exactly been here a while. You know, with you and El Califa fighting a lot, you’ve missed a lot of gym time. I guess everyone was just used to you not being around here.

Amber looks around at the students. When her eyes meet another pair of eyes, they instantly look away. Amber’s nostrils flare up but she slowly calms herself.

Amber: Well that’s rude. I’m back to train and get back on track with El Califa despite the incident we had last time. Know where I can find him?

As if on cue, El Califa emerges from his office. The masked warrior looks towards Amber who looks embarrassed to say the least but El Califa simply nods his head. However, something else catches Amber’s sight. With El Califa’s office door slightly open, she sees the blue crystals that glisten in the light. There’s only one thing that has that type of design, her mask.

Amber’s eyes flare up but she tries to not make herself obvious as she looks at something else. El Califa walks towards the Warren siblings before standing next to Nate. The gym comes back to life with the students minding their own business going back to whatever they were doing before Amber came in. Amber stares at the floor while Nate and El Califa surround her, seemingly expecting an apology from Amber.

What came instead was an embrace both to Nate and El Califa as Amber wraps her arms around their necks. Because of the height difference, both Nate and El Califa have to lower themselves as they return the gesture back to Amber.

Amber: I am so sorry guys. I don’t know what got into me. You guys know the real me, I’m not like that. I don’t know why I acted like that. It was never my intention –

El Califa: You don’t have to say anything Amber Warren. El Califa forgi –

Amber: No, let me finish El Califa. The way I acted the past couple weeks was not the behavior of a champion, a tag team champion no less. The reason we are tag team champions is because we are a well-oiled machine and I have broken that El Califa, I am so sorry.

El Califa: You don’t have anything to be sorry for Amber. The important thing is everything is back to the way it is.

Amber can’t control her emotions as she again embraces El Califa who is quick to reciprocate the hug back. The cameras where Amber is really looking though, at her mask placed right on a stand in El Califa’s office.

Nate: Hey, how about me?

Amber is still hugging El Califa for a bit before letting go. She then hugs her brother to ease the tension.

Amber: There, now can we go back to training? We have a lot to prepare for. I’ve got Jonathan Hyada to worry about while El Califa goes against the guy who defeated me last week, Triple X.

El Califa: Ah yes. Back to training. But El Califa will join you in a little bit Amber. He has to write a thank you letter to Miguel, remember him? El Califa’s friend that owns the restaurant?

Amber simply nods at this knowing the fact that that restaurant doesn’t carry good memories for the dragons as a team. El Califa walks back to his office and as he closes his door, Amber again shoots a look at her mask.

Nate: So hey, it’s good to have you back and all but I think we need to talk.

Amber has a quizzical look on her face while Nate sternly looks at her younger sister.

Nate: I know you’re all there physically, believe me, I know. You see the kind of damage you’ve been doing the past few weeks? Not only have you terrorized this team, but all the teams in WZCW. In fact you’re probably at your most dangerous right now. Like I said though, I need to make sure you’re there mentally. So I just want to talk to you about Jonathan Hyada.

Amber: Hyada? What?

Nate: Yeah, Jonathan Hyada. You know, your opponent this week? You know what you’re up against?

Amber: Of course I know what I’m up against. I’m up against someone who wants to take the tag team titles away from me. And like I said from day one, I welcome all challengers to try and take the title away from me but they have to know that I’ll stop at nothing to thwart their challenges.

Nate: Don’t forget that you basically took his tag team partner’s head off as well. You know, the guy who tried to help you that one time? I still don’t know why you did it, but you did it.

Amber: Hey hey, I was in a bad place okay? I won’t say I regret it because we as wrestlers know what we signed up for, but I do agree with you that it was certainly uncalled for especially since he was trying to help me out.

Nate folds his arms trying to read his sister if she really is all there or not. Amber she flashes him a smile to make sure he doesn’t continue barraging her to say how she truly feels.

Amber: You know what kind of bugs me about Haven and Hyada though?

Nate: What’s that?

Amber: They portray themselves as superheroes.

A furrowed brow forms on Nate’s face. He tilts his head before listening to his sister more.

