Matt Morgan, TNA's next big thing or more wasted talent?

Morgan, TNA's next big thing?

  • Yes, they are grooming him for Main Event status.

  • No, it's only a matter of time before he gets swept under the carpet due to other tallent.

  • Who cares? It is TNA after all.

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Getting Noticed By Management
Yeah, what do you guys think here? Matt Morgan seems poised in a position to become TNA's Next Big Thing that could add some credibility to the product and roster. Unlike many of what you guys call "WWE Rejects", I never considered Morgan to be a WWE "Superstar". the guy never really made anything for himself in WWE, which mainly seems to sit squarely on WWE's shoulders as it is obvious that Morgan could be a main event player, all they needed to do was actually do something with him. I see him as a TNA wrestler as his career finally did something worth while once he made it to TNA and it's only went up from there. The question though is, with this decent feud he's got going with Angle and the MEM, do you think Morgan can snag the brass ring and run with it, or do you see it being derailed by TNA management who might go in favor of Bobby Lashley for TNA Champion? He's obviously improved immensely and has some good Mic Skills these days due to not stuttering all over the place lke WWE was having him do. What do you guys think? Angle beats Morgan and goes on to feud with Lashley or Morgan wins and has to feud with both?
Not only Matt Morgan, but Hernandez too, they are both being groomed to make the jump to Main Event status, I mean Morgan is already there, but Hernandez is on his way.
Anyway onto the topic at hand. Morgan has said himself that he isn't looked at as a former WWE guy, basically because TNA rebuilt him. They are making/have made him into a star. While he may not be the most technical wrestler or the greatest in the ring, he certainly has the skills to go far in the business. WWE really missed out on him, and really booked him very poorly. Morgan is actually really good on the mic, and he has the charisma to go with it. I love his attitude and his tweener character. I think eventually, he will get Kurt in a one on one match, which would be freaking sweet. Bobbly Lashley probably will not receive the title soon, as he still has prior commitments to MMA and I think that will restrain him from being champion until he has no fights for a good span of time. Morgan will be champion either by the end of this year, or the start/middle of next. I look for great things from Morgan in the coming months. I think we will see Lashley be in the Main Event, but not given the title though, as they want both him and Morgan to be the top stars right now I feel. The feud with AJ in the best of the three series really helped push him further I'd say. Morgan is going to be the next TNA World Heavyweight Champion ,I can just tell.
Absolutely, I think Morgan has the potential to a legit heavyweight champion for years to come, along with Hernandez, Ima add Eric Young with his new found attitude, and of course, AJ Styles. I just hope that the usual backstage politics with Angle, Nash, Steiner, Booker dont stop the young guys from getting their opportunity.
Yes. Morgan will be a top guy in TNA sooner or later. Right now TNA is doing a great job in building him up and grooming him to become TNA World Champion. Whether he becomes champ soon or sometime next year, it will happen. He is pretty much the total package. He definitely has the look and size, he has the charisma, he is decent in the ring, and he has great mic skills. WWE shouldn't have mis-used him. Oh well...their loss.
Why bother including the third option? It's just an opportunity for people to bash TNA without having to back it up. Especially since this is an anonymous poll.

I don't think Matt's going to get lost in the shuffle, and definitely not because of Lashley. Apparently Lashley is going to be taking it easy during the times before his next MMA fights to prevent risking injury. Which would mean that they need someone to fill in his contender ship spot during these times.

Even though I think he'd be more over as a face, I think his position in the ME would be more secure if he were to stay heel. Who's in contention for the TNA title as of now? Since the rest of the MEM is busy with other titles, there is Angle, Sting, AJ, Morgan, with Hernandez & Lashley looking to join that group soon. And if TNA decides to bring in Anderson I can't see him being a heel. That's a potential six faces fighting for the title, and only one heel. If Morgan is to stay heel, then he'd be crucial to the main event to balance it out. There's a greater chance of him getting pushed off to the side if he is to go through with his face turn.
As of right now, Matt Morgan is pretty much the only interesting guy involved in the TNA main event scene. Hernandez is basically feuding with the World Elite for now, so he's probably not going to be a serious contender for the title for still some time. Sting is leaving soon, so his involvement in the whole thing is moot for me. In some way, shape or form, Sting has been part of the world title scene since he arrived in TNA. AJ Styles just...ehhh, he's looked kinda weak the past few weeks in promo segments and he's basically been "the homegrown guy" in TNA for years. He just doesn't have that fresh feel to him that Morgan does. As for Kurt Angle, it's just gotten very stale. Like Sting, he's been consistently part of the world title scene since he arrived in TNA. Most of that time, he's either had the TNA title or has been in the running for it. It's getting to the point where he's like Triple H in the WWE.
Why bother including the third option? It's just an opportunity for people to bash TNA without having to back it up. Especially since this is an anonymous poll.
Because I like pointing out how stupid some people are just to hate a product just based on its name is all. I find it funny that people hate TNA just because it is TNA and it has nothing to do with how great or how bad the tallent may be. It just proves to me how ass backwards some people have it is all.
Morgan is the next big thing but I don't think he should get his shine before Hernandez or AJ Styles. I'm still not fully convinced with Morgan. I'd prefer if Morgan spent some time in the midcard and maybe feuding after the Legendz belt before going for the world title but I'd understand if TNA pushed him to become champion though.

