Matt Morgan Returns


Sort of lost in all the various disappointments from last night's episode of IW is that Matt Morgan returned and made his presence known.

Given his attack on Jeff Hardy, one has to assume that they're setting something up for after the ppv between them. Otherwise, why not simply have Morgan unleash his fuzzy self on any other member of the roster? You attack the champ when you want to make a statement that you're coming for his title.

It looks as if TNA has realized that Morgan & Joey Ryan were a dead end and they've gone their separate ways as Ryan has a singles match against Joseph Park at Lockdown. They had little to no chemistry and the pairing simply didn't do either one of them any favors.

I kind of want to get excited about the prospect of Morgan in the title picture, but I just can't right now. TNA has played this game time and time again with Matt Morgan in which he's built up for a while, given a shot at the title, has his shot and then disappears back to damn near the bottom of the roster.

Morgan's appearance raises some potential questions about the title match at Lockdown. Given that Bully Ray came to Hardy's aid, it makes me wonder about how the match ends. As I alluded to earlier, one would assume Morgan's appearance portends him being in the title picture very soon. Both Hardy & Ray are babyfaces, so it leads me to think that either Hardy retains or Ray wins but remains a babyface.
I enjoy Morgan's work, but I really hope if the plan is to have him involved in the title picture, that Ray wins.

Last time Morgan Faced Hardy, The size difference eradicated half of Hardy's moves, meaning the match consisted largely of 4 attempts at the Twist of Hate (as it was then) and 3 completed Twist Of Hates. It was, among the most boring matches I've ever seen.

I like Monster heel Morgan. I'm pleased his, frankly bizarre, partnership with Ryan seems to be over.
Meh. Morgan has bored me to tears since his push died in 2009. As a face, his steam is run dry in just a few months and as a heel he's generic. Not to mention he's not too intimidating on the mic. Unless he starts blowing people out of the waters with his promos, I'm not really in a a mood to care about what he's doing.
Meh. Morgan has bored me to tears since his push died in 2009. As a face, his steam is run dry in just a few months and as a heel he's generic. Not to mention he's not too intimidating on the mic. Unless he starts blowing people out of the waters with his promos, I'm not really in a a mood to care about what he's doing.

I tend to agree with Killjoy.

Can they temporarily build steam for Morgan? Sure. Bringing him back repackaged with the bearded, more menacing look and the axe to grind against Hogan wasn't a bad idea(minus the pairing him with Ryan part), and until the novelty of it wears off Morgan's size is enough to make him come off as a legit threat that could create interest.

The problem? As soon as he starts having to cut longer and more important live promos that pertain to a specific match build, and as soon as he starts having to compete in key matches high up the card, all time spent getting him into the position will be for naught. He simply is too bland, scripted, robotic, and monotone on the mic; as well as far too limited in the ring. They have tried to push Morgan to the main event before, he simply isn't a main event caliber talent. He is just a very large well put together physical specimen who is articulate and decently athletic. He has no natural charisma, and it would be an insult to most typical big men to compare his ring work to the typical big man.

This is 2013, a wrestler has to have more than a great look to remian as a believable main eventer.
I never understood why they put him with Joey Ryan but given his target from the moment he returned has been Hogan I wouldn't be surprised if Bully wins the title and he feuds with him and by extension Hogan. It'll be interesting to see if he is still wearing Hogan's old robe to the ring.

I'd say this is Morgan's last chance to really make it as a main event guy, if he fails to deliver in this angle then he'll need to accept a solid mid card role as his future.
Matt Morgan has everything you need to succeed at the main event level. Everything. His look alone is enough to carry him far, and I've never made any bones about how big a fan I am of his.

I have no idea why the Joey Ryan thing happened (and I'm sorry it ever did), but I thought TNA had something great brewing when Morgan cut that promo on IMPACT, talking about how he was going to eat through, and "shit out" the entire roster. The problem is — they never let him follow through on it. That's exactly what he should have done. I don't need him going Goldberg on everyone, but all he needed to do was go after the champions and the higher end TNA stars, "injuring" a number of them, and constantly interfering in their matches by giving out Carbon Footprints to anyone in his path.

Instead, he became part of some meaningless tag team, for no reason, lost a couple matches and was taken off television, again, before randomly re-appearing on IMPACT again.

The inconsistency is what's killing him here, not his mic skill, or wrestling skill, or anything like that.
Maybe he'll get another title shot, maybe he'll finally win the gold, but I'm not hoping for or expecting anything great. I'm sorry, but you can't cling to the "it's TNA's fault" excuse forever. At some point, you have to start pointing the finger at Matt Morgan. I'm still a fan of Morgan, but he hasn't set the world on fire in TNA, and he's 36 years old now.