Nate: And what’s wrong with that?

Amber: Nothing. Nothing is wrong with that. In fact, as I look back in my life, I’m thankful for all the heroes I’ve met. You were my hero growing up as a kid Nate. You were always there for me no matter the circumstances. And when all was lost, you just never gave up on me.

A little smile forms on Nate’s face with his arms still crossed reminiscing those times they had.

Amber: The thing about superheroes is, everyone expects a happy ending from them.

Nate: And?

Amber: Well, that’s just not happening with Young Justice as they try to take these belts from us. And it’s definitely not happening for Hyada against me this week. It’s just sad to me that these superheroes aren’t getting the happy ending that superheroes usually get. You know, like in those movies. They save the day at the end no matter how difficult the challenge is. But that’s not happening. It’s not happening with Young Justice, it’s not happening with Cerberus, and it’s not happening for any other team in WZCW.

Nate: Hmm, that’s a really dark thought there sis. You –

Amber: Look, I know you’re trying to see if I’m emotionally stable and I am Nate, I really am. I’m just saying that it’s unfortunate for guys who call themselves superheroes not get the happy ending that superheroes usually get you know.

Before Nate can reply back to that, Amber cuts him off.

Amber: But enough talking about this, I’m ready to get back in the ring and train my heart out. Let’s get to it shall we?

Amber takes her jacket off to reveal that she’s already in her gym clothes ready for a sparring session. She quickly gets into the ring and looks around to see which student would like to take on her next.

Amber: Well boys, I’m back. It’s really great to be back. I know you guys know what’s been going on but I just want to say that we’re all passed that and I’m just looking for someone to spar with. So without wasting any more time, do I have a volunteer for someone who wants to feel the wrath of the Dragon Queen?

And just like that, it seems like Amber has snapped back to her wicked side. She flashes the camera a quick wink before letting out a devious smile as the scene fades to black.


The reopens to a locker room, a WZCW locker room to be exact. The camera scans the room looking for it’s owner before finally stopping right in the middle where we see Amber Warren sitting on a chair looking smack dab at the camera in a menacing way.

Amber: Well look who we have here. While you’re here, can I just share something with you?

The camera goes up and down nodding at the young dragon’s request.

Amber: Good, because I have a lot to say.

The young dragon shows her happy go lucky self but something is off here. She tilts her head to the side a little before flashing a creepy smile.

Amber: I just want to talk about my opponent this week, Jonathan Hyada. Poor Jonathan having the pleasure to face me this week without his tag team partner. I know how much you need him by your side at all times but that might be a problem this week after I kicked Haven’s head off.

Again the young dragon smiles deviously at the camera happy with what she did to Haven.

Amber: But don’t worry, I’ll try my best to go easy on you…..but then again, where’s the fun in that? What I did to Haven is nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you. You see, if you don’t know me as the Dragon Queen yet then there is something seriously wrong with you.

The smile goes away as a more serious Amber Warren is now seen before us.

Amber: Dragons are the most lethal creatures ever to exist. I’m sure you know what a dragon does right? You’ve read those stories haven’t you Jonathan? If you don’t know, they totally just annihilate everything they see. And well, that’s what I’m going to do you. Not just you though, so don’t feel bad. It’s what I’m going to do Cerberus, it’s what I’m going to Haven….again, and it’s what I’m going to do to whoever crosses me even if it's El Califa.

Amber lets out a maniacal laugh that even has the camera moving back a little stunned as to what is happening right now.

Amber: So come Ascension 78, bring you’re A-game Jonathan. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring anything that you might think will motivate you to defeat me because you’re going to need it. Hell, I think you should wear a mask as well just like those superheroes. And do you know why?

Amber uses her pointing finger to motion for the camera to come closer as she speaks.

Amber: So that you can hide your face, hide your shame after the beating you’ll get from the Dragon Queen. Beware the Dragon Queen but most of all, beware of Amber Warren.

The serious look on Amber’s face is baffling as she tilts her head to the side. Before long, she has a big smile on her face letting out a maniacal laugh once again.
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