Matt Striker: Like/Dislike

Like him or Hate him?(gotta choose one)

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Getting Noticed By Management
Okay, I've been hearing a lot of Matt Striker love lately, and tbh, I CAN'T TAKE IT, and I'm out to make sure everyone changes their mind.

On second thought, I'll just say, that I can't stand him. Y'know I've heard pretty much every announcer announce in their prime, and he just doesn't stand up. TBH I still like Lawler and Cole better than Striker. I mean, to me, Striker just doesn't sound good at the table, I don't think as a heel he comes off more natural(or natural at all) than Lawler or Heenan, or even Zybisko did as a tweener in WcW. He does give EVERY superstar a nickname, but 75 percent of the time I'm thinking, what the hell did he just call that guy?

The whole large vocabulary thing really irks me, in the same way that Dennis Miller irratated me as a host of Raw. I think I quoted this from Friday Night Lights on here before, it went, "why use a $1,000 word when a 100 dollar word would do?". Same thing I thought of when Jericho was calling the fans all these different insults when just sticking with parasites and such would do. The worst part is that he takes time from announcing to insult Grisham and explain that he's smart and why. Its like c'mon just stick to the match.

In the end, I really think that he's my least favorite announcer in the WWE right now. I've never hated Michael Cole like everyone else does, and having gone back and rewatched some of his early 2000's late 90's work, I don't understand why he was so hated. Striker has nothing on the past heel announcers, they brought so much more the table and didn't have to try as hard, not to mention they could roll one liners off at a whim. If he has a true weakness, its that he is definately not a funny man.

Anyhow, thats my opinion how do ya'll feel?
Okay, I've been hearing a lot of Matt Striker love lately, and tbh, I CAN'T TAKE IT, and I'm out to make sure everyone changes their mind.

Alright, well I happen to like him as an announcer. Let's see if you can change my mind then even though I already voted.

On second thought, I'll just say, that I can't stand him. Y'know I've heard pretty much every announcer announce in their prime, and he just doesn't stand up. TBH I still like Lawler and Cole better than Striker. I mean, to me, Striker just doesn't sound good at the table, I don't think as a heel he comes off more natural(or natural at all) than Lawler or Heenan, or even Zybisko did as a tweener in WcW. He does give EVERY superstar a nickname, but 75 percent of the time I'm thinking, what the hell did he just call that guy?

Sure he gives nicknames that are a little cheesy.... but many of them are amusing. I also like the random facts he throws out. He's better than Cole and MUCH better than Grisham. I'd go as far as to say I think Striker is the best announcer.

The whole large vocabulary thing really irks me, in the same way that Dennis Miller irratated me as a host of Raw. I think I quoted this from Friday Night Lights on here before, it went, "why use a $1,000 word when a 100 dollar word would do?". Same thing I thought of when Jericho was calling the fans all these different insults when just sticking with parasites and such would do. The worst part is that he takes time from announcing to insult Grisham and explain that he's smart and why. Its like c'mon just stick to the match.

I'd rather hear him sound smart than listen to all the boredom we get from Grisham. Striker's big words fit with his character, an arrogant teacher who thinks he knows everything. That works really well for an announcer, especially if he's working as a tweener with a play-by-play guy who's face.

In the end, I really think that he's my least favorite announcer in the WWE right now. I've never hated Michael Cole like everyone else does, and having gone back and rewatched some of his early 2000's late 90's work, I don't understand why he was so hated. Striker has nothing on the past heel announcers, they brought so much more the table and didn't have to try as hard, not to mention they could roll one liners off at a whim. If he has a true weakness, its that he is definately not a funny man.

I'm not saying he's the greatest ever, but I like Striker and consider him to be the best announcer WWE has right now because he adds something different to the commentary that none of the others do. It's like he's teaching us and watching the match with us at the same time. Compared to Cole who just says Vintage all the time, Lawler who is always fed lines by Vince, and Grisham who is boring beyond belief. The ECW team is good, they are the best after Striker.

Anyhow, thats my opinion how do ya'll feel?

So.... yeah. You weren't able to change my opinion. I like Striker because he is the most entertaining announcer at the moment.