Yes, he has a great look and size, and he's more entertaining as the narcissistic heel, but that's a another problem. Morgan might be more entertaining as a heel, but he never does anything (character wise or in the ring) to blow you away. He can't excel as a heel or face, and I've NEVER seen that one match, moment, or promo from Morgan that sent shockwaves through TNA, as a sign of a future with some real promise.

Yeah, maybe pairing him with Joey Ryan wasn't the best idea, but let's say TNA gives Morgan another meaningful storyline, and it flops again. Then what? Blame TNA again for Morgan's shortcomings? It's getting to a point, where we all have to realize Matt Morgan isn't that good. He could be a solid player in the mid card, and maybe you can insert him in the world title picture as a chaser every now and then, but I accepted the fact Matt Morgan isn't "the guy" material a long time ago.
I think a lot of youguys are on the money here, maybe Morgan isn't HWC material. But he is a solid, imposing looking upper-midcarder.

He's a perfect big nasty heel for up and comers to go through to get to the Main Event. There's no shame in that, and good god, do TNA need some mid-card attention...
like the rest of you, I never understood why TNA decided to put Morgon and Ryan together. Having him join Aces and eights would have been a much better idea as it may have made them look like a ligitamate threat Instead of guys like Briscoe and Bischoff.

As far as his current return goes, I'm hoping it leads to him getting a proper push at being a main eventer. He has the right look and size to be a main event guy and his in ring abilitie is far better then that of other big men who have held world titles in the past. Morgan's only let down is the fact that he is not a great talker, but again there have been a lot of guys in the past who have made it to the top with very limited mic skills
I didn't buy the face Matt Morgan main event push he had back in whatever time it was. I don't even think that was the plan at the time. Anderson got legit concussion and they had to have someone else quick to face Hardy who already wasn't in a story line. Morgan turned on Fortune/Immortal. I didn't buy it because Morgan went on and on and on and on about concussions. Morgan shouldn't be someone preaching about concussions. he should be what he is now, a big bad heel. this fits him more. I think he was at his best back when he was holding both tag team titles after splitting with Hernandez.

I don't think Morgan is going to be right into the title picture after Lockdown. I think the attack on Hardy was because he was the champion, but it was to get Hulk's attention. Morgan even said he is going to go through the entire roster. it's too soon to just give Morgan a title shot.
I do buy him as a main event threat.
Can be a great monsterheel if he's given the right character and attire.

He has the size and powe, and all he need is to work with his character and attire.

He cant run around in that cape if I'm gonna take him seriously.

Or those Val Venis attire. Need a makeover.
Matt Morgan has everything you need to succeed at the main event level. Everything. His look alone is enough to carry him far, and I've never made any bones about how big a fan I am of his.
Height and being fast is about as far as it goes. I certainly don't see the rest though.

I have no idea why the Joey Ryan thing happened (and I'm sorry it ever did), but I thought TNA had something great brewing when Morgan cut that promo on IMPACT, talking about how he was going to eat through, and "shit out" the entire roster. The problem is — they never let him follow through on it. That's exactly what he should have done. I don't need him going Goldberg on everyone, but all he needed to do was go after the champions and the higher end TNA stars, "injuring" a number of them, and constantly interfering in their matches by giving out Carbon Footprints to anyone in his path.

That's another problem I see with him. I see him all angry and trying to intimidate and I can't help but laugh. To me he just can't pull off the tough guy act. Maybe it's because I've heard him make spaghetti out of promo's as a face. By that I mean he talks all over place with that lighthearted voice of his.
Instead, he became part of some meaningless tag team, for no reason, lost a couple matches and was taken off television, again, before randomly re-appearing on IMPACT again.
He looked absolutely silly wearing Hogan's 70's robe. Though, I blame Devon for that issue because we can't have a damn midcard title that means something.
The inconsistency is what's killing him here, not his mic skill, or wrestling skill, or anything like that.

TNA's inconsistent with him, but at the same time he doesn't really do much for himself when he gets the chance. His build and attitude just do not mesh at all.
I don't agree at all, KJ.

Morgan's build and personality match his look to a tee. The issue is use of character, not quality/integrity of it. If they wanted to, he could easily run rough shot on the roster and start burying guys in matches the way TNA let Hernandez do for a bit. The issue is that they don't follow through on the angles they give him by letting him do exactly what he promises to, which makes Morgan look bad.

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