GBALLA said:
Absolutely, I think Morgan has the potential to a legit heavyweight champion for years to come, along with Hernandez, Ima add Eric Young with his new found attitude, and of course, AJ Styles. I just hope that the usual backstage politics with Angle, Nash, Steiner, Booker dont stop the young guys from getting their opportunity.

What backstage politics? What are you talking about? Angle is the main guy in TNA pushing for TNA creative and booking to push the young guys and to make the young guys look strong. That's why he use to clash with Jarrett so much because he wasn't happy with how they were using the young talent. Steiner & Booker have been basically putting talent over since they've been in TNA. And Nash has been helping and aligning himself with young talent on and off behind the scenes and is still grooming talent backstage. Even Morgan talked about how helpful Nash was. So really, don't make things up and act as if the veterans in TNA are holding back young talent. It's been well known that the vets in TNA are very willing to pass the torch and to build up young talent.
This thread is late. He's in the main event of a PPV leading up to TNA's Wrestlemania. What more do you want from the guy? They have him making a fool of Angle, and it's working. This could even lead to a singles feud between him and Angle and that would be a huge rub for him, and if it goes well, maybe he'll even take the title off Angle. He's showing that WWE wasted his talent and TNA is giving him the opportunity to make a name for himself.
Matt Morgan shows the difference between using a WWE Reject (TNA should almost always try out WWE Rejects) and a WWE Retread (TNA should be very careful about bringing in more WWE Retreads).

A WWE Reject never really made it in WWE, even if he made it TO WWE. Either he wasn't ready, or he was booked badly, or he had a gimmick that held him back, etc. Something just didn't work--but you have a guy who's trained up to the level of a TV pro wrestler, he has some experience. Give that guy a shot, see what TNA can do with him. Run through Doug Basham, Danny Basham, MAtt Morgan, Johnny Stamboli/Rellik, Jethro Holiday, Brian Kendrick, and the Heartbreakers, and you find a potential star.

A WWE Retread established himself in WWE (or WCW) but WWE just didn't want/need him anymore. The Dudleys, Rhino, Scott Steiner, Dustin Rhodes, Kevin Nash, Booker, Jeff Hardy in TNA, Foley the wrestler, Jeff Jarrett. Mr. Anderson, Lashley and Taz all fit in this category too. Some of the Retreads have some life in them, some of them are just living off of their names. I think TNA brings in too many of these just for their name value without really thinking through how they are going to add to the TNA product.

I purposely left out guys who chose to go to TNA--Kurt Angle and Christian. They could have stayed in WWE when they left WWE, but chose to try TNA. STing, too, since he could have signed with WWE for a retirement/Legends run, a last feud vs. Flair, a crucifixion by Orton or whatever.
A WWE Retread established himself in WWE (or WCW) but WWE just didn't want/need him anymore. The Dudleys, Rhino, Scott Steiner, Dustin Rhodes, Kevin Nash, Booker, Jeff Hardy in TNA, Foley the wrestler, Jeff Jarrett. Mr. Anderson, Lashley and Taz all fit in this category too. Some of the Retreads have some life in them, some of them are just living off of their names. I think TNA brings in too many of these just for their name value without really thinking through how they are going to add to the TNA product.

I don't think the last 3 you put there should qualify under this. Lashley left on his own accord, so even though he was used properly, he would fit with Angle and Christian. Same with Tazz. Tazz was never going to wrestle and could've stayed in WWE but chose not to. Kennedy, although known, didn't do anything, so should be picked up. He didn't establish anything. He has a lot of marks but for the most part they're cheering for the idea of Kennedy rather than the guy himself, since his entire WWE career was spent on the sidelines with injuries. Kennedy, like Lashley, should be pursued. Young guys with name value is very different from acquiring Shane Douglas or Richards. Even a repackaged Umaga would be a benefit for TNA, as he can put in the years (and give a new angle to Samoa Joe after the NOV storyline). Or just do a Wild Samoans 2.0 with Manu (who would fit as a complete Reject).
Man, this whole "Rejects/Retread" crap is killing me. Does it really matter who used to wrestle where? I really could care less. It would be different if it was like it was during the Monday Night Wars when jumping ship made a huge impact on the talent and the show itself. Ratings have proven that this kind of thing really isn't a huge deal. Don't give me this "Well, it's because TNA storyline is crap" BS either. Back in the day, WCW scored HUGE ratings when Bret Hart jumped to WCW. Hulk Hogan scored HUGE when he signed with WCW and the storyline didn't matter, people just wanted to see what the guy from here was going to do there. Well, Bret was a bit different with the screw job and all, but the way that things are going now, it really isn't a huge deal. To hear the way that the "WWE Rejects" thing is taken, you'd swear that because so and so was fired by WWE they should go hide under a rock and never wrestle again.

