Matt Striker, your teacher.


Dark Match Winner
So now that Booker T has returned to the WWE as a Smackdown commentator, Matt Striker has been moved (demoted) to Superstars.
I was hoping to see him turn up on RAW but that doesn't appear to be the plan. I'm not sure if the rumors are true about Vinnie Mac souring on Strikers ability as a color guy but for some reason despite Strikers unique and knowledgeable style, he is the odd man out.
So I got to thinking and I was wondering if the WWE is actually planning on using Striker as an active superstar again. I for one would love to see him back in the ring. His in ring work is pure and smooth and he would instantly bring credibilty to the roster in terms of wrestling ability. His mic work was always entertaining and behind guys like Punk and Barrett, I could see him really garnering some serious heat in the current PG format. I mean, a condescending teacher trying to force his overbearing tidbits of knowledge on the crowd? Kids would eat that up. Striker came in at a time where the roster was still stacked and he was never going to be able to break through with the Angle's, HBK's, etc still around. The roster is very thin now and we could finally see Striker get a real chance to shine...
Would anyone else be into this or am I the only one who thinks WWE could be missing out an a great heel?
There could be a school stable

matt striker the teacher
alex riley the high school bully
michelle mccool goes back to her teacher gimmick
jack swagger the all american american university of oklahoma

this could be a heel stable to get these stars to do something for a while, a possible ressurections for their careers
I think if Striker were to go back to more of a heel jerk persona it would benefit everyone. He doesn't have to be a commentator to be a success. Why not allow him to be the mouth piece for someone like a Mason Ryan in the future. I think if they ran the "Striker's Classroom" segments every week the crowd would get into his heel character pretty quickly. Striker could play the cocky, I'm better than you cause I'm smarter heel pretty well. I'd be semi-interested in seeing this...which is more interested than I am in Striker now, so it's an improvement.
Matt Striker is my favorite announcer an I thought his knowledge of pro wrestling, hiphop and everything in between made him entertaining. It's a shame he doesn't fit Vince's mode cause he is actually good at what he does. Thank you for making a striker post, he deserves it
I'm in favor of him getting anything. I like Booker a lot, but on commentary there is no doubt Striker is better. I don't know if he even desires to be an active wrestler again (and if he's as smart as I'd like to believe, than I doubt he does) he has enough insight to know what it's like in the ring having done it, but the smarts to quit at a point that it won't effect him physically in the long term. If he does come back as an active wrestler I'd be happy to see it, but because I don't think he would ever achieve the success I feel he deserves its probably for the best he stays on commentary.

Just because he has been demoted for the time being though, don't assume he's next in line for future endeavors. I was always a big Josh Mathews fan (since I wanted him to win Tough Enough) and there were literally YEARS where he was only doing pre PPV and foreign market commentary. Now you see him featured prominently several times a week. So as long as Striker does good consistent work, I think he'll be fine no matter what he does.
I've always liked Striker. I believe he gets a lot of flack because people don't understand the smarminess he (purposely) exudes on the mic. The guy is extremely knowledgeable not only about wrestling, but popular culture in general. And anyone who can find a way to include that many Smiths/Morrissey references into his commentary pertaining to William Regal matches is ace in my book.

It'd be great to see him back as a manager again or heading a stable. The suggestion of Alex Riley's involvement is good. I'd throw Zack Ryder in there too. Hell, make 'em a tag team!
I loved Striker in his teacher gimmick, he is not a bad announcer either, I think he be a great manager, he can be the new Bobby the Brain. WWE should change his teacher gimmick into a coach gimmick let him manage Swagger, Riley, Ryder, and Kelly Kelly as the new Varsity Club he can even wrestle once in awhile in a 6man tag like the Brain did back in his AWA days. WWE doesn't have nothing to lose neither the people I mention.
I think he is the only wrestling personality ever to quote Morrissey lyrics by the way. Definitely made him that much cooler in my eyes. I really enjoy his commentary, but I agree with the majority of you in thinking that Striker would be best suited as a mouthpiece/leader of a stable... or just a single wrestler showcasing his natural heel tendencies. Here's to hoping that the WWE takes advantage of a great wrestling mind... and I don't mean by having him commentate matches on Superstars.
I doubt it, he was only ever on ECW when he was on the active roster and his gimmick was pretty poor too. Having been on commentary may give him a bit of a boost if he returned to competition, but not enough so that people could then buy him I don't really feel. If he is better at either post, it is certainly announcing, I see no opening nor reason for him to start wrestling again, he'd probably wallow on superstars for the duration of his contract. And that's what he's doing anyway so no reason to change it.
I'm not sure if you recall his work on RAW well before ECW was reborn. He was given significant tv time to go out and work the crowd with his teacher gimmick and succeeded. It was in ECW where he was given more of a chance to work in the ring and I thought he was phenomenal. As a matter of fact, his work on the indies, and I know it's just the indies, but his work was really really solid. Im a sucker for a good mind, and i always cling to the workers who actually appreciate and KNOW the history of the biz, and Striker really knows and cares and you can see that. Its not like he pretends to know the history of the company like those who ACT like they were fans (see:Miz, Cena). Its easier to say you grew up watching the rockers and the warrior now that your on top of the company. Sriker is a legit fan and respects the biz and i think theres something to say about his passion. I for one would take him over many of the talentless wastes of space on the roster.
Matt Striker is retired from active in-ring competition. If he were to return, wouldn't it have been cool if he retaliated on NXT season 2 when Husky Harris attacked him? There were no signs then, and there are no signs now. I don't even think him returning to the ring would do him much justice at this point. He's being subliminally hinted at as being physically 'weak' or incapable. There are very few (if at all) references to his in-ring career. It's a shame really, since I enjoyed his wrestling. He had some innovative offence. I'm also afraid that if he did in fact get back in the ring, he'd be nothing short of the heel equivalent to Chris Masters, which basically means a dead end.
Oh please no. It has been a long time since Striker has stepped in a ring, and I don't think he needs to go back. He's not a good wrestler, he's by far a better commentator. Personally, I think that he'll replace Lawler on Raw, if Lawler will step away after 'Mania, using that as his big send off. If not, Striker can keep calling Superstars, and eventually something will open up. They can use him as a backstage interviewer, hell anything, just don't put him back in the ring. I HATED the teacher gimmick, I would legitimately despise having him back in the ring.
Well, I don`t think he`s gonna go back in the ring anytime soon. I do think he would be great as someone`s manager or the leader of a stable though. He could use his gift of gab very effectively in that type of roll. I actually really liked him on commentary. He has a lot of wrestling knowledge, and he could be pretty entertaining too. I also appreciated that you could tell he `s a huge fan and was having fun out there. I`m a fan of Booker and it`s cool to see him back, but I`m not really feeling him as an announcer.
Striker's classroom was one of the most entertaining segments to me. I know some of them were not televised either, which made a few quite special. He was a good performer with a solid in ring set, but he was overshadowed by people Vince wanted. He did ok for a bit in ECW as the new ECW group and then managing Viscera upon his short lived return.
He won the Angle challenge too, right? I remember him trying for weks before getting the win, and it was good. I say if he wants to return to wrestling, let him.
If They want to keep him on commentary then put him on Raw as part of a 3 man crew there. Cole is on both shows, show you have king and striker on raw and booker and mathews on SD.
Too be honest I liked when Grisham and Striker were pared on ECW, they won best commentary team and I have no problem admitting that was my vote.
Matt Striker could be used better he can talk and could draw major heat.