I'm willing to debate this further if you still disagree.
Matt Striker is by far my favorite announcer in the business and probably my favorite announcer in a long time. He is smart, he is witty, he is creative, and him and Grisham have such good chemistry. They are also my favorite tandem. The nicknames are a bit overdone, but it is something different and he can make any superstar seem important and credible. That I think is his main strength. He can put any talent over just by voice. He is going to have a long career as an announcer.
Lol, that first part was a joke, anyhow, I will say that my favorite type of heel announcer is the type that was already a heel wrestler. Now I know that Stryker played a heel on TV, but, its just not the same, Lawler and Heenan brought something a lot more natural to the mic, maybe if Stryker we're to work with Ross some more and they developed some chemistry I could bear him, but as things stand with Grisham I can't stand his commentary.

One of the biggest things about Stryker, is that he's a relative rookie and this seems like a vets job, especially for a heel announcer. I don't feel like he has good chemistry with his fellow announcers. Ehh, it doesn't matter, looks like the poll and relative opinion of most has already spoken for itself. I was probably going to have to live with it anyway since he seems like a loyal employee, and also seems to have found his niche as a commentator(in the opinion of everyone but me).
Matt Striker is my favorite commentator in the WWE currently (barring the comeback of Jim Ross). He instantly became so because of two things he said, that always stick out in my mind:

1. At Survivor Series 2008, during a match involving Cryme Tyme, Striker formed a whole analysis on how Shad and JTG wore Timberlands (boots), as opposed to traditional wrestling footwear, and how it would affect them in the ring. Just something that was unique and intriguing to say the least.

2. During his time on ECW, while calling a recap of the previous week's show, he referred to a Natalya Neidhart - Alicia Fox match as "ECW's version of Storm vs. Jean Grey."

X-Men reference = awesome.
I think he does a great job as an announcer. He reads the play very well, although he does do the nickname a little to much he does because its his thing. King has the loves the ladies things so Striker is allowed to have the terrible nicknames thing. i think he's great and Will be great for the years to come.
I think Matt Striker is a really good announcer. He is a very entertaining announcer and seems like he enjoys his job unlike Cole and Lawler who just seem bored and cannot be bothered to do it anymore. I also like him and Grisham. I think they work very well of eachother and have quite good chemistry with each other. The nick name thing may get tedious but its his thing as other announcers has their own thing. I also like how he gives in depth analysis on doing moves, wearing different things etc... These are reason why I find him the most enjoyable commentator at the moment.
I liked Matt Striker a year ago when he was intresting, not so much now. Currently he's exactly the same as every other commentator WWE has, ok so he doesn't have a partially paralyzed and he didn't have sex with a 13 year old, but I'm sure you get my point.

Like most people in WWE, Stryker started out by being something different, then WWE taught him how to do it properly. ''You can't be intresting'' they said, ''we don't call it that in WWE'' he heard Vince scream in his ear. Before long he'd become what he always hoped he wouldn't, Michael Cole.
Striker is the best guy in the booth for the WWE right now, but unfortunately that is really not saying much, as the booth guys make me cringe for the most part.

Striker at least tries to be creative, and tries to cater to the educated wrestling fan on many occasions. He doesn’t insult our intelligence and doesn’t try so hard to put nonsense over as legit entertainment like Michael Cole. Also, he doesn’t mark out for faces, and leans a little towards the heels.

Striker has shown flashes in his attempt to be an entertaining announcer but you can hear when the leash is being yanked on in some of his comments. He’s not the greatest announcer the WWE has ever produced, but he is the best they got. I could only imagine how great he would sound in TNA.
Yeah, i can't stand the guy. I think he's pure shit. Youc an say 'it's something new, it's something fresh' if you want, but when you replace dog shit with vomit, you're still not going to appreciate it.

His character is fine, there's nothing wrong with him in terms of a heel character, but he hypes the talent in the way that the face announcer should be doing. JR used to sit there and blab on about football careers etc, which was tolerable because it was a 2 second tid bit about the talent in the ring and it's nice to hear those sorts of things. Striker however, blabs on for fuckin' ages about things that aren't even true! The heel announcer shouldn't give a damn about any of the talent's backgrounds, instead he should be celebrating them when they cheat and discrediting the face wrestler every chance he gets. Instead Striker just says 'I don't have a problem with him cheating' with a stupid look on his face, and then tries to talk like he wrote the book on wrestling. "I jobbed for 6 months on ECW so that means i should talk for great lengths about ring psychology and movement restrictions caused by clothing, when i make the move to announcing."