As for Matt Morgan, after doing some more watching of last weeks IMPACT!, I have this feeling that his match with Angle is going to be something special for TNA. The build up is just right and the momentum they are carrying into this match seems almost perfect. Hopefully they can carry this thing to the proper level and make all the hard work worth it and bring this to a frenzy. I am telling you, I just got this feeling about the match.
If Matt Morgan is TNA's next big thing, then they will be back to competing with ROH before they know it. Morgan is probably the worst wrestler to have ever main evented a PPV ever, and I think the complete lack of quality he has shown will probably tell TNA that they should push him to one side rather than push him in the traditional sense.

Morgan lacks charisma, ring psychology, mic skills and just about every other asset. At least he's tall though, World Champion material right there.
I think your being a little unfair, I have seen some very good stuff come out of Matt Morgan, oh well its all opinion.

I personally loved the threepeat with AJ and his promos are pretty good. I do think he talks too fast...

Just My Opinion
Matt Morgan has definitely impressed me over the past 2 months. He may not be as great as some other TNA stars, but he has two finishers that look believable, and he definitely has talent. I've also been impressed with his mic skills. I didn't know that he could talk so well. Anyway, he is getting a big push right now, and he will be champion in October.
If Matt Morgan is TNA's next big thing, then they will be back to competing with ROH before they know it. Morgan is probably the worst wrestler to have ever main evented a PPV ever, and I think the complete lack of quality he has shown will probably tell TNA that they should push him to one side rather than push him in the traditional sense.
So then you think that Batista is better than Matt Morgan in the ring? I think you might want to reevaluate that comment. Unlike Batista, Matt Morgan has learned quite a bit since coming to TNA. Do you even actually watch TNA because if you are basing this off of what you saw in WWE, then I could understand, but calling Matt Morgan a bad wrestler really makes me wonder if you are actually watching his matches because his in ring abilities have improved immensely and he doesn't miss spots and seem totally stiff like Batista seems to be all the time. Plus, he can't be the worst because David Arquette main evented a couple Pay Per Views, and as champion a time or two to boot!:disappointed:
I've never been convinced by Morgan, I see him as competent both in the ring and on the mic but rarely impressive. He's never what I'd consider main event, and there are more guys above Morgan in TNA that should of be pushed and his feud with Abyss was dreadful.

His main problem is that he's a little camp. This isn't selling the idea of this monster to me.
This guy has a chance to get over big based on his size and energy in the ring. IMO he needs to tighten up his look. He is a monster and has Goldberg like appeal in the ring. I would suggest bulking up big time. The dude is already huge, but if he had (dare I say) steroid type muscles it would help his appeal out a lot. And either grow your hair out or shave it. Just make sure you get rid of that gay hair gel flip in the front.
You don't gotta worry about backstage politics and the old guys holding Morgan down. When Hogan had creative control and refused to lose, Russo made a scene and had Jarrett just lay down. He'll get what he wants done and the big mouths in the back wont be able to stop him.
I think Matt Morgan will be a big thing, but I don't think he will be the next big thing.

He is gradually getting Main Event status, and I can see him as a future World Champion.

I think he would make a good champion, but I just can't see him as one of the all time greats.

I like him as I've said, but he is just missing...something.
I think Matt Morgan's a fucking beast. He's still a little green but he's vastly improved from the st-st-stuttering idiot that made him to be in the WWE. I think he's definitely a future world champ. Just not right now, let's see how his match against Kurt Angle goes.. Then we'll see where he goes from there. This guy is the perfect package though. He's tall, athletic, quick, cuts a decent promo. He's definitely a future world champion.
There's no reason to not push Matt Morgan up to a main eventer. His storyline with Kurt Angle has been solid so far. I enjoyed where he pretended to side with Angle and made "rookie mistakes". I enjoy that he calls Angle "little buddy". He's cutting awesome promos, his in-ring abilities are getting better... why not push him to the top? I'm hoping his affiliation with Abyss doesn't throw him back to/keep him as a mid-carder.
Morgan lacks charisma, ring psychology, mic skills and just about every other asset. At least he's tall though, World Champion material right there.

This is all a little unfair, Tasty. Morgan has charisma, and has shown it throughout the angle with Kurt, and his push to the main event. His promos have continuously gotten better, and he's become quite the entertainer with the mic. Whether it was dissing Angle, or the segment with Sting a few weeks back, he's gotten better. That's the point, isn't it? To get better?

He's a beast in the ring, and wrestles a match that works for him. I wouldn't expect him to perform dropkicks or submission holds, but he does overpower his opponents, and does show a good amount of speed in the ring.
While I do like Morgans in ring skills I'm not as big a fan of his mic work as some on here are. His lisp just bugs me a little and makes it hard to take what he says seriously.

As far as is he the next big thing? It really depends on what Russo has in mind for him. He could be pushed to the title or made worthless by Russo using him the wrong way. We'll have to wait and see.
I'd say JKO settled this in another thread. Matt Morgan is TNA's Batista.

His size makes him a threat to anyone. He moves and talks well enough that he is credible overall. With a little bit of main event and championship-level experience, he'll be a fixture in the TNA World title scene for a long time.
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