Matt Morgan... Big miss opportunity for WWE


Pre-Show Stalwart
Matt Morgan had a short stint in WWE years ago.

Matt Morgan has alot of potential, and in many way's WWE has mirrored Sheamus into what Matt Morgan is in TNA. Alot of the same brutality, and moves.

Matt Morgan has come into his own in TNA and is a force to be reckoned with.

Do you think WWE if they had kept him back in the day could have molded a Batista style character, or a even a John Cena mold.

Let me know what you think..
Totally disagree. I see nothing in Morgan. He's not so great on the mic, not so great in the ring, and he is just highly uninteresting to me. He has a look, and that's it. Cena at least is great at promos. Batista is an awesome heel who can have good matches at times. Morgan has none of that. He was not a big missed opportunity at all. For every man fired, fifty more will rise up and take his place, and that's what happened here.

If you want a big muscle guy you can make do with Chris Masters (who is young, improving, and has a better look than Morgan), Batista, Shad (Has a better character than Morgan and lots of potential), skip Sheffield (Much more likable than Morgan), Otunga (tons better on the mic), and several others.

He's no Sheamus. Sheamus has a unique look and voice and a presence that makes you pay attention. Morgan is Generic Wrestler #57.
Morgans a big dope waste of space, he got no mic skills and looks shakey in the ring.

TNA have runied the push he was having by making him a heel tag champ and now he's back down the mid card where he belongs
Not at all, I don't think the guy is anything special, even his look. He has a good height, but other than that I don't think he has the look at all.

IMO TNA can't make stars like WWE can. I mean all the guys in TNA who feel like real main eventers were created in WWE except for Sting (who was still created elsewhere) and AJ Styles (and I think that is only because he is so naturally gifted that he can't not seem like a big deal). But either way, I don't think WWE could have made him a huge star
This is about Matt Morgan and obviously not liked by many... I think he's an awesome specimen, who's very cocky, and brutal especially as of late. but back to the point...

If Matt Morgan had STAYED in WWE all those years ago, could WWE have MOLDED him, and TRAINED him to be a top star in WWE?
Little or no skills at all. He has the look, and that's all that he has going for him. I'm thinking he is a much better henchmen then anything.

Now Wade Barrett on the other hand, now we something amazing here. His profile and style makes your want to watch him, and his promo skills are some of the best. Not also that.... But his gimmick is amazing, it's one of those gimmicks that can work face or heel, and right now, he is a great heel.
I hate to continue a trend here, but I agree with the majority who don't see much in Matt Morgan.

He's big. He has a look. That's pretty much it. His mic skills are extremely lacking compared to fresher talent (fresh meaning recent additions) like Pope and Anderson. I've previewed his matches and he isn't anything special in the ring either.

Matt "The Blueprint" Morgan is hype. Heidenreich had more personality then him, and they were in the WWE around the same time. Looks only get you so far.
I don't think WWE would be able to use Matt Morgan because they suck with their big guys. TNA have used him great so far. He has come into his own. WWE would give him 1 push and he would end up fired. TNA can use all types of guys but WWE can only work with powerhouses or they get stuck with a bad story line which would make him look weak. WWE didn't miss out because they would have ruined him. He is much better in TNA where he can be used properly.
Just my opinion
Any character created in Vince's Image is what he really thinks in their ability. Morgan was a studdering oaf in the E. Guys with big "E" bodies aren't hard to find. Mid-size guys with great talent are hard to find. Just like he found Sheamus, he wasn't tripping off Matt Morgan. Now you wanna talk about a big miss for the E....The Pope D'angelo Dinero! I bet you Vince and creative are kicking themselves for not letting him get a run on Raw. Oh well, I've said it once and I'll say it again...You know Vince don't like black people.
Matt Morgan is a double Edged Sword in this respect. He has the Look, has some ability, and his Mic Skills are "Okay". Not great, but passable. I have heard much worse from wrestlers that get over big time. Matt Morgan was in WWE and I can see the big reason they let him go was because of his learning disability. Matt Morgan has ADHD, making it harder for him to focus. He is also easily distracted. I am sure that WWE creative got irritated with him which is why they dropped him. Do I think WWE could have made Matt a star? I personally think WWE can make anyone a star if they are willing to take the time to do so. However, they had Batista and they were going with him.

