Matt Morgan & Crimson are the *NEW* Tag Team Champions

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
They were put together by Sting early on in the night who did a good enough job of convincing them to put their competitive differences aside for the sake of adding "competition" to the division, and it certainly paid off, eh?

I'm not sure if giving them the titles this quickly was the best choice to be made, but establishing a new team was, and I'd say winning the titles in your first night as a unit is a solid way to accomplish that. TNA's once great tag division prior to Morgan/Crimson's teaming was down to one tag team. Literally. MCMG's are MIA, British Invasion are MIA, 3D broke up a while back, Beer Money are finished (for now), Ink Inc. are finished with Neal leaving TNA and the Bucks were released.

Go team Mega Towers (yeah, that's right — I said it)!

Thoughts on their win? Too soon? Bad team?
I'm not sure how to feel about this.
as a team, I like them together. I think this gives Crimson more time in the company, so he doesn't have to be pushed so hard in singles with this streak.
how does Crimson's streak work in a tag team? if the team wins, does he get credit for the streak? or just if he is the one to get the win? if Morgan loses, does that effect the streak and cost Crimson?

but I'm disappointed in the timing.
now maybe TNA felt they had to put them together because everything else in the tag team division was falling apart. was this a quick decision? or something that had been planned for weeks?

TNA spends time prior to Turning Point building Morgan vs Crimson. not only spending the time, but having that match end in a double DQ with no winner. why bother doing all that if you're just going to make them a tag team at the very next Impact?

I think IF TNA had been planning to put Morgan and Crimson together as a tag team match then TNA should not have put them against each other at Turning Point. IF TNA had planned them to be together, maybe instead you could have had them team together AT Turning Point. the previous PPV had Crimson vs Morgan vs Joe in a triple threat match. maybe then for Turning Point TNA could have had Morgan and Crimson vs Joe and told Joe to find someone to team with. wouldn't really matter who that was. Morgan/Crimson could have won that match. THEN tonight when Sting saw Morgan/Crimson he could have said good job as a team, they now get a title shot. rather than making them a team and giving them not only a shot but the titles the same night.
maybe TNA could have even spun off further wit whatever wrestler was with Joe to be the one to lose that match and that pissed off Joe, so now you build Joe vs that wrestler going forward.

but now they look good together as a team.

does TNA put anyone else together as a team to help the tag team division?
I've felt for awhile now that Pope and Devon should be a team. back when they were first getting involved I thought it would have had them eventually team together. they could be a good team.
if Robbie E was to lose his TV title maybe TNA could also use Robbie E and Rob Terry as a team. everyone knows Terry isn't exactly a good wrestler. maybe you can hide that with having him in a team where someone like Robbie E could see most of the action. Terry might not wrestle good, but he has an impressive look.
I like the pairing, but I would agree that the timing was off. As the previous poster mentioned, why have their match end in a double DQ if you weren't going to resolve the feud with a clean finish later on?

I've also never been a fan of throwing belts on someone just to legitimize them as a contender. It always just feels forced to me.

Because of the aforementioned issues in the tag team division, I guess TNA's hand was forced.
even though it was completley random for morgan and crimson to take the titles i do like this team it gives both men something to do now and its better then mexican america they just annoy me so much hopefully morgan and crimson have a long run they may be a thrown together team but need i remind you all so was beer money when they first started? i just wish they would have won at the ppv
I was pretty shocked by this one, in a way I think it's a good turn to avoid having Crimson or Morgan lose to each other so neither lose credibility but at the same time this just feels plain weird. They're two big guys who know what they're doing in the ring and can put on good matches but them together just doesn't feel real, yes they were put together but I don't see any real chemistry as a team and I don't expect to see any. The division really sucks with MCMG out of action and Ink Inc getting canned and this seems like an attempt to change that but this can't be a permanent team and I really hope that some legit teams start coming into Impact because as much as I like Crimson and Morgan I am not excited by them as Tag Team Champions.
Aw man, I wished they would have played this scenario with another duo. I was expecting a falls count anywhere or a 2 out of 3 falls type of match with these two.

I can definitely understand them putting Crimson on a team. That undefeated streak means nothing to me, but when you've been undefeated you should be getting big title shots right? Being in a team takes away that question, therefore you don't have to worry about overdoing it. But his offense looked great to start the match off. I'm becoming more of a fan with every passing week.

