Matt Morgan WWE return idea....


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I don't know if WWE is actually pursuing Morgan or if it's just a rumor. But if he does return, I think he should be teamed with someone to help out the tag division.
An idea I have is The Shield attacking a face, a name I had in mind was The Miz. Maybe around late 2013, or whenever WWE may or may not bring Morgan back. Have Miz cut promos about how The Shield always uses their numbers game, and say he has found a dominate partner(and old friend?)and have Miz and Morgan compete with Rollins and Reigns for the Tag Titles.
Maybe it's not The Miz? I can't really think of a better person, The Miz is kinda stuck where he is right now, why not put him in a tag team, that could get Miz over as a baby face or start a feud with Morgan. This also gives The Shield a great rivalry and gives WWE more time to build them up and get them more known.
Other names than The Miz, Evan Bourne(when he returns), Zack Ryder(Lol, jk.). I can't think of anyone other than The Miz, Miz and Morgan sound like a great team to me. Even though Morgan is 36, and will be 37 when or if he returns. I still think this could be great for the tag division.
If he was to return I'd be happy to see him just talk normally. That stutter gimmick was just stupid.
No way do I see them bringing Morgan in purely for the tag division. With his size and athleticism they'll push him in singles competition. Anything else would be a waste IMO. Miz bringing Morgan back wouldn't be a big deal because casual WWE fans won't know who he is.

My guess is they ignore his previous stint in WWE and repackage him. His age is the only mark against him really. Personally, I hope they don't make him a one dimensional monster heel. He's got the ability to be more than that.

To help out the tag division they need to debut teams together or have there be some kind of commonality between the members.
First off, although I'd like to see Morgan come back to WWE, I don't see it happening. I think that ship has sailed, he's not getting any younger and WWE already have a few big guys on the roster or coming up.

But if WWE were interested in him, I highly doubt they'd be thinking about putting him in a tag team. He's got too much going for him for them to do that. He's a big guy who's solid in the ring and on the mic, which isn't too common these days. Why would you put a potential main eventer in a tag team with someone like The Miz? No disrespect to Miz but in my eyes, he would just stop Morgan from being in the main event.
Morgan needs a major push when he comes in directly needs to be tooken serious, i say bring him on raw, and let him dominate the mid card divison,
then let him win a battle royal and put him into the whc picture,
and just keep morgan in the spotlight, its hard to find big guys who can actually wrestle and i think wwe will try to get him over, so they need morgan who aint the best speaker a manager. morgan needs a manager to get him over,
Nah... Not for the Tag Division. I guess seeing him in WWE in any way possible is good for him lol... But a tag team isn't what I would want to see though. I think he can still get over. If WWE does sign him, I believe this will be Morgan's last chance to REALLY get over.

I always have a hard time seeing WWE push a guy that was in TNA for so long and didn't do much there. It's like, if he didn't do anything in TNA, why would WWE make themselves or their talent seem inferior by having a guy who couldn't hack it in TNA, dominate in their company? If Christian didn't win in TNA, I doubt he would have returned to WWE and won the World Heavyweight Championship.

Hopefully Morgan will be an exception because he has so many tools... I just want him to be booked as somewhat of a Monster, and see if he can get over with the fans...

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