Now, onto the comments made here about Morgan not being all that and comparing him to Batista. Are you serious? For a group that made the last year out of bashing Batista for all of his flaws and how limited he is on the Mic and in the ring, I seem to see quite a bit of making him out to be a great big guy now, all of a sudden. Batista sucks on the mic, period. His promos are long and boring. His in ring skills are limited and he looks about as stiff as a board can get. He can throw a mean Spine Buster, and? Comparing him to Matt Morgan is just wrong. I'm not saying Morgan is the end all of Big Guys, but the dude is better than Batista, sorry. He has more moves in his set, his promos are more entertaining. This "We are the Tag Team Champions" gimmick is entertaining. Not worthy of Top Card work, but he suits the mid card just fine. Morgan has come a long way from the Brock Lesnar wannabe and Bungling Idiot that WWE tried to make him into. I have seen him improve in the ring and on the mic. The guy has had some very memorable matches in WWE. Plus, when he ends up feuding with LAX here soon, I am sure that's going to be fun. I see Morgan still improving and working out to be a very well put together big guy. Not a top tier big guy, but a memorable one in the end.

If he had stayed in WWE, could they have made him into a star? Sure, they could have. Problem is with the revolving door that was WWE at the time, wasn't going to happen. Wouldn't be the first time WWE missed the boat on a wrestler either and I am sure it wont be the last.
The general consensus here is that Morgan is average with below average mic work. I certainly don't get it but I can accept that. This leads me to a question that really needs to be answered, who's better.

This is a short list of guys who have around the same height/build or plays the big man role excluding Taker. Where does he rank among them in regards to ring work/mic skills

D H Smith
Big Show
Big Rob
Vance Archer
Zeke Jackson
Mark Henry

I look at this list, the only one I can see any type of argument to be better than Morgan right now might be Show and that's situational at best. I would say Morgan is underrated, he just needs another high profile feud since TNA dropped the ball after his feud with Angle. He could work with some of those new TNA hires.
I would agree with someone who said that the bigger miss was giving up on the Pope. A few years ago, JR was asked who he thought would carry WWE in the future. His answer: Edge, Orton, Cena, Hardys, Kennedy, CM Punk and Elijah Burke. He was right about all of them but 3. Jeff Hardy was at the top before his issues, we know Kennedy was released under "odd" circumstances. That leaves Burke. Is there any doubt that he could have been a star in WWE if he'd been given the opportunity?
Yeah I don't see where you people are saying that Morgan isn't good in the ring. He might not put on 5 star matches every night but he is nowhere as bad as some of you are making him out to be.

I think he's great on the mic. He doesn't deliver typical promos which I guess is why everybody says he apparently sucks. Unlike a lot of other wrestlers on both TNA and WWE's roster he always sounds like he's actually interested in what's going on

I see a hell of a lot of talent in Morgan and potential to become even better. Do I think WWE missed out? Yeah, definitely. They missed out on a worker with a great look and the ability to be over with the crowd (and unlike Swagger and Sheamus, does not require a world title to be over ;) ).
For Morgan it all comes down to two factors:

Can he or will he down the road draw money as a commodity?

Does he have the it factor to become a major star?

So far the answer has been no. If he were going to make it by now he would have made it by now, whether it were in TNA or WWE. You can't keep talent down. We can sit around and talk about ring work, mic skills, etc, But those factors mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. The bottom line is, can this guy sell tickets?
It seems that one of these threads pops up at least once a week. The WWE screwed up by not keeping this wrestler or they messed up by not doing more with this one and so on and so forth. Now, sometimes, I agree that the WWE has missed opportunities but that's life. Everybody can't be a huge star or main eventer. It's just how it is.

As for Matt Morgan, I think he has a great look and he might be a little above average on the mic, but he's not so hot in the ring unless he's in there with someone that can really carry him well such as Kurt Angle or AJ Styles. Any other time, he just strikes me as ok but nothing special.