The problem I have with this is I feel Matt Morgan is passed this. I felt he was a main eventer before his title matches with Hardy, and I also feel those matches justified his need to be there. Yea, he's recently off injury so it will be best to give him a slow build, but to put the tag belts on him during a rebuilding staage feels counterproductive to me. Also, two giants with the tag belts makes them losing it while being believable, seems very hard.
I'm having a sense of deja vu from when Matt Morgan was teamed up with Hernandez. What we have here is another case of two guys TNA obviously wants to push hard but has no way of doing so at the moment, which is understandable considering the rather stacked main event scene. My guess is that the team was put together due to the tag team division just absolutely falling apart. In addition, it sorta keeps Crimson's undefeated streak intact in singles competition should he and Morgan find themselves on the losing end of their matches. Hopefully, we see these guys get a good solid title run. I'm personally liking the team so far so I'm interested to see where they go from here.
From the time that they first started having their interweaving storylines, when both were taken out of the Bound For Glory series, I wondered if it would eventually lead to them teaming up. I don't know if it was the plan, and as I posted earlier, this is my TNA dream team, and so I may have been seeing something were there was nothing to see, but either way, I got my team.
meh, adds nothing to a struggling division.
Crimson sucks, Morgan is just being lumped in yet again to a team with someone he's fueding with YAWN!!!!!!

Guess it's a way that Crimson can lose and not lose his singles streak.
Sting throws together this "tag team" and an hour later, they become the tag team champs? That doesn't say much for the tag team picture or the tag titles in general at this point. As others have also pointed out, this is ultimately just a case of Morgan winning the tag titles, again, with someone he's feuding with and the tension will lead to an implosion before long. When this is all said and done, nothing will be solved and the tag titles and tag team scene in general won't benefit at all.

In my view, this is a lousy decision on TNA's part. It also seems like a half baked reason just to give Crimson a title. I'm not one to try to turn everything into a WWE vs. TNA thing but I find it difficult to believe that people are defending this. If this happened in WWE, people would be throwing their turds at the wall like chimps at the zoo.
I like this pairing actually. In my eyes it kinda elevates both men slightly. Also, I like IDR's name for them, Mega Towers. While it was discussed that Morgan might or should get a push for the heavyweight title, this might put a little pressure to start developing more teams to the division. The Crimson/Morgan combo can only go so far unless there's another team besides Mexican America (or possibly Devon/Pope and Robbie E/Rob Terry). So far I'm satisfied with the pairing.
Well, the tag division is definitely weak right now, & Mexican America was underwhelming at best. I'm sure we'll see a rematch between the 2 teams at the next PPV. But TNA definitely needs to develop a few more teams. I thought Robbie E & Rob Terry would work better as a tag team, & maybe that will happen in the future. And maybe the MCMG will be back in the not too distant future. But I'm not going to go crazy about this. Let's see where it goes.
I'm a BIG fan of both Crimson and Morgan and I really think that this is a good move for both of them right now the Main Event scene is too crowded for the both of them with Roode, Storm, Angle and AJ involved in the title picture now I think they could bring a much needed shot in the arm to the tag divison and I think they are easily are Much Better choice for Tag Champs then Mexican America who are Pretty Bad. I really think that this Tag Team will last for awhile, and I don't see ending up like Morgan and Hernandez did, I don't think this is a case of two guys feuding they win the tag belts and one turns on the other because In this case Crismon and Morgan were not feuding they just had a match to prove who was the better big man. I think Crimson & Morgan will make a pretty good tag team.
Sting throws together this "tag team" and an hour later, they become the tag team champs? That doesn't say much for the tag team picture or the tag titles in general at this point. As others have also pointed out, this is ultimately just a case of Morgan winning the tag titles, again, with someone he's feuding with and the tension will lead to an implosion before long. When this is all said and done, nothing will be solved and the tag titles and tag team scene in general won't benefit at all.

Did you miss the part when they said the match was one time only? They both got DQ'd. Nobody won.

They officially have the choice of going after the belts and they certainly are still "friends"
In my view, this is a lousy decision on TNA's part. It also seems like a half baked reason just to give Crimson a title. I'm not one to try to turn everything into a WWE vs. TNA thing but I find it difficult to believe that people are defending this. If this happened in WWE, people would be throwing their turds at the wall like chimps at the zoo.
I know nobody takes anything you say towards TNA seriously since you are always and usually one sided with your opinion and views but REALLY?

MCMG - Injured, Ink Inc - Broken Up, Beer Money - Broken Up, Mexican America - Nearly broken. Your telling me that TNA has a lousy reason to save their division?

I guess they should have just vacated the belts for 4 months?
See, I'm a little different in this regard. I don't piss in the wind when it comes to the tag division. I'm fine with this decision except for one thing: it's stupid in terms of Crimson's undefeated streak.

To be fair, I'm not a fan of the streak to begin with as it's just kind of there and doesn't mean a whole lot, but what you've done now is back yourself into a corner with him. Now his first loss won't be high profile, it'll be to lose the tag titles. Yes, Morgan could take the pin and they could say "oh, he never lost", but that's where this thing gets dicey. Why have to figure out semantics with something as simple as a winning streak?

What would almost be better, since no one cares about the streak to begin with, is for the team to either get screwed by Crimson's new feud or just to lose the belts eventually and for Crimson to be the one to take the fall. Either way, have Crimson take the fall. It will either lead to him feuding with the guy who screwed him and made him lose his streak, or he'll feud with Morgan when he goes bat shit crazy on him for being the "weak link". At least if that happens, you can do SOMETHING with Crimson because as of now, he's bland, uninteresting, and one move wonder as every match consists of him getting beaten down and then hitting his finisher out of nowhere. He's supposed to be "intense" so perhaps having him lose a match will bring out the inner rage and make him an actual force.