His nicknames are ridiculous, he talks like he's on speed all the damn time, and 40% of what he says is absolute crap, which translates to, not having the balls to NOT say half the lines that Vince feeds him. I'd say he's worse than Adamle, sure i hate them both for different reasons, but Striker frustrates me infinitely more than Adamle did. Striker's only saving grace is that he knows what a table is.
I'm on the fence. He brings something new to commentary which I love, but man. Not even Tazz would go on and on about how the belly-to-back suplex can cause your C5 and T2 vertebrae to crush together, potentially risking a career-ending neck injury. And you should trust everything he says because he's been in the ring with everyone. I mean, it's great but it's annoying all at the same time. I can't vote because I... love and hate him.
Let's face it, as a wrestler...he was lower card at best. As a manager, well he sucked. As an announcer, not much better. But the only reason I like Striker as an announcer is he is somewhat (I haven't watched Smackdown in a few weeks) but he is somewhat of a heel announcer. Which IMO you need in wrestling. I mean look at Jerry Lawler in the 90's to me he amplifyed the show. He had funny one liners and he just made you want to punch him in the face. During the TLC PPV I saw some very Lawler like material from Striker, and it was cool to watch. The PPV sucked, and hell so did the comentary....but most of all, so did Striker.
I guess I see both sides of the coins here but in my honest opinion I think the reason you guys don’t favour striker is simply because the bar for commentators over the years has been set so damn high I remember listening to Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby “The Brian” Heenan call matches and they were fantastic. Then when they left I quite enjoyed McMahon and whoever else he was with whether it be Mr. Perfect or Jesse “The Body” Venture then onto Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler who are both legends in my book.

All these commentators have been fantastic so onto the new breed we’ve had over the past say 12 years like Michael Cole I couldn’t stand Michael Cole I really couldn’t but again I was probably comparing him to JR and to this day I can’t stand Michael Cole although I do think he has grown on me but that has taken about 10 years for that to happen. I think Matt Striker is a damn sight better than some of the commentators we’ve had in the past like Mike Adamley and I defiantly prefer him to say Todd Grisham. I would like to see Striker partnered with JR on Friday night Smackdown and hopefully he could learn from one of the legends (when JR gets back). I do think that Striker has all the right stuff to be a good commentator yeah maybe some of his stuff is annoying at times but I prefer it to VINTAGE!!!! all the time and I’m sure he will only get better let’s just give the guy a shot and maybe he might just make a few people change their mind in a few years. :rolleyes:
The only reason I voted him a "like" is because he's the only one willing to provide heel commentary right now, which is something the stale WWE product desperately needs if they're going the "character" route via the PG circuit.

Striker is a mediocre talent anywhere near a camera, but because he's the only one willing to do what he does he succeeds in my opinion.
I like Matt Striker. He's the only thing approaching a heel commentator in either WWE or TNA in a long time.

Striker strikes me as a little bit of a mix of Gordon Solie and Lord Alfred Hayes. Striker does the whole big word/encyclopedic thing like Gordon Solie used to do, but he does it in an oily, cheap used car salesman kind of way that I think works out great for him. Striker comes out a little more on the side of the heels than Hayes did, but he still does so without managing to be blatant about it. Striker isn't over the top, he doesn't scream every other word, he tries to come across as a cocky little know it all but doesn't go too far with it. I think Striker is head and shoulders above anything going on in the WWE or TNA when it comes to commentating. He's not the dull drone that Michael Cole is, he has at least some bit of an edge to him, unlike Jerry Lawler and he just keeps me entertained.
I voted for "Like" because this guy is the closest thing the WWE has to a heel commentator and he is GREAT at it. He also comes off sounding very intelligent and I think if he got a chance to work with Jim Ross for an extended period of time, they would be amazing.
I like Matt Striker, although I don't think he is as good now as he was when he first started...he's starting to sound cliched and his originality seems to decrease by the week. But still, he's good and I really like his enthusiam for the job, when I here someone that gives a damn I generally tend to give a damn as well. However, his use of big words does tend to get a little overbearing from time to time but I suppose that's all part of his teacher/Im smarter than you character, but that's only a minor criticism as he's still a breath of fresh air as far as WWE commentary goes...
I'm not a big fan, his style is somewhat annoying at times. For example, he'll come out with patter such as "look at the way Jericho hooks the arm, this makes blah blah blah" and by the time he's finished mumbling, the move was 5 minutes ago and totally forgotten about.

