Mayhem Championship Voting

What do you want the match stipulation to be?

  • Standard Rules

  • Strap Match

  • "I Quit" Match

Results are only viewable after voting.


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Greetings WZCW fans, if you are wondering about voting for the Mayhem Championship Stipulation, you've come to the right place. The simple rule is that you have to vote for the match type you want to see Baez and Steven Holmes to face off in.

Will they face off in Standard Rules, something the Mayhem Championship never gets? Or will it be a Strap Match? Or it will be an "I Quit" Match?

All you simply have to do is vote and the stipulation with the most votes will be the one used in the Mayhem X Championship match at Unscripted.

Polls open on Friday 20th August. Any questions regarding the voting, feel free to post here.
I think a strap match fits both, I can't see either men quitting and a standard mayhem match is like ordering margarita pizza.
A strap match is fitting, considering how The Crashin Movement has avoided Baez at any cost. The two would learn something from being strapped together.
Yeah the strap match makes the most sense here. Although an I Quit match could be brutal as well. Will have to have a good think about this one.
The strap match would do wonders for both men. The Standard Rules is more beneficial for Steven Holmes and the I Quit is something that Baez would excel in. Don't want anyone to have the advantage after what's happened in the storyline.
Actually a standard match would work in Baez' favor. Outside interference of any kind will result in him retaining the title. But we know Baez isn't a heel. Nor is he gonna settle for an "easy" win. I'd go with an I Quit Strap match. Gee I wish. Strap match alone for me.
The strap match is perfect. It's got the irony of Baez & Holmes being trapped together, plus both seem to want it. Thus my vote goes, to the Strap Match.

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