Overall, the era of the big man is slowly coming to an end anyhow. Most of the big stars in either WWE or TNA are wrestlers in the 6'0"-6'5" range and weigh 250 pounds or less.
For Morgan it all comes down to two factors:

Can he or will he down the road draw money as a commodity?

Does he have the it factor to become a major star?

So far the answer has been no. If he were going to make it by now he would have made it by now, whether it were in TNA or WWE. You can't keep talent down. We can sit around and talk about ring work, mic skills, etc, But those factors mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. The bottom line is, can this guy sell tickets?

I dont think Morgan has the mic skill or the natural personality to become a major star, his personality seems to forced for me. but I dont know how u can say if he was gunna make it by now he would have, look at Edge, he was in the WWE for nearly 10 years before he truely made it.
im with most the guys on here morgan i never saw anything great with him if anything he is like a batista rip off, and ....hes just...boring to watch
I'm surprised there's a lot of people who aren't enthousiastic about Morgan's mic skills and in-ring abilities. In my opinion for a guy his size he's quite gifted in the ring and very athletic. The only in-ring problem he has in TNA is that the ring's too small for him.
As for his talking, he's not an outstanding talker, but it's good in my opinion and he entertains me.

So could he have made it to being a star in WWE? I think so. If guys like Batista and Sheamus can make it, why couldn't he? Even the Great Khali has had a reign as World Heavyweight Champion. I think Morgan's way better than Khali, so in comparison he wouldn't be a misfit.
Not at all he is above average really about it he is shining where he belongs the only mistake the e made was getting rid of elijah burke thats about it he has a special factor otherwise with morgan you cand find a person like him around
I dont think Morgan has the mic skill or the natural personality to become a major star, his personality seems to forced for me. but I dont know how u can say if he was gunna make it by now he would have, look at Edge, he was in the WWE for nearly 10 years before he truely made it.

I agree, love him or hate him, Matt Morgan will be around for a while. The man just keeps getting better and better, and is actually someone i look forward to seeing on a weekly episode of impact. Elijah Burke in WWE I could have given a crap less about, but Pope is damn entertaining. Oh, and looking back...Edge really has come a long way from Damon Striker getting chokeslammed on the floor by The Giant in WCW lol.
I don't see how people say there isn't much to the DNA of TNA. lol but if you notice, most of the guys commenting are saying how all these WWE talents are soooo much better than him. Morgan has a great moveset. Hellevator is awesome (for the WWE marks who don't watch TNA, the hellevator is a suplex into a side slam....and for the BIG idiots, a side slam is a rock bottom-type move). He does a reverse chokeslam into the turnbuckle (reverse as in he grabs their neck and throws them face first). And he does an OVER the rope guillotine choke drop, similar to what Austin and Jericho do on the middle rope. Not to mention his nasty bicycle kick that he was using BEFORE sheamus came around so no one dare say he stole it from the irish guy.

His latest gimmick is cool too. Defending the tag titles alone, but being forced to find partners just to annihilate them after the match....or during the match
I dont know why everyone is so concerned, its not like he has a fucking lifetime contract with TNA.

With the WWE hype and creative machine behind him, Matt Morgan could be a world champion. Absolutely. WWE knows it, and im sure he knows it. He went down to Orlando a bit to build experience and seasoning.

He will be back the WWE someday. And he will be huge.
Morgan Big Miss? Hell Yeah. He is great ring performer. Did you see his match at bound for glory against Kurt, It was the best. His in ring personality was/is much better than any of WWE's new champions like Jack Swagger or Sheamus. Comeon Ill do a list too.

New WWE guys

Cody Rhodes
Ted Dibease
Drew McyIntire
Dolph Ziggler
John Morrison
Chris Masters (acts like a guy from a ladies night club)

I can only see John Morrison as a better wrestler, Matt Morgan has moves that reflect on his personality. He standed beside Hernandez and hernandez seemed like a dwarf!!

Sure, he had time after Kurt feud when he turned face as he was horrible, but this was the only time. Matt Morgan is a lost opportunity wether you like it or not

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