However, he seems to be a big Morrissey fan so top marks to him for that. Everytime Regal is on he makes a Morrissey reference every chance he gets.
We've a few heel commentator wankathons in here, as I expected, and people are as ever completely missing the point. Striker isn't good because he cheers the heels, he doesn't even do that blanketly anyway, but he is good because he has something to say. He has an opinion, which means that he has chemistry with his co-commentator, and this was true when he was mostly cheering faces too. Striker is one of the few people that gets how wrestling commentary works, and I certainly like him.
We've a few heel commentator wankathons in here, as I expected, and people are as ever completely missing the point. Striker isn't good because he cheers the heels, he doesn't even do that blanketly anyway, but he is good because he has something to say. He has an opinion, which means that he has chemistry with his co-commentator, and this was true when he was mostly cheering faces too. Striker is one of the few people that gets how wrestling commentary works, and I certainly like him.

What you still don't quite understand is that not everyone sees and derives their entertainment from the Tastycles rose-colored glasses, and nor drink the Tastycles Kool-Aid.

You may be entertained because Striker's in-depth analytical commentary and think that makes him good.

Others may be entertained because Striker does take the side of the Heels on occasion and is the closes thing to a Heel commentator they currently have on the roster. And the fact that he can sometimes be a bit toned down, but still can mildly argue on occasion, is what makes him "good" in the eyes of others.

The only person that seems to be missing the point here is you Tastycles-- that being that not everyone has the same criteria you do when determining what is "good". "Good" is merely a point of view that is in the Eye of the Beholder.

Personally, I like Striker primarily because he is the closest thing to a Heel commentator they have on the show. He can mildly argue and I would like to see him do it more frequently than he does. People who are argumentative on the show are more likely to present an entertaining broadcast and capture the viewer's attention than those who get along. Jim Ross feels the same way. However, people do find Striker to be the best compared to Lawler and Saxton, who essentially are extremely boring, lack substance, but ALSO get along with their Play by Play commentator.

Striker could go on and on giving "substantive data" to the viewer left and right, however it doesn't guarantee to interest them one bit.
I love Matt Striker. I think he's quick on the draw with all his funny, yet cheesy jokes and nicknames, clever anecdotes and comments. He is slacking though, not his fault. I'm sure Vince has something to do with it. I had the opportunity to meet Matt Striker last July, he was a really cool guy and I spent like 15 minutes talking to him, along with some other fans. He stayed in character a little bit. Matt Striker does a real good job breaking down the product, his intelligence and wrestling knowledge is really awesome. It definitely shines through on certain things. He does come off kind of dumb in some as well. I like him!
Matt Striker is a student of the game. He knows what he's talking about and he's genuinely a mark for some of the matches. That passion alone makes him likable in my book. The commentary's lacked passion in the past year or so. Lawler's mailing it in and Cole's always been awful. Without JR, someone's got to carry the mantle of being passionate about what their calling instead of acting like it's just another show.

It's weird that commentary's so important, but it is. I can't get into the show unless it's sold for me. Even if the wrestling's up to par, if the commentary's not that good, then it takes away from the show. Mike Tenay is an example of someone who has no business being a lead commentator. He takes away from matches with his false front of caring about what's happening. He's an analyst. And should be. But he's not. Matt Striker is an analyst and if he does anything else in the commentary field, it's a waste.
I think he works really well with Todd Grisham, and I really like how he comes across on TV, very interesting and intriguing to listen to.

We all know what Jim Ross is one of the best Play-by-Play callers ever, but I don't really miss him now Matt Striker's on Smackdown. (No disrespect to JR, I do think he's brilliant still, and wish him a speedy recovery)
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