So basically, the reign itself is what it is, but the key here will be how it ends.
I thought it was a great decision to put Matt Morgan and Crimson together and have them win the Tag Team Titles. I can't think of anything more interesting that TNA could've done with the Tag Titles. I'm really looking forward to seeing these two go on a tear and have a long, dominant, reign with the belts.

This is also the perfect way to keep Crimson's streak going. Crimson and Morgan could keep the Titles for a good while, defeating everyone in their path, possibly introducing new teams along the way. I want Morgan to be the one to end Crimson's streak and them being a tag team for a while can build towards that. I'm really intrigued by this combination and think it's an awesome dream team.

I'm not sure when the Machine Guns are returning but TNA could have a classic David vs. Goliath situation on their hands here.
I think that Crimson and Morgan are going to make an awesome tag team. Not only are they good at what they do but this teaming can further the angle between them as well. Perhaps they can become friends out of it (long term, obviously, if this team lasts a long time) and continue to dominate the tag team division for a while. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with their team because we have not seen a truly dominant team in a while and these guys are perfect for it.
I dislike both these guys, in both persona and as in-ring performers, so to me this is the final nail in the coffin of the tag team division.

I can't wait for the day when Morgan gets pinned and loses them the titles, yet Crimson once again claims he's undefeated. It seems his streak is riddled with situations like that, where he didn't win, he just wasn't the one taking the pinfall. What a copout.
I can't wait for the day when Morgan gets pinned and loses them the titles, yet Crimson once again claims he's undefeated. It seems his streak is riddled with situations like that, where he didn't win, he just wasn't the one taking the pinfall. What a copout.

That's what an undefeated streak is, it's where the guy is undefeated, i.e. He hasn't been pinned or submitted. It's not a winning streak, so quite clearly there will be times when Crimson does not win a match but his undefeated streak is still in tact. It's just how it works, you can easily prolong an undefeated streak without the wrestler having to go through everyone on the roster, by putting him in multi man situations. The idea will most likely be Morgan losing the Titles at some stage, leading to him wanting to end Crimson's streak, and that's just smart IMO.
I just had a thought on a way to keep the tag titles relevant and add some spice to Crimsons undefeated streak as well. Have Morgan and Crimson dominate the tag scene for a while. After a little bit have them say that they really are enjoying their dominate reigh and hurting people. Slowly they take their actions to far during the matches and "injure" a few people. They seem to enjoy it so they eventually turn heel. While they are heel they can cheat to win or get dq'd thus keeping the titles and Crimsons undefeated streak. After keeping this going for a few months have the returning heroes be the MCMG. A great David/Golaith and Good/Evil fued right there. After MCMG pin Morgan have Crimson turn on him making Morgan face and he eventually ends the streak. I know I know that Morgan turns between face and heel so much but i think that would really work well this time.
I am never ever ever ever ever never a fan of putting the tag titles on guys for the intent of furthering a singles feud. I know that the division is stumbling and they're taking it nice and slow. I get that it means eventually Crimson will have to "lose" the belt, which adds to the undefeated streak angle... But I don't care, I'm too hardcore a tag team wrestling fan to ever get behind the idea.

Go to a few ROH events, and you'll see why it's so important to establish the tag team divison, and in some ways keep the titles a sacred thing. The minute they use the belts to further singles stars they become nothing more than props to be used to add a bit of spice to a feud. If creative can't build interesting stories without bastardizing the legacy of tag team wrestling, that's their problem... I'd rather see the belts vacated until such a time as the division is back on its feet. I'd rather see a legitimate team that had plans to stay together hold the belts - even if it is Mexican America.

Even the most respectable of opinionists have stated that the belts are nothing more than props to salt a program. I think that's the product of lazy booking and having no respect for what a championship could mean, and has meant in the past. Short reign, long doesn't matter. Holding the WWF Championship or the NWA World title used to mean something to a lot of people. SOme of the all-time greats have never held a single World title, while clowns like Swagger have made it a joke.

Tag belts belong on tag stars. You do not further a singles feud with tag belts, no matter what the state of the division. WWE did it over and over again (I believe Cena is a 4 time tag champ?) and real teams got screwed because of it. Now look at the state of their division... It used to be guys came into the business with the sole intent of being tag team stars. Now that dream only lives on in Ring of Honor and bunch of promotions nobody's ever heard of. ANd it's because of stupid, lazy booking ideas like this.

:banghead: (sorry for my very heated rant)

NOW, if they prove me wrong, pretend like their rivalry isn't going to get to them, and keep the belts on them for an extended period of time while building them as an actual team...then I am completely off-base and am open to being called terrible names. See, I can be reasonable...

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