Matt Morgan offering his services to the MEM...

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Well first off I'd just like to say that Matt Morgan in the short time he has been a heel, has greatly improved in my eyes. I guess it is true that it's easier to be a heel than be a face, but as a heel he's been a believable character and doesn't make me bored like his vanilla face character.

Last iMPACT! right before the main event, Morgan came out to let the MEM know that his services are available. Where do you think they are going with this? I think this may help give Morgan an important rub, and maybe he'll take Nash's place in matches for the MEM so we don't have to watch Nash stumble around anymore.
I posted about this earlier today, I think this is would be a great move for Morgans character. Just like you said, he can replace Nash so we don't have to watch him in the ring. Imagine if Morgan get a super rub from his time with the Mafia, TNA would have a top star to build there title around. Also, Bobby Lashley could fit in the same exact role as a replacement for Steiner. TNA finally hit the refresh button on their creative team so hopefully this will go while on tv and by Bound For Glory we can have a supercard to wow everybody.
I think morgan would be a good fit for MEM but isnt that group all about world champions??? he has nver won a title! he will for sure in the future but he hasnt yet...but i would like to see him go to MEM i word on the street is that sting is leaving MEM as we all can see but so is Nash and turning them face to finally bring down MEM so morgan be a good big man fit for them but i dont beleive that lashley is going to be in MEM he'll be battling curt angle n stiener the first few months he in TNA..then he'll be world champion then he may turn heel as all the new wrestlers do...its true if u think bout it...steiner did it...angle was face until he won the belt....booker T same way 2 or 3 months face then turned heel... its the pattern TNA does...oh same with Mick foley also!
The whole point of him joining the Mafia would be so they could push him to the top, in this case he desnt have to be a champion. Think of it like this, they are insuring that there legacy as great champions lives on and Matt Morgan is the perfect place to start. He is the new Nash, Lashely can be a cross of Angle/Steiner.
i know i'm not losing it, but has everyone else noticed how much weight morgan's lost since he arrived in tna. in wwe, he was around 320-330lbs. now i'd say he's around 300. good or bad idea for matt? i'm not really into morgan though. he's not that impressive in the ring, his mic skills need work, but the guy has a good character, i'll give him that. i think with the right booking, he could be something great. a main event mafia push would be an awesome start. at this point, i don't think nash, angle, or steiner should be compared to anybody anymore. 2 of em are on the verge of death while the other just looks like it.
Seems like a great idea, they don't have a designated jobber yet, so he could easily fill that position. Kidding aside, he wouldn't fit in, the whole concept of MEM is people who have been ME caliber and want to keep that spot, Morgan hasn't even reached ME status.
This is either going to go 2 ways i think, MEM will accecpt his propsal and he will join them and git a big rub off them, or MEM will refuse him and in the process turning him face to help out the Front Line.
@Andymcg your rite it could go both ways but to me it would make more sense to have Morgan join the Mafia instead of being refused. Like i have been saying before, Morgan would get a huge rub from them, he would be there new blood ( like Orton was in Evolution, except in this case they need not turn on him for the better of his career) Kevin Nash could spin by saying he sees himself in this kid and wants to shoe him the ropes and how to become a champion around here. Just by doing it like that, they can bypass the fact that Morgan doesnt fit the concept of the group. The only problem is, not everybody will agree with this move and in the back of their minds will start to hate Morgan even more.

( I dont understand why people hate Matt Morgan, he has the look and some of the move, that of which need to be perfected along with his mic skills. He really is the business and rite now is a good time to start building for the future. When people say TNA needs that one guy they can build their company around, i look at it and say it would work better is they built it around several guys, {Mount Rushmore}, Morgan, AJ, Old Joe, Chris Daniels, Angle, Lashley {as long as he stops doing mma} back to Morgan)

Meanwhile backstage these group of guys help his all around character for the better, and when Lashley comes in they can do the same for him.

Orton is definitely the future of WWE. He is that dude.
Its a great idea, the group needs some new blood. The idea that Angle, Booker T and a crippled Steiner and Nash can rule TNA is pretty laughable. Its obviosuly Lashley is going to be a face so MEM needs someone to join their group.
In my opinion Lashley could go either way but to have him with the Mafia kind of makes more sense because it already looks like he might be there for them, and plus to me if he doesnt join the Mafia it would confuse the hell out of everybody.
I dont mind thid idea, alhough I am a bit of a fan of Nash, Morgan can fill in for him sometimes, and mabye be part of MEM, especially if Nash leaves MEM, or decidesds to fully side with Sting. I think bobby Lashley could fill in for Steiner, but then again, mabye Booker, although i think he mostly suits Steiner's spot. Although there could be a clahs between Him and Angle in the future as, both may want the world title,and although Angle is the better technical wrestler, both have a big amateur background...
morgan is awsome and is truely the future of TNA. His mic skills have gotten pretty good. He is actually a really good heel. I agree with all of you, this could give morgan a great rub. I think a nash/morgan fued would actually be pretty cool as well.
Morgan is a beast and could really fit in with the MEM. He would get a great rub form Angle and co. (hehehe rub...) and could solidify himself as a main eventer.

I too agree his heel persona is much more believable than his face character. I only watch TNA here and there so when i saw his promo on the last impact i was like, whoa this guy is fuckin scary. He' huge and from what i saw can cut a great heel promo.

The MEM could benifit him in many ways.
Umm isn't the main criteria for becoming a member of MEM that you have to be a Main Eventer?, last I checked Morgan has never in his life been anything close to being a ME talent guy, if Morgan joins MEM then it takes away the only thin that makes MEM special, and that's the fact that all the members are former Main eventers and world champions, Matt Morgan joining MEM is dumb as fuck but this is TNA
i think that having matt as an enforcer, learning from the former champs is a great idea to get a rub for the kid. have him constantly wanting to be "made" (it is a mafia angle, after all) only to have his ceremony turn into the mafia turning on him a la joe pesci in goodfellas, turning him face with a reason.
The idea that the MEM would push him to carry on the legacy doesnt make sense. The MEM are al l supposed to be guys who are unwilling to let go not people who will help anothes person launch the career, that would be the frontline. I think a better reason would be to fill morgans own needs, to interject himself in the mafia either a. To destroy it from the inside (face turn) or b. To use them to propel himself (unknowingly by the mafia) to ME status. That makes more sense to me. On the business end i have no idea, TNA creative is at times a bit clusterfukd and i cant figure this one out.
I guess at some point in this storyline they should push someone like Evolution did with Randy Orton.

Just think about it, Orton as a pure heel when he jumped to Evolution, then all of a sudden he was over with the crowd and eventually won the World Heavyweight Championship from Benoit, then Evolution's Triple H didn't like it and took the title from him in one month period.

So, Morgan could pull this off on MEM, he could start as an enforcer and really stablish himself as the savior of the Mafia everytime they are outnumbered, then, he could won a contenders match envolving some other member of the Mafia per say Angle or he could face one of them in a match of "respect" within members of the Mafia, lets say: Kurt Angle or Sting vs. Matt Morgan, the title "stays in the family no matter what", he could win the belt and at iMPACT! be screwed by all the Mafia, and start a good feud to him as the champion and one of the top faces of the company...
At sacrafice, if Angle gets pinned whoever pins him gets to be the leader of the MEM. If that happens Angle could start his own group and have Morgan as a member. The MEM could have him go after members of the frontline to 'prove' himself to them.

Did anyone else notice that Angle said that the MEM's mission isn't over because they have never held ALL the belts at the same time? They could have Morgan team with Booker and go after tag team titles.
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