I remember a few years ago when he threw a dictionary at Eugene I thought it would be a great idea for him to make Eugene smarter and teach him so he could drop the idiot gimick.

he was a real legitimate high school teacher that got fired for taking the day off to wrestle at an indy show he could and should be used better.
Oh please no. It has been a long time since Striker has stepped in a ring, and I don't think he needs to go back. He's not a good wrestler, he's by far a better commentator. Personally, I think that he'll replace Lawler on Raw, if Lawler will step away after 'Mania, using that as his big send off. If not, Striker can keep calling Superstars, and eventually something will open up. They can use him as a backstage interviewer, hell anything, just don't put him back in the ring. I HATED the teacher gimmick, I would legitimately despise having him back in the ring.

This. I think Striker needs to stay the hell away from actually competing in the ring. He will either replace Jerry if he is retiring soon or he will end up staying on smackdown to come out and do his old teacher gimmick.

but Honestly? I would rather him be either the new GM for smackdown or even be the anonymous GM, the last thing I want is to have him replace Jerry, when They replace Jerry I want it to be with another old retired wrestler that knows all about the buisiness.
Jesus! I freaking hope not.

The problem with Matt Striker is that no one takes him seriously. They didn't take him seriously when he was a wrestler and they don't take him seriously now. Given that most of his “facts” are utter bullshit and his commentary style is completely random at times, I would say that he needs some time to work on his commentating persona. Going back to the wrestling Matt Striker would just be the exact definition of a mistake.

The problem is that Matt Striker isn't a very good wrestler and although he might manage to get over with some of his mic work, it just wouldn't be enough, in terms of substance to make people want to see it. Your gimmick idea is good but no one would take him seriously coming off his demotion to Superstars and he would just fall back into the trap of no one taking him seriously. Unless Matt Striker has become Daniel Bryan in the ring or The Rock on the stick, then he is not going to be a successful wrestler in the WWE.

What Striker needs to concentrate on is getting his commentary skills up to scratch. Learn from the people who are doing it now or did it in the past. He had a good thing going and then the momentum disappeared. All he needs to do is rediscover that form and they will find a place for him. The spot on Raw when King decides to hang up the mic will probably be his if he can work hard and stick with the company through this testing time.
I don't like Striker very much, and I'm not really sure if I should or not. He confuses me and bores me.

Thet being said, and angle where he's an NXT rookie might be somewhat kinda fun. For a short period of time. He's not good enough in the ring to be consistently competing on Raw or Smackdown, but at the same time, I think he could get decently over as a heel. Maybe a short run as a wrestler will help him develope his character a bit more. If not, WWE needs to get rid of him.
I have always liked Striker, he has always entertained me both in the ring and as a commentator. If he isnt going to be utilised on the announcers desk as much as before, why not make the most of his talent and put him in the ring. I think he could be a decent heel, using the arrogant "better than you" teachers gimmick.

Interesting idea about the "Teachers" stable with McCool, Swagger and Riley. Something like that could work, but A-Ri and McCool are above that right now and are in important storylines/teams.

Striker is great at coming accorss cocky and arrogant, I think giving him an interview section on a Raw or Smackdown would be a great way to re-introduce the "Teacher" character and then have him jump his guest from behind after the interview. It would immediately get him heel heat and remind everyone that he isnt just a commentator/interviewer, he can wrestle too.

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